Bibliography 7-15 - Forêts Tropicales Humides Le Film


Bibliography 7-15 - Forêts Tropicales Humides Le Film
Bibliography of Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherer Research
Barry S. Hewlett and Jason M. Fancher
(Washington State University, Vancouver)
Please contact first author ([email protected]) if you want to add
a citation or if citations or information listed below are incorrect.
(Nationality of first author, Ethnic groups discussed, General topic)
Abruzzi, William S.
1979 Population Pressure and Subsistence Strategies among the Mbuti Pygmies.
Human Ecology 7:183-189.
(United States, Mbuti, Subsistence)
1980 Flux among the Mbuti Pygmies of the Ituri Forest: An Ecological
Interpretation. In Beyond the Myths of Culture: Essays in Cultural Materialism,
edited by E. Ross, pp. 3-31. Academic Press, New York.
(United States, Mbuti, Population dynamics)
Adé, Boris
1953/1954 Somato-Biologie du Pygmée Africain. Bulletin d. I. Soc. Suisse
d’Anthropologie et Ethnologie 30:67-74.
(Swiss, Several groups, Biological anthropology)
1954 Le Nanisme Racial. Essai d’Interpretation des Facteurs Constitutifs de la
Morphologie du Pygmée Africain. Prélude à Une Monographie. Archives Suisses
d’Anthropologie Générale 19:1-18.
(Swiss, Several groups, Biological anthropology)
Allys, B.
1938 Coutumes et Apprivoisement de Clans Babingas (Pygmées). Bulletin de la
Société des Recherches Congolaise 20:101-104.
(France, Aka, Brief description)
Althabe, Gerard
1965 Changements Sociaux Chez le Pygmées Baka de l’est Cameroun. Cahiers
d'Etudes Africaines 5:561-592.
(France, Baka, Social change)
Arioti, Maria
1985 Edible Animals of the Ituri Forest, Africa in the Ethnozoology of the Efe
Bambuti. Journal of Ethnobiology 5:21-28.
(Italy, Efe, Ethnozoology)
Arom, Simha
1987 La Musique des Pygmées. Le Courrier du CNRS 69-70:60.
(France, Aka, Ethnomusicology)
1991a African Polyphony and Polyrhythm. Musical Structure and Methodology.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
(France, Aka, Ethnomusicology)
1991b La Musique Omniprésente. In Encyclopédie des Pygmées Aka 1, 2, edited by
J. M. C. Thomas and S. Bahuchet, pp. 227-236. SELAF, Paris.
(France, Aka, Ethnomusicology)
Arom, Simha, and Susanne Fürniss
1993 An Interactive Experimental Method for the Determination of Musical Scales
in Oral Cultures. Application to the Vocal Music of the Aka Pygmies of Central
Africa. Contemporary Music Review 9:7-12.
(France, Aka, Ethnomusicology)
Aunger, Robert V.
1992a An Ethnography of Variation: Food Avoidances among Horticulturalists and
Foragers in the Ituri Forest, Zaire. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of
California, Los Angeles.
(United States, Efe, Subsistence)
1992b The Nutritional Consequences of Rejecting Food in the Ituri Forest of Zaire.
Human Ecology 20:263-291.
(United States, Efe, Subsistence)
Babault, M. Guy
1930 Les Batwa, Pygmées du Kivu. L’Anthropologie 40:539-540.
(France, Twa, Brief description)
Bahuchet, Serge
1972 Etude Ecologique d’Un Campement de Pygmees BaBinga (Region de la
Lobaye, Republique Centrafricaine). Journal d’Agriculture Tropicale et de
Botanique Appliquee 19:509-559.
(France, Aka, Settlement/Ecology)
1975a Ethnozoologie des Pygmées Babinga de la Lobaye. In L’Homme et L’Animal,
1er Colloque d’Ethnozoologie, pp. Institut International d’Ethnosciences, Paris.
(France, Aka, Ethnozoology)
1975b Rapport sur Une Mission Effectuee en Saison Seche en Lobaye: Observations
sur la Vie d’Une Famille de Pygmées Bayaka. Journal d’Agriculture Tropicale et
de Botanique 22:177-197.
(France, Aka, Subsistence)
1978a Introduction à la Ethnoécologie des Pygmées Aka de la Lobaye (Empire
Centrafricain). Mémoire de Diplôme, Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales et Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris.
(France, Aka, Ethnoecology)
1978b Contraintes Écologique en Forêt Tropicale Humide: l’Example des Pygmées
Aka de la Lobaye (Centrafrique). Journal d’Agriculture Tropicale et de Botanique
Appliquee 25:257-285.
(France, Aka, Ecological constraints)
1978c La Cueillette Chez les Pygmées Aka, Chasseurs-Cueilleurs de la Forêt
Centrafricaine. Bull. SEZEB 4:21-25.
(France, Aka, Gathering)
1979a Utilisation de l’Espace Forestier par les Pygmées Aka, Chasseurs-Cueilleurs
d'Afrique Centrale. Informations Sciences Sociales 18:999-1019. SAGE, London.
(France, Aka, Use of forest space)
1979b Questionnaire d’Inventaire Linguistique du Aka-Mbènzèlè de Bayanga.
(France, Aka-Mbenzele, Linguistics)
1982 Une Société de Chasseurs-Cueilleurs et Son Milieu de Vie: Les Pygmées Aka
de la Forêt Centrafricaine. Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
(France, Aka, Ethnoecology)
1983 Langage, Discours et Techniques des Pygmées Aka de Centrafrique.
Techniques et Culture 1:101-120.
(France, Aka, Linguistics)
1984 Circulation et Échanges en Afrique Tropicale: Relations Entre ChasseursCueilleurs Pygmées et Agriculteurs de Forêt en Centrafrique. Revista de Préhistoria 6:86-97.
(France, Aka, Forager-farmer relations)
1985 Les Pygmees Aka et la Foret Centrafricaine. SELAF, Paris.
(France, Aka, General ethnography)
1986 Ethnoécologie Comparée des Pygmées Aka et des Villageois Ngando de la
Lobaye (R.C.A.). Ecologie Humaine 4:3-18.
(France, Aka, Ethnoecology)
1987a Le Filet de Chasse des Pygmées Aka (R.C.A.). In De la Voûte Céleste au
Terroir, du Jardin au Foyer: Mosaïque Sociographique (Textes Offerts à Lucien
Bernot), edited by B. Koechlin, F. Sigaut, J. M. C. Thomas, and G. Toffin, pp. 209226. Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
(France, Aka, Net-hunting)
1987b Les Pygmées d’Afrique, Maillon de l’Histoire? Le Courrier duCNRS 69-70:
(France, Several groups, History)
1988 Food Supply Uncertainty Among the Aka Pygmies (Lobaye, Central African
Republic). In Coping with Uncertainty in Food Supply, edited by I. de Garine and
G. A. Harrison, pp. 119-149. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
(France, Aka, Subsistence)
1989a Contribution de l’Ethnolinguistique à l’Histoire des Populations Forestières
d’Afrique Centrale. Thèse de Doctorat d’Etat ès Lettres et Sciences Humaines,
Université René Descartes Paris V.
(France, Aka and Baka, Linguistics)
1989b Les Pygmées Aka de la Forêt Centrafricaine. In Se Nourrir en Forêt
Équatoriale: Anthropologie Alimentaire des Populations des Régions Forestières
Humides d’Afrique, edited by C. M. Hladik, S. Bahuchet, and I. de Garine, pp. 1923. UNESCO, Paris.
(France, Aka, Subsistence)
1989c Les Noms d’Arbres des Pygmées de l’Ouest du Bassin Congolais. Bulletin
Museum Nationale Histoire Naturelles 11:355-365.
(France, Aka, Ethnobotany)
1990a Food Sharing Among the Pygmies of Central Africa. African Study
Monographs 11:27-53.
(France, Aka, Food sharing)
1990b The Aka Pygmies: Hunting and Gathering in the Lobaye Forest. In Food and
Nutrition in the African Rain Forest, edited by C. M. Hladik, S. Bahuchet, and I. de
Garine, pp. 19-23. UNESCO, Paris.
(France, Aka, Subsistence)
1991 Les Pygmées d’Aujourd’hui en Afrique Centrale. Journal des Africanistes 61:
(France, Several groups, Culture change)
1992a Spatial Mobility and Access to Resources among the African Pygmies. In
Mobility and Territoriality: Social and Spatial Boundaries among Foragers,
Fishers, Pastoralists and Peripatetics, edited by M. Casimir and A. Rao, pp. 205257. Berg, New York.
(France, Aka, Mobility)
1992b Dans la Forêt d’Afrique Centrale: Les Pygmées Aka et Baka. SELAF, Paris.
(France, Aka and Baka, General ethnography)
1993a History of the Inhabitants of the Central African Rain Forest: Perspectives
from Comparative Linguistics. In Tropical Forests, People and Food: Biocultural
Interactions and Applications to Development, edited by C. M. Hladik, A. Hladik,
O. F. Linares, H. Pagezy, A. Semple, and M. Hadley, pp. 37-54. UNESCO, Paris.
(France, Several groups, Linguistics)
1993b Situation des Populations Indigènes de Forêts Denses et Humides.
Commission Européenne, Bruxelles.
(France, Several groups, Culture change)
1993c La Rencontre des Agriculteurs: Les Pygmées parmi les Peuples d’Afrique
Centrale. Peeters-SELAF, Paris.
(France, Several groups, General)
1999 Aka Pygmies. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunter-Gatherers, edited by
R. B. Lee and R. Daly, pp. 190-194. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
(France, Aka, General description)
Bahuchet, Serge (Editor)
1979 Pygmées de Centrafrique. Etudes Ethnologiques, Historiques et Linguistiques
sur les Pygmées BaMbenga du Nord-Ouest du Bassin Congolais. SELAF, Paris.
(France, Aka, Ethnology/History/Linguistics)
Bahuchet, Serge, and Guy Philippart de Foy
1991 Pygmées: Peuple de la Foret. Denoel, Paris.
(France, Western groups, General)
Bahuchet, Serge, and Henri Guillaume
1979 Relations Entre Chasseurs-Cueilleurs Pygmées et Agriculteurs de la Forêt du
Nord-Ouest du Bassin Congolais. In Pygmées d’Afrique Centrale, edited by S.
Bahuchet, pp. 109-139. SELAF, Paris.
(France, Aka, Forager-farmer relations)
1982 Aka-Farmer Relations in the Northwest Congo Basin. In Politics and History
History in Band Societies, edited by E. Leacock and R. B. Lee, pp. 189-211.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
(France, Aka, Forager-farmer relations)
Bahuchet, Serge, Doyle McKey, and Igor de Garine
1991 Wild Yams Revisited: Is Independence from Agriculture Possible for Rain
Forest Hunter-Gatherers? Human Ecology 19:213-243.
(France, Aka, Subsistence)
Bahuchet, Serge, and Jacqueline M. C. Thomas
1983 Réalisation d’un Dictionnaire Encyclopédique de la Langue des Pygmées Aka
de Centrafrique. Bulletin de l’AELIA 6:173-192.
(France, Aka, Linguistics)
1985 Conservation des Ressources Alimentaires en Forêt Tropicale Humide:
Chasseurs-Cueilleurs et Proto-Agriculteurs d’Afrique Centrale. In Les Techniques
de Conservation des Grains à Long Terme Volume 3, pp. 15-31. Editions du
CNRS, Paris.
(France, Several groups, Subsistence)
1986 Linguistique et Histoire des Pygmées de l’Ouest du Bassin Congolais. Sprache
und Geschichte in Afrika 7:73-103.
(France, Western groups, Historical linguistics)
1987 Pygmy Religions. In The Encyclopedia of Religions, Volume 12, pp. 107-110.
McMillan, New York.
(France, Several groups, Religion)
Bailey, Robert C.
1989 The Efe: Archers of the African Rain Forest. National Geographic 176:664686.
(United States, Efe, General description)
1991a The Behavioral Ecology of Efe Pygmy Men in the Ituri Forest, Zaire.
University of Michigan Anthropological Papers No. 86, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor.
(United States, Efe, Behavioral ecology)
1991b The Comparative Growth of Efe Pygmies and African Farmers from Birth to
Age 5 Years. Annals of Human Biology 18:113-120.
(United States, Efe, Biological anthropology)
Bailey, Robert C., and Robert Aunger, Jr.
1989a Significance of Social Relationships of Efe Pygmy Men in the Ituri Forest,
Zaire. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78:495-507.
(United States, Efe, Social relationships)
1989b Net Hunters vs. Archers: Variation in Women’s Subsistence Strategies in the
Ituri Forest. Human Ecology 17:273-297.
(United States, Mbuti, Hunting methods)
1990 Humans as Primates: The Social Relationships of Efe Pygmy Men in
Comparative Perspective. International Journal of Primatology 11:101-121.
(United States, Efe, Social relationships)
Bailey, Robert C., Serge Bahuchet, and Barry Hewlett
1992 Development in the Central African Rainforest: Concern for Forest Peoples. In
Conservation of West and Central African Rainforests, edited by K. Cleaver, M.
Munasinghe, M. Dyson, N. Egli, A. Peuker, F. Wencélius, pp. 202-211. World
Bank Environment Paper Number 1. The World Bank, Washington D.C.
(United States/France, Several groups, Economic development)
Bailey, Robert C., and Irven DeVore
1989 Studies of Efe Pygmies and Lese Horticulturalists in the Ituri Forest, Zaire.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 78:459-471.
(United States, Efe, Biological anthropology)
Bailey, Robert C., Genevieve Head, Mark Jenike, Bruce Owen, Robert Rechtman, and
Elzbieta Zechenter
1989 Hunting and Gathering in Tropical Rain Forest: Is It Possible? American
Anthropologist 91:59-82.
(United States, Several groups, Rain forest hunting and gathering)
Bailey, Robert C., and Thomas N. Headland
1991 The Tropical Rain Forest: Is It a Productive Environment for Human Foragers?
Human Ecology 19:261-285.
(United States, Several groups, Rain forest hunting and gathering)
Bailey, Robert C., and Nadine R. Peacock
1988 Efe Pygmies of Northeast Zaire: Subsistence Strategies in the Ituri Forest. In
Coping with Uncertainty in Food Supply, pp. 88-117. Oxford University Press,
(United States, Efe, Subsistence)
Ballif, Noël
1947 Une Expédition Française Chez le Pygmées. Connaissance du Monde 10:6-23.
(France, Aka, General)
1954a Les Danseurs de Dieu: Chez les Pygmées de la Sangha. Hachette, Paris.
(France, Aka, Dance)
1954b Observations Effectuées Chez les Pygmées Babinga: Mission Ogooué-Congo,
1946. Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
(France, Aka, General description)
1954c Les Pygmées ne Sont pas des Nains. Reflets du Tourisme 4:47-52.
(France, Aka , “Pygmies are not Dwarves”)
1980 Analyse Critique et Synthèse des Connaissances sur les Pygmées Africains.
Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
(France, Western groups, Critical analysis/Synthesis)
Banier, Abbé Antoine
1729 Dissertation sur les Pygmées. Mémoire de l’Académie des Inscriptions et
Belles et Lettres 5:101-116.
(France, ?, ?)
Barbier, J. C.
1978 Les Pygmées de la Plaine Tika au Cameroun. ONAREST, Yaounde.
(France, Tikar, General ethnography)
Barham, Lawrence S.
2001 Central Africa and the Emergence of Regional Identity in the Middle
Pleistocene. In Human Roots: Africa and Asia in the Middle Pleistocene, edited by
L. S. Barham and K. Robson-Brown, pp. 65-80. Western Academic and Specialist
Press Limited, Bristol.
(United States, Central African archaeology)
Barham, Lawrence S., and Peter Mitchell
2008 The First Africans: African Archaeology from the Earliest Toolmakers to Most
Recent Foragers. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
(United States, General archaeological overview)
Barrai, Italo
1986 Dermatoglyphics in Western Pygmies. In African Pygmies, edited by L. L.
Cavalli-Sforza, pp. 307-310. Academic Press, Orlando.
(Italy, Aka, Fingerprint analysis)
Batini, Chiara, Valentina Coia, Cinzia Battaggia, Jorge Rocha, Maya Metni Pilkington,
Gabriella Spedini, David Comas, Giovanni Destro-Bisol, and Francesc Calafell
2007 Phylogeography of the Human Mitochondrial L1c Haplogroup: Genetic
Signatures of the Prehistory of Central Africa. Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution 43:635-644.
(Italy, Western pygmies, Genetics)
Baumann, Hermann
1938 Afrikanische Wild- und Buschgeister. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 70:208-239.
(Germany, ?, “African wild bush spirits”)
Bayle des Hermens, Roger De
1975 Recherches Préhistoriques en République Centrafricaine. Labethno, Paris.
(France, Archaeology of the Central African Republic)
Bayle des Hermens, Roger De, Richard Oslisly, and Bernard Peyrot
1987 Prèmière Séries de Pierres Taillées du Paléolithique Inférior Découvertes au
Gabon, Afrique Centrale. L’Anthropologie 91:693-698.
(France, Paleolithic archaeology of Gabon)
Beauclerk, John
1993 Hunters and Gatherers of Central Africa. On the Margins of Development.
Oxfam Research Paper No. 6. Oxfam, Oxford.
(United Kingdom, Several groups, Economic development)
Ben-Ari, Eyal
1987 Pygmies and Villagers, Ritual or Play? On the Place of Contrasting Modes of
Metacommunication in Social Systems. Symbolic Interaction 10:167-185.
(Israel, Mbuti, Metacommunication)
Bentz, Bonnie
2001 Adolescent Culture: An Exploration of the Socio-emotional Development of
the Aka Adolescents of the Central African Republic. Oriental Anthropologist 1:
(United States, Aka, Socio-emotional development)
Bernini, Luigi F.
1986 Hemoglobins, Haptoglobin, and Transferrins. In African Pygmies, edited by
L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, pp. 231-245. Academic Press, Orlando.
(Italian, Aka, Genetics)
Berry, J. W., S. Bahuchet, J. Van de Koppel, R. Annis, C. Sénéchal, L. L. Cavalli-Sforza,
and H. Witkin
1986 On the Edge of the Forest: Cultural Adaptation and Cognitive Development in
Central Africa. Swets and Zeitlinger, Lisse.
(International, Aka, Child development)
Bertaut, Maurice
1943 Esquisse Ethnologique pour Servir à l’Étude des Principales Tribus des
Territoires du Cameroun sous Mandat Français. I. Les Pygmées. BSEC Année
(France, Western groups, General ethnology)
Betti, Jean L.
2004 An Ethnobotanical of Medicinal Plants among the Baka Pygmies in the Dja
Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon. African Study Monographs 25:1-27.
(Cameroon, Baka, Ethnobotany)
Bicchieri, Marco G.
1969 The Differential Use of Identical Features of Physical Habitat in Connection
with Exploitative Settlement, and Community Patterns: The BaMbuti. In
Contributions to Anthropology: Ecological Essays, edited by D. Dumas, pp. 65-72.
Proceedings of the Conference on Cultural Ecology, Ottawa, 1966. National
Museum of Canada, Ottawa.
(United States, Mbuti, Settlement patterns)
Biesbrouck, Karen
1994 Bagyeli. Sedentarisation Processes and their Changing Relation to the Forest.
Internal Research Report Tropenbos Foundation. State University, Leiden.
(Netherlands, Bagyeli, Sedentarization)
1995 Bagyeli. Sedentarisation Processes and their Changing Relation to the Forest.
Unpublished intermediate research report. State University, Leiden.
(Netherlands, Bagyeli, Sedentarization)
1999 Agriculture among Equatorial African Hunter-Gatherers and the Process of
Sedentarization: The Case of the Bagyeli in Cameroon. In Central African HunterGatherers in Multidisciplinary Perspective: Challenging Elusiveness, edited by K.
Biesbrouck, S. Elders, and G. Rossel, pp. 189-206. CNWS, Leiden.
(Netherlands, Bagyeli, Sedentarization)
Bigombe Logo, Patrice
1995 Quel Developpement Pour les Pygmées du Cameroun? La Voix du Paysan 37.
(Cameroon, Baka and other Cameroon groups, Economic development)
Blench, Roger
1999 Are the African Pygmies an Ethnographic Fiction? In Central African HunterGatherers in Multidisciplinary Perspective: Challenging Elusiveness, edited by K.
Biesbrouck, S. Elders, and G. Rossel, pp. 41-60. CNWS, Leiden.
(United Kingdom, Several groups, Critical analysis)
Bloch, Adolphe
1909 Observations sur la Nains du Jardin d’Acclimatation. Comparaison avec
d’Autres Nains Déjà Décrits et avec les Pygmées. BMAP 10:533-554.
(Germany, Several groups, General)
Bodmer, Julia, Peter Hingley, and Walter Bodmer
1986 HLA Studies on Western and Eastern Pygmies. In African Pygmies, edited by
L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, pp. 219-230. Academic Press, Orlando.
(United Kingdom, Several groups, Genetics)
Boelaert, Edmond
1936 Waar Komen Onze Pygmoiden Vandaan? Kongo-Overzee 3:22-25.
(Belgium, Twa, General)
1945 Les Batswa de l’Equateur. Æquatoria 8:26.
(Belgium, Twa, General)
1946a Quelques Notes sur les Batswa de l’Equateur. Æquatoria 9:58-63.
(Belgium, Twa, General)
1946b Les Batswa de l’Equateur. Æquatoria 9:153-154.
(Belgium, Twa, General)
1947 Les Batswa, Quelques Notes Démographiques. Æquatoria 10:134-136.
(Belgium, Twa, Demography)
1949a De Toekomst der Batswa. Bulletin l’Institut Royale Colonial Belge 20:199217.
(Belgium, Twa, “The Future of Batswa”)
1949b Pleidooi voor de Batswa. Zaïre 3:1091-1100.
(Belgium, Twa, “Argument for Batswa”)
1949c Klan-Exogamie der Batswa. Kongo-Overzee 15:24-33.
(Belgium, Twa, Clan exogamy)
1953 Book Review of Schebesta: Les Pygmées du Congo Belge. Æquatoria 16:8688.
(Belgium, Mbuti, Book review)
Bogmans, M.
1938 De Pygmäen vom Centraal-Afrika. Louvain.
(Belgium, Several groups, General)
Bouquiaux, Luc
2006 Les Pygmée Aka Victimes de l’Afrocentrisme? Homme: Revue Française
d'Anthropologie 179:227-235.
(France, Aka, Critical analysis)
Bouquiaux, Luc, and Jacqueline M. C. Thomas
1980 Le Peuplement Oubanguien: Hypothèse de Reconstruction de Mouvements
Migratoires dans la Région Oubanguienne d’Après des Données Linguistiques,
Ethnolinguistiques et de Tradition Orale. In L’expansion Bantoue, edited by L.
Bouquiaux, pp. 807-824. Selaf, Paris.
(France, Western groups, Historical linguistics, Bantu expansion)
Brandel, Rose
1952 Music of the Giants and Pygmies of the Belgian Congo. Journal of the African
Music Society 5:16-28.
(?, Several groups, Ethnomusicology)
Bretin-Winkelmolen, Maryvonne
1999 Appui au Développement des Pygmées: Recherches sur Une Approche
Spécifique. In Central African Hunter-Gatherers in Multidisciplinary Perspective:
Challenging Elusiveness, edited by K. Biesbrouck, S. Elders, and G. Rossel, pp.
259-264. CNWS, Leiden.
(France, Several groups, Development)
Breuil, Henri
1944 La Paléolithique au Congo Belge d’Apres les Recherches du Docteur Cabu.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 30:143-160.
(France, Paleolithic archaeology of the Belgian Congo)
Briault, Maurice
1938 Les Pygmées d’Afrique. APSE 54:91-96.
(France, Several groups, ?)
Brisson, Robert
1981 Contes des Pygmées Baka du Sud-Cameroun, 1. Histoires et Contes d’Enfants
- 2. Contes d’Enfants. Douala.
(France, Baka, Children’s stories)
1984 Lexique Français-Baka. Douala.
(France, Baka, Linguistics)
1988 Utilisation des Plantes par les Pygmées Baka. Douala.
(France, Baka, Plant use)
1995 Contes des Pygmées Baka. 3 Volumes. I. S. I. Sangmelima, Cameroun.
(France, Baka, Baka tales)
Brisson, Robert, and Daniel Boursier
1979 Petit Dictionnaire Baka-Français. Mission Catholique, Douala.
(France, Baka, Baka-French dictionary)
Broca, Paul
1874 Les Akka, Race Pygmée de l’Afrique Centrale. Revue d’Anthropologie 3:279287.
(France, Aka, Biological anthropology)
Bruel, Georges
1910 Les Populations de la Moyenne Sanga: Les Babinga. Revue d’Ethnographie et
de Sociologie 5-7:110-125.
(France, Aka, General)
1911 Notes Ethnographiques sur Quelques Tribus de l’Afrique Equatoriale
Française. I: Les Populations de la Moyenne Sanga: Pomo, Boumali, Babinga.
Leroux, Paris.
(France, Aka, Ethnographic notes)
1918 L’Afrique Equatoriale Française: Le Pays, Les Habitants, La Colonisation, Les
Pouvoirs Public. Larose, Paris.
(France, Several groups, General)
1931 Anthropologie et Croyances de l’A.E.F. Bulletin de la Recherches Congolaises
(France, Several groups, Anthropology of beliefs)
Bundo, Daisuke
2001 Social Relationship Embodied in Singing and Dancing Performances among
the Baka. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 26:85-101.
(Japan, Baka, Dance)
Burrows, Guy
1898 The Land of the Pigmies. New York.
(United Kingdom, Several groups, Travelogue)
Cahen, Daniel
1975 Le Site Archéologique de la Kamoa (Région du Shaba, République du Zaïre):
De L’Age de la Pierre Ancien a L’Age du Fer. Musee Royale de l’Afrique
Centrale, Tervuren.
(France, Kamoa archaeological site in Zaire)
Carels, H.
1935 Les Pygmées de l’Afrique Centrale. Revue Scientifique (Revue Rose Illustrée)
(France, Several groups, ?)
Carpaneto, Giuseppe M., and Francesco P. Germi
1989 The Mammals in the Zoological Culture of the Mbuti Pygmies in NorthEastern Zaire. Hystrix 1:1-83.
(Italy, Mbuti, Ethnozoology)
Casey, Joanna
2003 The Archaeology of West Africa from the Pleistocene to the Mid-Holocene. In
Under the Canopy: The Archaeology of Tropical Rain Forests, edited by J.
Mercader, pp. 35-63. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey, and
(United States, Archaeology of tropical West Africa)
2005 Holocene Occupations of the Forest and Savanna. In African Archaeology: A
Critical Introduction, edited by A. B. Stahl, pp. 225-241. Blackwell Publishing,
(United States, Archaeology of forest and savanna occupation)
Castillo-Friel, Conde de
1948 Los Bayeles: Una Tribu Pigmea en la Guinea Española. Africa 83:402-406.
(Spain, Bayeles, Spanish Guinea, General)
1949 Los Bayeles: Un Groupo de Pigmoides de la Guinea Española. Revista de
Antropologia y Etnologia 2:441-467.
(Spain, Bayeles, Spanish Guinea, General)
Cavalli-Sforza, Luca Luigi
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1993 Adaptation Biologique et Variation dans l’Espèce Humaine: Le Cas de
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1991b La Technique du Jodel Chez les Pygmées Aka (Centrafrique). Cahiers de
Musiques Traditionnelles 4:167-187.
(France, Aka, Ethnomusicology)
1992 Le Système Pentatonique de la Musique des Pygmées Aka (Centrafrique).
Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, 2 Volumes, Université de Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle.
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1993 Rigeur et Liberté: La Polyphonie Vocale des Pygmées Aka (Centrafrique). In
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(France, Aka, Ethnomusicology)
Gates, R. Ruggles
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Geipel, Georg
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1950 Die Bambuti, Zentralafrikanische Pygmäen. Forschungen und Fortschritte 26:
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1951 Ergebnisse der Untersuchung des Hautleistensystems Zentralafrikanischer
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(Germany, ?, Fingerprint analysis)
Giglioli, Enrico
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(Italy, Aka, ?)
Gotilogue, Samuel
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1960 Note sur la Musique Vocale des Bochiman Kung et des Pygmées Babinga. In
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1936b Erforschung der Bambuti-Pygmaen und Ihrer Blutgruppen. Zs. f.
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1937 Zur Rassenbiologie der Kongo-Pygmäen. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift,
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1956 Die Twiden: Pygmaen und Pygmoide Im Tropischen Afrika. Wienix-Stuttgart:
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Hamy, Ernest-Théodore
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1981 The Cultural Ecology of Hunting Behavior among Mbuti Pygmies in the
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Hardin, Rebecca
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2000 Impact and Sustainability of Indigenous Hunting in the Ituri Forest, CongoZaire: A Comparison of the Unhunted and Hunted Duiker Populations. In
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Hart, Terese B., and John A. Hart
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1961 La Vie Secrète des Pygmées. Les Editions du Temps, Paris.
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Hattori, Shiho
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Hayashi, Koji
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(Japan, Baka, Subsistence)
Headland, Thomas N.
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(United States, Rain forest hunting and gathering)
Headland, Thomas N., and Robert C. Bailey
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(United States, Rain forest hunting and gathering)
Headland, Thomas N., and Lawrence A. Reid
1989 Hunter-Gatherers and Their Neighbors from Prehistory to the Present. Current
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(United States, Prehistory of forager-farmer relations)
Hewlett, Barry S.
1977 Notes on the Aka and Mbuti Pygmies of Central Africa. Unpublished M. A.
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(United States, Aka and Mbuti, General ethnography)
1987 Intimate Fathers: Paternal Patterns of Holding Among Aka Pygmies. In
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(United States, Aka, Paternal investment)
1988 Sexual Selection and Paternal Investment Among Aka Pygmies. In Human
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1989 Multiple Caretaking among African Pygmies. American Anthropologist 91:
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1991 Intimate Fathers: The Nature and Context of Aka Pygmy Paternal Infant
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1992b The Parent-Infant Relationship and Social-Emotional Development among
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1996a Cultural Diversity Among African Pygmies. In Cultural Diversity Among
Twentieth Century Foragers: An African Perspective, edited by S. Kent, pp. 215244. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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1996b Foragers and Rural Development. Unpublished report to ECOFAC.
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(United States, Bofi and Aka, Conservation report)
1997 Cultural Nexus of Aka Fatherhood. In Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective,
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(United States, Aka, Fatherhood)
2000 Central African Government’s and NGO’s Perceptions of Baka Pygmy
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2001 Cultural Nexus of Aka Father-Infant Bonding. In Gender in Cross-Cultural
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2008 Fathers and Infants among Aka Pygmies. In Anthropology and Child
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(United States, Aka, Child development)
Hewlett, Barry S., and L.L. Cavalli-Sforza
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1992 Barkcloth Designs of Mbuti Women. Human Mosaic 25:1-9.
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Hewlett, Barry S., and Michael E. Lamb
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(International, Aka, Forager sharing models)
Hewlett, Barry S., Michael E. Lamb, Donald Shannon, Birgit Leyendecker, and Axel
1998 Culture and Early Infancy among Central African Foragers and Farmers.
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(International, Aka, Infancy)
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1986 Exploration and Mating Range of the Aka Pygmies of the Central African
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1954b Die Zwergformen bei Ituri-Pygmäen und Negrito. Mitteilungen der
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1996 The Co-Existence of Man and Nature in the Central African Rain Forest. In
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1998 The Birds as Indicators of the Invisible World: Ethno-Ornithology of the Mbuti
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Ichikawa, Mitsuo, and Hideaki Terashima
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Rosen, Eric von
1926 Meine Reise zu den Batwa. Völkerkunde 1:161-164, 227-231.
(Sweden, Twa, ?)
Rossel, Gerda
1999 Crop Names and the History of Hunter-Gatherers in Northern Congo. In
Central African Hunter-Gatherers in Multidisciplinary Perspective: Challenging
Elusiveness, edited by K. Biesbrouck, S. Elders, and G. Rossel, pp. 105-116.
CNWS, Leiden.
(Netherlands, ? , Ethnobotany)
Rossi, Aurelio
1932 Zwischen Elefanten und Pygmäen. Berlin.
(Germany, ?, ?)
Ruggles Gates, Reginald
1953 Pygmies. South African Journal of Sciences 47:50.
(Canada, ?, ?)
Rupp, Stephanie
2003 Interethnic Relations in Southeastern Cameroon: Challenging the “HunterGatherer” – “Farmer” Dichotomy. African Study Monographs, Supplement 28:
(United States, Baka, Forager-farmer dichotomy)
Rüschkamp, F.
1940 Bambuti-Pygmäen un Bambutoide. Die Umschau 38.
(Germany, Mbuti, ?)
Santachiara-Benerecetti, A. Silvana
1986 A Study of 17 Enzyme Markers in African Pygmies. In African Pygmies,
edited by L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, pp. 247-272. Academic Press, Orlando.
(Italy, Aka, Biological anthropology)
Santandrea, Stefano
1955 Brief Notes on Binga. Afrika un Übersee 40:25-37.
(Italy, Aka?, Brief notes)
Sarno, Louis
1993 Song from the Forest: My Life among the Ba-Benjellé Pygmies. HoughtonMifflin, Boston.
(United States, Aka, Ethnomusicology/Travelogue)
Sato, Hiroaki
1991 The Baka in Northwestern Congo: A Group of Hunter Gatherers Living in
Sedentary Villages. In Natural History of Human Beings, edited by J. Tanaka and
M. Kakeya, pp. 415-440. Heibonsha, Tokyo.
(Japan, Baka, Subsistence)
1992 Notes on the Distribution and Settlement Pattern of Hunter-Gatherers of
Northwestern Congo. African Study Monographs 13:203-216.
(Japan, Baka, Settlement patterns)
1993 Elephant Hunters Who Cannot Eat the Meat among the Baka of Southeastern
Cameroon. Hamamatsu Ikadaigaku Kiyo (Ippan Kyoiku) 7:19-30.
(Japan, Baka, Elephant hunting)
1998 Folk Etiology among the Baka, A Group of Hunter-Gatherers in the African
Rainforest. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 25:33-46.
(Japan, Baka, Folk etiology)
2001 The Potential of Edible Wild Yams and Yam-Like Plants as a Staple Food
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(Japan, Baka, Subsistence)
Saurois, Jacques
1979 Les Pygmées Aka de Basse Lobaye (Centrafrique): Approche psychogénétique
des dynamiques de l’évolution culturelle Aka. These de docorate de 3e cycle.
(France, Aka, Child development)
Sauter, Marc-R., and Boris Adé
1953 Quelques Caractères Pithécoïdes du Crâne Chez les Pygmées de l’Ituri.
Archives des Sciences 6:158-160.
(?, Mbuti?, Biological anthropology)
Sauzy, M.
1926 Les Pygmées au Congo Belge. Géographie 46:24-32.
(?, ?, ?)
Sawada, Masato
1987 The Evening Conversation of the Efe Pygmy Men and Its Social Implication:
A Men’s Display to Women. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 6:
(Japan, Efe, Social interaction)
1990 Two Patterns of Chorus among the Efe, Forest Hunter-Gatherers in
Northeastern Zaire: Why Do They Love to Sing? African Study Monographs 10:
(Japan, Efe, Ethnomusicology)
1998 Encounters with the Dead among the Efe and the Balese in the Ituri Forest:
Mores and Ethnic Identity Shown by the Dead. African Study Monographs,
Supplementary Issue 25:85-104.
(Japan, Efe, Cosmology)
2001 Rethinking Methods and Concepts of Anthropological Studies on African
Pygmies’ Worldview: The Creator-God and the Dead. African Study Monographs,
Supplementary Issue 27:29-42.
(Japan, Aka/Efe/Mbuti, Cosmology)
Schadeberg, Thilo
1999 Batwa: The Bantu Name for the Invisible People. In Central African HunterGatherers in Multidisciplinary Perspective: Challenging Elusiveness, edited by K.
Biesbrouck, S. Elders, and G. Rossel, pp. 21-40. CNWS, Leiden.
(Netherlands, Twa, Linguistics)
Schebesta, Paul
1929 Chez les Pygmées de l’Ituri (Entre la Lindi et l’Ituri). Congo 2:415-421.
(Germany, Mbuti, General)
1931a Voyage d’Exploration Chez les Pygmées du Congo Belge. Congo 1:327-341.
(Germany, Mbuti, General)
1931b Les Conceptions Religieuses des Pygmées de l’Ituri. Congo 1:645-666.
(Germany, Mbuti, Religion)
1931c Die Pygmäen Mittelafrikas auf Grund Einer Forschungsreise. Petermanns
Geographische Mitteilungen 77:294-299.
(Germany, Mbuti, ?)
1931d Die Einheit der Afrikanischen Pygmäen und Buschmänner, aus Ihren
Stammesnamen Erwiesen. Anthropos 26:891-894.
(Germany, Mbuti, Pygmies and bushmen)
1932a Bambuti, Die Zwerge vom Congo. Salzburg.
(Germany, Mbuti, General)
1932b Les Pygmées sont-ils Menaces d’Extinction? Revue de l’Institut de
Sociologie (Solvay), No. 2. Bruxelles.
(Germany, Mbuti, “Are pygmies threatened with extinction?”)
1932c Die Zentral-Afrikanischen Pygmäen. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen
Gesselschaft in Wien 62:14-21.
(Germany, Mbuti, General)
1933 Among Congo Pygmies. Hutchinson and Co., London.
(Germany, Mbuti, General)
1934 Vollblutneger und Halbzwerge. Forschungen unter Waldnegern und
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(Germany, Mbuti, Biological relationships)
1935 Die Religion der Bacwa-Pygmoiden am Equateur (Belgische-Kongo). Archiv
für Religionswissenschaft 32:38-51.
(Germany, Bacwa, Religion)
1936a My Pygmy and Negro Hosts. Hutchinson and Co., London.
(Germany, Mbuti, General)
1936b Donnees Essentielles sur la des Pygmees. Congo 1:321-331.
(Germany, Mbuti, “Essential data”)
1936c Einheit, Ursprung und Stellung der Pygmäen in der Geschichte der
Menschheitsentwicklung. Anthropos 31:659-671.
(Germany, Mbuti, “Position of pygmies in human development”)
1937a Revisiting My Pygmy Hosts. Hutchinson and Co., London.
(Germany, Mbuti, General)
1937b Einheit, Ursprung und Stellung der Pygmäen in der Geschichte der
Menschheitsentwicklung. Anthropos 32:276.
(Germany, Mbuti, “Position of pygmies in human development”)
1937c Physiologische Beobachtungen an den Ituri-Pygmäen. Zeitschrift für
Rassenkunde 5:113-123.
(Germany, Mbuti, Physical observations)
1938 Die Bambuti-Pygmäen vom Ituri 1: Geschichte, Geographie. Umwelt,
Demographie und Anthropologie der Ituri-Bambuti. Brussels.
(Germany, Mbuti, History/Geography/Demography/Anthropology)
1940 Les Pygmées. Gallimard, Paris.
(Germany, Mbuti, General)
1941 Die Bambuti-Pygmäen vom Ituri 2, Part 1: Die Wirtschaft der Ituri-Bambuti.
(Germany, Mbuti, Economy)
1947 Tore, le Dieu Forestier des Bambuti. Zaire 1:181-195.
(Germany, Mbuti, Religion)
1948a Die Bambuti-Pygmäen vom Ituri 2, Part 2: Das Gessellungsleben. Brussels.
(Germany, Mbuti, “Gessellungsleben”?)
1948b Benennung der Afrikanischen Pygmäengruppen. Mitteilungen der
Geographischen Gesselschaft in Wien 90:86-88.
(Germany, Mbuti, Designation of African pygmies)
1949 La Langue des Pygmees. Zaire 3:119-128.
(Germany, Mbuti, Linguistics)
1950a Die Bambuti-Pygmäen vom Ituri 2, Part 3: Die Religion. Brussels.
(Germany, Mbuti, Religion)
1950b Das Pygmäenproblem. Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesselschaft in
Wien 92:261-267.
(Germany, Mbuti, “The pygmy problem”)
1952a Les Pygmées du Congo Belge. Mémoire de l’Institut Royal Colonial Belge,
Series 8, Volume 26.
(Germany, Mbuti, General)
1952b Das Problem der Pygmäensprache. Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und
Linguistik 9:426-451.
(Germany, Mbuti, “The problem of pygmy language”)
1954 Die Pygmäen. Geographische Rundschau 6:382-386.
(Germany, Mbuti, ?)
1955 Somato-Biologie der Afrikanischen Pygmäen. Mitteilungen der
Anthropologischen Gesselschaft in Wien 84/85:81-82.
(Germany, Mbuti, Biological anthropology)
1957 Pygmy Music and Ceremonial. Man 57:78.
(Germany, Mbuti, Ethnomusicology)
1958 Bambuti-Initiation. Kongo-Overzee 24:136-161.
(Germany, Mbuti, Initiation ceremony)
1963 Colin M. Turnbull und Die Erforschung der Bambuti-Pygmäen. Anthropos 58:
(Germany, Mbuti, Comments on Turnbull’s work among the Mbuti)
Schebesta, Paul, and Viktor Lebzelter
1933 Anthropologie Stredoafrickych Pygmeju v Belgickém Kongu. V Praze.
(Germany/Austria, Mbuti, ?)
Schebesta, Paul, and Jindřich Matiegka
1935 Dite Sredoafrickych Pygmeju a Jeho Telesna Povaha. Anthropologie 13.
(Germany/Czech Republic, Biological anthropology)
Schlanginhaufen, Otto
1916 Pygmäenrassen und Pygmäenfrage. Vierteljahr-Schrift der Naturforsch. Ges.:
(Switzerland, ?, ?)
Schlichter, Henry
1892 The Pygmy of Africa. The Scottish Geographical Magazine 8:289-301, 345356.
(United Kingdom, ?, ?)
Schmidt, Emil
1905 Prähistoriche Pygmäen. Globus 87:309.
(Germany, Pygmy prehistory)
Schmidt, Wilhelm
1910 Die Stellung der Pygmäen-Völker in der Entwicklungsgeschichte der
Menschen. Stuttgart.
(Germany, ?, “Place of pygmies in human development”)
1925/1926 Die Pygmäenvölker als Älteste Derzeit uns Erreichbare
Menschheitsschicht. Hochland 23:574-592.
(Germany, ?, ?)
1936 Die Stellung der Pygmäen in der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Menschheit.
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(Germany, ?, “Position of pygmies in the development history of makind”)
Schnell, R.
1943 Les Traditions Relatives aux Pygmées en Afrique Occidentale. Notes
Africaines No. 20.
(France, ?, Pygmy traditions)
Schultz, Michael
1986 Economic Relations Between Batua and Baoto of Bibelo Village, Bikoro Zone,
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Geschichte in Afrika 7:339-359.
(?, Twa, Forager-farmer relations)
1991 The Batua and the Baoto of the Central Basin of Zaïre: A Study of Changing
Subsistence Patterns and Hunter-Gatherer Farmer Interaction Under the Impact of
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(?, Twa, Subsistence/Forager-farmer relations)
Schumacher, Peter
1925 Forschungreise zu den Pygmäen in Ruanda (Ostafrika). Anthropos 20:696-701,
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1926 Quelques Tribus Pygmées du Centre Africain. Semaine Intern. d’Ethnologie
Religieuse, IVe Session, Milan 17-25 Sept. 1925:262-276.
(Austria, ?, “Central African pygmy tribes”)
1927 Familie und Gemeinschaft der Kivu-Pygmäen. Anthropos 22:530-549.
(Austria, Twa, “Family and community”)
1927/1928a Die Expedition zu den Kivu-Pygmäen in Ruanda. Anthropos 22:289290, 530-549; Anthropos 23:395-435.
(Austria, Twa, ?)
1927/1928b Les Pygmées Bagesera et Bazigaba aux Cascades du Karambo-Bikore.
Congo 2:544-554, 717-725; Congo 3:150-180, 228-240, 755-756.
(Austria, Efe, General)
1928a Rechts-, Gemeinschafts- und Eigentumsver-hältnisse,
Individualcharakteristikin der Zentralafrikanischen Kivu-Pygmäen. Anthropos 23:
(Austria, Twa, “Justice, community, and ownership relationships”)
1928b Gottesglaube und Weltanschauung der Zentralafrikanischen Kivu-Pygmäen
Bagesera-Bazigaba. Fetschrift für P. W. Schmidt:677-692. Wien.
(Austria, Twa and Efe, Religion)
1928c La Morale Chez les Pygmées du Ruanda. Rev. Hist. Miss. 2:199-209.
(Austria, ?, Morality)
1928d L’Éthique Chez les Pygmées. Congo 2:286-301.
(Austria, ?, General)
1939 Anthropometrische Aufnahmen bei den Kivu-Pygmäen. Institut des Parcs
Nationaux du Congo Belge, Bruxelles.
(Austria, Twa, Biological anthropology)
1940 Les Pygmées du Kivu. Africa 13:165-170.
(Austria, Twa, ?)
1943 Die Kivu-Pygmäen und Ihre Soziale Umwelt im Albert-Nationalpark. Institut
des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge, Bruxelles.
(Austria, Twa, Social environment)
1947a Les Twides. Zaïre 1:1049-1053.
(Austria, Twa, ?)
1947b Les Batwa sont-ils des Pygmées Authentiques? Æquatoria 10:130-133.
(Austria, Twa, “The Batwa are authentic pygmies?”)
1949a Twiden. Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesselschaft in Wien 91:240-241.
(Austria, ?, ?)
1949b Encore les Twides? Zaïre 3:1023-1026.
(Austria, Twa, ?)
1950 Expedition zu den Zentralafrikanischen Kivu-Pygmäen II. Die Kivu-Pygmäen,
Twiden. Inst. Royal Colonial Belge (Mémoires Sciences Morals et Politiques 5),
(Austria, Twa, ?)
Schwalbe, Gustav
1910 P. W. Schmidts Arbeit “Die Stellung der Pygmäenvölker in der
Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen”. (Eine Besprechung.) Globus 98:53-56.
(Germany, ?, A review of Schmidt’s work)
Sebalinda, Gaspard
1993 The Relationship Between the Batwa and the State of Rwanda. In Never Drink
From the Same Cup, edited by H. Weber, J. Dahls, F. Wilson, and E. Wæhle, pp.
163-171. IWGIA Document No. 52. IWGIA, Copenhagen.
(Denmark?, Twa, Twa and the nation-state of Rwanda)
Seitz, Stefan
1993 Pygmées d’Afrique Centrale. Peeters/SELAF, Paris.
(Germany, Twa, ?)
Seiwert, Johannes
1926 Die Bagielli, ein Pygmäenstamm des Kamerun Urwaldes. Anthropos 21:127147.
(Germany, Bagielli, Missionary report)
Sénéchal, Claude J.
1975 Entre Pygmées et BaNgandou (Exposé). Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales, Paris.
(France, Aka, Forager-farmer relations)
1979 L’Identité Linguistique des Pygmées Aka de Bagandou. In Pygmées de
Centrafrique, edited by S. Bahuchet, pp. 33-50. SELAF, Paris.
(France, Aka, Linguistics)
Seyffert, Carl
1913 Totenbräuche und Todesvostellungen bei den Zentralafrikanischen Pygmäen,
den Buschmännern und Hottentotten. Archiv für Anthropologie 12:184-219.
(Germany, ?, Mortuary ritual of pygmies, bushmen, and hottentots)
Shannon, Donald
1996 Early Infant Care among the Aka. Unpublished M. A. thesis, Washington State
(United States, Aka, Infant care)
Shea, Brian T., and Robert C. Bailey
1996 Allometry and Adaptation of Body Proportions and Stature in African Pygmies.
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 100:311-340.
(United States, Efe, Biological anthropology)
Siccardi, Antonio G., Andrea Peracino, Santica Marcovina, and Suresh D. Jayakar
1986 Selected Immunochemical and Clinical Laboratory Data. In African Pygmies,
edited by L. L. Cavalli-Sforza, pp. 139-141. Academic Press, Orlando.
(Italy, Aka, Biological anthropology)
Slanar, Hans
1943 Die Pygmäen des Östlichen Kongo-Urwaldes. Mitteilungen der
Geographischen Gesselschaft in Wien 87:203-205.
(Austria, ?, ?)
Smith, Edwin W.
1938 The Language of the Pygmies of the Ituri. Journal of the Royal African Society
(United Kingdom, Mbuti, Linguistics)
Soors, M.
1950 Notes sur les Pygmées. Zaire 4:299-301.
(Belgium?, ?, ?)
Staffe, Adolf
1936 Zwerghaustiere und Pygmäenbastarde im Südkameruner Urwald und
Bemerkungen zur Pygmäenfrage. Forschungen und Fortschritte 12:251-253.
(Germany, ?, ?)
Struck, Bernard
1914 Über Pygmäennamen. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 46:168-171.
(Germany, ?, ?)
Takeuchi, Kiyoshi
1991 Social Identity among the Aka. In Natural History of Human Beings, edited by
J. Tanaka and M. Kakeya, pp. 415-440. Heibonsha, Tokyo.
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1994 Dietary Avoidance among the Aka Hunter-Gatherers, Northeastern Congo.
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(Japan, Aka, Subsistence/Dietary avoidance)
1995a Ritual Aspects and Pleasure in Hunting Activity: Cooperation and Distribution
in the Net-Hunting Activity of the Aka Hunter-Gatherers in Northeastern Congo.
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(Japan, Aka, Net hunting)
1995b Subsistence Hunting in African Tropical Forest: Hunting Techniques and
Activities among the Aka Hunter-Gatherers, Northeastern Congo. Zooarchaeology
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2001 He Has Become a Gorilla: The Ambivalent Symbiosis Between Aka HunterGatherers and Neighboring Farmers. In The World Where Peoples and Forest
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(Japan, Aka, Forager-farmer relations)
Tanaka, Jiro
1978 A Study of the Comparative Ecology of African Hunter-Gatherers with Special
Reference to San (Bushman-Speaking People) and Pygmies. Senri Ethnological
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(Japan, Several groups, Comparative ecology)
Tanno, Tadashi
1976 The Mbuti Net-hunters in the Ituri Forest, Eastern Zaire: Their Hunting
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Tastevin, Constant
1935 La Religion des Négrilles Ba M’Binga de l’Oubangui. 16e Congrès
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(France, Aka, Religion)
1942 Pages d’Ethnologie Religieuse: Les Pygmées. Année Théologienne 3, 2/3.
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1949 Les Pygmées dans les Missions des Pères du St. Esrit. Missionaires 3:73-77.
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1986 Economic Exchange and the Symbiotic Relationship Between the Mbuti (Efe)
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1991 Forest, Village and Honey: Several Levels of Interaction Between HunterGatherers and Farmers. In Natural History of Human Beings, edited by J.
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(Japan, Mbuti and Efe, Ethnobotany/Ethnozoology)
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(Japan, Efe, Plant use)
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(France, Aka, Linguistics)
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(France, Aka, Historical changes in mobility)
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(Hungary, ?, ?)
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