Transmettre un evangile de liberté


Transmettre un evangile de liberté
Transmettre un evangile de liberté
by Christophe Theobald
How should we recount the Gospel today?
About the author
A Jesuit, Christoph Theobald teaches fundamental and dogmatic theology
at the Jesuit Faculty in Paris (Centre Sèvres), is joint editor-in-chief
of the journal Recherches de science religieuse, as well as author
and consultant for the review Études.
Technical Specifications
Format: 150 x 205 mm
Pages: 160
Retail price: 17E
Rights Sold
Le péché originel. Heurs et malheurs d’un dogme ,Bayard, 2005 ;
Une nouvelle chance pour l’Evangile. Vers une pastorale d’engendrement ,
Lumen vitae Les éditions de l’atelier 2004
Présences d’Evangile. Lire les Evangiles et l’Apocalypse en Algérie et
ailleurs , Les éditions de l’Atelier, 2003
La Révélation, coll. Tout simplement, Les éditions de l’Atelier, 2001 ;
Histoire des dogmes. t. IV : la Parole du salut, (with B. Sesboüé), Desclée,
1996 ;
La Pensée musicale de Jean-Sébastien Bach. Les chorals du Catéchisme
luthérien, Le Cerf, 1993.
Outstanding Features
>> The first truly personal book by a theologian unanimously regarded
as the most promising of his generation
We are in danger of no longer being able to pose the fundamental questions
regarding our existence. There may be many reasons for this mutism:
the impossibility of inhabiting the crystallized languages of our Christian
tradition; the absence of attentive listeners capable of soliciting our words,
to tell what dwells within us and describe the world as we perceive it…
The apostle Paul situates that surprising event, which is speaking, at the
heart of an ordeal or a ‘crossing’: speaking becomes an inner need for one
whose expression is the only means of ‘manifesting life even in the bosom
of death’: ‘I did believe, therefore I spoke’ (Ps. 116; Co 4, 10).
This human experience, often acquired with difficulty, is the expression par
excellence of a Gospel of freedom whose transmission depends on very
precise human and spiritual conditions. The author’s intention is to deploy
and reveal them.
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