Trimestre 4, 2006 Contents Entre nous Ateliers 2007 Concours


Trimestre 4, 2006 Contents Entre nous Ateliers 2007 Concours
Trimestre 4, 2006
NSW Department of Education and Training
Curriculum K - 12
Little Wategoes
Sandon Watts, Yr 5/6
Southern Cross Primary
Entre nous
Ateliers 2007
Concours Jeune Écrivain
Petit déjeuner à l’école
La Maison de Ste Claire
Stage de Besançon
Concours calendrier
Concours Album
Montpellier à Girraween
A French day at your school
A French day at the zoo
La Noël en Provence
Les Santons
Les treize desserts
Flash cards
New French resource
Les activités de classe
Bats of Bellingen
David Cheney, Yr 7
Bishop Druitt College
Entre nous
Chers et Chères Collègues,
The Languages Unit was sad to farewell
Roberte Salerno, French Language
Adviser. Roberta was appointed to the
team by the Embassy of France in 2003.
For the past three years, she has worked
tirelessly to provide support for teachers
and students of French in NSW schools.
During her time with the Curriculum K12 Directorate, Roberta ran workshops
to promote French in schools, visited
primary and secondary schools in
Sydney and in country towns, ran
competitions and provided feedback to
teachers and students and, of course, was always on the lookout for new ideas and
articles to publish in the French bulletin Liaisons. Her enthusiasm and deep
understanding of issues in education make her a valuable team worker, always willing
to invest herself in all the projects she takes on. She has promoted with zest and alacrity
the French language, the French culture and the particularities of the Francophone
Roberta has now taken up a position as Attachée pour le Français en Australie and
works from the French Consulate in Sydney. Her new role has been expanded to
support teachers of French nationally. Roberta has inspired many of her colleagues
with her passion and dedication. We will miss her warm friendship and professionalism,
and look forward to continued collaboration.
Mais ce n’est qu’un au revoir. Roberta est encore à Sydney! Son actuelle présence me
manque au bureau mais nous nous gardons en contact et travaillerons en coopération
À partir de l’année prochaine, Liaisons sera distribué seulement aux écoles du DET
mais il continuera à être publié en ligne et sera donc à la disposition de tous.
Comment allez-vous fêter la Noël en classe? Qu’est ce que vous proposerez à vos
étudiants pour célebrer la fin de l’année scolaire? Dans cette édition de Liaisons nous
explorons Noël en France, plus particulièrement en Provence et nous vous offrons des
activités pour vos classes. N’oubliez pas aussi de partager le succès de vos activités à
l’école: envoyez nous vos fiches de travail pour inclusion dans Liaisons – et si vous
voulez faire publier des photos du travail en classe, joignez aussi une permission de
publier que vous trouverez en ligne sur notre site web
Marie Ange
Marie Ange Lewis
French Language Consultant
Curriculum K-12 Directorate
3a Smalls Rd
Ryde 2112
Email: [email protected]
Voici les nouvelles coordonées de Roberta
Roberta Salerno
Attachée pour le Français
Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle
[email protected]
Regional and State workshops in 2007
In 2007, Curriculum Directorate will offer a series of workshops for teachers of
Languages in Years 7-12.
The workshops will be face-to-face, one-day sessions. The focus group and content will
be as follows:
• Assessment and Reporting: workshops to support the development of
appropriate assessment programs and reporting procedures for Languages 7-10.
• Stage 6 Beginners Syllabuses: These language-specific workshops are the
follow-up to the generic workshops held in Terms 3 and 4 2006.
• Language-specific workshops: workshops that focus mainly on ICT.
• Vocational Learning in Languages: workshops to introduce vocational learning
resources that have been designed to motivate and engage students in Languages
The evaluations completed by teachers in the 2005-2006 series of workshops have
provided us with the feedback which informs the content of the 2007 program.
We encourage you, as teachers of Languages, to attend the workshops so that we can
establish or reinforce established networks, provide opportunities for experienced and
new Languages teachers to support each other and contribute to the further development
of teacher support in Languages.
Full details of the 2007 workshop program will be posted on the curriculum support
website in November. You will be able to register online at
Concours Jeune Écrivain
Pour ceux parmi vous qui ont des étudiants qui aiment écrire et
ont la plume facile, l'association Prix du Jeune Écrivain organise,
sous le haut patronage de Monsieur Abdou Diouf, Secrétaire
Général de l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie,
du Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et de la Francophonie
et du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, le
Prix du Jeune Écrivain Francophone 2007.
Ce prix annuel récompense et édite de jeunes écrivains de nationalité non française de 15
à 27 ans, auteurs d'oeuvres inédites en prose (nouvelle, conte, récit, etc) de 5 à 25 pages.
La date limite de retour des manuscrits a été fixée au 9 janvier 2007. Le jury est composé
d'écrivains de renom, la plupart sont de nationalité étrangère. Tous les candidats reçoivent
une fiche de lecture avec conseils, appréciations…
Pour en savoir davantage, visitez le site qui fournit toutes les informations
nécessaires (règlement, dossiers d'inscription, jury, etc).
Encouragez vos étudiants à s'inscrire. Bonne chance à tous. Qui ne risque rien, n'a rien!
Petit déjeuner à l’école!
Chantal Herlihy offers to come to your school and transform the
classroom into a French café, serving croissants, tartines and
bowls of hot chocolate.
She teaches the children simple phrases, some French culture, a
little history and talks about some French specialities. It is a
unique French experience not to be missed.
Minimum 30, maximum 40 students in one sitting.
For bookings please call Chantal 9924 3395 or 0404 415 655
Bon appétit.
Connaissez-vous La Maison de Ste Claire?
Gilles Berger et son équipe vous proposent une expérience unique au sein d’une belle
campagne. Ils vous proposent des activités aussi diversifiées que leurs cours et un
apprentissage par expérience. Les élèves ont la chance de pratiquer leurs français du
matin au soir sans que ce soit une tâche insurmontable.
• Conversation sur des sujets de faits d’actualité ou sur des sujets littéraires
• Révision grammaticale
• Lecture littéraire
• Télévision (TV5, films, téléfilms, documentaires, variétés, sport etc)
• Promenade en forêt et découverte de la faune et de la flore
• Apprentissage de la cuisine gastronomique (jargon de la cuisine)
• Jardinage (apprenez le jargon des jardiniers)
• Chansons francophones (écoutez puis apprenez et chantez avec Gilles: chansons
classiques ou chansons modernes)
Les cours (ils utilisent les méthodes les plus avancées en didactique du fle), ainsi que
leur méthode de Maison de Ste Claire.
• Français débutants, intermédiares ou avancé pour lycéens (classe de troisième,
seconde, première et terminale), préparation aux examens scolaires et au
baccalauréat australien (Continuers and Extension)
Visitez le site ou contactez [email protected]
Stage de Besançon
Félicitations à Katherine Wyndham, Northern Beaches Secondary College, et à Eleanor
Preston, Brigidine College, dont la candidature a été retenue pour le Stage des
“Nouveaux professeurs”, sponsorisé par l’Ambassade de France en coopération avec le
DEST. Huit professeurs de tous les états de l’Australie seront réunis à Besançon, pour
vivre l’expérience d’une immersion linguistique et culturelle totale. Les stagiaires
suivront les cours au Centre de Linguistique Appliquée et seront accueillis dans des
familles pour vivre «à la française». Les excursions font partie du programme et leur
permettront de découvrir une région aux traditions très marquées. Nous leur souhaitons
un excellent séjour.
Perth 2007
The Language
16th Biennial AFMLTA National
Conference - July 11 -14 2007
To be held at the Burswood International Resort Casino
We have EXTENDED the deadline for papers, workshops, forums, and poster
papers from teachers and other educators, academics, individuals and special
interest groups for presentation at the conference.
To assist with programme planning, titles and proposals are to be submitted by
email no later than
NOVEMBER 24 2006
For more information please contact the Conference Convenor:
Fulvia Valvasori Mobile: 0403 288 664
Email Home: [email protected]
Home Fax: (08) 9243 4140
Speakers’ Coordinator: Clare Buising Mobile: 0413155470
Email: [email protected]
Make THE LANGUAGE CONNECTION with other language educators
Don’t miss out – send your details NOW
Le calendrier 2007: une galerie d’art.
Les participants au concours ont adopté le style de Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Matisse,
Braque, Seurat, Picasso … pour nous faire découvrir l’Australie avec des yeux d’artiste.
Cette année encore, le concours calendrier a permis d’adopter une approche
interdisciplinaire à forte dimension culturelle. Sous le pinceau d’Alex King, les arbres
deviennent triangles bleus au coucher du soleil. Jordan Benkowics s’inspire de Matisse
pour peindre les pélicans de Richmond River. Son tableau éveille aussi en nous les échos
de Giacometti, pour qui Le ciel n’est bleu que par convention mais rouge en réalité. Au
contraire, Billy Slater choisit de baigner le célèbre Sydney Harbour dans un ciel
intensément bleu. S’il s’est souvenu de l’intérêt de Monet pour les trains, Martin Hunter a
choisi de peindre le Zig Zag Railway, non pas dans une gare, mais traversant un paysage
qui pourrait être celui d’un tableau du peintre de Givenchy. Ayers Rock a inspiré, dans
des styles très différents, Kayla Freeman et Terran Davies. La richesse des différentes
interprétations d’un même paysage témoigne de la créativité des élèves.
Nous félicitons vivement les lauréats mais aussi tous les participants pour la qualité de
leur production. Il a été très difficile au comité de sélection de faire un choix. Ses prix
spéciaux ont donc été décernés à ceux qui, si l’année avait quinze mois, auraient pu être
sélectionnés. Nous félicitons également les professeurs qui ont éveillé le sens artistique
de leurs élèves. C’est un moyen très sûr de les inciter à apprendre le français pour aller
visiter, un jour, les musées français où leurs oeuvres sont rassemblées. Rendez-vous, dans
quelques années, au Musée du Quai d’Orsay ou dans le jardin de Monet!
Nous remercions vivement l’Ambassade de France pour avoir apporté son soutien
financier à ce concours.
Jordan Benkowics
Terran Davies
Kayla Freeman
Anna Grodzicki
Martin Hunter
Alex King
Sam McNamara
Zachary Nancarrow
Jake Nancarrow
Sommai Nguyen
Sophie Rodrick
Billy Slater
Prix spéciaux
Michael Ainsworth
David Cheney
Sandon Watts
Southern Cross Primary
Wingham High School
Bishop Druitt College
Bishop Druitt College
Lithgow Public School
Knox Grammar Preparatory School
Wingham High School
Lennox School
Southern Cross Secondary
Hornsby High School
Lennox Primary School
Knox Grammar Preparatory School
Knox Grammar Preparatory School
Bishop Druitt College
Southern Cross Primary
Le concours album: toute une aventure
Les écrivains en herbe de la Nouvelle Galles du Sud ont cette année encore fait preuve
d’une grande créativité. Ils ont écrit soit individuellement, soit collectivement, de très
beaux albums amusants et pleins de rebondissements.
Deux albums de référence avaient été proposés: Un petit trou dans une pomme, ouvrage
collectif paru chez Nathan et «Le voyage» extrait de Sept histoires de souris d’Arnold
Lobel, l’école des Loisirs.
Dans le premier, une petite chenille qui a très faim ne peut manger les fruits et légumes
délicieux qu’elle trouve sur son chemin car de vilains animaux lui volent sa trouvaille.
Sur le même canevas, les élèves ont imaginé de vilains koalas, coccinelles, éléphants,
serpents, araignées et autres méchants animaux qui viennent prendre à la petite chenille,
sa pastèque, sa mangue et autres fruits délicieux.
Quant aux personnages qui ont entrepris «Le voyage», rien ne les a arrêtés. Le voyage a
pu être fantastique au milieu d’un saladier de fruits. Cela a pu être le voyage de deux
maïs soufflés qui voulaient aller au ritz. Enfin la souris mexicaine s’est déplacée par air et
par mer.
Les témoignages des professeurs qui ont guidé leurs élèves dans l’aventure de l’écriture
nous disent combien l’expérience les a motivés à créer l’histoire, à l’écrire, à l’illustrer et
à la raconter au reste de la classe.
K-Yr 3
Yr 4-5
Grace Shugg
Kingscliff Public School
Patrick Tarafitz
Kingscliff Public School
Classe 2
William Keprestes
Yr 4
Knox Grammar
Preparatory School
Classe 4 S
Cranbrook Junior School
William Keprestes
Classe 4 S
Eli Cheshire
Yr 3
Rozelle Public
Christopher Lim
Yr 5
Knox Grammar
Preparatory School
Patrick Tarafitz
Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, the websites and books listed in this bulletin
contain no controversial materials or links. However, it is always best to check these for
yourself before recommending them to students.
Use your French
Skills and Live in
Europe for 2
O.S.E.F. stands for
“Organisme Séjour
Educatif Français”
This exchange program has been
operating for more than 14 years in
Ontario, and we are pleased to offer it
in Australia.
Each year more than 350 students
participate in this program.
O.S.E.F. is entitled by
the Ministry of Youth
and Sports
2 month exchange
Organized by
France – Australia Inc.
Students aged 13-17 will cherish this
opportunity. French students come to
Australia in the middle of July and
stay until the middle of September.
Australian students go to France in
late November of the same school year,
and stay until late January.
Enhance oral proficiency
Increased writing
Cultural awareness
Travel opportunities
Personal growth
Improve your resume
Life long contact in
Developing lasting
Fosters a personal
Montpellier comes to Girraween!
For two weeks in August fourteen Girraween students
and their families played host to thirteen junior high
school students from Collège Gérard, Montpellier,
France. This first-ever-for-Girraween event was
engineered by Mme Stuart who had already escorted a
group from Girraween to Montpellier in January 2005.
Mme Stuart originally made contact with the French
teacher, M Boesch, via the internet. He was looking for
an Australian school with which to start an exchange.
Mme Stuart responded, then paid a personal visit before
committing to the idea. Girraween’s visit to Montpellier
was a success, so M Boesch organised his group to
Whilst at Girraween, the students attended class with
their host brother/sister, were involved in filming mini
roleplays, tried the didgeridoo and boomerang, went to Sydney Harbour Bridge Pylon and Manly, visited a
French optical company, Essilor, and cuddled the koalas at Featherdale Wildlife Park.The third week of their
stay was hosted by Baulkham Hills High (Baulkham Hills students also went to Montpellier 2 years ago with
Mme Stuart ). They went from there to Parramatta’s Old Government House and to the Blue Mountains.
Many cultural and often amusing discoveries were made by hosts and guests, communication was discovered
possible by whatever means, new friends were made and broader understandings of other cultures were
A group of Girraween students is now looking forward to meeting up again with their new friends when the
group travels to France and Germany in December 06 / January 07.
I am writing to encourage everyone to plan a special French Day at their school. I
did and it was fantastic fun for everyone. It was great to see all of the students
and staff wearing the colours of the French flag that day, and there were so many
berets on heads!
We rotated through seven activities on the day, with the help of six fellow teachers
each conducting an activity for me. (I gave them instructions so that they would
know how to do each one!) Possibly the favourite one was eating a "French
Breakfast" of croissant dipped in hot chocolate. Others thought that playing
boules was the best…..personally I loved the fact that 130 children were singing, dancing, eating, playing and
speaking French for three hours! We had a super time.
Activity ideas:
1) Play boules or pétanque.
2) Enjoy a French breakfast.
3) Sing French folk songs (Alouette, Au clair de la lune, Frère Jacques)
4) Play "Jacques a dit" or "Simon says" with names for body parts.
5) Play "Bérêt" with numbers 1 to 10 (we called this game "The Battle for
the Breadstick" and had students competing to reach the baguette before
their opponent wearing the same numbered sign from the opposing team!)
6) Matching and colouring page (submitted for your use, see activités page).
7) Watch a 20-minute show of the animated series of Madeline (we watched the one where the girls take
lessons at a cooking school in Paris-these are readily available at video rental stores).
Amusez-vous bien!
Nicole Phipps
Austinmer Public School
A French day at the Zoo
On the 25th of October 300 students from various schools in Sydney and as far as Newcastle and Windsor,
visited Taronga Zoo and enjoyed a fabulous day walking around enjoying the animals, filling in their
worksheets, participating in lessons and generally being on their best behaviour. I was really impressed by
their level of cooperation. We all watched the Bird show and it was a great experience. The staff at the
Education centre at the Zoo is extremely helpful. We were very lucky to have four French Assistantes to
help present the lessons. They are delightful young ladies and had great fun helping students discover the
animals. During the lessons they talked about and handled many gorgeous animals: twin sugar gliders,
various ferocious looking lizards, snakes and pythons, rosella, owls and others! The students I chatted to
were glad to have a day at the zoo and discovered many new facts about the vast array of animals they had
watched and read about.
According to the surveys returned so far, everyone had a good time – despite the heavy shower of rain which
came down around 11 am. We are now planning two further days at the Zoo next year. The first in Term 2
and the second in term 4. If you have missed out this time around, pencil these approximate dates in your
diaries for next year.
La Noël en Provence
Many regions in France have their own special way to celebrate Christmas. In Paris
oysters and foie gras are served for the Réveillon (Christmas Eve) supper. In Brittany,
Christmas has its origins in the celtic calendar and used to be celebrated as the winter
solstice. Of course there are crêpes on the menu.
In Provence, the preparations for the Christmas season start on December the 4th, St.
Barbe's day. Children traditionally wrap wheat (or lentil) seeds in a damp cloth. The
tiny seedlings are then placed in a box on a sunny window ledge to grow. The plants
herald prosperity for the family during the coming year and they are also used to
decorate the crèche and the table for the Réveillon.
A week before Christmas families unpack the "stable" or nativity scene and set it up
on the mantelpiece or near the Christmas tree. The Santons (see below) are placed
around the Holy Family in order of importance and the scene decorated with trees,
stones and grasses. Many people go to a lot of trouble to set this up and when
neighbours and friends visit, they enjoy the efforts the family put into the nativity
In churches the Nativity scene is also set up with bigger size Santons, beautifully
crafted. Families and visitors drop by to admire the care, effort and craft the
community has invested in the production of the stable. Sometimes churches put on
live crèches! In some towns the theatres stage little plays, in which all the characters
(represented by the Santons) of the crèche play a part.
On Christmas Eve, before leaving for Midnight Mass, the family gathers for the gros
souper which celebrates all the things the family is thankful for - this has religious
symbolism. It is composed of seven meatless meals, which represent the seven
sorrows of the Virgin Mother. The table itself is set with 3 white tablecloths and 3
candles, representing the Trinity. The St. Barbe's wheat also decorates the table.
Before sitting down to the table, the oldest member and the youngest member of the
family walk around the table three times carrying a fruitwood log. It is blessed with
some of the vin cuit and then placed in the fireplace. After the supper, the Treize
Desserts are served. This also has a religious meaning, representing all those present
at the Last Supper. Before leaving for Midnight mass, the thirteen desserts are set on a
clean tablecloth at another table ready for neighbours, beggars or the souls of the
ancestors to taste while everyone is at church. The leftover wine is poured on the fire,
the log removed, wrapped and put away until next Christmas.
After the mass, the family returns for the "Repas Gras". For this feast, assorted game, a
variety of roasts and many different wines from the region are served. On Christmas
day, roast turkey or chicken is served and for dessert a bûche de Noël, usually
purchased from the local pâtissier, is served along with the 13 desserts. After two full
days of feasting, a simple bowl of l'aigo bouido - garlic soup - is served for Christmas
dinner. Find the recipe at:
Bon appétit.
Who are the Santons?
The word is derived from an old Provençal word santoun which means “little saint”.
These delightful figures depict the colourful people, traditional trades, activities and
costumes of Provence. Santons represent the Provençal inhabitants on their way to
the Nativity with their humble, local offerings.
During the Revolution in France, the churches were closed. People were not allowed
to make a great show of their faith. The tradition was put on hold for some years but
the people still fashioned the Santons out of breadcrumbs. Nowadays different
materials, from wood to clay, are use to make the figurines. Santons have come to
typify the people of Provence, their work and their trades. They are generally depicted
in 19th-century dress.
Les treize desserts
Le treizième plat qui est servi après le gros souper à la sortie de la messe de minuit
comporte treize desserts! Les produits sont tirés de la nature, la saveur de l'automne
au temps de la cueillette, du séchage et des confitures.
On sert dans l'ordre:
1. fougasse (galette) ou pompe à l'huile (ou gibassié) à base de fine fleur de
farine, d'huile d'olive, d'eau de fleur d'oranger et de cassonade (sucre)
2. nougat blanc de noisettes, pignons et pistaches
3. nougat noir au miel
Les 4 mendiants:
figues sèches (Franciscains)
amandes (Carmélite)
raisins secs (Dominicains)
noix (Augustins)
Les 6 fruits:
8. raisins d'Italie conservés au grenier ou poires d'hiver
9. la pâte de coing ou fruits confits
10. oranges
11. mandarines ou cédrats confits
12. tarte à la courge
13. les dattes : symbole du Christ venu de l'Orient
Puisez d’autres informations et des recettes sur les sites suivants:
Les activités de classe pour la Noël
Il y a beaucoup de thèmes et d’activités pour vos salles de classe. En voilà quelques
unes pour vous en donner le goût :
Une liste de mots qui ont rapport à la Noël.
Illuminez votre classe avec des décorations faites par vos étudiants.
Écrivez des lettres au Père Noël en français.
Faites une bûche de Noël en utilisant un petit gâteau (rolled sponge) que vous
recouvrez avec une crème au chocolat fouettée, striez à la fourchette pour
simuler l’écorce du bois et décorez d’une feuille verte et de cerises glacées!
C’est très facile à faire et quel régal!
Portez quelque chose de rouge pour tout le mois de décembre.
Visitez les sites web ci-dessous pour vous inspirer.
Faites une brochure en français-utilisez les photos des brochures que l’on met
dans votre boîte à lettres
Rédigez une liste de cadeaux pour la famille, les amis et les petits amis et la
raison pour choisir le cadeau!
Dessinez et écrivez de belles cartes de Noël! Laissez clip art vous aider pour
illustrer vos chefs-d’œuvre.
Les livres à colorier (même publiés en anglais) sont une excellente source
d’idées, de coloriages, d’images.
Enseignez une unité de travail sur les Noëls d’autrefois (en Australie, dans les
autres pays d’origine de vos étudiants ou de leurs parents/grands-parents).
Faites une comparaison entre les cadeaux que recevaient les enfants autrefois
(du temps de leurs parents!) et aujourd’hui.
Si vos classes se composent d’enfants multiethniques, soyez sensibles à leur
expérience ou non-expérience de cette fête. Il serait peut être possible qu’ils
parlent d’une autre fête de leur culture.
Laissez votre créativité s’épanouir et amusez-vous.
Visitez et soyez inspirés par les activités
Flash cards for your class
Flashcards can be a very useful tool in the classroom. They are available from quite a
few suppliers but they do not come cheap. With a little imagination and help from
clip art, other on-line resources such as
french.shtml or interesting photos from magazines and brochures you can create
colourful, bright and fun resources to benefit your students’ learning.
Please consult some of the sites listed below to view images which will help you
determine what you might like to produce: the body, the face, animals, transport or
whatever else you need to support your teaching.
Let’s say you want to teach vocabulary for the face. Select and print (in colour if you
are lucky) eyes, a nose, a mouth, some teeth, hair, cheeks, ears and eyebrows from
images on the web. Label with the French word, not forgetting to add the article.
Once you have all the images and vocabulary, paste on cardboard. When you think it
does not need any further enhancement, laminate the cards and your resource is ready
for use over and over again. You could also scan the cards and print multiple copies
on A4 coloured paper to create sets for games in the classroom.
Games to play with your new cards
Line all the cards along the black/whiteboard so the students can reach them.
Divide the class into teams. Select a team/students and call out a word in
French. A student goes to the board to select the card. If correct, the student
keeps the card. The game continues until all cards have been picked up by the
students. Teams count how many cards they have to determine the winner.
Same game but the cards are dispersed around the room. Students move
around the room to pick the correct card. (This will prepare students to be
aware of what you have placed on the walls of the room).
Make a double (similar or slightly different) of each card and play memory
with the whole class or in small groups. Students must say what is on the card
in French.
Have students draw their own pictures on cards for future memory games.
Show the card, conceal the writing and students say and spell the French word.
6. Play happy families: make a few sets of cards with 7 families (Durant,
Dupont, Laval, Capard, Duval, Desfontaines, Ferrat) including 7 family le père, la mère, la grand-mère, le grand-père, la grande soeur, le
petit frère, le bébé.
New French resource available
The Centre for Learning Innovation has produced some new resources for use in the
classroom. You can access information about ordering the French gift-giving resource Que
c’est gentil! at then click on catalogues and new
resources for schools in the left-hand menu which will take you to from that page there are links to
the order form as well as information about each product.
DET teachers can download the resources from TaLE (Teaching and Learning
Copy this page and cut up the pictures and call out boxes. Divide the
class into pairs or small groups. Each group works out which description
fits which character from the Provencal crèche and pastes it in their book.
Les Santons
C’est un berger, il porte
un mouton sur ses
épaules. Il porte une cape
et un chapeau.
C’est la poissonnière.
Elle vend du poisson et
des fruits de mer.
C’est un fermier. Il
a récolté un grand
sac d’olives.
C’est un gitan. Il
chante et il joue de la
C’est la femme du
berger. Elle file de
la laine de mouton.
French match and colour page
Can you matchthe words to the picturesand then colour them?
k cr"'r?f
les croissanfs ef le
*hsc#laf chnud
F.r*n*e's t*pif*/
f*shisn*hle m*darne
ond a French pr*d/e
t'a Frr,'ncs
ufi g6r€sn wifh *
Iss Ssd/es fir"
la p,6fr'nEue