

Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory
Revue canadienne de theorie politique et socials
Editor/ R" dacteur
Arthur Kroker (Political Science, Winnipeg)
Managing Editor/ Redactrice on chef
Marilouise Kroker
Associate Editor/Rbdacteur adjoint
Alkis Kontos (Political Economy, Toronto)
Review Editor/ RBdacteur des recensions
Allen Mills (Political Science, Winnipeg)
Advisory Board/Comite consultatif
Ben Agger (Sociology, Waterloo), Howard Aster (Political Science, McMaster), Phillip
Hansen (Political Studies, Manitoba), Kenneth J . Hughes (Canadian Literature,
Manitoba), William Leiss (Political Science and Environmental Studies, York), James
Moore (Political Science, Concordia), Ray Morrow (Sociology, Manitoba), Mark Novak
(Sociology, Winnipeg), Rod Preece (Political Science, Wilfrid Laurier), Henry Veltmeyer
(Sociology, St . Mary's), David Walker (Political Science, Winnipeg), Deena Weinstein
(Sociology, De Paul), Michael A . Weinstein (Political Science, Purdue), David N .
Weisstub (Osgoode Hall Law School, York), Claudia A . Wright (Political Science, Winnipeg) .
The Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory is a refereed, interdisciplinary
review published triannually - Winter, Spring-Summer and Fall . Annual Subscription
Rates : Individuals, $10 .00 ; Students, $7 .00; Institutions, $15 .00 . Single Copies, $5.00 .
Please add $2 .00 extra per year for postage outside of Canada./La Revue canadienne
de theorie politique et sociale est une revue interdisciplinaire dont tout article publie est
choisi par un jury de lecteurs independants . Elle est publiee trois fois par an - en hiver,
au printemps-6t6 et en automne . Abonnement annuel - $10.00 ; etudiants, $7.00 ; institution, $15.00 . Le numero - $5 .00 . Ajouter $2 .00 de frais postaux pour abonnement
a I'etranger .
Editorial and business correspondence should be sent to Professor Arthur Kroker,
Department of Political Science, The University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3B 2E9 . Authors are requested to forward three copies of
the manuscript and to provide self-addressed envelopes with correct postage . Footnotes should be assembled on separate sheets ./Toute correspondence doit etre
adressee au professeur Arthur Kroker, Departement de Science Politique, University
de Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3B 2E9. On demande aux collaborateurs d'envoyer
trois exemplaires de leur manuscrit et de les accompagner d'une enveloppe timbree et
adressee A I'expediteur . Les notes doivent etre dactylographiees sur des feuilles
separees A la fin de I'article.
Corresponding address for Reviews : Professor Allen Mills, Department of Political
Science, The University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B
2E9./Adresse A laquel it faut envoyer les comptes rendus : Professeur Allen Mills,
Departement de Science Politique, University de Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B
The Journal acknowledges with gratitude the generous assistance of the
Canada Council and the University of Winnipeg ./Les r6dacteurs tiennent 6 exprimer lour reconnatsance au Conseil des Arts du Canada et au Universiti de
Winnipeg .
Indexed in/Indixee au : International Political Science Abstracts/Documentation
politique internationale ; Sociological Abstracts Inc .
Member of the Manitoba Independent Publishers' Association and the Canadian
Periodical Publishers' Association .
®Tous droits reserves 1978, Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory,
Inc. /Revue canadienne de theorie politique et sociale, Ltye .
ISSN 03809420
Canadian Journal
ofPolitical and Social Theory
Revue canadienne
de theorie politique et sociale
Winter/Hiver 1978
Volume 2 : Number 1
Advertising, Needs and "Commodity Fetishism"
Stephen Kline and William Leiss
Emancipatory Theory/Theorie sur Femancipation
Merleau-Ponty's Critique of Marxist Scientism
John O'Neill
Marcuse and the Problem of Happiness
Charles Rachlis
Reification and Recollection : Emancipatory Intentions
and the Sociology of Knowledge
James Schmidt
Totality, Temporality and Praxis : Existential
Phenomenology and Critical Political Theory
Herbert G. Reid
Review Articles/ Comptes rendus
Domination and Liberatory Politics
Doug Torgerson
Rational Egoism and the Liberal State
Volksgeist and the Redemption of Associations
Jack Vowles
Trade Unions, the Working Class and the State
Alvin Finkel
Political Economy : A Question of Theory
Henry Veltmeyer
Tory Myth and Conservative Reality:
Horowitz Revisited
Rod Preece
Books Received/ Livres regus