News Release


News Release
Deloitte General Services
Société à responsabilité limitée
560, rue de Neudorf
L-2220 Luxembourg
B.P. 1173
L-1011 Luxembourg
Tel: +352 451 451
Fax: +352 451 452 985
Press release
Line Eskildsen
Marketing & Communications
Tel: +352 451 453 515
Email: [email protected]
Deloitte Luxembourg wins three awards at this year’s HR One gala
On 19 November more than 800 participants gathered at the Casino 2000 at Mondorf-lesBains for the 13th edition of the HR One gala. Among the awards that were distributed,
Deloitte Luxembourg won within three of the categories.
Deloitte Luxembourg’s tailor-made approach based on integrating state-of-the-art assessment
tools led to the nomination of Best Talent Management firm 2015. Deloitte Luxembourg’s
capability to correctly assess the needs and integrate the feedback of human resources
professionals into a holistic change management strategy led to the award of Best Change
Management Firm 2015. Last but not least, based on a recent project to help a well-known
player establish a subsidiary in Luxembourg and set up an all-encompassing HR strategyDeloitte Luxembourg also received the award of Best HR Strategy Firm 2015.
“I am proud and very honoured that our Human Capital Advisory Services managed to win
three awards on this very special occasion. It’s a clear indication that we are serving our
clients with the excellence we strive to deliver,” adds Basil Sommerfeld, Partner and Business
Operations Excellence and Human Capital Leader.
Deloitte Luxembourg remporte trois prix lors du gala HR One de cette année
Le 19 novembre dernier, plus de 800 participants se sont réunis au Casino 2000 de Mondorfles-Bains pour la 13ème édition du gala HR One. Parmi les prix décernés à cette occasion,
Deloitte Luxembourg a été couronné dans trois catégories.
L'approche sur mesure de Deloitte Luxembourg, basée sur l'intégration d'outils d'évaluation
de pointe, lui a valu le prix Best Talent Management firm 2015. La capacité de Deloitte
Luxembourg à évaluer correctement les besoins et à intégrer le retour d'expérience des
spécialistes des ressources humaines dans une stratégie globale de gestion du changement lui
a valu le titre de Best Change Management Firm 2015. Dernier prix mais non des moindres,
sur la base d'un projet récent consistant à aider une entreprise réputée à établir une filiale au
Luxembourg et à mettre en place une stratégie RH complète, Deloitte Luxembourg a
également été désigné Best HR Strategy Firm 2015.
« Je suis fier et très honoré que nos services de conseil en capital humain nous aient permis
de remporter trois prix en cette occasion très particulière. Ces récompenses démontrent
clairement que nous apportons à nos clients l'excellence à laquelle nous aspirons », a ajouté
Basil Sommerfeld, Partner et Business Operations Excellence and Human Capital Leader.
About Deloitte
“Deloitte” is the brand under which tens of thousands of dedicated professionals in independent firms
throughout the world collaborate to provide audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management, and
tax services to selected clients. These firms are members of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL),
a UK private company limited by guarantee. Each member firm provides services in a particular
geographic area and is subject to the laws and professional regulations of the particular country or
countries in which it operates. DTTL does not itself provide services to clients. DTTL and each DTTL
member firm are separate and distinct legal entities, which cannot obligate each other. DTTL and each
DTTL member firm are liable only for their own acts or omissions and not those of each other. Each
DTTL member firm is structured differently in accordance with national laws, regulations, customary
practice, and other factors, and may secure the provision of professional services in its territory through
subsidiaries, affiliates, and/or other entities.
About Deloitte in Luxembourg
In Luxembourg, Deloitte consists of around 90 partners and over 1,700 employees and is amongst the
leading professional service providers on the market. For over 60 years, Deloitte has delivered high
added-value services to national and international clients. Our multidisciplinary teams consist of
specialists from different sectors and guarantee harmonised quality services to our clients in their field.
Deloitte General Services, société à responsabilité limitée, is an affiliate of the Luxembourg member firm
of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, one of the world’s leading networks of professional services firms.