Macro QCM Direct 5


Macro QCM Direct 5
A. that
B. which
C. who
D. whose
Session du 15 février 2014
Durée totale de l’épreuve : 40 minutes
Q 4. Gillian asked … like to go with her to the concert.
A. if I would
B. to me to
C. would I
D. might I to
Lisez attentivement le questionnaire et en l’utilisant comme brouillon,
marquez les réponses justes. Reportez les réponses justes sur la fiche
de réponses. Ne vous arrêtez pas sur les questions auxquelles vous ne
savez pas répondre rapidement.
Rendez obligatoirement le questionnaire et la fiche de réponses.
Q 5. Today … large number of people recycle glass.
Comment remplir la fiche de réponses :
Remplissez en majuscules d'imprimerie (A, B, C) à l’intérieur des cases
des champs Nom, Prénom, Date de naissance, N°, sur la fiche de réponses
selon les données de votre convocation, puis répondez aux questions en
portant une croix au stylo feutre noir à l'intérieur des cases correspondant
aux réponses justes. Exemple : si D est la réponse juste de la question 4 :
Q4 A  B  C 
En dehors de ces indications et coches, la fiche de réponses ne doit
comporter aucune annotation, tâche, graffiti.
Pour corriger une case cochée par erreur il suffit de couvrir la case et son
remplissage par une couche complète de correcteur blanc. Exemple :
Q42      comme ceci
Q42     
Vous pouvez cocher une autre case :
Q42     
Vous pouvez re-cocher la case effacée ainsi :
Q42     
A. any
B. some
C. the
D. a
Q 6. You aren’t going to leave without saying goodbye, …?
A. you’re
B. are you
C. you’re not
D. aren’t you
Q 7. Isn’t it the company’s responsibility to keep us
informed … all changes?
A. with
B. for
C. about
D. to
Il ne faut pas essayer de reconstituer la case :
Notation, barème :
Chaque question comporte deux ou plusieurs réponses, une seule
réponse est juste, une seule case doit donc être cochée par question.
Une réponse juste rapporte :
4 points
Une réponse fausse quelqu’en soit la composition* coûte : -1 point
(* sauf toutes les cases cochées, voir ci-dessous)
Une absence de réponse donne :
0 point
Toutes les cases cochées à la question donne :
0 point
(c’est une possibilité d’annuler une réponse à une question)
Q 8. The Jones were burgled last night … they were
A. while
B. during
C. since
D. for
Q 9. Can you please make a request … a new assistant in
La correction est réalisée par lecture scanner vous garantissant l’anonymat de correction.
the marketing department?
A. for
B. upon
C. of
D. after
I. Grammaire : Complétez les phrases suivantes avec une
des quatre réponses proposées.
Q 1. This street is known to be … one in the village.
A. the more narrow
B. the narrowest
C. narrowest than
D. narrower than
Q 10. You really … to be careful about what you say in
Q 2. I’m changing my printer, because … print cartridges
are far too expensive!
A. it’s
B. they’re
C. its
D. their
Q 3. This jacket has been left behind; do you know … it is?
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front of the children.
A. should
B. would
C. ought
D. could
II. Compréhension de texte : Après avoir lu le texte cidessous, sélectionnez la bonne réponse pour chacune des
questions portant sur ce passage.
Lipstick, eyeliner, mascara, perfume: Jessica Assaf applied
them all, and more, before she hit 12. By her mid-teens, she
estimates, she was using 15 to 20 beauty products a day. Like
many girls, Assaf was indoctrinated into beauty culture at a
young age, with makeover-themed birthday parties as early as
kindergarten and trips to the nail salon starting in grade school.
“The coolest thing was Hard Candy nail polish with the ring on
the bottle. I really wanted that ring,” says Assaf, now 18.
“Companies do a good job of trying to attract younger girls.”
Indeed. Consider the Hannah Montana Backstage Makeover
Set for children 5 to 7 years, Barbie Makeup games, and spa
services with names like “Twinkle Toes and Fancy Fingers”
that offer manicures and facials to kids age 6 and up. Popular
hair-straightening products called “Just For Me!” feature 7year-old girls on the box. Getting your hair colored is now
practically a rite of passage in middle school.
“Five years ago, the rule of thumb was 15- to 16-year-olds
would come in for their first color. Now, that girl is 10,” Mark
Goodman, a board member of the National Cosmetology
Association (NCA), recently told the New York Times. The
trend, according to NCA spokesman Gordon Miller, represents
a “lucrative niche market” for the beauty industry.
This rush to cosmetic beauty also causes increased exposure to
toxic chemicals. Scientists now suspect that chemicals found in
many of the cosmetics for which young girls clamor contribute
to a disturbing trend. Girls in the U.S., especially African
American girls, are entering puberty earlier than their mothers
did. Half of all American girls now show signs of breast
development by age 10—one to two years earlier than 40 years
ago—and a significant number show signs as early as 8 or 9.
While the physical changes of puberty are diligently noted, the
changes that take place within the brain often go without
remark. In order to accommodate new powers of abstract
thinking and adult socialization behaviors, the brain becomes
less flexible. As that happens, it becomes harder to learn
complex skills such as playing a musical instrument, speaking a
foreign language, or mastering a sport.
“Girls now have, on average, a year and a half less to learn
these things,” says biologist Sandra Steingraber, who has
published extensive work on environmental links to cancer and
reproductive health. “Over the course of just a few decades, the
childhoods of U.S. girls have been significantly shortened. This
has huge implications.”
Q 13. The number of cosmetics used by the young Assaf
on a daily basis amounted to:
A. over twenty
B. around fifty
C. more than fifteen
D. approximately twelve
Q 14. The text says that, for middle-school aged American
kids, getting their hair dyed is more or less:
A. a sign of extreme rebellion
B. an initiatory experience
C. encouraged by trendy parents
D. frowned upon by teachers
Q 15. Mark Goodman says that, a few years ago, getting
one’s hair dyed for the first time at age 15 or 16 was:
A. a conservative estimate
B. an unreliable figure
C. a relatively standard age
D. a very unusual time
Q 16. Which of the following is not cited in the text as
contributing to the popularity of makeup among girls?
A. including jewellery with cosmetic products
B. using pictures of young girls on makeup packaging
C. having makeup activities at birthday celebrations
D. hosting events involving makeup artists at schools
Q 17. According to the text, one of the side effects of
premature cosmetics use is:
A. an increase in underage pregnancies
B. contact with poisonous substances
C. a significant rise in the cognitive process
D. retarded physical development
Q 18. One of the consequences of growing up that is cited
in this text is:
A. less adaptability of the brain
B. more difficulty in integrating abstract ideas
C. reduced social interactions
D. more ease in learning new languages
Q 19. Sandra Steingraber believes that girls growing up
today have:
A. less motivation to excel in learning
B. less time to acquire certain abilities
C. a shorter overall life expectancy
D. less support in developing body image
Q 11. Jessica Assaf began wearing makeup:
A. starting on her twelfth birthday
B. when she was fifteen
C. late in her adolescence
D. prior to her teens
Q 20. The text concludes that, compared to previous
Q 12. Gordon Miller believes that cosmetic manufacturers:
A. are cashing in on youngsters
B. are using less toxic products
C. are encouraging adult marketing
D. are discouraging children friendly products
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generations, American girls:
A. are more interested in external appearance
B. are less encouraged to succeed in school
C. take longer to assimilate information
D. reach puberty at a younger age
Vocabulaire : Sélectionnez la proposition dont le sens
est le plus proche du terme souligné.
Q 29. Congratulations!
Your presentation definitely stood
out from all the others.
A. was lengthy
B. was distinctive
C. was technical
D. was controversial
Q 21. Please don’t leap to false conclusions!
A. boost
B. mark
C. shout
D. jump
Q 30. We feel somewhat let down by the lack of support.
A. disappointed
B. resentful
C. decreased
D. released
Q 22. You look incredibly upset: are you ok?
A. tired
B. broken
C. troubled
D. lonely
Q 23. Be mindful of the sharp bend at the end of this road.
A. curve
B. overpass
C. kerb
D. sign
IV. Conjugaison : Sélectionnez la réponse correcte.
Q 31. I … my mother once a week just to check up on her.
A. telephone
B. telephones
C. am telephoning
D. to telephone
Q 24. That house on the hill has been deserted for many
A. disturbed
B. unoccupied
C. dismantled
D. uninvolved
Q 32. Do you think that I should … his advice?
A. to take
B. taking
C. take
D. taken
Q 25. I’m pleased to announce that we have already
reached this year’s target.
A. handed
B. attained
C. received
D. extended
Q 33. This time last year, we … our skiing holiday.
Q 26. Do you think it’d be useful to mention my first job at
the interview?
A. optimistic
B. selfish
C. beneficial
D. sly
Q 34. I didn’t look surprised when Jill announced her
discovery because I … about it for some time already.
A. knew
B. had known
C. was knowing
D. had been knowing
Q 27. After in-depth examination of all applications, we
Q 35. If you … home before midnight, please give me a
have finally selected a shortlist of candidates.
A. close
B. secret
C. hasty
D. resolute
Q 28. He was warned that another blunder would lead to
instant dismissal.
A. attack
B. falsehood
C. defeat
D. mistake
A. are planning
B. have planned
C. would plan
D. were planning
quick call to let me know how things went.
A. got
B. get
C. will get
D. have gotten
Q 36. The last time we … at this game was in 2007!
A. wont
B. wan
C. winned
D. won
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Q 37. I was annoyed at not … to see the screen properly.
A. being able
B. to be able
C. am able
D. have been able
Q 38. I’ve been strongly advised … a second opinion before
signing the agreement.
A. to be obtaining
B. obtaining
C. to obtain
D. obtain
Q 39. If I … you, I’d think twice before giving him your keys!
A. am
B. was
C. should be
D. were
Q 40. The new firm’s letterhead … by Ingrid, but Nate had
to do it instead, since Ingrid’s still out of the country.
A. has to be designed
B. were designed
C. was to be designed
D. was designed
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