The Compound - Dirty Maid Adventures


The Compound - Dirty Maid Adventures
The Compound
by Claire Thompson
Claire Thompson really does write some of the most delicous BDSM around and The Compound is absolutely no
This is the story of Alexis, wannabe submissive, who’s really never been able to get herself fully into the right
mindset to allow herself to ‘fly’ in the moment. Her current dom suggests that she tries The Compound, a total
immersion BDSM training centre. Alexis applies and gets accepted and is given to Master John, a stern,
uncompromising dom who attempts to tear down her self-imposed walls of resistance.
It was never going to be easy – even though she respects Master John, she has no emotional connection to him
and it’s exactly that which Alexis is going to need to allow her to fully unleash the submissive within. Alexis knows
who can do this – another trainer, Master Paul has caught her eye and she begins to develop strong feelings for
him, especially when he becomes involved in her training.
This is absolutely typical Claire Thompson with scene after scene of strong BDSM which has become her hallmark
and is certainly not for the faint hearted. Absolutely everything here is consensual although Alexis is going to find
her limits pushed frequently pushed to the extreme. Ultimately this is a love story and it’s deeply satisfying as we
watch Alexis lust after Master Paul from afar not knowing how he feels about her and feeling self-conscious at her
lack of grace and desperate to become the submissive he would be proud of.
I know that this is all just fantasy but this is fiction and I really do just enjoy the fantasy and Claire Thompson has
definitely become one of my favourite D/s authors.
3.5 stars BDSM romance
For more reviews, please visit Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews or visit us on Facebook.
For more reviews, please visit Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews or visit us on Facebook.
|I am pleased to report that this book pulled me out of my pout over Submission in Paradise (my review here).
Although entirely consensual Alexis' training in The Compound included lots of limit pushing, and plenty of that
Claire Thompson signature BDSM which is so enjoyable. I particularly appreciated the comparison between John's
and Paul's training techniques. Without creating a pantomime villain out of John, the story illustrates that what
works for one person or even many people) doesn't always work for everyone.
It really is a lovely combination of romance and BDSM on the slightly harsher side. A complete fantasy all around,
but a very entertaining one at that.|Bondage! BDSM! The Beatles! And, no, that last one's not a typo. In this joint
review of The Compound, Michael and I get a bit rock 'n' roll. (I know, I know, I know. Just go with it.)
*Proceed with caution: spoilers ahoy-hoy
Completely confused by the presence of the Fab Four in this review? Don’t worry, all will become clear as mud, I
Take a sub who can’t let go (Alexis) and send her to a strict BDSM bootcamp, one that specialises in whipping
bottoms into shape (pun intended):
Give her a trainer, John (not the hero), who’s hell-bent on getting results, dammit!:
Throw in John’s colleague, Paul, who’s busy writing a very catchy song called Hey Jude. Wait. No, sorry, wrong Paul
(I think). Throw in John’s colleague, Paul, who sees Alexis and develops a thing for her:
Get Alexis to lust after Paul but spend 80-90% of the book being put through a whole load of unsatisfying pain
play by big bad John:
Let Paul and Alexis shag in the final few pages (note the man wearing handcuffs at 0:19 seconds in this video!
Bondage! Beatles! BDSM!):
This one started out with such a hiss and roar, I was expecting to be a hot sweaty mess by the time I’d finished
reading it. ‘Michael!’ I was practically shouting over email. ‘This is hot! And I’ve only read the first chapter!
Awesome choice!’ Er, yeah. As you may have guessed, those sentiments didn’t last:
@Michael Okay. Time out.
I'm about 90% of the way through now. And I'm ticked. I'm ticked off with John who, if he's the Sub Whisperer
everyone says he is, should know better. I'm ticked off that I've read most of this book and Paul is still spectating
from the sidelines. Grow a pair of ben-was, dude.
everyone says he is, should know better. I'm ticked off that I've read most of this book and Paul is still spectating
from the sidelines. Grow a pair of ben-was, dude.
The first few chapters I thought I was going to get a Roissy-style deal. Then, from the three-quarter mark, I'm
suddenly reading a Mills & Boon.
And the love at first sight? You had me at flogger? Gag. (Just to be clear, I'm talking about the reflex, not saying
that a ball gag would have had any bearing on the whole love thing.)
Lastly, the tying. Where is all that rope going? You know what I'm going to be drawing, don't you? Those bondage
scenes, trying to figure out exactly how our intrepid heroine is positioned.
Shutting up now.
You good?
Michael, at this point, raised a very interesting question:
@Jane: Were you like me, and waiting for Master George and Master Ringo to show up?
That was all the encouragement I needed to start going bananas with Beatles clips. In fact, there was so much
singing and tapping of feet going on I forgot to draw any stick figures.
In all fairness, The Compound was perfectly acceptable from a writing point-of-view but the contrast between the
heavy play and the soft love story was just too jarring for me. And I have to admit I spent a lot of time Googling
and asking various online friends about some of the breast caning scenes it contained- they seemed very severe at
times and I was left wondering about Alexis’s safety during them more than once.
Lastly (and this is just a general observation more than anything else), what is it with all the duplicate cover images
these days? They're everywhere! Seriously, erotica publishers are in sore need of more stock libraries to source
their images from ...
Alexis is a masochist. She really enjoys pain. But something is missing and she isn’t quite sure what that something
Part of the problem is that she wants more of an experience. The kind you can’t have playing in the public area of
a BDSM club with other people rubbernecking. Or at least she can’t. Part of the problem is that the only Dom she
has really clicked with is Arthur. Who is married. And while his wife is okay with him playing in public, the deal is
no going behind closed doors.
So the opportunity comes up for her to spend some time at ... The Compound (insert ominous music here and
maybe an evil laugh). For a slave training operation, it actually has kind of a resort atmosphere- while some
residents apply to attend, others are sent by someone they're already in a relationship with. No one is there
against their will. The point is to make the various 'students' better submissives/slaves/people than they were
Alexis is a bit of a problem child. Right after she arrives she spots the man of her dreams. And then gets assigned
to someone who is anything but (Jane explains the name thing in her review). And John finds her a bit of a
I don't know when the dirty suspicion came to me, but after an uncounted time of lying in a heap, I suddenly knew
another fact of the conditioning I was being put through – and the difference between my training and that of the
I don't know when the dirty suspicion came to me, but after an uncounted time of lying in a heap, I suddenly knew
another fact of the conditioning I was being put through – and the difference between my training and that of the
others. All the hints and unexplained happenings ... The bastards were building a link between pain and sexual
arousal and satisfaction.
If that quote sounds odd for this story, that is because I borrowed it from Mind Guest by Sharon Green. The way
John describes what he wants to do with Alexis at one point brought this to mind. But the funny thing is it doesn’t
work. What Alexis needs is something that John and Paul (and George and Ringo) once explained:
Please note that this review was originally published on|Avis de Callixta
Claire Thompson est une grande spécialiste de la romance bdsm dans sa version plutôt extrême. Si vous voulez
comprendre le plaisir/douleur, les relations entre dominants/dominés, la pratique de la soumission toute la
journée en dehors des relations sexuelles, vous pouvez vous plonger dans son œuvre, car elle est très claire et
plutôt douée avec ce monde.
Mais il est clair que dans ce livre, elle manque son objectif. Pourtant le résumé est attractif. Alexis est une jeune
femme et comme souvent avec cette auteure, elle est active, exerce une profession à responsabilité mais elle
approche des trente ans et pratique depuis longtemps les relations sexuelles bdsm. Mais elle a l’impression que
son partenaire et elle sont arrivés à la fin de ce qu’ils pouvaient explorer. Avide de trouver ses limites, elle va, sur
les conseils de son partenaire, s’offrir un mois de retraite dans un lieu spécialement conçu pour les gens comme
elle. Là voilà partie pour quatre semaines de dressage, d’éducation à la soumission surtout pour trouver ce
moment si délicat où la douleur n’en est plus une et où on bascule dans une autre dimension. Les règles sont
strictes et elle doit obéir à un maître, John. Mais dès sa première soirée, elle repère un autre maître, Paul, qui
l’attire particulièrement.
On s’attend alors à une relation interdite, cachée ou à un changement de maître. En fait, nous allons suivre Alexis
dans chaque scène, brûlantes, complexes et acrobatiques où elle apprend la soumission, l’obéissance totale,
l’abandon du contrôle. Tout cela a un aspect fascinant, il faut bien le reconnaître et mérité de comprendre un peu
mieux à quoi rime ces jeux qui semblent si loin du plaisir. Les scènes s’enchainent de plus en plus complexes,
nécessitant liens, outils, jouets divers. Le problème est que Claire Thompson ne sait alors que faire d’une histoire
amoureuse qui se lie entre son héroïne et un autre personnage masculin.
Paul restera toujours comme un personnage secondaire, assez éloigné du lieu de l’action, rarement présent sauf
dans quelques moments clés où sa compréhension de la jeune femme frappe et fait se demander pourquoi il n’a
pas eu un rôle plus important. Pour un dominant, il est très en retrait, très obéissant et ne prend jamais
l’ascendant. Cela rend aussi la conclusion peu crédible. Difficile de croire qu’Alexis soit fascinée par un homme
qu’elle ne voit presque jamais et dans une relation qui tranche soudain avec leur monde commun de la bdsm.
Il semblerait que Claire Thompson n’ait pas su choisir entre deux genres : un roman érotique basé sur les
expériences de soumission de l’héroïne et une romance érotique. Le roman se lit et touchera sans doute les
personnes fascinées par ce monde mais les amateurs de romance seront déçus.|First of all let me just say that its
very obvious the author has done a ton of research on BDSM. If that subject bothers you at all then I wouldn't
suggest this book to you.
Her world in this story is so real, intense, and so life like that I was wondering if there isn't actually someplace
called The Compound for a BDSM training facility. With that being said the characters are so real and well thought
out that I actually felt for them. I felt Alexis's every jolt of pain or whimper of pleasure as it was being done
because it was so detailed and thought out. When Alexis can't bring herself to let go completely she goes to The
Compound to explore further. There she is given to a powerful Dom, Master John who tries to break down her
walls and make her let go and learn to "fly"
Through all the trials Master John puts her through Alexis manages to fail almost every single one of them. She
has no self control and yet won't give her control up 100%. It is explained in the book what actually needs to
Through all the trials Master John puts her through Alexis manages to fail almost every single one of them. She
has no self control and yet won't give her control up 100%. It is explained in the book what actually needs to
happen and yet... she can't do it. Until Master Paul comes into the picture. There is an instant connection with
them and every time Alexis is around him the training seems easier and the pain is lessened. It's as if Master Paul
is her stronghold, her rock...She draws power from him in several of her sessions and is able to complete them
with his "help".
It becomes obvious that he is the one she needs but that can never happen so she runs... when she runs he does
find her in a barn. It's raining outside and they need body heat to stay warm... but even though it's raining, for the
first time ever, in the rain, in a barn... Alexis flies.... and you just have to read it yourself to see what happens next! I
can't spoil it! All I can say is this is one of the best BDSM books I've ever read. I'm so impressed and happy with it.
You need to go get a copy of the book now! I happily give this book five incredible stars

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