Weather - School District #42


Weather - School District #42
Weather 1. Lets learn about weather - go to ,
go to topics, world, world - weather, -run through the lessons,
then the games and lastly the test 2. Go to and listen to the
weather words then go to
bulary/1186/ to play games to test your knowledge of those weather words 3. To learn about the days and months watch then watch go to and practice what you have
learned in the games. 4. To learn about seasons – watch 5. Now we need to learn to talk about the weather – watch the video­‐c Et maintenant ….. la météo Your task this term is to use Garageband to create a weather forecast podcast-­‐ in French -­‐ In your podcast you need to demonstrate that you know how to say – The weather words The days of the week The seasons The months of the year Some clothing appropriate for each season and type of weather. Remember to share the work if you decide to do this with a partner. Create musical interludes to keep people entertained. Here are some good websites to use to see what the weather will be like­‐35_metric_e.html
ritish-­‐columbia/maple-­‐ridge Here is a sample script for your first week. Each week you should update us on the predicted weather and what it is like on that day. English
Welcome to our first episode of “ And
now the weather at Kanaka Creek”
– Hello everyone , My name is _________
Hello , My name is _________________
We are going to present the weather
And now the weather for today the
12th of May in spring
Today in Maple Ridge , it is hot, the
temperature is 23 degrees celcius
Its cloudy.
There is a light southwest wind.
You could wear shorts today.
On Monday, the weather will be
sunny with a high of 24
Tuesday will be rainy with clouds
Bienvenue pour un nouvel épisode
de - Et maintenant le météo a
Kanaka Creek
Bonjour tout la monde. Je suis _____________
Bonjour. Je m’appelle _________________
Nous allons présente le météo
Et maintenant, le météo pour Aujourd’hui 12 Mai en printemps
Aujourd’hui a Maple Ridge, ii fait chaud, .la température et de 23 degrés Celsius.
C’est nuageux. Il y a un vent léger du sud –est. Il faux porter un short. Lundi Il va faire beau avec un maximum de 24 Mardi Il va pleut avec des nuages Wednesday will be sunny with cloudy
Mercredi Il va faire du soleil avec des Thursday will be windy with a low of 3
Jeudi Il va faire du vent avec un nuages minimum de 3 Friday will be clear and cold
Saturday will be__________
Vendredi Il va faire clair et froid Samedi Il va faire _____ Sunday will be _____________
Dimanche Il va faire _____ That has been the weather for today
the 12th of May.
C’était la météo pour aujourd’hui 12 Mai. Welcome to our second episode of “
Bienvenue pour la deuxieme épisode
And now the weather at Kanaka Creek” de - Et maintenant le météo a Kanaka
Creek And now the weather for today the _ of
Et maintenant, le météo pour _____ Aujourd’hui _____________ Describe the weather today and predict the weather you might see each day this week Tell people what to wear today Il faut porter _________ End this episode by saying This has been the weather for today the day and month