Webpage : http://www- irma.u


Webpage : http://www- irma.u
Personal data
Full name : David Robert Sydney JAROSSAY
Year of birth : 1989
Nationality : French
Current position : post-doctoral researcher at Université de Strasbourg
Oce : P-420
Phone : +33 3 68 85 00 79
e-mail : [email protected]
Webpage : http://www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/~jarossay/
2.1. 2015 - 2017 : post-doctoral
Supported by Labex IRMIA
Directed by Benjamin Enriquez
researcher at Université de Strasbourg.
2.2. 2012 - 2015 : PhD student at Université Paris Diderot.
PhD thesis entitled Multizêtas p-adiques et multizêtas nis, defended on the 31st of August 2015
Supported by ERC grant n◦ 257638 : "Periods in algebraic geometry and physics"
Directed from september of 2014 to august of 2015 by Pierre Cartier ; started under the direction of Francis Brown
2008 - 2012 : Élève at Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris.
2.3.1. 2011-2012.
Courses of 2nd year of Master at Université Pierre et Marie Curie and Université Paris Diderot
Short mémoire of end of studies at ENS entitled Espaces principaux homogènes localement triviaux directed by Philippe Gille
2.3.2. 2010-2011.
2nd year of Master "Mathématiques Fondamentales" at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (graduated with "mention très bien").
Main theme of the courses : algebraic geometry
Mémoire of master entitled Espaces principaux homogènes localement triviaux directed by Philippe Gille
2.3.3. 2009-2010.
Agrégation externe de mathématiques, rank 46
Courses at ENS and at Université d'Orsay
Participation to a workshop at ENS entitled "Galois groups and fundamental groups "
2.3.4. 2008-2009.
1st year of master of mathematics at ENS (graduated with "mention très bien")
3rd year of "licence" of mathematics at ENS (graduated with "mention très bien")
3rd year of "licence" of physics at ENS (graduated with "mention très bien")
Mémoire of rst year at ENS entitled Modèle p-spin sur des hypergraphes aléatoires : des systèmes vitreux aux ensembles
aléatoires d'équations linéaires booléennes directed by Marc Lelarge and Guilhem Semerjian
: 2016, november, 11.
Research activity
3.1. Theme.
My research is about the pro-unipotent fundamental groupoid of algebraic varieties, and its application to periods.
Research papers.
3.2.1. First project : an explicit theory of the crystalline pro-unipotent fundamental groupoid of P1 − {0, µN , ∞}.
I - Explicit computation of the Frobenius
• I-1 - Direct solution to the equation of horizontality
• I-2 - Indirect solution to the equation of horizontality
• I-3 - The number of iterations of Frobenius viewed as a variable
II - Algebraic relations of p-adic multiple zeta values
• II-1 - Standard algebraic relations of prime weighted multiple harmonic sums and adjoint multiple zeta values (outdated
• II-2 - From algebraic relations of weighted multiple harmonic sums to those of adjoint p-adic multiple zeta values (outdated
• II-3 - Sequences of multiple harmonic sums viewed as periods
3.2.2. Second project : on Drinfeld associators and the depth ltration.
Depth reductions for associators
3.3. Expository paper.
An explicit theory of the crystalline pro-unipotent fundamental groupoid of P1 − {0, 1, ∞} : summary of parts I and II
3.4. Notes published during my PhD.
• Double mélange des multizêtas nis et multizêtas symétrisés, Comptes rendus - Mathématique 352 (2014) pp.767-771. (announcement of a part of the papers "II-1" and "Depth reductions for associators" above)
• Un cadre explicite pour les polylogarithmes multiples p-adiques et les multizêtas p-adiques, Comptes-rendus - Mathématique
353 (2015) pp.871-876. (announcement of part of the paper "I-1" above)
• Une notion de multizêtas nis associée au Frobenius du groupe fondamental de P1 −{0, 1, ∞}, Comptes rendus - Mathématique
353 (2015) pp.877-882. (announcement of part of the paper "I-2" above)
4.1. Talks in conferences.
• 2016, august, 29 - GRT, MZVs and associators, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, august 23-30
• 2016, july, 13 - Various aspects of multiple zeta values, RIMS, Kyoto, Japan, july 11-15
• 2015, may, 11 - Combinatorics and Arithmetics for Physics : special days, IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France, may 11-12
• 2014 july, 10 - Periods and Motives, Feynman amplitudes in the 21st century, Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School,
ICMAT, Madrid, june 30 - july 25
• 2014, june, 17 - Structures dans la théorie quantique des champs locale, Ecole de Physique des Houches, Les Houches, France
june 9-20
4.2. Talks in seminars.
• 2016, october, 24 - Séminaire quantique, IRMA, Université de Strasbourg, France
• 2015, june, 26 - Séminaire Bourbakettes, Université Paris Diderot, France
• 2015, june, 22 - Séminaire quantique, IRMA, Université de Strasbourg, France
• 2015, june, 4 - Séminaire doctorant, IMJ-PRG, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
• 2015, may, 15 - Séminaire doctorant, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
• 2015, april, 21 - Séminaire de combinatoire et théorie des nombres, ICJ, Lyon, France
• 2015, april, 15 - Séminaire de théorie des groupes, LAMFA, Université d'Amiens, France
• 2015, february, 6 - Groupe de travail GAAO, Université de Clermont-Ferrand, France
Other conferences attended and visits
5.1. Conferences attended without giving talks.
• 2015, august, 20-29 - GRT, MZVs and associators, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
• 2014, october 13-17 - Tresses et Arithmétique, Colloque, CIRM, Luminy, France
• 2013, september, 2-6 - Motivic Galois Groups, Summer school and conference, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest, Hungary
• 2013, april, 8-12 - Grothendieck-Teichmüller Theory and Multiple Zeta Values, in 'Grothendieck-Teichmüller Groups, Deformation and Operads', 3rd of January to 26th of April, Isaac Newton institute, Cambridge, United Kindgom
• 2013, march, 18-22 - Feynman Graphs and Motives, Spring school, Bingen, Germany
• 2012, july, 2-6 - Periods and Motives - A Modern Perspective on Renormalization, Workshop, ICMAT, Madrid, Spain
• 2012, june, 14-16 - Polylogarithmes en algèbre et en topologie, Séminaire Méditerranéen d'Algèbre et Topologie, Université
de Nice, France
• 2011, august 29 to september 9 - Schémas en groupes : une introduction au séminaire SGA3 de Demazure-Grothendieck,
Summer School, CIRM, Luminy, France
5.2. Visits.
• 2016, june-july : Nagoya University, Japan
• 2015, march : Université de Strasbourg, France
• 2013, april-may : ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Referee work
I have refereed one paper for a research journal.
Teaching experience
7.1. During my PhD. From 2012 to 2015, I was "moniteur" (teaching assistant) at Université Paris Diderot
2014-2015 : course of 1st year of "licence" entitled Algèbre et analyse élémentaires II
2012-2014 : course of 2nd year of "licence" entitled Algèbre et analyse fondamentales II
I have given various private lessons, mostly of mathematics, but also of other subjects.
Classical music (playing the piano, writing music, listening to music, going to concerts)
Running and swimming

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