Télécharger le répertoire des consignes de base


Télécharger le répertoire des consignes de base
Les trois colonnes de ce document correspondent à une progression en termes de complexité, la première
colonne recensant des consignes simples de base.
Dans la cour, le couloir
Hello, good morning/afternoon
How are you ?
Hurry up.
Be quiet, please.
Are you all right ?
Line up, please
Rangez-vous SVP
Your coat, please.
Your cap, please.
Come in.
Let’s go in.
Take off your coat.
Enlève ton manteau.
Remove your cap.
Retire ta casquette.
Come in and sit down quietly please.
En classe
Hello, good morning/afternoon
How are you ?
Sit down
Sit down quietly.
What is the day, today?
Is it sunny/rainy/cloudy?
Any absent today?
What is the date, today?
What is the weather like, today?
How many girls/boys?
Who is going to the canteen today?
Settle down.
Installez-vous calmement.
And tomorrow? And yesterday?
Who is having lunch at school today?
Pendant la séance
Ready? Are you ready?
Wake up!
Listen/ Look.
Show/show me
Draw/ write/read
Point to – touch
Circle / colour/tick coche(z)
Cut/stick/ glue
Listen / look carefully!
Cut/stick/glue the paper
Put in order.
Match. Associe(z)
Put in the right order.
Match the pictures
Repeat, please!
Come here.
Repeat after me!
All together! Tous ensemble!
It’s your turn. C’est à toi. A ton tour
Take/open/close your copy book
Your hand, please!
Speak up! Parle plus fort
Louder, please!
Not so loud!
No French
Put your hand up!
Put up your hand!
Speak louder, please.
In English, please
stick/glue the paper in your copy
Join the dots Relie(z) les points
Come to the board, please.
Can you repeat, please!
Raise your hand!
Can you speak louder, please?
Say it in English, please!
Try to speak English, please.
Get in pairs/groups Mettez-vous par
deux/ en groupe
Get in line Mettez-vous en
Groupe départemental Langues Vivantes 2014-2015
Stand up.
Stop it.
Sit up properly.
Try again.
Help, please.
Who can help him/her?
Good / great / excellent
Can you help?
Make a sentence. Fais une phrase.
Well done ! That’s right.
Are you sure ?
Almost right.
Brilliant ! Lovely ! Terrific ! Super !
Not quite right.
Instructions de jeux
Close / open your eyes
What’s missing ? Qu’est-ce qui
manque ?
How many points ?
Guess my ….
Count the points.
Let’s check .Vérifions
Let’s count the points.
Choose a colour/an animal/a card
Pick a card. Pioche
Shuffle the cards. Mélange les cartes
Deal the cards. Distribue les cartes
Throw the dice. Lance le dé.
Miss a turn. Passe un tour.
Time’s up ! C’est fini
Tidy up. Rangez
Clôturer la séance
That’s all for today !
English time is over.
Put your copy book away!
Groupe départemental Langues Vivantes 2014-2015

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