Crodarom Papyrus - In


Crodarom Papyrus - In
Crodarom Papyrus
Art. N° NA22325
The evergreen reed
Think green! Think regeneration!
Ancient Egypt
Couleur de vie, fondamentalement positif, vivifiant et frais, le vert se réfère à la
nature, sa croissance et son renouvellement constant. Create a unique concept
based on the Papyrus, an evergreen fresh-water reed from Ancient Egypt.
The symbol of Egypt
Apparue au commencement des temps et ne poussant que dans le Nil sacré,
Cyperus Papyrus était représenté sur les temples pharaons, signifiant la
renaissance et la régénération du monde.
Egyptian Goddesses used to hold a sceptre represented by a green papyrus, also
called “Million year’s old stem”, symbol of eternal youth and vigor.
Fresh face tonic
Sun spray
Men care
Hair mask
Traditional uses
Egyptians used this plant for many purposes, but most famously for making
papyrus paper, invented almost 5000 years ago.
Etymologically, the word comes from latin papyrus, taken to ancient egyptian
per-peraâ meaning “flower of king”. In Pharaonics Empires, papyrus paper was
the support for preserving message and knowledge over centuries, confering
immortality to Pharaohs.
In ethnobotany, Cyperus Papyrus was used as a tonique for digestive system, to
reduce infections and to soothe pains.
The genuine Egyptian Papyrus