English/French Translation: Quiz 1 PAR


English/French Translation: Quiz 1 PAR
Name: ______Vasey___________
Date: ________________________
CNE: ________________________
English/French Translation: Quiz 1
PART 1: Short Answer Questions (10 points)
General: -.2 pt. for general incorrect grammar/translation/spelling
Directions: Answer each question as instructed in the most concise manner possible.
1. The French passé composé is usually translated into which 2 English tenses? 2 pts
Simple present, present perfect (1 pt. each)
2. Give 3 examples of faux amis in French with their correct English translations. 1.5 pts
Many possible (.5 pts. Each)
3. In the following sentence, identify the main (independent) clause and the
subordinate (dependent) clause. Please rewrite each clause in the space provided.
2 pts
Lorsque Fatima et Said rentreront, ils passeront quelques jours à Agadir.
Main Clause: Ils passeront quelques jours à Agadir (1 pt.)
Subordinate Clause: Lorsque Fatima et Said rentreront (1 pt.)
4. What is the most common type of noun that is usually accompanied by the definite
article in French but by no article in English? 1.5 pts
Abstraction or generalization
5. What form of the past tense in French can sometimes be translated by the English
present conditional or with the English expression “used to?” 1 pt
6. Circle the 1 underlined word/phrase in the following English translation that is
incorrect. 2 pts
French: Une fois que votre profil sera proposé à la publication, vous ne
pourrez plus le modifier.
English: Once your profile will be proposed for publication, you will no
longer be able to modify it.
Part II: Translation (10 points)
Directions: Translate the following sentences/paragraph into English as directly as possible
while also making their meaning clear to the Anglophone reader.
NOTE: Remember that correctly applying the concepts discussed in class is more important
than knowing every word. Use the glossary provided, and try to think of cognates when
1. Dès que je terminerai mes études à la FPO, je commencerai à étudier la danse. 2 pts
As soon as I finish/have finished my studies at the FPO, I will start to study dance. (1
pt. tenses, 1 pt. article)
2. Quand il était petit, Mustapha restait chez lui tous les dimanches. 2 pts
When he was little, Mustapha stayed/would stay/used to stay home every Sunday. (1
pt. tenses, 1 pt. false cognate)
3. Nous travaillerons jusqu’à ce que nous obtenions la victoire. 2 pts
We will work until we achieve/attain victory (1 pt. tenses, 1 pt. article)
4. Un jour d'hiver, alors que la forêt était recouverte d'un beau manteau blanc, l'hermine
se promenait pendant que ses amis dormaient en attendant le retour du printemps. 4
One winter day, while the forest was covered in a beautiful white blanket, the
ermine/stoat took a walk/was taking a walk while his friends slept/were sleeping
(while) awaiting/waiting for the return of spring. (1 pt. false cognate, 1 pt. articles, 2
pts. tenses)
Glossary – These translations are specific to the context in which they are used on this quiz.
terminer – to finish
obtenir – to attain; to achieve (in this context specifically)
hiver – winter
recouvert – covered
manteau – blanket
une hermine – a stoat; an ermine
se promener – to take a walk; to stroll
printemps - spring