3. Leseprobe - STARK Verlag


3. Leseprobe - STARK Verlag
Klassenarbeit 1
Schwerpunkte: Dictation, vocabulary, translation, composition
45 minutes
I Dictation
Listen to the text twice and write it down.
(139 words)
(20 pts.)
II Vocabulary
A Opposites
Find the opposites.
1. an (easy) task: a _________________________ task
2. the (wrong) (question): the ___________________ ___________________
3. a (bad) man: a _________________________ man
4. to (start) the exam: to _________________________ the exam
(5 pts.)
B What time is it?
Write down the time as we say it.
(6 pts.)
It’s half past three
III Translation
Translate the following sentences.
1. Jerry und Tom müssen heute den schmutzigen Küchenboden
2. Jeden Nachmittag fährt Frau Creed in die Stadt.
3. Die Tür ist nicht zu!
(20 pts.)
4. Die kleine, schwarze Katze klettert durch das offene Fenster.
5. Maria sucht sich etwas zu essen.
IV Composition
Look at this picture of Peter’s house and garden. Write at least 6
sentences. Answer these questions: Where is the house? Is there a garden?
What is Peter’s bedroom like? What else can you see inside the house?
(18 pts.)
I Dictation
 Hinweise: Einige Wörter in diesem Diktat sind vielleicht neu oder schwierig für
 dich: „pullovers, trousers, clothes, dirty“. Wenn du diese Wörter falsch geschrieben
 hast, schreibe sie jetzt in dein Vokabelheft und lerne sie auswendig.
The school uniform
In Peter’s class at Highfield High School there are twenty-five children. Each child
must wear a uniform in the school colours. The boys’ pullovers must be green. They
must wear grey trousers in school. The girls wear white blouses, green pullovers and
their skirts must be grey. It is Thursday morning just before assembly and Peter and
his friend Mary are waiting in the playground for school to start. Mary is wearing an
old skirt because her new skirt is in the wash. Peter’s shoes are dirty.
Peter likes his uniform but Mary doesn’t. She thinks the uniform is boring and wants
to wear her own clothes. Most of the girls like their own clothes best of all. During
the holidays they can wear jeans, short skirts and dresses. That’s much better and
feels nicer as well.
II Vocabulary
A Opposites
1. an (easy) task: a difficult / hard task
2. the (wrong) (question): the right answer
3. a (bad)man: a good man
4. to (start) the exam: to finish the exam
What time is it?
It is half past one.
It is quarter past two. / It is fifteen minutes past two.
It is twenty (minutes) past seven.
It is five (minutes) to ten.
It is ten (minutes) to twelve.
It is noon /midday /twelve o’clock.

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