example - VERITAS Verlags


example - VERITAS Verlags
2. Theoretische Grundlagen
ßß Report on household tasks in British
Minutes per person per day
Division of household tasks: by gender, Great Britain
house ­tidying
washing up
Care of own
Clothes, waMaintenance
children and
shing, ironing,
odd jobs
Data from: Office for National Statistics on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office
subject line
To: Mr. Hubert
From: Melanie Talent
Date: 31.01.20 . .
Subject: A
nalysis of household tasks done by men and women in Great Britain.
Einleitung: was?/
warum?/ für wen?
Hauptpunkt wird
optional – abhängig vom Zweck des
Schluss: orientiert
sich an der Angabe
The chart above provides an overview of the average amount of time British
men and women use for domestic tasks. In general, it can be seen that women spend four hours on household tasks, while men only spend approximately two and a half hours.
Household tasks performed by women and men
According to the chart, women are more likely to perform tasks connected to
cooking, cleaning, washing and childcare. In comparison, women spend
about 74 minutes on cooking, baking and washing up, while men only spend
30 minutes in doing these tasks. In addition, women use 58 minutes a day for
tasks such as cleaning and house tidying, whereas men devote just 13 minutes to these activities. However, there are a few areas where men are more
active than women, i. e. gardening, pet care and maintenance jobs around the
house. The statistics say that men spend 49,5 minutes a day on gardening and
pet care, while women spend only 21 minutes in doing these tasks.
To achieve a balance, it is recommended to initiate measures concerning equal
distribution of household chores. This can be achieved through an extensive
advertising campaign including television, radio and newspapers.
All in all, the chart above underlines the fact that routine domestic duties are
primarily taken care of by women, while men prefer tasks like gardening,
house maintenance and pet care. (241words)
1 Report:
formale, neutrale
niemals: can’t, don’t
niemals: you, I, we
Überschrift, die
den Inhalt des Absatzes erklärt
Fakten: knapp
und prägnant
Zweck: Zusammenfassung
2 Chart Analysis:
ßß What are the findings of the report?
ßß What are the main results of the chart?
ßß Underline the words that describe the
findings of the chart.
ßß Conclude, what is the central outcome
of this analysis?
ßß Underline the linking devices.
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2. Theoretische Grundlagen
2.3.9 Blog
Ein Blog informiert über Themen, gibt Meinungen wieder und beschreibt Sachverhalte. Es gibt unterschiedliche Arten von Blogs. Einen Blog, den man führt,
um über die Dinge zu berichten, die einen persönlich interessieren oder einen
Firmenblog, der Informationen und wichtige Neuerungen an Kunden weitergibt. Die Blog-Einträge sind oft in der Ich-Form geschrieben.
ßß Informationen, Tipps und Meinungen mit anderen zu teilen. Die Leserin/der
Leser wird aufgefordert zu antworten.
Abhängig von der Aufgabenstellung kann die Zielgruppe, z.B. Leser/in einer
Zeitschrift, Schüler/in Lehrer/in oder Kunde/Kundin sein.
Titel: soll die Aufmerksamkeit der Leserin/des Lesers auf sich ziehen
Einleitung: 1. Absatz = wichtigste Aussage
Hauptteil: Details – Interesse für das Thema wecken
Schluss: Appell
Checklist für das richtige Verfassen von Blogs
rr Was ist das Thema des Blogs? Sammeln Sie die wichtigsten Punkte.
rr Der Blog-Eintrag soll Informationen, Tipps und eine eigene Meinung widerspiegeln.
rr Titel: Überlegen Sie sich eine „catchy headline“, die das Interesse der Leserin/des Lesers
rr Einleitung: Beginnen Sie mit der wichtigsten Information im 1. Absatz. Formulieren Sie die
ersten Sätze so, dass die Leserin/der Leser weiterlesen will.
rr Hauptteil: Fügen Sie Details hinzu und ergänzen Sie Fakten anhand von Beispielen.
rr Schluss: Fordern Sie die Leserschaft auf Ihnen zu antworten.
rr Strukturieren Sie den Text.
rr Check: Rechtschreibung, korrekte grammatikalische Strukturen, Wortwahl.
rr Achten Sie auf das Layout des Texts.
rr Passen Sie den Schreibstil an die Aufgabenstellung an.
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25.03.14 11:14
2. Theoretische Grundlagen
ßß A travel blog post.
Travel Blog – Traveller or pilgrim
posted by Susan Hey
March 5
Einführung in
das Thema
Is travelling mere entertainment or should it broaden one’s mind? I came to
think about it when reading an article on the New York Times’ website which
was titled ‘Reclaiming Travel’. It compared modern day tourism with the mythical and ancient concept of pilgrimage. Furthermore, it announced that travelling has changed: once it was a life-changing experience which offered
redemption, but through time it turned out to become an entertaining cruise
across the ocean.
Sadly, this is a part of travelling but there is also a new trend, as a certain kind
of pilgrimage has become fashionable again through the ‘Camino de Santiago’. This can be seen as a counter movement to commercial tourism because
people are searching for meaning and want to experience a different kind of
Pilgrimage and the search for the self in foreign cultures gets promoted
through Hollywood, because the book ‘Eat, pray, love’ was turned into a major
motion picture. Since the publication of ‘I’m OFF Then: Loosing and Finding
Myself on the Camino de Santiago’ by Hape Kerkeling pilgrims have doubled.
Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Punkte
I can recommend you to get lost and find yourself somewhere in another
country, because I think it’s important to get an insight into a foreign culture.
I’ve been to India and learnt Hatha Yoga which gave me a complete new idea
about my body and mind. What do you think about it? Why not taking a year
off and finding yourself? (240 words)
Die Leserin/den
­Leser ansprechen.
Appell zu
ßß First underline linking devices. Then write down useful expressions.
ßß What does the author of the blog post recommend?
ßß Collect ideas for a reply to the post.
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2. Theoretische Grundlagen
2.3.10 Promotional Text
Ein Promotional Text (dt. Werbetext) bewirbt Firmen, Institutionen, Produkte
und Dienstleistungen.
Werbetexte sollen Leser/innen überzeugen z. B. ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung zu kaufen.
ßß abhängig von der Aufgabenstellung, z. B. Leserinnen und Leser einer Website,
Kundinnen und Kunden einer Firma
ßß Überschrift: soll das Interesse wecken
ßß Einleitung: Was wird beworben? Worum handelt es sich?
ßß Hauptteil: Warum ist das Produkt/die Dienstleistung/die Firma besonders?
Wobei hilft das Produkt/Dienstleistung/Firma?
ßß Schluss: Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Punkte, Appel zu einer Spende/
zum Kauf/Vertrauen in die Firma/Änderung der Lebensgewohnheiten
ßß Kontaktdetails
Checklist für das richtige Verfassen von Promotional Texts
rr Lesen Sie die Angabe genau und sammeln Sie Ideen.
rr Achten Sie darauf, dass die Überschrift enthält, was beworben wird.
rr Verfassen Sie den ersten Absatz so, dass er alle notwendigen Informationen enthält. Alle
weiteren Absätze sollen zusätzliche Informationen bieten.
rr Beschreiben Sie das Produkt (inkl Preis und Lieferbedingungen), die Dienstleistung (inkl
Preis), das Projekt einer Institution oder die Firma.
rr Verwenden Sie Adjektive für Beschreibungen.
rr Vermeiden Sie Negationen und Wiederholungen.
rr Verweisen Sie auf Vergünstigungen und Angebote.
rr Bei Firmenbeschreibungen geben Sie Informationen zur Gründung der Firma, ihr soziales
Engagement oder Auszeichnungen z. B. Bester Arbeitgeber 2012 an.
rr Geben Sie Informationen zur Firma, die das Produkt/die Dienstleistung anbietet – informieren Sie die Kundinnen und Kunden, Sponsorinnen und Sponsoren über die Besonderheiten
der Firma.
rr Vergessen Sie nicht die Kontaktadresse, Website der Firma.
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25.03.14 11:14
2. Theoretische Grundlagen
ßß A leaflet for an adventure travel
Experience the adventure of your lifetime
Titel soll das
­Interesse wecken
Travelling is an adventure and we plan this adventure because we have done this for
more than 10 years with the utmost thoughts and care of our customers’ health and safety. We are specialized in planning trips to unusual destinations like the African Serengeti
with its vast landscape and inspiring flora and fauna.
Immerse yourself in the adventure of exploring Africa’s Serengeti.
The Serengeti is a fascinating and spectacular region, which offers an awe-inspiring look
at the wildlife of this area. This adventure holiday starts at the Serengeti National Park
where you are eye to eye with wild animals such as lions, hippos, elephants and cheetahs.
Präsens vermittelt
direkte Ansprache
At the beginning and end of your tour, your accommodation is situated in Arusha at an
altitude of approximately 1400 meters. In this area, coffee, wheat and maize are planted
and traded, and so this city is very lively and offers an amazing view.
To ensure an unforgettable experience, Adventure Inc. offers experienced and well-trained guides who accompany and advise you during your trip, so that it is possible to enjoy
your time in the wilderness.
Another highlight is the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, where you can find one of the
oldest eco-systems. There the Great Migration takes place which is an impressive event
where all different kinds of wild creatures move south from the northern area.
Africa offers many further breathtaking must-sees like the Lake Manyara, the Massai
Mara’s land and the Rift Valley.
Africa has it all – great natural sites, wild animals and fascinating cultures. This holiday is a
dream come true and many of our customers come back to enjoy it more than once.
Included: transport by bus and car, accomodation, breakfast, lunch package and dinner.
Unbelievable but this amazing adventure trip only costs 2.300 €.
Contact us under [email protected] or call us at 1224-5677. (305 words)
ßß Underline the adjectives and adverbs.
ßß Are there any passives used?
ßß Which tenses are used in the text? What does a specific tense express?
ßß Collect ideas: You work in the marketing department and you should describe the publishing company you work for.
ßß Collect ideas: You are responsible for the website of a catering company – what services
can be offered? Use your notes to write a draft.
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2. Theoretische Grundlagen
2.3.11 E-mail: Proposal
Ein Proposal (dt. Angebot) soll bei einem Projekt für Unterstützung werben, z. B.
Unterstützung für eine Umweltkampagne. Es gibt Informationen zu einem
Projekt und beinhaltet Vorschläge, die mit Fakten belegt werden.
Ein Proposal beinhaltet Informationen zu einem Projekt, das eine Organisation,
Institution oder Firma machen möchte. Es erklärt warum das Projekt so wichtig
für die Firma ist, wie es gemacht werden soll und was das Ziel dieses Projekts ist.
ßß Abhängig von der Aufgabenstellung, z. B. ein NGO sucht eine Spenderin/einen Spender für ein Projekt oder ein Kunde/eine Kundin möchte ein Angebot
für eine neue umweltfreundliche Heizung.
ßß Ihre Adresse
ßß Datum
ßß Adresse Empfänger/in
ßß Begrüßung (Salutation)
ßß Einleitung: Zusammenfassung worum geht es? Was möchte Kunde/in?
ßß Hauptteil: Zusammenfassung des Angebots/des Projekts
ßß Schluss: Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Punkte, Appel zu einer Spende/
zum Kauf
ßß Unterschrift/Kontaktdetails
Checklist für das richtige Verfassen von Proposals
rr Lesen Sie die Angabe genau und sammeln Sie Ideen.
rr Entnehmen Sie der Angabe, wer die Empfängerin/der Empfänger ist.
rr Achten Sie darauf, was das Proposal enthalten soll.
rr Verfassen Sie den ersten Absatz so, dass er alle notwendigen Informationen enthält.
rr Beschreiben Sie das Angebot (inkl. Kosten), das Projekt (Warum ist das Projekt wichtig?).
rr Verweisen Sie auf Erfahrung und Referenzen.
rr Ist der Schreibstil der Aufgabenstellung angepasst?
rr Beachten Sie das Layout.
rr Check: Wortschatz, grammatikalisch richtige Strukturen.
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25.03.14 11:14
2. Theoretische Grundlagen
ßß Proposal for boosting tourism.
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]
Subject: Implementation of activity months to boost tourism
Date: February 7 2013
Dear Mr. Marlowe:
Thank you for the productive meeting yesterday concerning the implementation of activity months to boost High Gate’s tourism.
Tourist attraction
As pointed out yesterday, you are looking for activities to offer during the summer months
to ensure that tourists have the time of their life. Therefore, I would propose organising a
sports challenge where team and adventure sports are presented for several reasons.
First, families and adventure sports’ enthusiasts are addressed alike. Furthermore, the lake,
the nearby mountains and the many parks offer the ideal setting for it. Second, this sports
challenge would be ideal for tourists and motivate local people to take part in the challenges. In the evening, the people could celebrate their sports challenge with barbecues
and live music. Third, as a final farewell event I would suggest a big festival with a marathon where international athletes could participate in. Finally, I am sure this would encourage people to visit the scenic area because it is possible to offer various holiday packages. To involve the local hotels and sports industry, special rates and offers should be
Market Yourself solution
To ensure that we make full use of the promotional opportunities, sports equipment and
recreational areas should be maintained and adapted to the special needs of all kinds of
guests. Furthermore, a website should be created with tips and a list of upcoming events.
Kids should have the possibility to try out different activities, while adults should be able
to participate in workshops. Moreover, T-shirts, goody-bags and souvenirs could help to
promote the sports challenge. This will be a great opportunity to make High Gate a desirable destination for an unforgettable holiday. (275 words)
Mike Nimeroy
CEO Market Yourself
ßß Is it formal or informal language? Collect useful phrases and vocabulary.
ßß Collect ideas for a proposal. An NGO is looking for donors to support the new project for
homeless people. Outline the project: What is the problem? Present a solution to the problem. Encourage the donor to take part in the project. Write a draft.
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4. Praktische Beispiele
Task 2: Leaflet
The EU school authorities are thinking of introducing a new rule for foreign language learning: In
the future, every European student has to learn at least three foreign languages at school. Your
headmaster asks you to create a leaflet for your colleagues.
Becoming multilingual
You have never been to Hungary – because you don’t speak the language? Spanish is Greek to you and
what the hell is ‘dolce vita’? Fight the problem: Support our claim for at least three languages at school.
You should:
ßß point out the advantages for your future
ßß discuss the languages that should be learnt at your school
ßß convince the readers to take the chance to learn languages.
Write about 350 words.
Task 3: Blog
Playground Blog
posted by School 17
Under Construction
The official kick-off event took place yesterday afternoon and work has finally begun on the old/new
playground. The new swing set, see-saw and the monkey bars are on their way. Thanks to the great
support of WE’LL PLAY TOYS that generously supported this project by donating these. We would like to
invite you to contribute to this project – so check this blog for further information – we’ll keep you
Your school takes part in a local community project. There is an old, shabby playground which
is too dangerous to be used by children. Your school helps to renovate the playground and
find donors for new equipment. To keep the donors and local community updated, you write
a blog about the improvements and what happens every day.
In your blog post you should:
ßß outline what you and your classmates are trying to do
ßß give tips how to do it
ßß encourage the local community to participate in the project
Write about 250 words.
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4. Praktische Beispiele
Toolbox: Argumentative Texts (Articles, Blogs …)
Developing the argument
Central to this topic is …
Let us start by considering the fact that …
First, …/Firstly, …
To start with, …/To begin with …
We must distinguish between
It must be/has to be stated/pointed out/mentioned that …
Ordering elements
Firstly, … Secondly, … ‚ Finally, …
As a final point, … There are at least … points to highlight.
Adding elements
In addition (to …) …
What is more …
Apart from that, …
Moreover, …
It is important to add that …
Additionally, …
Furthermore, one should not forget that …
Not only … , … but also …
Presenting the other side of the argument
However, it might be argued that …
Of course, it has to be stated that …
Equally relevant to the issue are the questions of …
Personal opinion
I believe that …
To my mind (emphasis), … to my mind …
As I see it, …
I am convinced that …
Furthermore, one should not forget that …
My opinion is that …
Giving examples
for example
for instance
such as
To illustrate this point, …
This/The last example highlights the fact that …
I would even go so far as to say that …
Not only …, but also …
(Not only does this mean that …)
Another person’s opinion
Some people believe that …
According to …
Critics are convinced that …
It is claimed that …
It is said (that) …
… say that …
Useful verbs
to maintain
to mention that
to go as far as to say that
to reason
to analyse/to examine
to emphasize that
to disagree
to prove
to display/to show
to highlight
to exemplify/to illustrate
to demonstrate
For this reason, …
Because of this, …
As a result, …
Therefore, …
Thus, …
That is why …
From these facts, one may conclude that …
Due to this fact, it can be said that …
Some critics suggest …, whereas others …
Compared to …
On the one hand (there is the firm believe that) … On the other hand, (many people are convinced that …)
even though
in spite of
To conclude, …
To sum up, …
…. (I am convinced that/I believe that)
In summary, …
Summing up, …
…. (we have to accept that)
In conclusion, …
To put it in a nutshell, …
To summarise, it can be said that …
Finally, …
Eventually, …
What conclusions can be drawn from all this?
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4. Praktische Beispiele
Task 12: E-mail
You work at Fisher Price Lab and a new design session is scheduled. There is a minimum amount
of participants who have to take part in the research. You still need one more baby. Write an
e-mail to the local nursery group and explain that babies can participate in a research project
concerning the development of target-group oriented toys.
You should:
ßß introduce the idea of the lab
ßß point out the positive aspects of this research project
ßß ask if they want to take part in the research
Write about 250 words.
Toolbox: E-mail
Invitation to the …
Meeting of … scheduled for …
Updates on …
Application for …
Dear Mr./Ms.
Hi Susan, …/ Hi, …
Dear Sir/Madam
Hello Tom, …/Hello, …
To whom it may concern,
Following our conversation/meeting, I am sending you …
Attached, please find … It is with interest that I read your advertisement …
As agreed, there will not be … Please reconsider our proposal/offer for …
I am writing to …
I would like you to consider …
Here is the detailed list:
To register for the online event, please go to …
Additionally to the attached …, please click on …
I look forward to your reply.
Thank you, in advance, for … .
I am available for …
I would be delighted to …
Sincerely, Thank you,
Best Regards, Thanks,
Name 58
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Title, company name
E-mail Phone/Fax
Web Address
© VERITAS-Verlag, Linz – Neue Reifeprüfung schriftlich. Englisch BHS
25.03.14 15:26