

Comment comparer deux
personnes/choses entre elles ?
Comment comparer une personne/chose
par rapport à sa catégorie ?
America Ferrara
Jennifer Aniston
Queen Elizabeth II
5 ft (1,52 m)
5'5 ft (1,64 m)
5'4 ft (1,61 m)
The three characters are famous women, their names are America Ferrara, Jennifer
Aniston and Queen Elizabeth II. The first two are actresses.
To start with, Jennifer Aniston is more beautiful than America Ferrara but also than
Queen Elizabeth II so she is the most beautiful of the three women.
America Ferrara is uglier than Jennifer Aniston but she is quite less ugly than Queen
Elizabeth II.
She is also taller than them both so she is the tallest as well.
Queen Elizabeth II is older than Jennifer Aniston who is older than America Ferrara
so America Ferrara is the youngest of the three women.
America Ferrara is as fat as Queen Elizabeth II. They both are fatter than Jennifer
Aniston who is rather thin. She is the thinnest of the three women.
Pour comparer deux choses/personnes entre elles, on utilise le comparatif. Il en
existe de trois sortes :
I) Le comparatif d'infériorité
Comparé 1 + V + LESS + Adj + THAN + Comparé 2
Exemples: America Ferrara is less ugly than Queen Elizabeth II.
America Ferrara is less beautiful than Jennifer Aniston.
Le comparatif d'égalité
Comparé 1 + V + AS + Adj + AS + Comparé 2
Exemple: America Ferrara is as fat as Queen Elizabeth II.
Le comparatif de supériorité
A) Adjectifs longs (plus de deux syllabes)
Comparé 1 + V + MORE + Adj + THAN + Comparé 2
Exemple: Jennifer Aniston is more beautiful than America Ferrara
B) Adjectifs courts (2 syllabes ou moins)
Comparé 1 + V + Adj-r + THAN + Comparé 2
Exemple: Jennifer Aniston is taller than America Ferrara and Queen Elizabeth II.
Pour les adjectifs monosyllabiques se terminant par CVC, il faut doubler la
consonne finale avant d'ajouter la terminaison du comparatif de supériorité.
Exemple: They both are fatter than Jennifer Aniston.
Pour les adjectifs se terminant par un /y/, il faut le remplacer par un /i/ avant
d'ajouter la terminaison du comparatif de supériorité.
Exemples: America Ferrara is uglier than Jennifer Aniston.
Pour comparer un objet ou une personne par rapport à sa catégorie, on utilise
Il se construit comme le comparatif de supériorité .
A) Adjectifs longs
S + V + THE MOST + Adj + Catégorie
Exemple: She is the most beautiful of the three women.
B) Adjectifs courts
S + V + THE + Adj-st + Catégorie
Exemples: America Ferrara is the youngest of the three women.
Jennifer Aniston is the thinnest of the three women.
Comparatif de supériorité
Good, well
Better than
The best
Worse than
The worst
More than
The most
The least
Farther than
further than
The farthest
the furthest
Système de mesures impériales
Exercices de comparatif