Aristotle (384


Aristotle (384
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
Department of Economics
Nicholas J. Theocarakis
History of Economic Thought
Links to original texts in the History of Economic Thought
Pre-classical Period
For the best collection of original texts in print:
S.G. Medema & W.J. Samuels (eds.), The History of Economic Thought: A Reader,
Routledge, 2013, 2nd edition.
Click the underlined texts to follow the link.
Xenophon (Ξενοφῶν) 431 – 355 BCE
Oeconomicus Οἰκονομικὸς
Translation by E.C. Marchant from Perseus
Ancient Greek
Loeb edition from Perseus
N.J. Theocarakis, UADPhilEcon, Preclassical texts in HET
Aristotle (Ἀριστοτέλης) 384-322 BCE
Politics Books 1 & 11
Πολιτικὰ, Βιβλία Α & Β
Full English Text in PDF [Translation by Jowett, Oxford] from McMaster
Translation by Rackham, Harvard/Loeb edition from Perseus
Ancient Greek
W.D. Ross edition Oxford from Perseus
Nicomachean Ethics, Book V (On justice)
Ἠθικὰ Νικομάχεια, Βιβλίον Ε΄ (περὶ δικαιοσύνης)
Full English text in PDF [Translation by Ross, Oxford] from McMaster
Translation Rackham, Harvard/Loeb edition [book V] from Perseus
Ancient Greek
Bywater edition, Oxford, [book V] from Perseus
ΠΕΡΙ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΥΝΗΣ. The Fifth Book of the Nicomachean Ethics of
Aristotle, edited by Henry Jackson, Cambridge, University Press, 1879
Thomas Aquinas, 1225-74
Summa Theologiae,
English (from
Second part of the second part,
Question 77 [Cheating, which is committed σε buying and selling]
Question 78 [The sin of usury]
Latin (from Corpus Thomisticum)
Sancti Thomae de Aquino, Summa Theologiae, secunda pars secundae partis a
quaestione LXI ad LXXVIII.
Commentary on Nicomachean Ethics
English (from The Dominican House of Studies, Priory of Immaculate Conception)
Commentary on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, trans. by C.I. Litzinger, Notre Dame,
Indiana: Dumb Ox Books, 1964 [book V. especially lectures 8 & 9]
Latin: (from Corpus Thomisticum)
Sententia libri Ethicorum, a libro III lectione XIV ad librum V
Thomas Mun, 1571-1641
Englands Treasure by Forraign Trade. orThe Ballance of
ourForraign Trade is The Rule of our Treasure, 1644
PDF text
facsimile of the original edition 1664
Thomas Hobbes, 1588-1679
Leviathan: Or the matter, forme and power of a commonwealth
ecclesiasticall and civil, 1651
Chapter XIII and the beginning of Chapter XIV]
Full english text in PDF other editions [facsimile of 1909 edition & html]
N.J. Theocarakis, UADPhilEcon, Preclassical texts in HET
William Petty, 1623-1687
A Treatise on Taxes and Contributions, 1662
Political Arithmetick, 1690
The Economic Writings of Sir William Petty in two vols by Charles
Hull 1899
John Locke, 1632-1704
An Essay concerning the True Original, Extent, and End of Civil
Government, 1690
Chapter V, Of Property
Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of
Interest, and Raising the Value of Money, 1691.
Pierre le Pesant de Boisguilbert, 1646-1714
Dissertation de la nature des richesses, de l'argent et des tributs,
où l'on découvre la fausse idée qui règne dans le monde à l'égard
de ces trois articles, 1704
Read in French Chapitre IV.
Richard Cantillon, 1680?-1734
Essai sur la nature du commerce en général, 1755
English French
François Quesnay, 1694-1774
Tableau Economique, 1758
3rd edition 1759 with French and English text in Marguerite Kuczynski &
Ronald L. Meek, (eds.), Quesnay's tableau économique: London: Macmillan,
1st edition 1758, Facsimile
2η edition 1759, Facsimile
ANALYSE de la formule arithmétique du TABLEAU ÉCONOMIQUE de la
distribution des dépenses annuelles d'une Nation agricole
Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, 1727-1781
Réflexions sur la formation et la distribution des richesses 1769
French English
Valeurs et monnaies, (Projet d'article, 1769)
English: in R.L. Meek, Precursors of Adam Smith, 1750-1775, London: Rowman
& Littlefield, 1973
N.J. Theocarakis, UADPhilEcon, Preclassical texts in HET
A.R.J. Turgot, The Turgot Collection: Writings, Speeches, and
Letters of Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune, edited by
David Gordon, from the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2011.
Bernard de Mandeville, 1670-1733
The Grumbling Hive: Or knaves turn'd honest, 1705
In PDF the 1723 edition of The Fable of the Bees, or Private Vices,
Publick Benefits.
David Hume, 1711-1776
Political Discourses (1752) or Part II of Essays Moral, Political,
Literary (1777)
Read: Essay III Of Money, Essay IV Of Interest, Essay V Of the Balance of Trade,
Essay VI Of the Jealousy of Trade
Adam Ferguson, 1723-1815
An Essay on the History of Civil Society, 1767
Part Third: Of the History of Policy and Arts,
Read Section II: The History of Subordination
Or see The full text of the 1782 fifth edition
See also
Commerce, Culture, and Liberty: Readings on Capitalism before Adam
Smith, ed. Henry C. Clark (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2003). [A collection of texts
by 17th and 18th century authors on economics]
For Mercantilists and Physiocrats see the relevant documents
N.J. Theocarakis, UADPhilEcon, Preclassical texts in HET