The Iditarod Trek 2016


The Iditarod Trek 2016
The Iditarod Trek 2017
Jedes Jahr im März findet in Alaska der Start des Iditarod statt, des berühmtesten
Hundeschlittenrennens der Welt. Nach dem Start in Anchorage sind die besten Musher
mit ihren Hundegespannen für mehr als 10 Tage in der Wildnis unterwegs und auf
sich alleine gestellt. Ziel ist der kleine Ort Nome an der Beringsee, wo die Temperaturen im Winter oft auf minus 50 Grad fallen können. Unterwegs haben die Rennteilnehmer vorgängig an fixen Standorten, sogenannten Check Points, Verpflegung
vorbereitet. Die Musher sind verpflichtet, gewisse Ruhezeiten einzuhalten, damit sich
die Hunde erholen können.
Auf dieser exklusiven Reise begleiten Sie das Rennen mit dem eigenen Flugzeug von
Check Point zu Check Point und nehmen so hautnah am Renngeschehen teil. Sie
erleben Ankunft und Abfahrt der Gespanne und erhalten vor Ort viele Informationen
direkt aus erster Hand. Auf der Tour sind zudem weitere Aktivitäten wie z.B. Schneeschuhlaufen und Snowmobile fahren eingeplant, bevor Sie rechtzeitig in Nome
eintreffen, um die von den Strapazen gezeichneten Teilnehmer zu begrüssen und
einlaufen zu sehen.
Internetcode: ALA051701
Day 1:
Your first day will focus on the Iditarod Ceremonial Start in downtown Anchorage, where
we will have a front row view of the race start
and the excitement surrounding it. After the
exciting race start, fabulous lunch and weather
permitting, we will continue on a scenic ski
plane flight over the glacier filled valleys of the
Chugach Mountains. Alternative transportation will be used in the event of the inclement
weather conditions. Overnight accommodations will be at Happy Trails B&B in Big Lake,
home of 4 time Champion Martin Buser. Delicious meals will be prepared in a variety of
unique locations.
popular checkpoint for mushers to take their
24 hour mandatory rest. Breakfast, dinner and
overnight accommodations will be at a
McGrath local B&B where you will find quality
meals and warm hospitality.
Day 2:
Today, we will focus on the Iditarod Re–start
in Wasilla. The afternoon will begin with a
trailside lunch and optional snowmobile rides
along the trail. Breakfast, dinner and overnight accommodations will be at the Happy
Trails B&B
Day 7:
Today, you will depart McGrath for a flight
across the Yukon Kuskokwim delta in search
of wildlife and scenery. Enjoy stops at the
village checkpoints located on the Yukon river
to observe mushers and experience life in
rural Alaska. Some of the highest winds and
coldest weather can be found in the interior
and along the Yukon River, a sometimes unbearable challenge for mushers and dog teams.
We will then continue to Galena. Galena is
located on the Yukon River and a checkpoint
on the Northern Route. Cozy B&B’s, excellent
meals and warm hospitality await you in this
quaint little fishing village. It is such a fun
place to visit, we’ve added it to our annual
itinerary even though the trail passes through
there every other year.
Day 3:
Day three will focus on flying from Wasilla
along the Iditarod Trail to follow the race. After
a breathtaking flight around Mt. McKinley, we
will land mid-day to enjoy a trailside lunch
prepared by our pilot/guides, and to watch the
mushers resting as they pass through a checkpoint. Depending upon weather, the race
progress and runway conditions, we may land
at Skwentna, Finger Lake and/or Rainy Pass.
Breakfast, dinner and overnight accommodations will be at the Happy Trails B&B.
Day 4:
Day four will include a full day of dog
mushing. We will visit a nearby race kennel
where we will tour the kennel, meet the dogs,
harness teams and head out on a private
system of groomed trails where all guests will
have the chance to drive their own team. A
catered campfire lunch will be featured
halfway through the day. Breakfast, dinner and
overnight accommodations will be at Happy
Trails B&B.
Day 5:
After breakfast, you will board your ski plane
and head for McGrath along the Iditarod trail
watching for the mushers. McGrath is located
on the Kuskokwim River, 220 miles northwest
of Anchorage. Originally a village site of the
local Athabascan Indians, McGrath also proved
to be an attractive trading site for pioneers and
prospectors came in the late 1800’s. In 1907 a
US commissioner was sent from Nome to establish a trading post and recording office. Many
gold miners still mine the local area and use
McGrath as their supply post. McGrath is a
Day 6:
Today, you will travel via ski-equipped aircraft
to the checkpoint of Iditarod, the half-way
point of the race to greet and observe the front
running mushers. You will tour the historic
abandoned buildings of a past gold rush era. A
picnic lunch will be prepared by our
pilot/guides. Dinner and overnight accommodations will be at a McGrath local B&B.
Day 8:
This new day offers you an opportunity to
meet a retired Iditarod dog musher from
Galena. He will share his knowledge of the
extremes experienced while being a part of
this epic race. Ask him any questions you can
think of! Lunch is provided before our departure in the afternoon. We will make a quick
stop at the checkpoint in Kaltag located on the
Yukon River and then a flight through the
coastal mountains and along the Iditarod trail
as it transitions to the Bering Sea coast and the
village of Unalakleet. Unalakleet is located on
Norton Sound in the Bering Sea. It is an exciting checkpoint on the trail. Mushers change
sleds at this point to the lightweight racing
sleds needed for the Norton Sound sea ice and
the final push to Nome. Dinner and overnight
accommodations will be at Maggie’s Hotel, the
most popular place to stay in Unalakleet.
Meals are prepared by Peace on Earth.
Day 9:
Today, after breakfast, you will enjoy meeting
and seeing the front runners as they arrive in
Unalakleet. It could be early in the morning or
late at night, each year brings new times and
different weather can make a big difference in
when mushers arrive here. Spend the day visi-
ting the checkpoint and meeting the locals of
Unalakleet. Dinner and overnight accommodations will be at Maggie’s Hotel. Meals are
prepared by Peace on Earth.
Day 10:
After breakfast, you will say your goodbyes to
the locals and mushers of Unalakleet and
head out the trail toward Nome looking for
mushers along the way. Upon your arrival in
Nome, you will be met by our local guide
Richard “Hello Central” Beneville (you’ll
understand the nick-name when you meet
him). Overnight accommodations will be at
the Dredge 7 Inn. Meals will be enjoyed at
local restaurants.
Day 11:
After breakfast, you will have the opportunity
to go on a snow cat ride to the Safety checkpoint, view Eskimo dancing, take a Museum
tour, go on a Nome tour with guide Richard
Beneville of Nome Discovery Tours, or take a
fly out to the checkpoint at White Mountain.
Meals and overnight accommodations will be
at local restaurants.
Day 12:
Another exciting day in Nome will be filled with
watching the mushers cross the finish line
along with all of Day 11’s activities being
offered to you. Overnight accommodations will
be at the Dredge 7 Inn.
Day 13:
After breakfast, you will bid your farewells to
your new Sky Trekking Alaska Family and wil
Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Programm
infolge wechselnder Witterung, Schnee- und
Eisverhältnissen auf den Flüssen und Seen
sowie anderweitigen, nicht vorhersehbaren
Einflüssen umgestellt werden kann und der
aktuellen Situation vor Ort angepasst wird.
Der Anbieter und seine Guides sind bemüht,
alle Programmpunkte durchzuführen oder
einen valablen Ersatz anzubieten. Gesundheit und Sicherheit der Teilnehmer sowie der
Tiere haben absolute Priorität!
05. März bis 17. März 2017
Dauer: 13 Tage ab Anchorage bis Nome
Im Preis inbegriffen:
• 12 Hotelübernachtungen
• Vollpension
Nicht im Preis inbegriffen:
• Flug Nome - Anchorage
• Trinkgelder
Preis pro Person im Doppelzimmer ab
CHF 16500.-
Seftigenstrasse 201 · Postfach 220 · CH - 3084 WaBern
Telefon +41 31 960 11 60 · Fax +41 31 960 11 61
[email protected] ·