Guidelines for contributors to the Reallexikon der Assyriologie und


Guidelines for contributors to the Reallexikon der Assyriologie und
Guidelines for contributors to the Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen
Archäologie (RlA)
(valid from volume 12)
The entire project is due to come to an end in December 2011. The task of reaching Z by then will only be achieved through
a strenuous collective effort by authors, editorial staff and publishers. RlA’s authors are therefore asked to observe the
following guidelines when preparing their articles. The editors reserve the right to revise or even reject articles which do not
Please note the following changes in our guidelines:
• In the final bibliography, the abbreviated forename is placed after the surname.
• Titles in English should follow capitalization conventions of ordinary sentences.
1. Deadlines for delivery
The deadline will be fixed by the editors. If it becomes clear that an author will be unable to meet the
deadline, it is requested that he/she immediately inform the editorial staff so that the article can be
entrusted to another author in good time.
2. Article length
In terms of length, each article must conform to one of the following five categories (without
11–20 columns
7–10 columns
4–6 columns
1–3 columns
< 1 column
= max. 6000 words
= max. 3000 words
= max. 1800 words
= max. 900 words
= max. 300 words
3. Languages
Articles may be composed in German, English or French. Authors not using their mother tongue are
kindly requested to have their text checked by a native speaker.
4. Delivery of manuscripts
All authors are asked to deliver their manuscript in electronic format (preferably as e-mail
attachments in both word and pdf). If pdf is not available, a paper copy of the document should also
be sent to the editors.
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie,
c/o Institut für Assyriologie, Universität München,
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, D-80539 München.
5. Format of the manuscript
5.1. Line spacing: 1.5. Margins: right 4 cm; left, above and below 2 cm.
5.2. Font. Semiramisunicode (to be downloaded at is desired but not obligatory. Only a single font should be
used for the entire manuscript. Sumerian words are double underlined, Akkadian and Hittite italicized.
Please do not use spaced or bold fonts at all.
5.3. Longer articles should commence with a contents section, followed by numbered sub-sections
(e.g., for the article “Jewelry,” sub-sections could be 1. Personal ornament – 2. Manufacture, etc.)
5.4. The article’s title (Stichwort) should be abbreviated with its initial letter throughout the article.
For example, “horse” would be written as “h.” Plural endings should not be used in the abbreviation,
but possessives may be included to improve comprehension (e.g., h. for horses, but h.’s for horse’s).
5.5. Footnotes are not possible.
5.6. Illustrations (primarily line drawings) may be included. If feasible they should fit in a single
column (6.3 cm) or, if necessary, a half or whole page. Please indicate scale and reference. For
electronic illustrations: min. 600 dpi.
6. Citations
6.1. Primary and secondary literature is cited in accordance with the current Abkürzungsverzeichnis
(www.keilschrift.badw/index.html). The citations should be checked by the authors themselves.
6.2. Within each article two different citation modes may be used:
The Harvard system: The publications are cited using only the author’s surname; more than one
publication from the same year is differentiated by lower case letters placed after the year. The
bibliographical details are given either at the end of individual sections or at the end of the entire
Krecher 1991a, 127–234; id. 1997b, 55–89; Fischer 2007.
The full system: publications may be cited in the following format (in this case they are not listed
separately in a bibliographical section):
R. B. Wartke, Toprakkale: Untersuchungen zu den Metallobjekten im Vorderasiatischen Museum zu Berlin (1990)
6.3. Full system: The (abbreviated) forename(s) of an author is only given before the surname at the
first occurrence, except when mentioned in the final bibliography or where needed to differentiate
identical surnames.
H. Weippert and M. Weippert; Wa. Mayer and W. R. Mayer
6.4. More than one author or editor’s names are separated by slashes (/).
A. Falkenstein/W. von Soden.
6.5. Editors are indicated by (ed.) after the name. (ed.) should be used for one editor (edidit) or more
Postgate J. N./Krebernik M./Zgoll A. (ed.)
6.6. Roman numerals should be avoided and replaced by Arabic numerals.
RlA 11; ZA 95; AnOr. 7, BiMes. 10; CunMon. 13
6.7. A comma is placed before specific details such as page numbers, text numbers, illustration
numbers etc., except when the preceding expression ends with round or square brackets.
Attinger 1993, 56
ZA 61 (1971) 208
Landfahrzeuge 17
Fs. H. Otten2 48
Footnotes/notes are indicated by n., not by a superscript numeral after the page number.
p. 43 n. 3
Paralleled quotations are separated by a semicolon.
ZA 80 (1990) 165–203; 81 (1991) 165–233
6.8. Cuneiform texts: Tablets in canonical compositions are referred to with upper case Roman
numerals, columns with lower case Roman numerals, lines with Arabic numerals.
GE VIII iv 1
After Arabic numerals line numbers are cited after a colon.
AbB 10, 10: 1–3
The reverse of a tablet is indicated by r.
SAA 16, 40 r. 3–7
Parallel units in a citation are separated by a semicolon.
AbB 5, 30; 6, 31.
6.9. Preferably do not use “ff.” for “(and) following”; instead give the precise numbers, e.g. 270–274;
but 270f. is preferred to 270–271.
6.10. The bibliography at the end of an article is primarily arranged alphabetically by author’s name,
secondarily by year of publication. If more than one publication by a single author is listed, the name
is replaced in the later entries by “id.”/ “ead.” For the titles the RlA Abkürzungsverzeichnis should be
used. Place of publication is not stated. A long dash separates each entry (i.e., each author).
Edzard D. O. 1971: ḫamtu, marû und freie Reduplikation beim sumerischen Verbum, ZA 61, 208–232; id. 2003:
Sumerian grammar (= HdOr. 71). – Farber W. 1977: BID. – Streck M. P./Weninger S. (ed.) 2002: Altorientalische
und semitische Onomastik (= AOAT 296).
7. Transcription
7.1. Transliteration of other scripts
Sumerian: follow R. Borger, Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon (= AOAT 305, 2003).
Akkadian: follow W. von Soden/W. Röllig, Das akkadische Syllabar (= AnOr. 42, 1991).
Hittite: follow Ch. Rüster/E. Neu, HLZ (= StBoT Beih. 2, 1988).
Arabic and Persian: follow the transcription system of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft (s.
ZDMG 114 [1964] 14+).
Turkish: follow contemporary official Turkish practice.
7.2. Personal names and place names
Where conventional or traditional forms of cuneiform names exist, these should be used (e.g.
Sanherib/Sennacherib). Otherwise transcription of proper names should reproduce the original
cuneiform rendering as accurately as possible. Distinct parts of a name should be separated by
hyphens. The editors will decide on doubtful cases.
Ur-Nammu, Man-ištu-šu, Sîn-šar-iškun
Place names without a generally accepted or bibliographically established form should be transcribed
in accordance with: TAVO Register zu den Karten. General Index Bd. 1–3.
All proper names should begin with a capital letter, also in transliterations.
7.3. Determinatives should always be written in small superscript. This applies also to Hittite.
nar, Kiški
7.4. Sumerian should only be written in transliteration, not transcription.
8. Dates
It is unnecessary to include BC(E) or AD after dates, provided no uncertainty results.
9. Cross-references
Cross-references to other articles should be marked by an asterisk after the relevant keyword. Such
cross-references should only be used when they direct the reader to important further information.
Recht* A. § 5; Puranda*

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