Taufvorraussetzungen bei den STA


Taufvorraussetzungen bei den STA
Der Taufbund der Adventisten
Ähnlich wie bei den Zeugen Jehovas ist die biblische Wassertaufe in den Namen
Jesu (Jahushua) bei den Adventisten damit verknüpft, die Doktrinen der
Gesellschaft anzuerkennen. Dazu zählen bei den STA besonders die Anerkennung
ihrer Prophetin Ellen G.White, die als eine geistliche Gabe bezeichnet wird.(Siehe
Punkt 8)
Die biblische Taufe in den Tod Jaschuas ist dagegen eine völlig andere Taufe,
allein aufgrund der Erkenntnis der stellvertretenden, erlösenden Tat Jaschuas auf
Von daher rate ich jedem, der die Adventisten verlässt, sich von diesem
Taufbekenntnis loszusagen, es zu widerrufen, denn sonst hat man zwar die
Adventistenkirche verlassen, hängt aber weiterhin an der Prophetin Ellen White
und kommt nicht von ihr los. Das kann man bei vielen Ex-STA beobachten!
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Getauft In Ellen G. White Robert K. Sanders
TAUFVERTRAG - Baptismal Covenant. - A summary of doctrinal beliefs, prepared
especially for the instruction of candidates for baptism, together with Baptismal Vow and
Certificate of Baptism have been adopted by the denomination as a baptismal covenant. A
printed copy of this covenant, with the Certificate of Baptism properly completed, should be
furnished all those who are accepted for church membership by baptism. In the case of those
received on profession of faith, an appropriate certificate will also be given.
Doktrinelle Instruktion für Taufkandidaten
Doctrinal Instruction for Baptismal Candidates
This summary of doctrinal beliefs is especially prepared for the instruction of candidates for
baptism. Every candidate should thoroughly familiarize himself with the teachings contained
in this outline and with the duties enjoined upon believers, demonstrating by practice his
willing acceptance of all the doctrines taught by Seventh-day Adventists and the principles of
conduct which are the outward expression of these teachings, for it is "by their fruits ye shall
know them."
Prospective members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, before baptism or acceptance on
profession of faith, should be carefully instructed from the Scriptures in the fundamental
beliefs of the church as presented in chapter 2 (pp. 31-46) of this Manual. In order to assist
evangelists, pastors, and others in giving such instruction and making it Scripture-based and
practical, a specially prepared outline appears as an appendix on pages 288-294 of this
Manual and in the Manual for Ministers.
Taufgelübde und Taufe
Siebent-tägige Adventist-Kirche Handbuch.
Tauf-Gelübbde-in-Gegenwart-von ernannte die Kirche oder in Gegenwart von einem
Eigentum Körper (sieh Seiten 59, 60), die folgenden Fragen sollten gestellt und bejahend
von Kandidaten für die Taufe, und von denjenigen geantwortet werden, die auf dem
Beruf des Glaubens erhalten.
Baptismal Vow and Baptism
Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual.
Baptismal Vow.-In the presence of the church or in the presence of a property appointed body
(see pp. 59, 60), the following questions should be posed and answered in the affirmative by
candidates for baptism, and by those being received on profession of faith.
1. Do you believe in God the Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit?
2. Do you accept the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of
men, and believe that through faith in His shed blood men are saved from sin and its penalty?
3. Renouncing the world and its sinful ways, have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal
Saviour, and do you believe that God, for Christ's sake, has forgiven your sins and given you
a new heart?
4: Do you accept by faith the righteousness of Christ, recognizing Him as your Intercessor in
the heavenly sanctuary, and do you claim His promise to strengthen you by His indwelling
Spirit, so that you may receive power to do His will?
5. Do you believe that the Bible is God's inspired word, and that it constitutes the only rule of
faith and practice for the Christian?
6. Do you accept the Ten Commandments as still binding upon Christians; and is it your
purpose, by the power of the indwelling Christ, to keep this law, including the fourth
commandment, which requires the observance of the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath
of the Lord?
7. Is the soon coming of Jesus the blessed hope in your heart, and are you determined to be
personally ready to meet the Lord, and to do all in your power to witness to His loving
salvation, and by life and word to help others to be ready for His glorious appearing?
8. Do you accept the Biblical teaching of spiritual gifts, and do you believe that the gift of
prophecy in the remnant church is one of the identifying marks of that church? (See pp.
39, 40, 293.)
9. Do you believe in church organization, and is it your purpose to support the church by your
tithes and offerings, your personal effort, and influence? (See also pp. 41, 87, 203-206, 292.)
10. Do you believe that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and that you are to honor
God by caring for your body, avoiding the use of that which is harmful, abstaining from all
unclean foods, from the use, manufacture, or sale of alcoholic beverages, the use,
manufacture, or sale of tobacco in any of its forms for human consumption, and from the
misuse of, or trafficking in, narcotics or other drugs?
11. Knowing and understanding the fundamental Bible principles as taught by the Seventhday Adventist Church, is it your purpose, by the grace of God, to order your life in harmony
with these principles?
12. Do you accept the New Testament teaching of baptism by immersion, and do you desire
to be so baptized as a public expression of your faith in Christ and in the forgiveness of your
sins? (See also p. 288.)
13. Do you believe that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is the remnant church of Bible
prophecy, and that people of every nation, race, and language are invited and accepted into its
fellowship? Do you desire membership in this local congregation of the world church?
Welcoming Candidates. -After the candidates have satisfactorily answered the foregoing
questions, or assurance has been given to the church that such answers have already been
given, the church body should be asked to vote on their acceptance into the church, subject to
baptism, which ordinance should not be unduly delayed.