Grade 8 Course descriptions


Grade 8 Course descriptions
 Curriculum Description Grade 8: Curriculum English Students continue to enhance their learning of the three competencies outlined by the MEES provincial program in grade eight. Students read several literary works, and the writing component of the course draws its focus from literature analyzed during the year, as well as from current events. Students are encouraged to identify and expand on a variety of themes and to make connections to their personal life, different texts and world issues. Throughout the year, students are also encouraged to reflect on the various Executive Functioning Skills outlined at the start of Cycle One in order to be well-­‐rounded and more independent learners by the time they move into Cycle Two. French (de base) The structures of both of these courses parallel F114 and F115 respectively, but with appropriately higher demands and expectations. The themes focus more on the world around the student. Integration of French and computer studies continues to develop. PowerPoint presentations, desktop publishing and website design give the students a hands-­‐on approach and take the language course a step further. Français (programme enrichi) Le cours de français enrichi 8e année renforcera les concepts de la langue appris en 7e année. L’élève maîtrisera davantage les différents savoirs (lecture, expression écrite, expression orale, écoute) et enrichira ses connaissances de la francophonie. Les thèmes suivants seront à l’étude: les Amérindiens, les catastrophes naturelles, les épaves et les trésors, les animaux et la musique. Au programme, deux romans: La Gaillarde et Chanson pour Frédéric. À travers ce cours, l’élève sera amené à découvrir les avantages et l’importance qu’offre la compréhension du français. Français (programme accéléré) L’objectif global de l’enseignement du français est d’assurer aux élèves la maîtrise des habiletés à comprendre des documents divers, à rédiger des textes variés, ainsi qu’à communiquer oralement. Ce cours de français langue maternelle s’adresse aux étudiants qui parlent couramment le français. Il vise à améliorer la compréhension de lecture et la production écrite chez l’élève. Les thèmes suivants seront à l’étude: Le roman d’aventures, la nouvelle, la poésie ainsi que la culture francophone. Math: Problem-­‐solving is central to all aspects of this course. Attempts will be made to move from practical problems to the more abstract where possible. Diagrams, patterns, labels, graphs, probability, and algebra are some of the models that will be used for problem-­‐solving in algebra and geometry. Enriched Mathematics: The enriched grade 8 mathematics course accelerates the content of the regular program in order to elevate the rigor of the material and to develop the material through project based learning. The students in this course also participate in national math contests. Page 1 Curriculum Description Physical and Health Education 8 The Physical Education Program at LCC is dedicated to the development of Mind, Body, and Heart. The grade eight year in P.E. continues the skill development theme of middle school and offers a wide variety of activities from skating to wall climbing. Leadership development emerges as a theme of the year, building for senior school P.E. The course promotes an active lifestyle through maximum participation in a wide variety of physical activities. Students gain knowledge and competency in age-­‐appropriate team games and individual sports. A mile run and beep test are used in the fall and spring, respectively, to assess aerobic fitness, and students participate in an introductory dance unit. The health component focuses on choices and consequences of health-­‐related decisions. Ethics/Advisory Grade 8 ethics/advisory meets twice in a ten-­‐day cycle to explore, through dialogue and in workshops, age-­‐
appropriate issues related to adolescent concerns. In small groups, advisors discuss with their students social behaviour, school and home issues, and the best strategies for dealing with obstacles that arise within this age group. Science Grade 7 and 8 for a two-­‐year program, designed to give the student a solid background in the biological, chemical and physical sciences, as well as introduce them to the idea of scientific and technological problem solving. The content and skills are approached with the philosophy that science, and thinking scientifically, is an area in which all students are able to succeed. Every possible chance will be taken to link study topics with practical applications through laboratory experimentation. Sciences Ce cours général de sciences, qui s’appuie sur les principes de biologie, de chimie, et de physique, est le premier d’un programme qui s’échelonne sur trois années. Nous privilégions tant la compréhension et l’application de la démarche scientifique que le contenu du cours. L’élève développera la pensée scientifique lors de la résolution de problèmes, lors d’expériences en laboratoire ou lors de recherches. Les quatre unités au programme sont: l’écologie, les substances et les mélanges, la thermodynamique et la résistance structurelle et la stabilité. History The course looks at world history by combining thematic and chronological approaches. Students will develop note-­‐taking, reading, writing, collaborative, and research skills, as well as acquire the habit of independently making inferences and developing supportable generalizations by comparing political, economic, social, cultural, territorial, military and technological aspects across historical epochs. Students will showcase these skills, as well as their public speaking talents, in their “History Night” presentations in late May. Students may take this course in French if they possess the requisite language skills. Geography Geography will no longer be taught at the grade 8 level beginning in 2016-­‐17. Please remove existing Geography descriptions. Replace History descriptions with the following: Page 2 Curriculum Description OPTIONAL COURSES Art The course is divided between studio art and art appreciation. Students use the basic media to draw from observation and from their own imagination. In painting, basic brushwork is stressed, and colour is used to describe objects or enhance narrative themes. The goal of art appreciation is to give the student an overview of the elements and principles of design, and to help them discuss how famous artists have communicated through their art. Drama Drama focuses on observation, storytelling and mime. Students learn the importance of observation for both actors and writers as they examine the relationship between objects and people. They write stories and monologues and learn how to deliver them. Students bring the power of observation to their physical acting skills by examining the minutiae of daily life and bringing it to the stage through mime. Music This is a year-­‐long, optional course for students who have played a wind or percussion instrument for one year. We continue the concert band program as students develop their abilities and are able to play more challenging music. In this course, we will learn aspects of music history, theory, and begin dealing with the higher musical concepts such as emotional communication through music, tuning and all of the finer points of this art form that allow our students to speak the musical language. Spanish I This is the second year of an introductory course to the Spanish language and culture. Its aim is to provide the student with a sound basis in vocabulary and basic sentence structure. The method used is strictly communicative in nature and presents lively situations in which basic oral communication is used. Page 3