FRAN 150 Elementary Oral French


FRAN 150 Elementary Oral French
FRAN 150 Elementary Oral French
Spring 2014 - University of Victoria Enseignant
Nom : Stephen Martin
Bureau : CLE C248
Adresse courriel : [email protected]
Téléphone au bureau : 250.721.7370
Description générale
This course will develop listening comprehension and oral expression and introduce students to varied
oral discourses Students will listen to a variety of current issues in French as represented in the media and
on the Internet.
Prérequis et cours suivant
107 or 160 or French 12 or equivalent. This course is not open for credit to students having taken 3 years
of French immersion at any time or to students having attended immersion programmes in a Francophone
environment. This course is designed for students having limited oral ability and therefore would not
benefit students already proficient in oral French. These students are advised to contact the French
Department to find appropriate placement.
Manuels requis / Required textbooks
No required text or manual. Students will use multi-media resources and the course Moodle site.
Objectifs du cours / Course objectives
À la fin du cours, l’étudiant.e devrait être en mesure de / Upon completing this course, you should be able
-understand French speakers of different origins
-use a varied vocabulary
-know how to correct your oral mistakes
-know where you can listen regularly to spoken French to improve your oral comprehension
Méthodes pédagogiques / Instructional strategies
-regular participation in course activities ; attendance is mandatory
-viewing and listening to various multi-media resources (e.g. news and entertainment programs,
short documentaries, music videos)
-regular oral comprehension exercises
-regular dictations
-regular vocabulary quizzes
-speaking final
Les séances de laboratoire / Labs
Under the guidance of a lab instructor, students will practice their pronunciation and will prepare
individual oral presentations. Attendance is mandatory. Labs start the 2nd week of the term; no labs
during spring break or during the last week of classes.
Évaluation / Grading
Frequent listening comprehension tests:
Frequent dictations:
Frequent vocabulary tests:
– students are expected to use in class vocabulary and expressions that have been tested
Labs (presence and participation):
Participation, including 1 short (3 minutes) oral presentation:
(related to topics studied in class)
Oral comprehension of a text read by the instructor (week 11)
– students will answer in English questions asked regarding a text read aloud by the instructor in class.
Oral comprehension of an audiovisual recording (week 12)
– students will answer in English questions asked regarding a video presented in class.
Speaking Final (week 13)
– students will meet with their partner in the instructor’s office for a discussion.
Barème / Scale
A- :
90 à 100
85 à 89
80 à 84
B+ :
B- :
77 à 79
73 à 76
70 à 72
C+ :
65 à 69
60 à 64
50 à 59
0 à 49
Please note that professors reserve the right to assign a grade of N to any student who has not completed
80% of the work. Participation is an essential component of the course. In case of an absence,
students are responsible for learning the material that was covered either by borrowing a peer’s notes or
by speaking with the professor.
Veuillez noter que les professeurs se réservent le droit d’assigner un N à tout étudiant n’ayant pas
complété 80% des travaux. La participation au cours est essentielle pour réussir. En cas d’absence, les
étudiants devront se tenir au courant de ce qui a été fait en cours en consultant les notes de cours prises
par un/e camarade et en allant voir l’instructeur s’il ou elle a des questions.
A+, A, A-: exceptional, outstanding and excellent performance. Normally achieved by a minority of
students. These grades indicate a student who is self-initiating, exceeds expectation and has an insightful
grasp of the subject matter.
B+, B, B-: Very good, good and solid performance. Normally achieved by the largest number of
students. These grades indicate a good grasp of the subject matter or excellent grasp in one area balanced
with satisfactory grasp in the other area.
C+, C: satisfactory, or minimally satisfactory. These grades indicate a satisfactory performance and
knowledge of the subject matter.
D: marginal performance. A student receiving this grade demonstrated a superficial grasp of the subject
Note importante
Plagiarism is a serious offense. Any student found plagiarizing might earn a 0% for that work AND for
the course. Please consult the University Calendar for the University’s plagiarism statement : Policy on
Academic Integrity,, and also the
excellent site of Learning and Teaching Centre :

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