The human body 1) The human body hand (main) elbow (coude


The human body 1) The human body hand (main) elbow (coude
The human body
1) The human body
hand (main)
elbow (coude)
breast (sein)
chest (cage thoracique)
foot/feet (pied(s))
leg (jambe)
fingers (doigts)
arm (bras)
head (tête)
neck (cou)
knee (genou)
heel (talon)
ankle (cheville)
back (dos)
waist (taille)
bottom (le derrière)
thigh (cuisse)
calf (mollet)
2) Face
forehead (front)
eyebrow (sourcil)
eye (oeil)
eyelashes (cils)
eyelid (paupière)
ear (oreille)
nose (nez)
cheek (joue)
chin (menton)
mouth (bouche)
lip (lèvre)
plain (quelconque)
ugly (laid(e))
good looking (beau/belle)
beautiful; pretty (♀)
handsome (♂)
3) Hands and feet
middle finger
index finger
ring finger
little finger
palm (paume)
wrist (poignet)
ankle (cheville)
heel (talon)
big toe (gros orteil)
toenail (ongle d'orteil)
little toe(petit orteil)
4) Simple anatomy
brain (cerveau)
lungs (poumons)
> breathe (respirer)
heart (coeur)
blood (sang)
> bleed (saigner)
5) Describing pains
liver (foie)
hips (hanches)
stomach (estomac)
belly (ventre) -familier (colonne vertébrale)
If your head hurts:
"I've got a headache." or "My head aches."
If your stomach hurts:
"I've got stomach ache." or "My stomach aches."
If your back hurts:
"I've got backache." or "My back aches."
If other parts of your body hurt: "I've got a pain in my arm / leg etc."
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