Chapter 8 – 10 - 11 Video 2 1/12


Chapter 8 – 10 - 11 Video 2 1/12
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
Mardi 8 Avril
C. Brandenburger
Relecteur 4
12 pages
Chapter 8 – 10 - 11 Video 2
A. Chapter 8 : Plurals
I. Take off
B. Chapter 10 : Conditionnal
C. Chapter 11 :
D. Video 2 : Taking a history
A. CHAPTER 8 : Plurals
I. Take Off
synonyme : remove. contraire : put on
sens : enlever
Exercises :
You can take off your gloves (gants), necklace and your sunglasses but you cannot remove your contact lenses.
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
false : you took off it. Toutes les phrases sont correctes sauf celle-ci car on ne peut jamais placer le pronom en fin de
phrase (comme en français).
a. Yes please I want to take off my boots
b. why don't you take your sweater off ?
c. I always take it off whenever I wash my hands
d. No, that’s why I haven't taken my coat off.
e. I don’t know. I remember taking it off when I changed my clothes OU when I took them off.
/!\ On peut placer indifféremment l’objet dont on parle entre take et off ou après tant qu’on utilise un NOM (pronom
toujours entre take et off)..
II. Go off
ici, dans le sens : retentir/exploser
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
1.a. It explodes
b. fired
c. loud noise
2. Bomb, gun and fireworks can go off.
They say that children and animals can be badly frightened when fireworks go off near them as the sound of a powerful
firework going off is like a plane taking off... Last week two children were seriously injured when a firework went
off... Many more people are injured each year by fireworls going off in their hands...
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
III. Work out
faire de l'exercice, résoudre des équations, mais ici bien s'arranger/fonctionner
Definition : to happen or developp in a particular way especially in a successful way
a et d.
b. Things doit être entre worked et out
c. Pas besoin de rappeler le sujet avec un pronom.
1. a. Ce sont les choses/leur mariage qui n’ont pas fonctionné, pas eux mêmes.
d. work OUT
e. contradiction entre la première et la deuxième phrase : everything worked out.
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
2. a. version positive : Everything is working out fine. version négative : It's not working out fine.
b. version négative : It doesn't work out as I hoped. version positive : everything is working out fine.
Vocabulaire : A workout : exercice physique de routine
IV. Throw away
sens : jeter
You put it in a rubbish bin or trash can because you do not want it.
Vocabulaire : Rubbish (UK) = Trash, Garbafe (US) = Waste
c. Le pronom doit être au milieu de throw away.
e. On enlève le pronom car on a déjà un sujet
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
Do you know how much we throw away every week ? Or why we need to stop throwing away so much ?
1. In this country, we throw away 400 million tonnes of waste every year.
2. This is similar to everybody throwing away four times their own body weight.
3. Last year we threw away
4. 6 trees’ worth of paper are thrown away
5. 60% of what we throw away
adjectif : jetable
synonyme : throw out
Wish : correspond soit à un degré 2, on mettra le verbe au preterit soit à un degré 3, où le verbe sera au plus-queparfait, ce deuxième cas permet de se lamenter sur des situations qui ont eu lieu ou des événements qui n’ont pas eu
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
C. 1. I wish I had told the truth.
2. He wishes he hadn't borrowed money from his mom.
3. Mary wishes she had got/gotten (US) up
4. Peter wishes he had gone to the party
5. I wish I had sent Jill a birthday card.
6. She wishes she had helped her sister
7. He wishes he hadn't shouted at the children.
E1 3ème degré H2 D3 degré 2. Hardly en début : phrase négative C4-I5-G6-A7-J8-B9-F10
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
1. degré 2. He said that unless the patient rested there would be a risk of miscarriage.
2. degré 2 passif. Provided an organ was donated, the child would be saved.
3. degré 1. If you want to lose weight, you will have to (futur de must) go on a diet.
4. degré 3. If they had have access to medical treatment, they would have survived.
5. degré 0 (présent/présent) : Unless people access to safe water... they have little chance of being in good health.
degré 1 Unless people access to safe water... they will have little chance of being in good health.
6. degré 1. A common set of guidelines should be formulated otherwise things won't work out.
7. degré 2. They would admitted to med school only if they were vaccinated.
L’Obligation dépend du degré
shall : dans un cas spécifique très solennel, assez rare. On le retrouve dans la Bible.
should : le conseil, obligation légère
ought to : obligation morale
must : obligation assez forte, émanant de moi ou imposé par quelqu'un de compétent.
have to : obligation plus modérée (plus adaptée pour s'adresser à un patient car moins alarmant), imposée par des
circonstances extérieures. Pour cette utilisation, on mettra pour la forme affirmative must et pour la forme interrogative
have to
mustn't : interdiction
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
Absence of necessity
soit on se réfère à un futur : don't have to, needn't, don't need to
soit on fait référence au passé
he didn't have to do it = NOT DONE
he needn't have done = DONE
Très important pour le sens de la phrase.
Exercices :
a. Need I attend the lecture ? Yes, you must. No you don't have to.
b. We didn't have to wait, everything was ready when we came.
c. We needn't have waited, he never came.
d. You needn't have operated, his case was hopeless anyway.
e. She needn't worry. The operating theatre is sterilized.
1. All of this photocopying has to be done before lunchtime.
2. Suzanne doesn't have to be asked to tidy her room
3. Do we have to hand in (remettre, rendre) the homework tomorrow ?
4. I needn't have gone to the hospital
5. Did Ben have to go alone ?
6. Don has to start work at 6.30
7. The college has to be extended to accomodate the growing number of students.
8. We may have to cancel our holiday because my mother is sick.
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
Expression of mood
1. She said that I had to attend the meeting
2. She said that I could travel with them.
3. She said that she wouldn't answer his questions.
4. She said that Karl would/should be back soon.
5. She said that she may/might have to move to Milan.
6. She said that she wouldn't accept that Jon was dishonest.
7. She said that she would be disappointed if you left without seeing her.
1. She musn't be discharged si l’interdiction est ma propre décision
She can't be discharged si ce sont les conditions qui l'empêchent.
2. You don't have to/ needn't take the baby's temperature.
3. You won't have to come back next week.
4. The registrar on night shift must have been Dr Dope.
5. He didn't have to be operating on
6. You must/need to take your medecine tonight.
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
1. Certitude.
we had to sit. we'll have to sit.
2. Probabilité donc on ne conjugue pas.
3. Certitude.
You weren't allowed to smoke. You won't be allowed
4. Probabilité
5. Probabilité
6. Certitude
I wasn't able to help you with this exercise.
I won't be able to help.
7. Probabilité
D. VIDEO Taking a medical history.
He has been a cabbie = taxi driver for 15 years. He does a lot of DIY (bricolage) and went to the hospital several times
for little injuries. He wants to go to Tunisia with his wife.
Hard to understand because he mumbles (marmonne).
Past illnesses, accidents and injuries, surgical procedures, medication, allergies
He had Bronchitis and several DIY accidents
He is actually taking Paracetamol and Rennies (pastilles pour les bronches)
He is allergic to penicilline
Rewrite :
Can you tell me about any major illnesses.. ?
Have you had any operation ?
The risk of lung cancer is low because he quit smoking 15 years ago.
His father and grand father died of a heart attack so there is a risk of heart disease.
His brother died because of alcohol, he drinks 6 pints of beer a week …
ANGLAIS : Chapter 8-10-11 Video 2
Et voici venu le moment tant attendu des dédicaces :
Aux troupes du gala pour son SWAG DE POULE et plus particulièrement à celle des sketchs (t’ya vu j’oublie pas la
mifa) : Bad Jojo pour ses exploits du Crit (la vengeance viendra au prochain ronéo mouhaha), Strida (ma kaira
d’amour et son rire de roumarménienne), Laura (parce que c’est génétique), Lise (ma blonde chérie et ses deux bras
parfaits <3), Mathieu (ton collant rose me donne encore des cauchemars), Mélanie (ton micropénis et puis surtout
BISOU SUR LE FRONT), Laurent (Salut moi c'est Fleuuuuuuuuuuuur), Mathias (mon phoque au petit géranium) et
Natacha (Miaouu).
A Alexandre, mon amour.
Au meilleur appart du CRIT A73 <3, ses sessions de karaoké, ses pilous et son café !
Bref à tous ceux que j'ai oubliés : cœur cœur paillettes sur vous, je vous aime !