Maternelle update – December 2012


Maternelle update – December 2012
Maternelle update – December 2012 Au sommaire : Carte de vœux de la maternelle p.1 Cour de projecteur sur : Our school nurse, Jane Hayward, p. 2 Le spectacle : une longue histoire, p. 4 Derniers préparatifs, p. 5 Dans les coulisses, premiers tracs, p. 6 Le spectacle ! p. 7 1) Carte de vœux ! Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 1
2) Coup de projecteur sur : le rôle de notre infirmière scolaire. Le rôle de notre infirmière scolaire, Jane Hayward, est souvent méconnu. Voici l’occasion de réparer cette petite injustice : “The school nurse role is varied and interesting at the Maternelle. I have been here about a year and have been busy with our students and their needs since the first day I arrived. My favorite aspect of my role here is the everyday attention to the first aid needs of our students. The school nurse at the Maternelle must have plenty of ice packs and bandaids in her supply closet, and not just any ice packs or bandaids, but bandaids with various popular characters on them. The ice packs are not just square packets, but must be in different colors and shaped like animals, dogs, cats and fish. One of the most important parts of the healing process is choosing which bandaid or ice pack the child would like for his/her scratch or bruise. A child may come in crying his/her eyes out and stop crying instantly when confronted with the need to choose just the right ice pack or band aid! Applied with a little TLC, our students frequently have an amazingly quick recovery! To give you an idea of the school nurses’ day at the Maternelle, I compiled some statistics for the 2011‐2012 school year. From January to June, there were 1450 visits by students. The most common problems were simple bumps and bruises, closely followed by tummy aches. The number of student visits by month ranged from 63‐87 visits. The month of March saw the most student visits with 321 visits in that month. Even if we try to moderate some our students to come too often, the most visits from one student during the year was 75! This was followed by another student who had 50 visits for the year! I think they may have been in training as junior nurses! Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 2
The Role of the School Nurse is varied. There is the obvious record keeping with immunization information which must be collated and sent to the state, ensuring the medical record documentation conforms to various regulations. For example, during the first 6 years of life, children are expected to have physicals every year until they enter first grade. Each year, parents are notified to bring in the updated physical for their child along with immunization information. The school nurse is expected to keep track of physical updates and the currency of immunizations for each student. This information is then compiled and sent annually to the Massachusetts Dept of Public Health. Providing medications, as needed, for children is, of course, of primary importance. Children with allergies, asthma or diabetes, need to have their medications available and a medical person to provide them, should the need arise. Occasionally there is a more serious problem and then the nurse is ready with an emergency bag with all the equipment needed to treat whatever the emergency should happen to be. So, the school nurse role is never boring and it is always a treat to see tears turn to smiles when a bump or scrape is protected with a superman band aid or covered with an ice pack shaped like a pink kitty cat. The goal of the school nurse is to help children stay healthy and prepared to learn. I really enjoy my role as a nurse here at ISB !” Jane Hayward, MSN, RN Sometimes, it gets really crowded in Jane’s office! Just kidding, they were paying her a courtesy visit! Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 3
3) Le spectacle, une longue histoire… Les Grandes Sections ont correspondu avec les CP à propos du spectacle.
Toute l’équipe de la maternelle s’est mise en quatre pour vous offrir ce spectacle de fin d’année. Les répétitions ont commencé un mois avant le spectacle et les élèves se sont affairés à préparer les décors. Les mamans et professeurs ont préparé les costumes des enfants, passant de longues heures devant leurs machines à coudre. Murielle Huberson de PKA et son mari ont réalisé la bande son, le département informatique a contribué à la sonorisation. Tous ont eu une tâche précise et l’ont accomplie avec plaisir et talent: dernières mises aux point scéniques, déménagement du matériel, lumières… Un grand merci à tous, qui ont fait de ce spectacle un succès. Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 4
4) Derniers préparatifs Cette page est l’occasion d’illustrer tout le travail en amont effectué par toute l’équipe et notamment celle de Catherine Bastien et de la garderie pour la conception et la mise en place des décors. Un grand merci ! Et voilà !
Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 5
4) Dans les coulisses ! Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 6
5) Le spectacle ! MKA, Sylvie Gori & Sandrine Papa Splish! Splash! ­ Dance Two friends, one in the shower and the other in the bath, get an unannounced visit from friends who have come to party. Everyone begins to dance in the bathroom. Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 7
PKC­MKC Géraldine Cornacchia & Sophie Petit Bel hiver ­ Dance
This is the story of a snowman who is sad that he doesn’t have any friends. The children decide to console him by making him a friend. They will need to awaken the Snow Queen for the snow to arrive to build him a snowman... Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 8
KA, Jeannette Kasa & Anne Pons Jour de fête ­ Dance It is the end of the year and we will celebrate by dancing! .
Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 9
KB, Pascal Lepesqueux & Charlotte Ranoux Le bonhomme hiver ­ Short skit and song It’s winter, the first snowflakes fall. Charlie decides to build a snowman with friends, unaware that the magic of the winter will bring a nice surprise. Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 10
PKA, Murielle Koblan­Huberson & Mayda Asfour Les lutins ­ Dance Do you know the elves? They are always happy even in the snow, singing, dancing and jumping for joy. Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 11
PKB, Muriel Lepesqueux & Caroline DiCicco Gouttelettes et flocons blancs ­ Dance
Flic, floc, the children play in the rain with their umbrellas. But because of the wind, our little raindrops begin to shiver. Fortunately, they have planned everything: wool dresses, hats and pearl necklaces that will transform them into beautiful snowflakes.
Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 12
KC, Isabelle Borel & Anne­Laure Boulay Voyage, voyage ­ Dance The cold weather has come, and KC has decided to take a trip towards new horizons. Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 13
MKB, Natali Soares & Jane Schienman Schtroumpf la la ­ Song and dance White and blue, the colors of winter are perfectly illustrated by our little friends the Smurfs. Watch them dance their joie de vivre. Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 14
Kindergarten Choir, Catherine Bastien Les cloches du vieux manoir ­ Singing in 3 voices All Maternelle, C. Bastien, English teachers : Les lumières de Noël ­ Final Hymn Bilingual Happy Holidays, see you back, January 7th 2013 !
Maternelle update, December 2012, p. 15