Overview of the Program


Overview of the Program
Overview of the Program
Thursday, November 05
08.30-09.30 Registration & Coffee
09.30-10.30 Opening Session
09.45-10.30 Keynote Address : Hitoshi MITOMO
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.45 Session 1 : New Network Applications
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-15.30 Session 2 : New Markets
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
16.30-17.45 Session 3 : Macroeconometric Effects
17.45-18.30 Keynote Speech : Gilbert CETTE
Official Diner
Friday, November 06
08.30-09.00 Registration & Coffee
09.00-10.30 Keynote Lectures
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.45 Session 4 : I-City
12.45-13.45 Lunch
13.45-15.30 Session 5 : Medias
Round Table
Future of Medias in the Numerical World
Thursday, November 05
09.30 : Opening Session
Chaired by Serge Allegrezza, President scientific comité
Welcomes : (to be confirmed)
09.45 : Keynote Speech
Hitoshi MITOMO, Waseda University Tokyo
A Behavioral Economic Approach to the Gap between
People’s Awareness of Environmental Crisis and their
Behavioral Response.
How Can Environmental Information Motivate People to
Take Green Action?
11.00 : Session 1 : New Network Applications
Chaired by
Public and Private Partners in the Implementation of
Large Broadband Connection: an illustrative Model
Amel ATTOUR, Dominique TORRE
Univ. of Nice Sophia-Antipolis – Gredeg Cnrs - FR
Valuing Time Intensive Goods: An Application to Wireless
and Wired Internet
Ergin BAYRAK – Univ. of Southern California - US
P2P and Cinematic Movie Distribution in Hungary
Balázs BODÓ, Zoltán LAKATOS
Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics,
Eötvös Lóránd Univ. of Arts and Sciences- HU
File Sharing and its Impact on Business Models in Music
SEO Economic Research, Leiden University- NL
Empirical Analysis of Factors Promoting Japanese Broadband
Case of FTTH based on the Prefectural Panel Data
Yuji AKEMATSU, Masatsugu TSUJI
Graduate School of Applied Informatics, Univ. of Hyogo - JP
13.45 : Session 2 : New Markets
Chaired by
All information about this conference
on http://www.aea-eu.net/2009Marseille
Individual Investors Trading Strategies and Responsiveness to
Information - A Virtual Stock Market Internet Experiment
Ritsumeikan Univ. Research Center for Finance,
Kelai Univ.- JP
Evolution des usages d'internet dans les PME hôtelières
Valerie SALINERO, IRSIC U. Aix-Marseille II - FR
The Adoption of E-Government by Firms
an Empirical Analysis on Luxembourg
Ludivine MARTIN, Nicolas POUSSING
Valorisation économique d'un service de carte d'identité
numérique et de signature électronique à Luxembourg
Alex DURAND - Centre Henri Tudor - LU
Internet Retailing as a Marketing Strategy Maarten C.W.
JANSSEN, Rob van der NOLL - Tinbergen Inst., Erasmus
Univ. Rotterdam; SEO Economic Research - NL
16.30 : Session 3 : Macroeconometric Effects
Chaired by Gilbert Cette, Banque de France
Internet, a New Economic Paradigm?
Ignacio de CASTRO ARRIBAS - Medialab-Prado - SP
Determinants of Usage and Access to the Internet
Service in Ivory Coast
Auguste K. KOUAKOU – U. Cocody-Abidjan - CI
Information Technology, Complementary Capital,
and the TransAtlantic Productivity Divergence
Marco VINCENZI - Tepper School of Business,
Heinz Shool of Public Policy Carnegie Mellon U. - US
Technical Efficiency and the Role of Information Technology
A Stochastic Production Frontier Study across OECD Countries
Centre for Planning and Economic Research - GR
Methodological Questioning about the Indicators of
Non-Use Situations. What do we Really Know
about 33% of French Internet Non-Users ?
Annabelle BOUTET, Jocelyne TRÉMENBERT
Télécom Bretagne / M@rsouin - FR
Analyzing ICT Adoption accross European Regions
María Rosalía VICENTE, Ana Jesús LÓPEZ
University of Oviedo - SP
17.45 : Keynote Lecture
Chaired by Orhan Güvenen, AEA President
Gilbert CETTE, Université de la Méditerranée
ICT Demand Behaviour
International Comparison
co autor Jimmy LOPEZ
Friday, November 06
09.00 : Keynote Speeches
Chaired by
Patrick-Yves Badillo, EJCM
Télécom Bretagne / M@rsouin
Local E-Government
Lessons from an Inquiry in Brittany
Telecom ParisTech
Online Price Dispersion
What can we learn from Amazon Marketplace?
co-autor Jocelyne TRÉMENBERT
co autors David BOUNIE, Bora EANG, Marvin SIRBU
11.00 : Session 4 : I - C i t y
Chaired by
13 .15 : Session 5 : Medias
Chaired by
Development of ICT Infrastructure for Local SocioEconomic System in Japan
Hiroshi NAGANO
Institute for Digital Society, Waseda University - JP
Econometric Analysis of the French Press: Long Trend
and Recent Break
Patrick-Yves BADILLO, Dominique BOURGEOIS
Aix-Marseille Université - FR
Does ICT enabled Innovation?
Transformation of Traditional Markets. Can we Talk
about the New Role of New Media?
Fac. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Univ. of Maribor Institute of Media Communications - SI
Leila Ben AOUN, Anne DUBROCARD - CRP Henri
Tudor, Statec, Observatoire de la Compétitivité - LU
The Make-or-Buy Decision in ICT Services: Empirical
Evidence from Luxembourg
An Empirical Analysis of Organizational Innovation
Generated by ICT in Japanese SMEs
Teruyuki BUNNO, Hiroki IDOTA, Masaru OGAWA,
Masatsugu TSUJI – U. of Hyogo - JP
Difference between Adoption and Access Frequency to
Internet and Consumer's Surplus
Mohamed AYADI, Adel Ben YOUSSEF, Walid HADHRI
ADIS, Université Paris 11 - FR
Surfing as a Power Law
Fabrice Le GUEL - ADIS, Université Paris 11 – FR
Blogs and the Economics of Reciprocal Attention
Alexia GAUDEUL, Laurence MATHIEU, Chiara PERONI
School of Economics, U. East Anglia - UK
Internet, un média innovant pour la recherche expérimentale
et participative : le cas d'un site numérique engageant
Françoise BERNARD, Didier COURBET
Aix-Marseille Université - FR
15.45 : Round Table
Chaired by Lionel FLEURY
Ancien Président de l'AFP, Directeur de l'EJCM
Futur of Medias in the Numerical World
Virtual Session (Scientific Papers given to the Conference by people not present in Marseilles, EJCM )
To Bundle or not to Bundle? How Western European
Newspapers Package their Online Content
Valérie-Anne BLEYEN, Leo Van HOVEN
Vrije Universiteit Brussel – BE
Beyond the Access Digital Divide
Joeffrey DROUARD, Telecom Paris Tech – FR
Impact des innovations technologiques et organisationnelles
sur la productivité et la structure des qualifications dans les
entreprises tunisiennes Asma BABAY - ISIG de Kairouan - TU
An Empirical Analysis of Online Media during the 2008 Italian
General Election
Paolo BRUNORI , Alessandro BONAZZI, Riccardo
GOVONI, Matteo ZANDI - Università di Bari - IT
La gratuité avenir du numérique? Evaluation économétrique
de la disposition à payer pour la diffusion de vidéo online
Sylvain DEJEAN, Thierry PÉNARD, Raphaël SUIRE
CREM, Univ. de Rennes1, M@rsouin - FR
Use of NTIC in InterFirms Cooperation
Wided SMATI - Télécom Bretagne - FR
Marseilles – France
2009, November 05 & 06
Olson's Paradox Revisited: An Empirical Analysis of Filesharing Behavior in P2P File-sharing Communities Sylvain
DEJEAN, Thierry PENARD , Raphaël SUIRE
M@rsouin, Telecom bretagne - FR
How do Sponsored Links on Search Engines affect Market
Michael A. ARNOLD, Eric DARMON, Ludivine MARTIN,
Thierry PENARD - CREM-CNRS et Univ. Rennes 1 - FR
updated version 09/10/30