Candidat Applicant Nom Last Name Prénom First Name DOSSIER


Candidat Applicant Nom Last Name Prénom First Name DOSSIER
Candidat Applicant
Last Name
First Name
Le dossier de candidature doit comprendre :
– Formulaire 1 : Déclaration de candidature
– Formulaire 2 : Curriculum vitae détaillé
– Formulaire 3 : Description synthétique de l’activité
– Formulaire 4 : Contributions majeures
– Formulaire 5 : Programme de recherche
– Formulaire 6 : Lettres de recommandation (coordonnées des personnalités scientifiques sollicitées)
– Formulaire 7 : Liste complète des contributions
– Les rapports de thèse ou de doctorat (si disponibles)
– Une copie des derniers titres et diplômes
The application should include :
– Form 1 : Statement of intent to apply
– Form 2 : Detailed curriculum vitae
– Form 3 : Summary of your past activity
– Form 4 : Major contributions
– Form 5 : Research program
– Form 6 : Names and addresses of professional references
– Form 7 : Complete list of contributions
– Ph D. dissertation reports (if available)
– A copy of most recent titles and diplomas
La date limite de dépôt des dossiers de candidature est fixée au 18 février 2013.
Les candidates / candidats doivent remettre leur dossier en 1 exemplaire (revêtu de la signature originale) à l’une
ou plusieurs des adresses énumérées ci-dessous selon le(s) souhait(s) d’affectation :
- soit en déposant ce dossier à l’une ou plusieurs de ces adresses avant le 18 février 2013, 16 heures ;
- soit en l’envoyant par la poste à l’une ou plusieurs de ces adresses avant le 18 février 2013 minuit, le cachet
de la poste faisant foi.
The deadline to file an application is February 18th, 2013.
Applicants must supply 1 copy of their application (with the original signature), to one or several of the following addresses according to the research center(s) the applicant wishes to be assigned to :
- either by depositing this application in person at one or several of these addresses before 4 :00 PM, February 18th, 2013 ;
- or by sending this application by mail, postmarked by midnight February 18th, 2013, to one or several of
these addresses.
Adresses/Addresses :
– Service des ressources humaines du centre de recherche Inria Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest,
200, avenue de la Vieille Tour
33405 TALENCE Cedex
– Service des ressources humaines du centre de recherche Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes,
Inovallée - 655, avenue de l’Europe, Montbonnot
38334 SAINT-ISMIER Cedex
– Service des ressources humaines du centre de recherche Inria Lille - Nord Europe,
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne
40, avenue Halley - Bât. A, Park Plaza
– Service des ressources humaines du centre de recherche Inria Nancy - Grand Est,
Technopôle de Nancy Brabois, 615, rue du Jardin Botanique, BP 101,
– Service des ressources humaines du centre de recherche Inria Paris-Rocquencourt,
Domaine de Voluceau, BP 105,
78153 LE CHESNAY Cedex
– Service des ressources humaines du centre de recherche Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique,
Campus universitaire de Beaulieu,
35042 RENNES Cedex
– Service des ressources humaines du centre de recherche Inria Saclay - Île-de-France,
1 rue Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves, Bâtiment Alan Turing, Campus de l’École Polytechnique
– Service des ressources humaines du centre de recherche Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée,
2004, route des Lucioles, BP 93,
Attention/Warning :
Dans l’état actuel de la réglementation française, seul le dossier original signé constitue le document officiel de
candidature 1 .
According to present French regulations, the original application with the applicant’s signature is considered as
the sole official application document 1 .
Transmission du dossier de candidature par courrier électronique/
Transmitting the application packet via e-mail
Il est demandé à la candidate / au candidat d’envoyer le dossier de candidature 2 par courrier électronique
(formulaires 1 à 7 dans l’ordre), en un seul fichier. Ce fichier, en format PDF (de préférence) ou PS sera enregistré
sous le nom de la candidate / du candidat (nom.prenom ; exemple : dupond.jean).
Applicants are asked to send an electronic version 2 of the application packet, (with forms 1 to 7 in this order), in a single file. This file, in PDF (preferably) or PS, format is sent under the name of the applicant
(lastname.firstname ; for example smith.john).
Ce document doit être envoyé à l’une ou plusieurs des adresses énumérées ci-dessous selon le(s) souhait(s) d’affectation / This document should be sent to one or several of the following addresses according to the research
center(s) the applicant wishes to be assigned to :
[email protected]
pour une affectation au centre de recherche Inria Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest
for an assignment in the Inria Bordeaux – Sud-Ouest research center
[email protected]
pour une affectation au centre de recherche Inria Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes
for an assignment in the Inria Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes research center
[email protected]
pour une affectation au centre de recherche Inria Lille – Nord Europe
for an assignment in the Inria Lille – Nord Europe research center
[email protected]
pour une affectation au centre de recherche Inria Nancy – Grand Est
for an assignment in the Inria Nancy – Grand Est
[email protected]
pour une affectation au centre de recherche Inria Paris-Rocquencourt
for an assignment in the Inria Paris-Rocquencourt research center
[email protected]
pour une affectation au centre de recherche Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
for an assignment in the Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique research center
[email protected]
pour une affectation au centre de recherche Inria Saclay – Île-de-France
for an assignment in the Inria Saclay – Île-de-France research center
[email protected]
pour une affectation au centre de recherche Inria Sophia-Antipolis – Méditerranée
for an assignment in the Inria Sophia-Antipolis – Méditerranée research center
1. Les informations fournies par la candidate / le candidat feront l’objet d’un traitement informatisé, et les listes nominatives des candidates/candidats admis à concourir, présélectionnés, admissibles et admis au concours seront accessibles sur le serveur web d’Inria. Le droit
d’accès prévu par l’article 34 de la loi n◦ 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée relative à l’informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés (communication
et rectification des données concernant les candidates / candidats) s’exerce auprès de la Direction des ressources humaines d’Inria.
1. The data provided in your application will be data processed. The name lists of the selected applicants will be posted on Inria web site.
The access right as stated in art. 34 of the law N◦ 78.17, January 6th 1978, modified, related to data processing, files and liberty (communication
and correction of the data related to your application) is filed to Inria’s Human Resources Department.
2. Ce document transmis par courrier électronique sera utilisé pour faciliter le travail des jurys du concours.
2. This document sent by e-mail will be used by the committees involved in the competitive selection process.
Formulaire 1/Form 1
Je soussigné(e) 1 / I undersigned 1 VECIL FRANCESCO déclare présenter ma candidature au(x) concours de
recrutement de Chargés de recherche de deuxième classe d’Inria pour l’année 2013/hereby declare that I apply
for the 2013 competitive selection for Inria young graduate scientists (Chargés de recherche de deuxième classe)
(Cocher au moins une case/Check at least one box)
XConcours n˚ 1 :
Affectation :
2Concours n˚ 2 :
Affectation :
2Concours n˚ 3 :
Affectation :
XConcours n˚ 4 :
Affectation :
2Concours n˚ 5 :
Affectation :
2Concours n˚ 6 :
Affectation :
2Concours n˚ 7 :
Affectation :
2Concours n˚ 8 :
Affectation :
INRIA Nancy - Grand-Est
INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
INRIA Lille - Nord-Europe
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis - Mediterranee
INRIA Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique
INRIA Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes
INRIA Saclay - Île-de-France
INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest
Mon programme de recherche s’intitule/Title of my research program :
Analysis, numerics and simulations for plasma physics, semiconductors and agent-based models in biology
Sujet de recherche ciblé/Research topic I apply for :
En cas de réussite au(x) concours je demande à être affecté(e) au sein des équipes ou équipes-projet(s) suivantes 2 /If
I am recruited by Inria I wish to be assigned to the following teams or project-teams 2 : COFFEE (Sophia-Antipolis
- Méditerranée), CALVI (Nancy - Grand-Est).
Les candidates / candidats sont invités à prendre contact avec les responsables des équipes-projet(s) dans lesquelles
ils/elles postulent/Applicants should enter in contact with the project-team leaders concerned by their applications.
1. Ecrire en lettres capitales
1. Please print.
2. Les Chargés de recherche de deuxième classe d’Inria sont recrutés au sein de l’une des équipes-projets Inria existantes (ou en cours
de création au moment du concours). C’est pourquoi il est demandé aux candidates/candidats d’indiquer la ou les équipes-projets auxquelles
ils souhaitent être rattachés en cas de recrutement. Pour chaque équipe-projet mentionnée, indiquer le centre de recherche considéré ; si la
candidate/le candidat postule au sein d’une équipe-projet localisée dans deux centres de recherche, il doit mentionner le ou les centres de
recherche choisi(s). Voir la liste des équipes-projets d’Inria sur
Dans le cadre des souhaits émis par la candidate/ le candidat, la direction se réserve le droit de choisir le centre de recherche d’accueil.
2. Inria young graduate scientists(Chargés de recherche de deuxième classe) are recruited within one of the existing research projectteams (or in one of the research project-teams being currently under creation). The applicant is asked to indicate the research project-team(s)
he or she wishes to be assigned to. For each research project-team mentioned, indicate the research center. If the applicant is applying to a
research project-team based in two research centers, the chosen research center(s) must be mentioned. See the list of Inria research projectsteams on Inside the wishes expressed by the candidate, Inria’s
management reserves the right to choose the research center assigned.
J’ai pris connaissance des conditions requises pour concourir 3 , et je certifie sur l’honneur l’exactitude des renseignements fournis dans ce dossier/ I am aware of the conditions required 3 for the consideration of my application and I certify that the information I have supplied is true and correct.
À/City Valencia (Spain), le/Date 16/02/2013
3. Voir la brochure d’information/See the information booklet :
Formulaire 2/Form 2
Nom/Last Name : VECIL
Prénom/First Name : FRANCESCO
Date et lieu de naissance/Date and place of birth : 21/02/1978, Udine (Italy)
Nationalité/Citizenship : Italian
Sexe/Sex : M
Adresse postale/Mailing address : despacho 540, Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada, Facultat de Matemàtiques
Universitat de València
carrer del Doctor Moliner, 50
Burjassot 46100 (Spain)
N◦ de téléphone/Telephone : (+34) 635 924 630
Adresse électronique/E-mail : [email protected]
Page Web personnelle/Web page :
Centre de recherche Inria (si applicable)/Inria Research Center (if applicable) :
Équipe-projet de recherche (si applicable)/Project-team (if applicable) :
Ce texte suivra obligatoirement le plan indiqué ci-dessous (conserver la numération des sections même si certaines
d’entre elles restent vides)./This document should follow the guidelines given below (adhere to the order of the
sections below, even if some of them are non-applicable).
Intitulé/Title : A contribution to the numerical simulation of Vlasov-based models.
Date de soutenance/Date of the defense of the Ph.D. : 17/12/2007.
Établissement ayant délivré la thèse/Granting institution : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).
Organisme d’accueil (laboratoire, équipe, etc.) pour la préparation de la thèse 1 / Host institution (laboratory, team,
etc.) for the preparation of the Ph.D. 1 :Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), laboratoire MIP (Mathématiques pour l’Idustrie et la Physique) - Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse (France).
Master ou équivalent/Master’s or equivalent
Intitulé/Title : Non-oscillatory interpolation methods applied to kinetic equations for plasmas.
Date/Date : 26/09/2005.
Établissement ayant délivré le diplôme/Granting institution : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).
Organisme où s’est déroulé le stage/Institution where the training course took place : Universitat Autònoma de
Autres diplômes/Other diplomas :
– Laurea in Matematica, Universitas Studii Paduani (Padova, Italy), 12/07/2002.
– C2 language certificate (the highest level of the Common European Framework of Reference) in French,
English, Spanish and Catalan.
Parcours Professionnel/Professionnal history
Situation professionnelle actuelle/Current professionnal status
Statut et fonction 2 /Position and statute 2 : post-doctoral scientific researcher.
Etablissement (ville - pays)/Institution (city -country) : Universitat de València, Burjassot - València (Spain).
Date d’entrée en fonction/Start : 01 October 2010.
[ ] Sans emploi /Without employment
1. Dans le cas où la thèse s’est déroulée au sein d’une équipe-projet Inria, veuillez indiquer le centre de recherche.
1. If the thesis took place within an Inria project, do please indicate the research center.
2. Indiquer avec précision chaque situation statutaire. Par exemple : pour une situation d’agent titulaire de la fonction publique, préciser le
corps et le grade de rattachement, pour une situation de salarié du secteur privé ou d’agent non titulaire d’un établissement public, préciser la
nature du contrat salarial, etc.
2. For each position, indicate grade or rank. For example, for a tenured civil service position, indicate the branch and rank, for a private
sector position or non-tenured position in a public institution, indicate the nature of the work contract, etc.
Expériences professionnelles antérieures/Previous professionnal experiences
Dates début/Start
Dates fin/End
RICAM, Linz (Austria)
UGR, Granada (Spain)
UPS, Toulouse (France)
UAB, Barcelona (Spain)
Fonctions et statuts2 /Positions and status2
Marie Curie pre-doc
Ph. D. student
Prix et distinctions/Prizes and awards
Mentionner l’intitulé et la date des prix et les organismes qui les attribuent.
Mention the title and date of the awards as well as the granting organizations.
Encadrement d’activités de recherche/Supervision of research activities
Encadrement de stages ou de projets de recherche et de thèses. Indiquer le nom des personnes encadrées, le sujet
de leurs travaux, la part prise dans leur encadrement, et présenter brièvement le contenu et la portée de ces travaux.
Supervision of internships, masters and PhD. Mention names of students, subjects, amount of supervision involved,
and a brief presentation of the contents and significance of the work.
Responsabilités collectives/Responsibilities
Participation à des comités de lecture (revues, conférences), participation à des conseils ou commissions, organisation de conférences, tâches d’intérêt collectif.
Mention any participation in membership on editorial boards, participation in colloquia organization, participation in committees, tasks of collective interest.
– Referee for Communications in Computational Physics.
– Co-organizer of minisymposium Advanced Numerical Simulations for Kinetic Equations, held at the joint
SIAM/RSME-SCM-SEMA Meeting in Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations, Barcelona (Spain), 31/05/2010-04/06/2010.
Collaborations, mobilité/Collaborations, visits
Décrire les expériences de mobilité thématique ou géographique accomplies par la candidate / le candidat ; mentionner notamment les séjours de plus de trois mois dans des laboratoires différents de celui dans lequel la candidate / le candidat a préparé sa thèse de doctorat. Listez les personnes avec qui vous avez eu une collaboration forte
et régulière (des publications communes, un développement logiciel commun) et préciser le sujet et le résultat de
la collaboration.
Mention work in different fields or in alternate laboratories. In particular, mention all stays of more than three
months in a laboratory or department other than where your Ph.D. dissertation was prepared.List the partners
with whom you had a strong and regular collaboration (joint publications, joint software development) and explain
the topic and the outcome of the collaboration.
All along my research activity, I have realized several short visits to collaborators. In particular, I would like
to mention, as the strongest and most regular collaboration, the work with María José Cáceres and José Miguel
Mantas of the University of Granada : after my six-month post-doctoral position there, I have spent three other
months at the department of Applied Mathematics and at the department of Programming Languages and Systems.
Follows the exhaustive list of all my visits, categorized by topic :
– Lab : Laboratoire MIP, UPS, Toulouse (France).
Duration : 3 weeks.
Year : 2004.
Topic : solvers for kinetic equations.
Collaborators : N.B. Abdallah.
Publications : This visit has contributed to publication [4].
– Lab : Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Catania (Italy).
Duration : 1 week.
Year : 2006.
Topic : implementation of a time-splitting WENO method for the Boltzmann-Poisson system for semiconductors.
Collaborators : A. Majorana.
Publications : This visit has given rise to publication [2].
– Lab : Mathematics department, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz (Germany).
Duration : 2 weeks.
Year : 2006.
Topic : Energy Transport models applied to transport problems.
Collaborators : S. Holst.
– Lab : Laboratoire MIP, UPS, Toulouse (France).
Duration : 3 days.
Year : January 2009.
Topic : solver for a coupled quantum/classical model for nanoMOSFETs.
Collaborators : N.B. Abdallah, J.A. Carrillo.
– Lab : Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Duration : 1 month.
Year : July 2009.
Topic : parallel implementation of a deterministic solver for the sub-band Boltzmann-Schroedinger-Poisson
model for nanoMOSFETs.
Collaborators : M.J. Cáceres, J.M. Mantas, C. Sampedro, A. Godoy.
Publications : This visit has contributed to publication [4].
– Lab : Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Toulouse, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France).
Duration : 1 week.
Year : November 2009.
Topic : an AP (asymptotic-preserving) scheme for the simulation of sub-band models for nanoMOSFETs.
Collaborators : N.B. Abdallah, M.-H. Vignal.
– Lab : Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Duration : 1 month.
Year : July 2011.
Topic : implementation of a deterministic Boltzmann-Schroedinger-Poisson sub-band model for nanoMOSFETs on a high-performance platform.
Collaborators : M.J. Cáceres, J.M. Mantas, C. Sampedro, A. Godoy.
– Lab : Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada (Spain).
Duration : 1 month.
Year : June 2012.
Topic : GPU version of the deterministic solver for partially-confined DG-MOSFETs.
Collaborators : M.J. Cáceres, J.M. Mantas, C. Sampedro, A. Godoy.
Plasma physics
– Lab : Département de Mathématiques, Université de Nancy (France).
Duration : 1 week.
Year : 2005.
Topic : implementation of a time-splitting WENO scheme for laser-plasma interaction.
Collaborators : S. Labrunie.
– Lab : Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Luminy, Marseille (France).
Duration : 6 weeks.
Year : 19 July-27 August 2010.
Topic : CEMRACS 2010 : numerical models for fusion.
Organizers : N. Crouseilles (INRIA Nancy-Grand-Est), H. Guillard (INRIA-Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée),
B. Nkonga (Université de Nice et INRIA), E. Sonnendrücker (Université de Strasbourg et INRIA). Results :
This work was published as peer-reviewed preprint [9].
– Lab : IRMA (Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée), Université de Strasbourg.
Duration : 1 week.
Period : 28 February 2011-4 March 2011.
Topic : Implementation of a Discontinuous Galerkin scheme for the guiding-center model.
Collaborators : N. Crouseilles (INRIA Strasbourg), M. Mehrenberger (Strasbourg).
Models for biology
– Lab : Center of mathematical Sciences, Université de Cambridge (UK).
Duration : 2 weeks.
Year : 17/11/2008 - 29/11/2008.
Topic : solvers for chemotaxis problems.
Collaborators : P. Markowich, K. Fellner, M. Fornasier.
– Lab : Departament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).
Duration : 3 weeks.
Year : January 2009.
Topic : kinetic solvers for swarming, flocking et milling problems.
Collaborators : J.A. Carrillo, J.A. Cañizo, J. Rosado.
Publications : This visit has contributed to publication [7].
– Lab : Départament de Matemàtiques, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).
Duration : 1 week.
Year : November 2009.
Topic : numerical simulation of collective behavior models.
Collaborators : J.A. Carrillo.
Publications : This visit has contributed to publication [7].
– Lab : Department of Applied Mathematics, Technical University of Munich, Garching-Munich (Germany).
Duration : 1 week (17-21 December 2012).
Year : December 2012.
Topic : numerical analysis of the Cucker-Smale collective behavior model.
Collaborator : M. Fornasier.
– Lab : École Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry (France).
Duration : 1 week (11-15 February 2013).
Year : February 2013.
Topic : 2D kinetic solver for attractive/repulsive collective behavior models.
Collaborator : P. Lafitte.
Other topics related to kinetic equations
– Lab : Département de Mathématiques, Université de Lille (France).
Duration : 1 week.
Year : November 2006.
Topic : numerical methods for macroscopic limits of kinetic equations.
Collaborators : Thierry Goudon, Pauline Lafitte, José Antonio Carrillo.
Results : This work has given rise to publication [3].
– Lab : Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge.
Duration : 2 months.
Year : 1 November 2010-22 December 2010.
Topic : Partial Differential Equations in Kinetic Theories.
Organizers : J.A. Carrillo (Barcelona), S. Jin (Wisconsin) et P.A. Markowich (Cambridge).
Préciser les établissements dans lesquels la candidate / le candidat a enseigné, la nature et la durée des cours.
List teaching institutions, description of courses taught, and duration of each course.
– Numerical integration of PDEs, in charge of the labwork, 30 hours, 2005-06, Mathematics department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).
– Hyperbolic conservation laws, in charge of the labwork, 14 hours, 2009-10, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz
– Mathematics II, in charge of the lectures, the tutorials and the labwork, 60 hours, 2011-12, Chemical Engineering, Universitàt de València, Burjassot (Spain).
– Mathematics II, in charge of the lectures, the tutorials and the labwork, 60 hours, 2012-13, Chemical Engineering, Universitàt de València, Burjassot (Spain).
Diffusion de l’information scientifique/Dissemination of scientific knowledge
Participation à des activités de diffusion de l’information scientifique vers des publics non spécialistes du domaine
de recherche de la candidate / du candidat (participation à des ouvrages de vulgarisation, articles dans des revues
généralistes ou à lectorats non académiques, etc.).
Note participation in any activity focusing on the dissemination of scientific knowledge to non-specialists (textbooks, articles in general purpose magazines, etc.).
Eléments divers/Other relevant information
Indiquer ici les autres informations importantes susceptibles d’intéresser les jurys, en particulier les raisons des
interruptions de carrière éventuelles.
Mention here other important information which you feel may be relevant to the committee, in particular the
reasons of carrier stops.
En 1999/2000 j’ai utilisé le programme Erasmus pour passer une année en Franche-Comté comme étudiant en
licence. Cela a été ma première experience à l’étranger. En 2002 je suis parti faire mon doctorat en Espagne et en
France. En 2008 j’ai déménagé en Autriche et après je suis rentré en Espagne. J’ai vécu dans huit villes différentes
dans quatre états, et je crois être capable de bien m’adapter aux changements et aux langues différentes.
Formulaire 3/Form 3
Nom/Last name: VECIL
Prénom/First name: FRANCESCO
Donner une description globale de votre activité passée, en montrant ses lignes directrices.
Give a global description of your past activity, showing the main lines of this activity.
Résumé. My research activity has developed around the numerical simulation of problems having an applied
interest for engineering or physics, in particular the simulation of semiconductors, plasmas and collective behavior
models, and around the improvement of computational cost through implicit methods, parallel codes or Adaptive
Mesh Refinement (AMR) strategies.
The main mathematical axis along the different fields I explored is the use of performant numerical schemes to
solve Vlasov-like equations, which are a tool employed to describe in a quite accurate way the transport, for
example that of the electrons driven by a potential drop inside a transistor. My Ph.D. thesis focuses on how the
well-established methods used in this field could be replaced by others easilier implementable and computationally
cheaper in exchange of some accuracy ; three publications have issued from this : in [1] our schemes are tested
against academic test cases ; in [2] they are applied to the simulation of a simple 1D diode ; [3] describes schemes
of intermediate accuracy between a kinetic equation (the most precise tool to describe transport) and its zero-order
approximation, the heat equation.
Semiconductors and parallel computing. DGSOI transistors are the basic brick of any electronic device. Their
design has been rapidly evolving in the last decades. The sizes they have reached and the partial confinement
along one dimension make the use of hybrid quantum/classical models necessary. I started working on that subject
in Toulouse with Naoufel Ben Abdallah in 2006, and went on with people of the University of Granada, in a rather
interdisciplinary context : María José Cáceres is a mathematician, José Miguel Mantas an informatics engineer,
Carlos Sampedro, Andrés Godoy and Francisco Gámiz are electronics engineers. We have achieved a publication
(see [4]) in which we test the solvers for the quantum part on a simplified setting, and we have implemented a
parallel (on CPU) version of the code in a physically relevant context.
Plasma physics. Plasma physics are extremely interesting because of the scientific and economic effort that is
being made in fusion research. My work in this field develops in two lines : the simulation of the guiding-center
model and the simulation of the quasi-relativistic 1D Vlasov-Maxwell (QRVM) model. The first is used to describe
the evolution of the plasma density inside a tokamak reactor chamber, the second one to describe how a laser heats
a plasma by penetrating into it.
In 2005 I visited Simon Labrunie in Nancy to implement a solver based on WENO semi-Lagrangian schemes for
the QRVM equation ; no publication has yet been achieved, but the code gave encouraging results.
In 2010 I participated to the CEMRACS summer school, where I worked on the VLADG project with Nicolas
Crouseilles and Michel Mehrenberger. We have set the basis for the full solver by testing it in simplified settings
like the Vlasov-Poisson model (see [9]).
Collective behaviors. Collective behavior models arise when a huge amount of individuals self-organize patterns
of uniform behavior without the active presence of a leader. With Massimo Fornasier, I have worked on the CuckerSmale model ; an article is submitted and is being reviewed. With Pauline Lafitte and Jesús Rosado, I have worked
on attractive/repulsive models, and have achieved publication [6].
Adaptive Mesh Refinement. The researchers of the University of Valencia are experts in AMR methods. At this
moment I am a post-doc there ; we have coupled their expertise in AMR with mine in semi-Lagrangian Strangsplitting methods and have achieved publication [5] on 2D solvers for transport problems in conservation form.
The article shows the strategy can be used to successfully reduce the computational cost in exchange of some loss
of precision.
1. En 1 page maximum.
1. 1 page maximum.
Formulaire 4/Form 4
Nom/Last name: VECIL Prénom/First name: FRANCESCO
Équipes-Projets d’affectation souhaitées/Project-teams assignation wishes : COFFEE (Sophia-Antipolis - Méditerranée), CALVI (Nancy - Grand-Est).
Taille maximum de cette partie : 3 pages. Remplir une fiche par contribution majeure (au plus 3). Il peut s’agir
d’une contribution scientifique donnant lieu à un ensemble de publications (voire une publication majeure), ou
à un développement technologique (logiciel ou autre), d’une action de transfert industriel, d’une responsabilité
collective, d’une activité d’animation d’une communauté de recherche, ou de tout autre élément relevant des
missions d’un chercheur. Les critères importants sont la créativité, l’originalité et l’impact. Chaque fiche suivra le
plan indiqué ci-dessous. Dans l’ensemble du texte, penser à donner, le cas échéant, les références permettant de
consulter sur le Web les documents mentionnés (articles, thèses, logiciels, etc.).
Maximum size for this part : 3 pages. Fill in one form for each major contribution (at most 3). It can be
a scientific contribution expressed through a set of publications (or a single major publication), or through a
technology development (software or hardware or other) ; it can also be an industrial transfer, a participation to
the management of research or to the animation of a scientific community, or any other element. The main criteria
are creativity, originality and impact. Each form should follow the guidelines given below. In the body of the text,
give the Web references for quoted documents (articles, dissertations, software, etc.), if available.
Fiche 1 : Non oscillatory interpolation methods applied to Vlasov-based models
1. Description de la contribution/Description of the contribution
This contribution is the most influential paper I have published, as for the number of citations. Reference is [1].
2. Contribution personnelle de la candidate / du candidat/Personal contribution of the candidate
I implemented all the codes involved in the numerical experiments, and performed the main redaction work.
3. Originalité et difficulté/Originality and difficulty
We made use of an implicit semi-Lagrangian scheme coupled to a WENO scheme for the reconstruction at the
characteristics’ footprints ; the 2D solver is obtained by Strang-splitting. The usual way of treating such kind of
problems is by means of Runge-Kutta schemes, which are well-established but also time-consuming. Our strategy
requires far less time steps, keeps a reasonable accuracy and is not difficult to implement.
4. Validation et impact /Validation and impact
Our work is used by members of the applied mathematics community as reference in their publications. This work
was the building block for my Ph.D. and for several other publications of mine.
5. Diffusion/Dissemination
The article has been cited 17 times (MathSciNet)/33 times (Google Scholar), basically in the framework of solvers
for the Vlasov-Poisson equation or semi-Lagrangian methods.
Fiche 2 : Numerical Schemes of Diffusion Asymptotics and Moment Closures for Kinetic
Si nécessaire, compléter cette fiche en suivant le même plan que la première.
If needed, fill this section using the same subsections as in the first one.
1. Description de la contribution/Description of the contribution
It is a paper published in 2008. Reference is [3].
2. Contribution personnelle de la candidate / du candidat/Personal contribution of the candidate
I have implemented the numerical schemes in the paper and performed the experiments.
3. Originalité et difficulté/Originality and difficulty
The paper deals with the numerical simulation of models between the most accurate description, the kinetic level,
and the coarsest, the heat equation. The schemes we proposed are based on decomposing the distribution function
into averages and fluctuations, and are Asymptotic-Preserving, in the sense that they remain stable even in critical
regimes, without additional computational cost.
4. Validation et impact /Validation and impact
This work is used inside the applied mathematical community by people dealing with micro-macro decompositions or with AP schemes.
5. Diffusion/Dissemination
The paper has 4 citations (MathSciNet), or 23 (Google Scholar).
Fiche 3 : Particle, Kinetic, and Hydrodynamic Models of Swarming
Si nécessaire, compléter cette fiche en suivant le même plan que la première.
If needed, fill this section using the same subsections as in the first one.
1. Description de la contribution/Description of the contribution
It is the chapter of a book, appeared in 2010. Reference is [7].
2. Contribution personnelle de la candidate / du candidat/Personal contribution of the candidate
I have implemented numerical solvers for both the particle and the kinetic code and have realized most of the
numerical experiments in the work.
3. Originalité et difficulté/Originality and difficulty
Numerical studies of collective behavior models are not fully developed, at least for the Cucker-Smale model.
4. Validation et impact /Validation and impact
This work is cited by scientific reaserchers dealing with systems of particle or kinetic equations for orientation
5. Diffusion/Dissemination
The work has 3 citations (MathSciNet) or 23 (Google Scholar).
Formulaire 5/Form 5
Nom/Last name: VECIL
Prénom/First name: FRANCESCO
Intitulé du programme de recherche / Title of research program
Analysis, numerics and simulations for plasma physics, semiconductors and agent-based models in biology.
Applied mathematics is a fundamental complement for the technological development. It is desirable that the
innovations go in the direction of diminishing the environmental impact or the risk due to nowadays techniques.
The main building blocks inside my program refer to the research in plasma physics for fusion energy production,
and to the simulation of ultra-short and partially-confined transistor devices.
Plasma physics. A huge effort, from the scientific and economic point of view, is being made to boost the fusion
technology. The first experiments with ITER’s tokamak are expected in about ten years ; then, a commercial
demonstration power plant, called DEMO, is expected in no less than twenty years. Achieving nuclear fusion
would provide a safe and ecological way of producing energy, for several reasons : no chain reaction is involved
and no meltdown is possible ; the fuels involved are less dangerous and could be produced locally ; nuclear wastes
have a radioactive cycle of much shorter life ; there is no production of CO2 . All these aspects are good reasons to
invest energies in this field.
– Simulation of the quasi-relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell model for laser-plasma interaction, through a semi-Lagrangian AMR scheme.
The 1D quasi-relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell model can be used to describe how a laser heats a plasma by penetrating into it. The plasma inside the tokamak reactor needs temperatures of order 108 K, hence this problem is
interesting from the point of view of fusion energy production.
AMR strategies can be used to speed up simulations in which there are zones of the domain that do not carry
essential information and that can be thus given less resolution than others. By now, with Pep Mulet of the
University of Valencia, we have implemented a 2D semi-Lagrangian solver, we have coupled it to a fast solver
(FFTW) for the Poisson equation, and we have tested it against classical, academic test cases like the VlasovPoisson model or the Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (results are published in the Journal of Computational
Physics). We wish now to improve our solver and apply it to the quasi-relativistic 1D Vlasov-Maxwell model.
Fixed-mesh schemes based on finite differences and a Runge-Kutta time integration have already been implemented in this domain. We wish now to provide three novelties : coupling the leap-frog Yee scheme for the
computation of the Maxwell part to a semi-Lagrangian WENO scheme for the transport part, so as to be allowed to use larger time steps ; coupling this method to an AMR strategy ; using the AMR strategy also for the
finite-difference scheme. At the end we aim at an empirical hint about the most effective way of integrating the
quasi-relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system.
– Implementation of a semi-Lagrangian discontinuous-Galerkin (DG) scheme for the guiding-center model.
The guiding-center model can be used to describe the evolution of a plasma inside a tokamak reactor chamber,
hence it is of interest in the field of nuclear fusion. DG schemes allow for an improvement of the resolution
thanks to a local refinement, which gives no constraint on the time stepping and allows for a parallelization
of the code. During CEMRACS 2010 we have, together with Nicolas Crouseilles and Michel Mehrenberger,
started implementing this kind of solvers, we have extended the 1D solver to a 2D setting and tested these
methods against the Vlasov-Poisson model. These results are published as a peer-reviewed proceeding (see
[9]). The difference in the case of the guiding-center model is that the advection is non-constant (with respect to
the advected variable) and that the field is 2D. The state-of-the-art is the following : we can solve the 2D Poisson
equation on a DG discretization, we can solve the non-constant advections and therefore we can simulate the
guiding-center model. Still, our strategy should be compared to those in the litterature and the divergence-free
condition should be numerically imposed.
Deterministic simulation for a partially-confined DG-MOSFET through the Boltzmann-Schrödinger-Poisson
1. En 2 pages maximum.
1. 2 pages maximum.
Transistors are the main brick of any electronic device ; a modern CPU, for instance, contains order 108 of them,
while in the seventies the amount was of order 104 . This has been made possible by their scaling : while in the
seventies the diode’s channel was about 10 µm long, today a commercial Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect
Transistor (MOSFET) has reached a channel length of 32 nm, and the roadmap requires further downscaling.
The three main advantages of developing ultra-short devices are : they allow for better performances, because
more transistors would fit in the same physical space ; the environment would benefit, because in order to switch
on or off a transistor, lower potential drops (voltage bias) are needed, thus leading to energy saving ; from the
economic point of view, they would be cheaper, because less silicon is used. The downscaling, together with some
improvements in the design, raises several challenging problems in order to model and simulate such devices, for
instance taking into account quantum effects and implementing parallel codes to speed up the computations.
– Accurate and GPU-parallel solver for partially-confined DGSOI devices. Nowadays’ solvers are usually Monte
Carlo, which is noisy and provides unreliable information in the zones with a low electron density, or macroscopic, which lack precision. This is why it is interesting to have a very accurate deterministic solver, whose
goal is to provide reference results even if it is computationally costlier than other methods. In 2006 I have
started working on this topic in Toulouse with Naoufel Ben Abdallah (my thesis’ co-supervisor). The numerical
methods for the computation of the confinement have been written (the results are published on the Journal
of Computational Physics), and a big implementation effort has been made. In this first stage we have used
Cartesian coordinates for the wave vector and a semi-Lagrangian splitting scheme for the time integration. We
have now improved the solver in several directions : seven electron-phonon interaction phenomena ; ellipsoidal
coordinates for the wave vector in order to better integrate the scattering operator ; Runge-Kutta time discretization coupled to a finite-differences WENO scheme, which is better suitable for ellipsoidal coordinates for the
wave vector ; MPI-parallel code on a cluster of CPUs ; comparison to Monte Carlo. Apart from that, we are
also improving the model by taking into account the surface roughness phenomenon and we are developing
a parallel code on the GPU (through CUDA libraries), with the ultimate goal of developing an open computational platform. This work is being developed with María J. Cáceres (mathematician), José Miguel Mantas
(informatic engineer), Carlos Sampedro, Andrés Godoy et Francisco Gámiz (electronic engineers), all of them
from the University of Granada.
– Spectral methods for the integration of scattering phenomena for the Boltzmann equation.
When, in the Boltzmann equation, the scattering operator is essentially given by a sum of Dirac masses, a spectral method could be used. María J. Cáceres and Clément Mouhot started writing the numerical scheme some
years ago. The idea seems interesting because no numerical cost would be added to the traditional schemes,
nevertheless improving their precision.
– Analysis and numerical study of the plasma oscillations.
When a bias is applied to a positive-doped transistor, the holes try to oppose the electrons’ displacement. This
leads to oscillations (before the system stabilizes towards an equilibrium) which are all the more evident as the
device’s size becomes smaller and the applied bias large. This phenomenon, which in principle does not depend
on the quantum effects nor on the scattering operator but essentially on the coupling to the Poisson equation, is
not fully understood and requires analytical and numerical study.
Numerical analysis of collective-behavior models.
Collective-behavior models aim at describing situations in which a certain amount of agents achieve a uniform
behavior even if there is no leader, like e.g. bird flocks, the development of languages in primitive societies, the
averaging of prices in stock exchanges.
– Cucker-Smale model. With Massimo Fornasier, we have worked on the numerical analysis of the Cucker-Smale
model, which is a simple orientation model : the “birds” modify their velocities by copying the direction of their
neighbors. Our work up to now mainly concerns the results in the discrete context ; still, we wish to perform an
exaustive numerical study in the continuum setting.
– Attractive/repulsive models. With Pauline Lafitte and Jesús Rosado, we have worked on a different kind of
model, of the attractive/repulsive category ; the numerical study on the 3D discrete case and the 1D continuum
case has been published in Physica D, and the extension to the 2D continuum setting is in progress.
Developement and implementation of a Discontinuous Galerkin scheme for the radiative transfert equation.
The radiative transfert equation is useful in the field of medical analyses. Armando Majorana had the idea of
treating the kinetic equations in a quite simple way : first of all we integrate in velocity through a first order
Discontinuous Galerkin discretization, then a set of kinetic equations has to be solved, which can be realized with
any method, for instance with a Discontinuous Galerkin method coupled to a Runge-Kutta time discretization for
the sake of coherence. We obtain a quite simple scheme which we want to implement and test on benchmarks in
the literature.
Formulaire 6/Form 6
(Coordonnées des personnalités scientifiques sollicitées) 1
(Names and addresses of professional references) 1
Nom de la candidate / du candidat/Applicant’s Last Name: VECIL
Prénom/First name: FRANCESCO
Noms et adresses (inclure l’adresse électronique)/Names and addresses (including email) :
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Boltzmannstraße 2
85748 Garching, Germany
Phone : +4908932992070
Email : [email protected]
Prof. Vittorio ROMANO
Università di Catania
viale A. Doria, 6
95125 Catania, Italy
Phone : +390957383035
Email : [email protected]
Prof. Florian MÉHATS
Université de Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex, France Phone : +33223235266
Email : [email protected]
1. Les candidates/candidats solliciteront directement les lettres de recommandations à leurs recommandants (5 au maximum) en leur
demandant d’adresser leur courrier directement au Président Directeur Général de l’Institut via l’alias suivant : [email protected]. Les candidates/candidats transmettront aux recommandants les demandes de lettres de recommandation au moyen du modèle de courrier ci-après.
La direction d’Inria demandera aussi un avis au(x) responsable(s) scientifiques(s) de l’équipe ou des équipes-projets et au(x) directeur(s) de
centre(s) de recherche concerné(s) par la candidature.
1. Applicants will contact directly the referees (maximum 5 names) to request recommendations letter. These referees have to send in
confidence their letters to the President of Inria via the following email : [email protected]. Applicants will use the model of letter below to
send their requests. Inria will also solicit an evaluation from the project-team leader(s) and the director(s) of the research center(s) where the
candidate wishes to apply.
Modèle de lettre :
Suite au dépôt de mon dossier d’inscription au concours de recrutement de Chargés de recherche de deuxième
classe au sein d’Inria, je me permets de vous solliciter pour emettre un avis sur ma candidature. A cet effet, je vous
saurais gré de bien vouloir adresser, à titre confidentiel, une lettre de recommandation avant le 18 février 2013 à
l’adresse : [email protected] (à l’attention du Président Directeur Général d’Inria).
Je vous remercie de bien vouloir rédiger une lettre de recommandation portant avis sur mes travaux, mes contributions scientifiques et mes réalisations en matière de transfert technologique mais aussi sur tous les plans qu’il
est intéressant de considérer pour la carrière d’un chercheur : son potentiel, son leadership, son ouverture et son
En vous remerciant vivement pour votre collaboration, je vous adresse mes sentiments très cordiaux.
Model of letter :
Following my application to a young graduate scientists position at Inria, I would like to ask you to express your
opinion on my candidacy. Would you please send in confidence a letter of recommendation before February 18th,
2013 to : [email protected] (to the President of Inria).
Please express yourself in a free manner on my work, my scientific results and my technological achievements,
and also on any matter that you considered as relevant for a researcher, for example : potential, leadership,
open-mindedness and dynamism.
I thank you very much for your kind assistance.
Yours sincerely
Formulaire 7/Form 7
Nom/Last name: VECIL
Prénom/First name: FRANCESCO
Liste complète des publications triées par catégories (revues internationales, revues nationales, chapitres de livre,
conférences internationales avec comités de lecture, conférences nationales avec comités de lecture, autres publications). Il peut être utile d’expliquer en quelques mots en tête de cette partie les pratiques de votre communauté
concernant l’ordre des auteurs.
Full list of publications sorted out by categories (international journals, national journals, chapters of book,
international conferences with selection panels, national conferences with selection panels, other publications).
You might consider explaining in a few words the common practice in your scientific community regarding the
order of the authors of publications.
The order of the authors is alphabetical, except when the authors propose that one of them be put in the first place
because his/her amount of work is considerably larger.
1. Les contributions les plus significatives (publications, logiciels) devront être consultables sur la page web de la candidate / du candidat.
1. Most relevant contributions (publications, software) have to be available for consultation via the web page of the applicant.
[1] J.A. Carrillo, F. Vecil, “Non oscillatory interpolation methods applied to Vlasov-based models”, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 29, 1179-1206, 2007.
[2] J.A. Carrillo, A. Majorana, F. Vecil, “A Semi-lagrangian deterministic solver for the semiconductor
Boltzmann-Poisson system”, Communications in Computational Physics 2, 1027-1054, 2007.
[3] J.A. Carrillo, T. Goudon, P. Lafitte, F. Vecil, “Numerical Schemes of Diffusion Asymptotics and Moment
Closures for Kinetic Equations”, Journal of Scientific Computing, 35, 113-149 (2008).
[4] N.B. Abdallah, M.J. Cáceres, J.A. Carrillo, F. Vecil, “A deterministic solver for a hybrid quantum-classical
transport model in nanoMOSFETs”, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 228, nr. 17, 6553-6571 (2009).
[5] P. Mulet, F. Vecil, “A semi-Lagrangian AMR scheme for 1D and 2D hyperbolic conservation laws”, Journal
of Computational Physics vol. 237 (2013), 151–176.
[6] F. Vecil, P. Lafitte, J. Rosado, “Numerical analysis on attraction/repulsion collective behavior model”, accepted for publication in Physica D Nonlinear Phenomena, special issue related to the BIRS meeting.
Chapters of book
[7] J. A. Carrillo, M. Fornasier, G. Toscani, F. Vecil, “Particle, Kinetic, and Hydrodynamic Models of Swarming”, in Naldi, G., Pareschi, L., Toscani, G. (eds.) Mathematical Modeling of Collective Behavior in SocioEconomic and Life Sciences, Series : Modelling and Simulation in Science and Technology, Birkhauser,
(2010), 297-336.
Peer-reviewed international conferences’ proceedings
[8] M. Fischer, J. Moriarty, K. Nordhausen, I. Panov, and F. Vecil, (2006) : “Dynamic Traffic Control”. In Heiliö,
M. and Kauranne, T. (editors) Proceedings of the 18th ECMI Modelling Week 13.-21. August 2004, 39-47,
Research Report 101, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta.
[9] N. Crouseilles, M. Mehrenberger, F. Vecil, “Discontinuous-Galerkin semi-Lagrangian method for VlasovPoisson”, CEMRACS 2010 research achievements : numerical modeling of fusion, ESAIM : proceedings
vol. 32, (2011), 211-230.
Développements technologiques : logiciel ou autre réalisation/Technology development : software or other realization
Liste complète des développements technologiques.
Pour les logiciels, le candidat pourra utiliser la grille d’auto-évaluation, téléchargeable sur l’url suivant :
Full list of technology developments.
Concerning software developments, the applicant may use the auto-evaluation criteria downloadable on the following url :
1. Reference [8] : A-1, SO-3, SM-1, EM-1, SDL-1, DA-4, CD-4.
2. Reference [1] : A-1, SO-4, SM-1, EM-1, SDL-1, DA-4, CD-4.
3. Reference [2] : A-1, SO-4, SM-1, EM-1, SDL-1, DA-4, CD-4.
4. Reference [3] : A-1, SO-4, SM-1, EM-1, SDL-1, DA-4, CD-4.
5. Reference [4] : A-1, SO-4, SM-1, EM-2, SDL-1, DA-4, CD-4. The ultimate goal of this software is to write
a GPU-parallel version for an open computational platform.
6. Reference [7] : A-1, SO-3, SM-1, EM-1, SDL-1, DA-4, CD-4.
7. Reference [9] : A-1, SO-4, SM-1, EM-2, SDL-1, DA-4, CD-4.
8. Reference [5] : A-1, SO-4, SM-1, EM-2, SDL-1, DA-4, CD-4.
9. Reference [6] : A-1, SO-3, SM-1, EM-2, SDL-1, DA-4, CD-4.
Impact socio-économique et transfert/Socio-economic impact and transfer
Cette partie vous permet de décrire vos activités ayant eu un impact socio-économique (une fiche par activité).
Elle ne se limite pas au transfert industriel proprement dit. /Please describe your activities that have had a socioeconomic impact. Note that this is not limited to industrial transfer, although it is clearly included. For each such
activity, please fill in the questionnaire below (one form per activity).
Les candidats ayant eu une expérience professionnelle peuvent la présenter dans cette section. Dans ce dernier
cas, vous décrirez votre activité industrielle de manière libre (merci d’être concis)./Note that a candidate with
industrial experience can also highlight his experience in this section. The description of your activities can be
presented in free format. Please be concise.
Des exemples et des explications pour chaque question peuvent être téléchargés sur l’url suivant :
You may download a more detailed explanation with examples for each question on the following url :
1. Quelle est la nature de l’action, quelle est sa continuité (action ponctuelle ou action continue dans le temps) ?
/ What kind of action are/were you involved in ? Was it a punctual action or continual one ?
2. Dans quel cadre contractuel l’action a-t-elle été réalisée ?/Under what conditions, in what framework, was
the action done ?
3. Quels sont les utilisateurs finals visés ? Quels étaient vos interlocuteurs ?/Who are the targeted end users ?
Who were your interlocutors ?
4. Quelles ont été les grandes étapes ? Quelle a été votre implication ? /What were the major steps ? What was
your involvement ?
5. De votre point de vue, l’objectif a-t-il été atteint ? Quel est l’impact réel que vous percevez ?/From your
viewpoint, have you reached your objective ? What is the real impact ?
6. Autres points que vous souhaitez mentionner./Other items or issues that you wish to mention.

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