The Global Seafood Marketplace
The Global Seafood Marketplace
VIP Registration - Use this form for FREE registration. The Global Seafood Marketplace )PVST5VFTEBZ"QSJMII 8FEOFTEBZ"QSJMII 5IVSTEBZ"QSJMII 24-26.04.12 brussels, belgium Parc des Expositions * Hall 4 Step 1. PLEASE PRINT 5 Easy Ways to Register *ODPNQMFUFGPSNTXJMMOPUCFQSPDFTTFE Surname r Nom r Name r Naam r Appellidos rCognome First Name r Prénom r Voornaam r Nombre r Nome Job Function Company r Société rFirma rFirmanaam rEmpresa rSocietà Address rAddresse rAdresse rAdres rDirección rIndirizzo State/Prov City rLocalité rOrt rPlaats rCiudad rCittà Postcode rCode Postal rPostleitzahl rPostcode rCódigo postal rCAP Téléphone rTelefoon rTléfono rTelefono Country rPays rLand rLand rPais rPaese Telefax Email Code: 103495 When registering online or by phone you must enter Priority Code 103495 to receive FREE registration Online: Phone: +31 10 206 7465 Fax: +31 10 280 3322 Post: Seafood Processing Europe P.O. Box 29148 3001 GC Rotterdam The Netherlands Bring: This form to the show r3FDFJWFZPVSCBEHFCZQPTUSFHJTUFSCZ 23 March 2012. r3FDFWF[WPUSFCBEHFQBSMBQPTUFTJWPVTWPVT JOTDSJWF[BWBOUMFNBST r0OUWBOHVXCBEHFQFSQPTUTDISJKGVJOWóór 23 march 2012. r4JFFSIBMUFO*ISFO"VTXFJTQFS1PTU[VHFTDIJDLU wenn Sie sich bis 23 march 2012 anmelden. rRiceverete la tessera per posta iscrivendovi entro il 23 March 2012. rReciba su identificación por correo; inscríbase IBTUBNBS[PEF Step 2. My Primary Business is: (select only one) ENGLISH Check the correct type of business. For visitor use only; not to be used by exhibitors. Open to the trade only, no one under 18 years of age will be allowed into the exhibition. FRANÇAIS Cocher votre secteur díactivité. Exclusivement réservé aux visiteurs; ne peut être utilisé par les exposants. Ouvert seulement aux professionnels; les personnes de moins de 18 ans se sont pas admises dans le hall díexposition. NEDERLANDS Kruis uw sector aan. Alleen open voor vaklin; personen onder 18 jaar worden niet toegelaten inde tentoonstellings hal. DEUTSCH Bitte kreuzen Sie an, in welcher Branche Sie tätig sind. Nur für Besucher, nicht für Aussteller. Nur für den Handel geöffnet; kein Zugang für Besucher unter 18 Jahren. ESPAÑOL Marque correctamente el tipo de empresa. Para visitantes exclusivamente, no puede ser utilizado por los exhibidores. Abierto sólo para profesionales. No se permitir· la entrada a la exhibición a menores de 18 años. ITALIANO Contrassegnare il tipo di attività. Solo per i visitatori. Da non usare se si è espositori. Aperto solo agli operatori. All’esposizione non sono ammessi i minori di anni 18. ❏ 1) Hotel Resort/Catering | Restauration hoteliere/Club de vacances ❏ 2) Restaurant - Independent | Restaurant Independent ❏ 3) Restaurant - Chain | Restaurant - Chaine ❏ 4) Catering Firm | Societe de Restauration ❏ 5) Institutional Food Service | Service Alimentaire Institutionnel ❏ 6) Supermarket/Hypermarket - Chain | Supermarche/Hypermarche - Chaine ❏ 7) Supermarket - Independent | Supermarche - Independent ❏ 8) Seafood Market | Marche de Produits de la Mer ❏ 9) Distributor/Wholesaler Seafood Only | Distributeur/Grossiste - tous produits de la mer uniquement ❏ 10) Distributor/Wholesaler - Full Line | Distributeur/Grossiste - tous produits de la mer alimentaires ❏ 11) Processor | Transformateur ❏ 12) Importer | Importateur ❏ 13) Exporter | Exportateur ❏ 14) Broker/Trader | Agent/Negociant ❏ 15) Fishing Company | Societe de Peche ❏ 16) Aquaculture | Aquaculture ❏ 17) Research/Education/Government | Enseignement/Gouvernement ❏ 18) Transportation | Transport ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ 19) Equipment | Equipement 20) Packaging | Emballage 21) Services | Services 22) Transportation Equipment | Equipement de transport 23) Transportation Services | Services de transport 24) Processing Equipment | Equipement de transformation 25) Foodservice Equipment | Equipement pour service alimentaire 26) Retail Equipment | Equipement pour la vente au detail 27) Tags/Labels | Etiquettes/Vignettes 28) Containers | Conteneurs 29) Packaging Equipment | Emballeuses 30) Financial Services | Services financiers 31) Computer Services | Services informatiques 32) Plant Maintenance | Enretien des installations 33) Cold Storage/Refrigeration | Conservation frigorifique/refrigeration "WF[WPVTEFTRVFTUJPOT t)FFGUVOPHBOEFSFWSBHFO t#JUUFNFMEFO4JFTJDIt"WFUFEFMMFEPNBOEF t{"MHVOBQSFHVOUB "OZ2VFTUJPOT XXXFVSPQSPDFTTJOHDPNt$BMMt&.BJMTBMFT!FVSPTFBGPPEDPN From time to time, we make your name and address available to other companies whose products and services may interest you. If you prefer not to receive such mailings, please send your name and address to Seafood Processing Europe Mailing Preference Service, P.O. Box 7437, Portland, ME 04112-7437 USA. All product sampling must be done on the exhibit floor. Attendees will not be permitted to exit the exhibit hall with product samples. Samples that attendees attempt to remove from the show floor will be confiscated at the exits and donated to a charity. Visitors are not permitted to enter the halls with bags or luggage of any kind. Coat Check is located in Hall 10. Produced by: