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View - Prince George Digitization
The Prince George Citizen TV TIMES — 13
M C O )W I
iH m < s iff liu i( 3 iH r ir ©
p re s e n te d b y
The lives of three Americans in­
tertwine at an Ethiopian clinic as
they try to assist in relief efforts re­
lated to widespread famine.
9 :0 0
"In Love And W a r" (Premiere.
Drama) James Woods. Jane Alexan­
der. While a Navy office r endures
eight years of brutal captivity in a
North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war
camp, his w ife begins a public
awareness campaign regarding the
prisoners' treatm ent. Based on a
true story. In stereo, cp
O "W e Are The Children” (Prem­
iere. Drama) Ally Sheedy, Ted Danson. The lives of three Americans in­
tertwine at an Ethiopian clinic as
they try to assist in relief efforts re­
lated to w idespread famine, cp
(D ©
"In Love And W a r" (Prem­
iere, Drama) James Woods, Jane
Alexander. While a Navy o ffice r en­
dures eight years of brutal captivity
in a North Vietnamese prisoner-ofw ar camp, his w ife begins a public
awareness campaign regarding the
prisoners’ treatment. Based on a
true story, g
th e
Drame) Carlo Cabrini, Anna Canzi.
Un ouvrier specialise doit quitter Mi­
lan pour aller travailler en Sicile,
mais il lui faut laisser son vieux pare
et sa fiancee qui s’oppoaent a ce
"M urder By The B o o k" (Prem­
iere, Drama) Robert Haya, C athe­
rine Mary Stewart. A popular d ete c­
tive novelist consults his fictional
a lter ego when faced w ith the reallife my8tery surrounding a young
woman's kidnapping, cp
1 2 :0 5
QD (B)
★ ★ "D eath Hunt” (1981,
Adventure) Charles Bronson, Lee
Marvin. In the 1930s, a Mountie and
a frontier trapper wage an old battle
as civilization encroaches on the
Canadian wilderness.
1 2 :4 5
★ ★ "H otline” (1972, Drama)
Lynda Carter, Steve Forrest. An as­
piring artist working aa a crisis cen­
te r phone counselor is threatened
by a psychotic caller. (R)
8 :3 0
★ ★ ★ ★ "G ig i” (1958, Muaical)
Maurice Chevalier. Lealie Caron. A
tomboy being groomed by her aunt
and grandm other sets out on her
own to catch a man.
1 0 :4 5
2 :3 0
(9 Q
★ ★ "L e s fia n ce s" (1962,
(3) O
★ ★ “ Une joum ee en ta x i”
(1981, Comedie) Jean Yanne, Gillea
Renaud. Lorsqu’ un prisonnier a’engage a retrouver un com plice qui I'a
A re you a n e n th u siastic , c re ativ e, NON-MUSICIAN with
ab so lu tely n o tim e av ailab le for th e finer th in g s in life? Is
th e only thing th a t you e v e r le a rn e d how to play halfw ay
well w a s yo u r s te re o , an d e v e n th a t w a s a s tru g g le ? Well,
d o I h a v e a d e al for YOU!!!! T a k e B & B M u sic's n ew
“ LIFE IS S H O R T ’ (and its tim e to g e t s o m e th in g
o u t o f it) KEYBOARD COURSE!!!
It's going to c o s t you $ 2 0 .0 0 . T his is a tw o w e ek c o u rse ,
c o n d u c te d o n a o n e o n o n e b a sis, with you, th e NON-
3 1 6 G e o rg e S t.
1 3 - M
a r .
2 0
(1980, Fantasy) C hristopher Reeve,
Jane Seymour. Obsessed w ith the
portrait of a 19th-century actress, a
modern-day playw right uaes hypno­
sis to travel back in tim e and meet
jadis trahi, il louera un ta x i pour la
joumee et une amitie ae developpera entre le chauffeur et lui.
(2) Q
★ ★ ★ “ The Strawberry
B londe" (1941, Comedy) Jamea
Cagney. Rita Hayworth. A fter marry­
ing hia second choice fo r a bride, a
man discovers that he ia bette r off.
★ ★ "F rida y The 13th" (1980,
Horror) Betay Palmer, Adrienne
King. The reopening of a aummer
camp, closed 20 yeara earlier after
three murdera, a ttra cts a vindictive
kille r who knifea unauapecting teenagera.
1 2 :0 5
fD 92 ★★% "The
1 2 :0 5
★ ★★ “ The Doga Of W a r"
a r .
★ ★ tt "P a ro le ” (1982, Drama)
Jamea Naughton, Lori Cardille. A
troubled young parolee facea prob­
lems when thrust back into society
w ith inadequate employment akllla
and prison-induced emotional scars.
(1 9 8 0 , A d ve nture ) C h ris to p h e r
Walken, Tom Berenger. Based on
the book by Frederick Forsyth. Af­
te r being tortured and deported by
an African d ictator, a mercenary re­
turns to lead a revolution.
1 2 :4 5
★ ★ tt "The M illionaire" (1978,
Drama) Martin Balsam, Edward Al­
bert. The lives of three people are
dram atically changed when they
each receive S i million from a
w ealthy eccentric. (R)
★ ★ ★ "The Hard W ay”
(1942, Drama) Ida Lupino, Dennis
Morgan. W hile puahing her younger
sister to stardom, a girl wrecka her
own life. (R)
(D 92
o f
B o rde r" (1981,
Drama) Jack Nicholaon, Valerie Perrine. A Texaa border guard'a valuea
come in co nflict w ith thoae of hia
corrupt co-workera and hia m aterialiatic wife.
® Q
"L e ranch m audit"
(1986, Weatem) Clint W alker, Mar­
tha Hyer. Un ex-aherif s'lnstalle
avec sa famille sur une ferme du
Wyoming ravagee par un ours grizz­
1 1 :1 5
★ ★ ★ "S en so ” (1954,
Drame) Alida Valli, Farley Granger.
Une com tesse devient la maitresse
d'un off icier autrichien en 1866, a
Venise et elle le retrouve en pleine
bataille menee contre les Italians et
paye pour le faire reformer mais il
W e e k
1 2 :4 5
O ★ ★ tt “ Mr. M om " (1083, Come­
dy) M ichael Keaton, Teri Garr. A
newly unemployed fath e r and huaband must assume housekeeping
responsibilities w hile hia w ife entera
the w ork force.
3 ) O ★ ★ “ L ’homme de la Riviere
d'A rgent” (1982, Aventure) Tom
Burlinaon, Kirk Douglas. Pour ae
faire reconnaitre de eon patron, un
Jeune homme fera de granda ex­
7 :3 0
3 ) Q ★ ★ ★ "Superman III" (1983,
Aventure) Christopher Reeve, Rich­
ard Pryor. Un financier utilise les ta l­
ents d'un apecialiate en ordinateura
pour provoquer dea phenomenea
clim atiques qui puissent favoriaer
ses interets commerciaux.
1 2 i0 5
CD 92) ★ ★ tt "T h e W orld’s Greateat Love r" (1977, Comedy) Gene
W ilder, Carol Kane. An ambitioua
but neurotic baker aeta out In 1926
to become a Hollywood atudlo'a ri­
val to Rudolph Valentino.
3) O
★ ★ tt "C 'e s t toujours oui
quand elle diaent non” (1975, Com­
edie) Elliot Gould, Diane Keaton.
Aprea deux ans de aeparation, un
homme retrouve son ex-femme et
les circonstances aidant, toua deux
decident de tenter encore une foia
I'experience de la vie commune.
★ ★ ★ “ With Six You Get Eggroll” (1968, Comedy) Doria Day,
Brian Keith. Deapite the fa c t that
th e ir children don't get along, a w id­
ow and a w idower decide to marry.
1 :5 0
( D (B) ★ ★ "S torm in' Home” (1986,
Drama) Gil Gerard, Liaa Blount.
W hile preparing fo r an all-im portant
race, a divorced, carefree motocross racer vowa to reform hia reckleaa lifestyle and to a ccep t the reaponaibilitiea o f being an adult.
O ★ ★ tt “ Split Image” (1982, Dra­
ma) M ichael O'Keefe. Karen Allen.
A young Olympic hopeful ia lured
into a fanatical religioua cult.
(2) O
★ ★ tt “ Three Strangera”
(1946, M ystery) Geraldine Fitzger­
ald. Sydney Greenatreet. A fter aharing a winning aweepatakea tic k e t, a
trio of atrangers also sharea d isas­
ter. (R)
3 (0 0
★ ★ ★ “ The Little A rk” (1971,
Adventure) Theodore Bikel, Philip
Frame. Two Dutch children try to
find th e ir miaaing father a fte r a
1 2 :0 5
(D Q 2 ★ ★ tt "Som ew here In Tim e”
MUSICIAN in ou r n ew s o u n d room . W e will te a c h you how
to play this k eyboard
to a
level th a t this perso n ally satisfacto ry to YOU, th e NON­
MUSICIAN, o r . . . with n o h a ss le , no q u e stio n s a sk e d ,
you g e t 100% of your C o u rs e F e e Back. Not only that, but
a t th e e n d of th e tw o w e ek s, th e first 500 p e o p le to
re g iste r for th ‘~ c o u rs e h a v e th e additional option of getting
th e n e x t tw o w e e k s of instruction for FR EE! (T hat’s a
$ 4 0 .0 0 v a lu e for $ 2 0 .0 0 . Bring this a d with you, ‘c a u s e this
is yo u r M ONEYBAC K GUARANTEE. K eyboard ren tals
a v ailab le for h o m e p ra c tic e for U FE IS SHORT S tu d e n ts.
B b B M U S IC

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