La dette au delà du contrat


La dette au delà du contrat
116 pages, size/format 18 x 22,
ISBN 2-9700232-1-0
May 2001
BooWlivre DebL Beyond ContraCuLa clette au clelii c l u contrat
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o l l i r Wd~+ii,i
The cancellaiion of third world debt is a cause which
mobilises a large number of people. In response to
the pressures of indebted countries and civii Society,
the international financial institutions daim that
contracts must be respected and insist on the discipline which that entails. What are the limits to their
arguments? How is one to respond to them? Can better ones be brought to bear against them? Even
accepting their daims, can the fairness be improved
along with the efficiency oE the mechanisms which
determine the conditions of repaynient?
The Observatoire de la finance has invited lawyers,
economists, financiers, senior international officials,
an ethicist, an accountant and a specialist in international commercial arbirration to examine these queçtions. The authors come from varied professional
backgrounds; they therefore express theInselves in a
variety of styles which add to the spice of this anthology.
This work is intended to be impartial and intellectually rigorous. It presents a set of objective arguments explaining the conditions under which it is
permissible, according to the standards of the different professions involved in finance, for a debtor to
refuse to repay his debt as originally contracted or for
a creditor to forgive it. Thus equipped, those who are
campaigning to lighten the debt burden will be better acquainted with the arguments on which they can
rely, or conversely with those to which they need to
find a convincing answer.
Fiiinriii & Oi<, C o n m m ( ; , m i / ~ h r i.mimm
IÇ a quartcrly pul>lication of
Observatoire de la Finance, 32 rue de l'Ath&&, Ci3 - 1200 Genève, Switzcrleiiil
Telephone + 41 (O) 22 346 30 35 Fax + 41 (0) 22 789 14 b0
Email [email protected] - websitr. http//www ohsiin cli
Editnr Paul 1-1. Dembiiiski
Assnciate Editor jean-Michel Bonvin
Edirorial Advisory E w d . Hans Elommestein - Dircctor. DhTPEIOI:<.II
Jean-Loup Dherse - Chairman OS the Obseivatoire de la Finance, Emilio Fontela - Univcrssily of Gciicvii, lIiiivîi.;iiy 01 M i d i i l 1
Frank McHugh - St. Edmond5 Cnllege - Cambridge; Luùornir Mlcoch - Clinilci Uiiivcriiiy. l'i.igiic
Antoine de Salins - Semaines Sociales de France, Bruxelles;Jusrin Welby - Ministcr, Ctiurcli of Englaticl; Siciaiii>7;iiiiagiii - iliiivri siiy of iiolugix?
The edirors welcome spontaneous contribunans Srom anynne Who is concerned by the issues 211 sLakc, AI1 icxts will IJC csi'iSiiliy
Articles should not be longer than 4'009 words (18000 characters with blank spaccs).
Book ïev~ews600 words (3'000 characters)
* Short notes and references less than 300 words (1'500 characters)
Ovdinary subicription (4 issues). 75%or 758. 110 CHF
Institutional subscription (4 issues, 2 copies at the same address) ' 1008, 1008,150 CHF
Supportive Çubscripiinn ZOO$ 2008, 300 CHF
Ta bc paid tn Observatoiie de la Finance. Union Bank OS Swmerland. clearing $240,
accounl U Hl0 946. OOJ
O Observatoiic de la Finance
ISSN 1422-4658

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