
EXCHANGE STUDENT APPLICATION FORM 2016-­‐2017 DOSSIER D’ADMISSION 2016-­‐2017 For ICES use only Données personnelles / Personal data : Date de réception du dossier : Validation RI : Validation directeur de département : Filière et niveau de rattachement : Nom / Family name : Prénom / First name : Sexe / sex : F M Date de naissance / date of birth : Lieu de naissance / place of birth : Nationalité / nationality : Numéro de téléphone / Phone number : Email : Adresse permanente / Home address (your admission letter will be sent to this address) n°, rue / street, n° : Ville / town : code postal / zip code : Pays / Country : Téléphone / Phone number : Université actuelle / Home University : Filière et niveau actuels / current degree and level registered in at h ome University : Name of the departmental coordinator : Email : Durée de votre scolarité à l’ICES / length of your study abroad at ICES : £
Academic year 2016/17 Fall semester Spring semester The Catholic University of the Vendée -­‐ Application form 1/5 Programme souhaité / curriculum at ICES : Licence / Bachelor degree : ère
£ 1 année / 1rst year £ 2ème année / 2nd year ème
£ 3 année / 3rd year Filière / Field of studies : o Langue et littérature anglaise/English studies o Sciences politiques / Political sciences o Droit/Law o Histoire/History o Lettres/French literature o Mathématiques, Physique/Mathematics, Physics o Biologie/Biology Master/Master Degree : £ 1ère année / 1rst year £ 2ème année / 2nd year Filère / Field of studies : o Relations internationales/International relations o Droit/Law o Humanités catholiques/Catholic Studies o Histoire/History Exchange students are expected to choose classes in the curriculum they have selected. We recommend to choose core classes in your major, but electives can also be chosen in others departments. In case of low level in French, a specific curriculum with more English taught classes can be chosen. Etudes antérieures / School education : Année universitaire Academic Year Ecole / université Domaine d'études High school / university Field of studies 2015-­‐2016 2014-­‐2015 2013-­‐2014 2012-­‐2013 The Catholic University of the Vendée -­‐ Application form 2/5 Votre niveau de français / level of French: (Débutant, moyen, confirmé) (beginner, intermediate, advanced) Lu / reading : Ecrit / written : Parlé/spoken : Niveau DELF/ DELF level: Votre niveau d’anglais / Level of English : (Débutant, moyen, confirmé) (beginner, intermediate, advanced) Lu / reading : Ecrit / written : Parlé/spoken : Score TOEFL / TOEFL score : Logement / Accommodation : ICES is a non-­‐campus University Please, consider the accommodation options below and choose the one you are interested in. It is not a definitive choice, but it will help us give you more informations and further assistance : ¨ ICES freshmens Catholic residence (boys and girls) : the residence offers single rooms with bathroom, laundry and kitchen to share with the other students. It is not only a residence, it is also a place where you will share a community life, with an important Christian dimension. M onthly rent : 350 € > Being a Catholic is not compulsory, but you must be interested in and accept to discuss and to share this spiritual life. These accomodations are selective : if you are interested in living there and in order to confirm your candidacy the director of the residence will contact you and organise a short Skype interview ¨ private flat : average monthly rent = 280 € -­‐ 350 € ¨ room in a host family (we will provide you with family contacts) ¨ public residence « Escale Rivoli » : 2015 monthly rent = 300 € (gas, water, electricity & internet included) The Catholic University of the Vendée -­‐ Application form 3/5 CHECKLIST : Joindre obligatoirement à ce dossier / attach the following documents to your application : ¨ lettre de motivation en français / cover letter preferably in French, stating your motivation for this exchange ¨ deux photos d’identité couleur / two recent color photos (ID size) ¨ une copie des relevés de notes de l’année précédente / a photocopy of the previous year transcripts ¨ photocopie du passeport ou carte d’identité / copy of passeport or ID card ¨ attestation de niveau de langue / proof of language skills : -­‐
DELF si vous n’avez pas le DELF : une attestation de votre professeur de français certifiant votre capacité à suivre des cours en français / if DELF is not available in your country : a letter from your teacher of French stating your capacity to follow classes in French TOEFL score Ce dossier doit être renvoyé par le service des relations internationales de l’université d’envoi scanné par mail à : Puis par courrier à : And then by post at : A scanned copy of this file m ust be sent by the international relations office of the sending institution first by email at : [email protected] ICES/Service des relations internationales 17 bd des Belges BP 691 85017 La Roche sur Yon / France Date limite pour postuler : avant le 30 juin pour le 1er semestre Application deadline : before June 30th for Fall semester before October 30th for Spring semester avant le 30 octobre pour le second semestre The Catholic University of the Vendée -­‐ Application form 4/5 ICES – The Catholic University of the Vendée -­‐ Fact Sheet -­‐ Exchange program Name of Institution ICES – The Catholic University of the Vendée Erasmus code: F LAROCHE 01 Address 17 bd des Belges -­‐ BP 691 – 85 000 La Roche sur Yon FRANCE International Office Manager Emilie DAUDIN-­‐CLAVAUD [email protected] + 33 272 716 005 International Officers Aurélie PASQUIER [email protected] & Agathe de RUGY [email protected] Webpage & list of classes Language of instruction French and English­‐international/come-­‐and-­‐study-­‐in-­‐france-­‐welcome/what-­‐to-­‐study-­‐at-­‐ices/ Credits and Grading system French grading system European Credits ECTS Grades in France are awarded on a scale from 0 to 20. 20 = highest 0 = lowest. From 10 to 20 = pass and student obtains the ECTS credits 30 ETCS for one semester and 60 ECTS for one year Other informations Accommodation VIsa / immigration Health insurance (required) Bank account and living insurance Pick up service upon arrival Student Handbook There is no campus at ICES. Accommodation options are : •
ICES catholic freshmens’ residence •
private flat : average monthly rent = 280 € -­‐ 350 € •
host family •
public residence « Escale Rivoli »: 2015 monthly rent = 300 € (including gas, water, electricity & internet) Students from outside the European Union will need a visa. Immigration regulations are subject to frequent change thus we encourage you to check with your local French Embassy what type of visa you need. Upon arrival in France, non Europeans Citizens must register at the French Office of Immigration and Integration OFFII (58 Euros fee) If your stay is longer than 3 months you must take the French health insurance (approx. fees : 230 €) Are exempted from these fees, students holding : -­‐ European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) -­‐ SE401Q102 or SE401Q106 form ( R.A.M.Q. / Québec) The French medical coverage begins on October 1rst : non-­‐European students arriving in France before that date must subscribe to a personal medical insurance for the period preceding the French coverage. Note that the French medical system will not cover 100% of your medical bills. You must subscribe to a personal medical insurance to cover the rest. More information on­‐students.html Each student must have a French bank account. ICES will assist you with it. The fees are : visa card + room insurance = 50 euros/year (compulsory). Cell phone SIM card = 15,99 €/months (not compulsory). Refundable fees when leaving your room : 15 euros towards room insurance ICES can provide a pick up service. Make sure to forward your travel details 72h before the day of your arrival. How to reach La Roche sur Yon ? 1) Fly to Charles de Gaulle (CDG) or Nantes (NTE) Airports 2) take TGV train from Charles de Gaulle Airport (ROISSY TGV) to Nantes OR direct train from Nantes to La Roche sur Yon­‐international/come-­‐and-­‐study-­‐in-­‐france-­‐welcome/prepare-­‐your-­‐
stay/international-­‐students-­‐guide/ The Catholic University of the Vendée -­‐ Application form 5/5