1. Remplir la grille avec le vocabulaire demandé. /5 Across


1. Remplir la grille avec le vocabulaire demandé. /5 Across
GRETA BTS OL 1 – Anglais
E. Faber
1. Remplir la grille avec le vocabulaire demandé.
DS n ° 2
Across (horizontalement)
3. the opposite of harmless = harmful
6. the English for "blessure" = Injury
7. a spherical body in the eye that focuses light rays = Lens
8. the English for "maladie"= disease
9. the transparent part of the eyeball that covers the iris and
pupil and admits light to the interior = cornea
Down (Verticalement)
1. the English for "pupille" = pupil
2. the English for "cerveau" = brain
4. the English for "concentrer" = focus
5. the English for "rétine" = retina
6. the coloured portion of the eye = iris
2. Traduire en Anglais :
Les erreurs de réfraction doivent être corrigées car elles font baisser la
Refractive errors must be corrected because they make productivity decrease.
 Je l'ai fait aller chez l'ophtalmo. (1)
I made him go to the opthalmologist.
 Les tests de vision sont obligatoires pour les enfants. (0,75)
Vision tests are complulsory / mandatory for children.
Tu devrais faire vérifier ta vue! (1)
You should have your vision checked ! / You should make your vision check.
 Je lui ai fait porter des lunettes de protection. (1,25)
I made him wear protective glasses / goggles.
 Une blessure à l’œil peut provoquer un décollement de rétine. (1,25)
An eye injury can cause a retinal detachment.
3. Avec vos propres mots (et un dessin si nécessaire!), expliquez (en Anglais) comment
fonctionne la vue..
In order to function, the eye needs light. Light, usually reflected by objects, enters the front of the
eye through the cornea. Behind the cornea is the lens. It is the cornea which does most of the
focusing, but the lens which fine-tunes the focusing and enables the eye to vary its focus. An image
is formed by the cornea and lens on the retina, at the back of the eye. The most light-sensitive part
of the retina is a tiny spot called the macula and this is where your vision is at its sharpest. Due to
the laws of optics, the image formed on the retina is actually upside-down; it is the brain which
adjusts it to make it appear the right way up.
GRETA BTS OL 1 – Anglais
E. Faber
DS n ° 2
This document is an ad from Flinn Scientific Inc., which deals with vision prevention.
On this picture, on the right, we can see a woman, who is wearing sunglasses and has a white stick.
This woman is probably called Carol, and we can guess she is blind because of the white stick.
Indeed, the catchphrase explains that she never wore her safety glasses, and that now, she does not
need protective glasses anymore. So, maybe she had an accident, and her eyes were injured in the
accident because she did not respect the security rules.
So, this ad wants shock people and to make aware us of the dangers for our eyes. It's very
important to take care of our eyes. For example, it is crucial to wear safety glasses to have
protection in our jobs, or at home, or when we do sport, because if Carol had worn her safety
goggles, she would probably not be blind today.
People should also protect their eyes with sunglasses against the sun because the rays can be very
damaging for the eyes.

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