Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, no. 208 (2015): 40-61.


Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, no. 208 (2015): 40-61.
École Doctorale
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris
Cultures et Sociétés Urbaines
(CRESPPA-CSU, Joint Research Unit CNRS/University of Paris 8)
59-61, Rue Pouchet
75 849 Paris, Cedex 17, France
Office: 011-33 (0)1-40-25-10-51
Cell: 011-33 (0)6-73-53-70-94
Email: [email protected]
Web Page:
École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, 2006-2016.
 Ph.D., Sociology, 2016.
 Dissertation: “Des habitudes à changer ? Sociologie d’une réforme des pratiques alimentaires populaires à
La Nouvelle-Orléans, 2000-2010 [Habits to Change? Sociology of a Reform of Popular Food Practices in New
Orleans, 2000-2010].” Advisors: Christian Topalov and Dominique Memmi.
 M.A., Social Sciences, EHESS Master‟s Program “Territoires, Espaces, Sociétés,” 2007.
Institut d‟Études Politiques (IEP), University of Strasbourg, 2002-2006.
 B.A., Social Sciences, Concentration in Political Sociology, 2006.
Louisiana State University (LSU), 2004-2005.
 Exchange Program, 400-Level Courses in Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
“Mohamed’s Corner. Le patron d‟un „magasin du coin‟ et ses clients à La Nouvelle-Orléans [Mohamed‟s
Corner. A Corner Store Owner and its Customers in New Orleans].” Ethnologie française. Revue
trimestrielle de la Société d’ethnologie française, no. 165 (forthcoming 2017).
“ „Misery needs company‟. Le travail social d‟un commerçant mauritanien dans un quartier populaire noir
de La Nouvelle-Orléans [„Misery Needs Company‟. The Social Work of a Mauritanian Business Owner in
a Poor Black Neighborhood of New Orleans].” Savoir/Agir. Revue trimestrielle de l’association Savoir/Agir,
no. 35 (2016): 103-111.
“De l‟urgence sociale à l‟utopie sanitaire. La construction sociale de l‟obésité et l‟occultation de la faim
dans les villes américaines, Knoxville, 1981-1985 [From Social Emergency to Health Utopia. The Social
Construction of Obesity and the Concealment of Hunger in American Cities, Knoxville, 1981-1985].”
Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, no. 208 (2015): 40-61.
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“Alternative Foods, Activism and Strawberries in California: An Interview with Julie Guthman.” (with
Thomas Grillot) Books & Ideas, February 10, 2015,
 Translated by Arianne Dorval, “Militantisme et alimentation alternative aux États-Unis. Entretien
avec Julie Guthman”, La Vie des idées, March 2, 2015,
 Selection in “Best of Books & Ideas, Part I: Interviews,” Books & Ideas, July 20, 2015,
“À table ! Alimentation et sciences sociales.” (with Thomas Grillot) La Vie des idées, January 27, 2015, (Lead Article in a Special
Issue with Claude Grignon, Julie Guthman and José Luis Moreno Pestaña).
 Translated by Ophélie Siméon, “Let‟s Eat! Food and the Social Sciences.” Books & Ideas,
February 9, 2015,
“Learning from the Corner Store: Food Reformers and the Black Urban Poor in a Southern US City.”
Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 17, no. 4 (2014): 395-416.
“La catastrophe comme prétexte à l‟action. Réformer l‟alimentation au lendemain de Katrina [Disaster as
Pretext for Action. Diet Reform Following Katrina].” Terrain. Revue d’ethnologie de l’Europe, no. 54 (2010):
“Des Citoyens sans Cité : une analyse de la participation publique à la reconstruction de La NouvelleOrléans [Citizens without a City: An Analysis of Public Participation in the Reconstruction of New
Orleans].” Genèses. Sciences sociales et histoire, no. 75 (2009): 66-86.
Chapters in Edited Books
“Food, Poverty and Lifestyle Patterns: How Diversity Matters.” (with Michael Jindra) In Food and
Poverty: Food Insecurity and Food Sovereignty among America’s Poor, Edited by Leslie Hossfeld,
E. Brooke Kelly and Jill Waity (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, forthcoming 2017).
“Planifier les besoins ou identifier les risques ? Formes et usages des enquêtes de consommation du
ministère de l‟Agriculture des États-Unis (1935-1985) [Planning Needs or Identify Risks? Form and Uses
of USDA Food Consumption Surveys (1935-1985)].” In La juste mesure. Une sociologie historique
des normes alimentaires [The Just Measure. A Historical Sociology of Food Standards], Edited by Thomas
Depecker, Anne Lhuissier and Aurélie Maurice, 149-189 (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes and
Presses Universitaires François-Rabelais, 2013).
“Food Reform Movements.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America, 2nd ed.,
vol. 1, Edited by Andrew F. Smith, 796-805 (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012).
“Pollan, Michael.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America, 2nd ed., vol. 3, Edited
by Andrew F. Smith, 37-39 (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012).
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Book Reviews
Abend, Gabriel, The Moral Background: An Inquiry into the History of Business Ethics (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2014). In “La morale, dernier rempart du capitalisme.” La Vie des idées, September 11,
Cottereau, Alain and Mokhtar Mohatar Marzok, Une famille andalouse. Ethnocomptabilité d’une économie invisible
(Saint-Denis: Bouchène, 2012). In Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales 67, no. 4 (2012): 1199-1201.
Huret, Romain, La fin de la pauvreté ? Les experts sociaux en guerre contre la pauvreté aux États-Unis (1945-1974)
(Paris: Éditions de l‟EHESS, 2008). In Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine 58, no. 3 (2011):
Poulain, Jean-Pierre, Sociologie de l’obésité (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2009). In Review of
Agricultural and Environmental Studies, no. 91 (2010): 229-233.
Research Report
Food Policy Councils in North America: Structures, Resources and Issues. Report to the CDC Prevention Research
Center at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, 2009.
Working Papers
“Race, classe et changements sociaux dans la ville.” (with Celia Bense Ferreira Alves and Sylvain Bordiec)
Presentation of the French Edition of Elijah Anderson, Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban
Community (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990). (In Review at Éditions La Découverte).
“Frontières de race et de classe.” (with Celia Bense Ferreira Alves and Sylvain Bordiec) Presentation and
Translation of Elijah Anderson, “Racial and Class Boundaries.” Society 21, no. 1 (1983): 35-40 (In
Preparation for Submission).
Conference Papers
“Les „zones grises‟ de la „boîte noire‟ : retour sur une expérience d‟évaluateur de projets de recherche
internationaux pour une fondation abritée.” XXth Congress of the International Association of French
Language Sociologists (AISLF), Montreal: July 5, 2016.
“Que faire d‟un „classique‟ inclassable ? Symbolic Crusade et le mouvement de réforme alimentaire
américain.” University of Paris-Dauphine Conference, “Croisades privées et problèmes publics. L‟héritage
sociologique de Joseph Gusfield,” Paris: November 23, 2015.
Nicolas Larchet CV, p. 3 of 7
“Réforme alimentaire et raison populaire. Les conditions sociales de l‟imposition de nouvelles normes
d‟alimentation dans les villes américaines.” 5th Congress of the French Sociological Association (AFS),
Nantes: September 4, 2013.
“Planifier les besoins ou dépister les risques ? Formes et usages des enquêtes de consommation du
Département de l‟agriculture des États-Unis, 1935-1985.” INRA Conference, “Mesure et réforme des
pratiques alimentaires (19e-20e siècles). Sciences, enquêtes et campagnes nutritionnelles,” Paris: October
14, 2011.
“The Political Uses of Disaster: Reforming the Food System in Post-Katrina New Orleans.” XVIIth
International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, Research Committee on Sociology of
Disasters, “Disaster Dissertations,” Göteborg: July 12, 2010.
“The Problem of Food Access in Post-Katrina New Orleans: An Ethnographic Counter-Perspective.”
2nd Conference of the British Sociological Association Food Study Group, “Food, Society and Public
Health,” London: July 7, 2010.
“Enquêter sur les politiques de la reconstruction de La Nouvelle-Orléans à la suite de l‟ouragan Katrina.”
IRIS-EHESS Conference, “Catastrophes et risques : regards anthropologiques,” Paris: April 3, 2008.
Invited Presentations
“Mohamed’s Corner. Le quotidien d‟un patron d‟épicerie mauritanien dans un quartier populaire noir
américain.” CSU Workshop,“Indépendant.e.s et classes sociales,” Paris: October 25, 2014.
“„It‟s a Black Thing, You Won‟t Understand!‟: Consumption Practices, Respectability and the Social Order
of a Corner Store in New Orleans.” Elijah Anderson‟s Conference at University of Paris 8, “Le ghetto
iconique et la canopée cosmopolite. Relations de race et de classe aux États-Unis aujourd‟hui,” SaintDenis: May 29, 2013.
“Comment entre-t-on en réforme ? Itinéraires individuels, action collective et références savantes autour
d‟un projet de réforme de l‟alimentation populaire à La Nouvelle-Orléans.” 2nd CSU Symposium, Paris:
June 16, 2011.
“Guérir le social : enjeux épistémologiques.” (with Laure Pitti) 2nd CSU Symposium, Paris: June 16, 2011.
Conference Organization and Panel Discussions
Co-Organizer, INRA-CSU Conference, “Les mondes de la philanthropie (20e-21e siècles),” (with Thomas
Depecker and Marc-Olivier Déplaude) Paris: December 15-16, 2016.
Discussion of Gabriel Abend, The Moral Background: An Inquiry into the History of Business Ethics (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2014). CSU Conference, “Morales économiques : une sociologie historique
des „business ethics‟,” (with Thomas Brisson) Paris: May 6, 2014.
Co-Organizer, 3rd CSU Symposium, (with Artemisa Flores) Paris: June 13-15, 2013.
Nicolas Larchet CV, p. 4 of 7
Co-Organizer, Elijah Anderson‟s Conference at University of Paris 8, “Le ghetto iconique et la canopée
cosmopolite. Relations de race et de classe aux États-Unis aujourd‟hui,” (with Celia Bense Ferreira Alves
and Sylvain Bordiec) Saint-Denis: May 29, 2013.
Co-Chair, EHESS Master‟s Program “Territoires, Espaces, Sociétés” Symposium, “Espèces d‟Espaces”
(with Anna Dewaele) Paris: May 18, 2011.
Discussion of Sara Le Menestrel. “„Memory Lives in New Orleans‟: The Process and Politics of
Commemoration,” and James M. Boyden. “God Is Avenged: The Wage of Sin Is Death? Hurricane
Katrina as a Providential Catastrophe.” EHESS Workshop, “Katrina 2005,” Paris: April 2, 2011.
Interview in Marie-Noëlle Delaby, “Manger mieux pour 1,1 euros de plus par jour.” Le Figaro,
December 6, 2013.
Interview in Marie-Noëlle Delaby, “Le grignotage est-il vraiment mauvais pour la santé ?” Sciences et Avenir,
no. 787 (2012): 38-39.
Research Interests
Social Movements and Collective Action
 Food Reform Movements, Social Construction of Hunger and Obesity in Contemporary
American Society (since 1970).
Sociology of Food and Culture.
 Ethnography of Food and Consumption Practices, Historical Sociology of American Food
Consumption Surveys (19th-20th Centuries).
Urban Sociology.
 Race and Class Relations in American Cities, Reconstruction of New Orleans after Hurricane
Research Collaborations
University of Paris 8. Assistant Research Engineer (IATOSS), 2013.
 Development and Organization of Scientific Events (€ 10,000).
Collaborator: “Genèse et transmission des normes alimentaires en France au XXe siècle : des dynamiques
publiques aux dynamiques familiales.” Principal Investigator: Anne Lhuissier. Funded by the French
National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and the Fondation Nestlé France (€ 200,000), 20092011.
 2-Part Research Project: 1° Genealogy of Food Standards and their Diffusion in France in the
20th Century, Translation of Scientific Knowledge into Behavioral and Social Norms;
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2° Transmission Mechanisms of Food Standards through Social Institutions: Family, School and
Public Authorities.
Research Evaluation
Instructor, International Call for Research Projects on Sustainable Food Systems. Fondation de France,
Paris, 2015.
Teaching Experience
Institut d‟Études Politiques, Paris („Sciences Po‟). Contractual Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER),
Part-Time, 2013-2014.
 100-Level: Introduction to Sociology.
University of Nantes. Contractual Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER), Full-Time, 2011-2012.
 100-Level: Sociology of the Family.
 100-Level: Socio-Professional Groups.
 100-Level: Descriptive Statistics.
 100-Level: Survey Methodology.
 300-Level: Sociology of Education.
University of Paris Est Créteil. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, 2010-2011.
 100-Level: Introduction to Sociology.
 300-Level: Sociology of Organizations.
Grants and Awards
Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, EHESS Commission de la Scolarité, 2012.
Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, CNRS and University of Paris 8, 2009-2010.
Research Award, Fondation Nestlé France (€ 20,000), 2009.
CSU Research Center
 Member, PhDs Status Group, 2016-.
 Editorial Board, Lettre du CSU, 2010-2013.
 Member, Website Design Group, 2011-2012.
 Member, Treasury Committee, 2010-2011.
 Doctoral Students‟ Representative, 2010-2011.
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CRESPPA Joint Research Unit.
 Member, Electoral Commission, 2012-2013.
 Member, Library Book Acquisition Group, 2011-2012.
Intern, Renaissance Project, New Orleans, 2009-2010.
Consultant, CDC Prevention Research Center at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical
Medicine, New Orleans, 2009.
Volunteer, Hollygrove Market and Farm, New Orleans, 2009.
Volunteer, New Orleans Food and Farm Network, 2009.
Volunteer, ACORN, New Orleans, 2007.
Professional Affiliations
French Sociological Association, 2013-.
International Sociological Association, 2010-.
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