FINAL - Références Forum HLM 05-02-2015 - CSSS-IUGS


FINAL - Références Forum HLM 05-02-2015 - CSSS-IUGS
Habitation à loyer modique
Forum d’orientation de la recherche en logement social public
27 février 2014
1. PARTENARIAT INTERSECTORIEL ..........................................................................................2
1.1 Santé................................................................................................................................................2
2. VIVRE ENSEMBLE EN MILIEU HLM .......................................................................................4
2.1 Santé mentale ..................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Éducation.........................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Chez-soi...........................................................................................................................................6
2.4 Soins dentaires ................................................................................................................................7
2.5 ITSS ................................................................................................................................................7
2.6 Femmes ...........................................................................................................................................7
2.7 Paupérisation ...................................................................................................................................8
2.8 Criminalité.......................................................................................................................................8
2.9 Santé physique/Obésité ...................................................................................................................8
2.10 Emploi .............................................................................................................................................9
3. INCLUSION SOCIALE...................................................................................................................9
3.1 Promotion et expériences de mixité sociale (déconcentration de la pauvreté) ................................9
3.2 Mobilité sociale .............................................................................................................................12
3.3 Perceptions ....................................................................................................................................13
3.4 Gentrification ................................................................................................................................13
3.5 Espaces marginalisés.....................................................................................................................13
3.6 Revitalisation.................................................................................................................................14
4. GESTION DES HLM .....................................................................................................................14
4.1 Gouvernance .................................................................................................................................15
4.2 Plainte............................................................................................................................................15
4.3 Ruralité..........................................................................................................................................15
5. POPULATION CIBLE ..................................................................................................................15
5.1 Déviance........................................................................................................................................15
5.2 Femmes .........................................................................................................................................16
5.3 Personnes âgées.............................................................................................................................16
5.4 Enfance et asthme..........................................................................................................................17
5.5 Jeunes et toxicomanie....................................................................................................................17
5.6 Jeunes et saines habitudes de vie...................................................................................................18
5.7 Jeunes et activités physiques .........................................................................................................18
5.8 Jeunes et prostitution .....................................................................................................................18
5.9 Jeunes exposition violence ............................................................................................................18
5.10 Jeunes et santé mentale .................................................................................................................19
5.11 Réfugiés immigrants .....................................................................................................................19
5.12 Pères..............................................................................................................................................19
5.13 Enfances ........................................................................................................................................19
5.14 Rôle de l’État ................................................................................................................................19
5.15 Privatisation ..................................................................................................................................22
5.16 Mixité sociale................................................................................................................................22
5.17 Promotion du HLM .......................................................................................................................22
5.18 Politiques urbaines locales ............................................................................................................22
6. ENVIRONNEMENT ......................................................................................................................24
7. DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE..................................................................................................25
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Anderson, A. Food store audits: Examining food price, availability, and quality, before and after relocation of public
housing residents, Thesis, Georgia State University, 2010, 69p.
Andrews, J. (2012). Application of a CBPR framework to inform a multi-level tobacco cessation intervention in public
housing neighborhoods, American Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 50, n° 1/2, pp. 129-140.
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Council, K.D. et al. (2013). Improving health services for residents through community-based participatory research: A
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vol. 7, n°1, pp. 89-93.
Crites, J. et Kovar, E. (2012). Wellness initiatives and public housing, Journal of Housing & Community Development, vol.
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Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, vol. 7, n° 1, pp. 77-82.
Green, R.D. (2013). The impact of housing stressors on the mental health of a low-income African-American population,
Review of Black Political Economy, vol. 40, n° 1, pp. 53-100.
Hailey, C. et Gallagher, M. (2013). Chronic Violence: Beyond the developments, Long-TermOutcomes for ChA Residents,
Brief n° 5.
Heinrich, K.M. et al. (2012). Store and restaurant advertising and health of public housing residents, American Journal of
Health Behavior, vol. 36, n° 1, pp. 66-74.
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Kill, C. Examining the mental health of public housing residents in Atlanta, Georgia, Thesis (Master of Public Health),
Georgia State University, 2010.
King, B. A. (2011). Intervention to promote smoke-free policies among multiunit housing operators, Journal of Public
Health Management and Practice, vol. 17, n° 3, pp. E1-8.
King, B. A., Peck, R. M. et Babb, S. D. (2013). Cost savings associated with prohibiting smoking in U.S. subsidized
housing, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 44, n° 6, pp. 631-4.
Klassen, A. C. et al. (2013). What does it take to sustain livable public housing communities?, Progress in Community
Health Partnerships, vol. 7, n° 1, pp. 1-3.
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Lawson, K. D. et al. Investing in health: is social housing value for money? A cost-utility analysis, Journal of
Epidemiology & Community Health, vol. 67, n° 10, pp. 829-834.
Lee, M. et Hayes, P. (2011). Improving the nutritional status of low income residents of public housing in Appalachia,
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, vol. 111, n° 9.
Leloup, X. et Morin, P. (2012). Les modes d'allocation du logement social ont-ils un effet sur le bien-être et la santé des
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Levy, D. E., Rigotti, N. A. et Winickoff, J. P. (2013). Tobacco smoke exposure in a sample of Boston public housing
residents, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 44, n° 1, pp. 63-66.
McNeill, L. H. et Emmons, K. (2012). GIS Walking maps to promote physical activity in low income public housing
communities: A qualitative examination, Preventing Chronic Disease, vol. 9, n° 1, pp. E17.
Pizacani, B. A. et al. (2012). Implementation of a smoke-free policy in subsidized multiunit housing: Effects on smoking
cessation and secondhand smoke exposure, Nicotine and Tobacco Research, vol. 14, n° 9, pp. 1027-1034.
Pizacani, B. A., Maher, J. E. et Rohde, K. (2012). Impact of a no-smoking policy in public housing apartments, Journal of
Clinical Outcomes Management, vol. 19, n° 6, pp. 245.
Popkin, S. J. (2010). Improving the Lives of Public housing’s Most Vulnerable Families, Long-TermOutcomes for ChA
Residents, Brief n° 4.
Popkin, S. J. (2010). A new model for integrating housing and services, Urban Institute, Brief n° 2.
Popkin, S. J. (2013). How Chicago's public housing transformation can inform federal policy, Long-TermOutcomes for
ChA Residents, Brief n° 1.
Popkin, S. J. (2013). ChA Residents and the Plan for Transformation, Long-TermOutcomes for ChA Residents, Brief n° 2.
Rorie, J. A. et al. (2011). Using resident health advocates to improve public health screening and follow-up among public
housing residents, Boston, 2007-2008, Preventing Chronic Disease, vol. 8, n° 1, pp. A15.
Rorie, J.-A. L. Pre diabetes risk screening among Boston public housing residents, Dissertation (Ph. D.), Brandeis
University, The Heller School for Social Policy and Management, 2013, 109 p.
Ruel, E. et al. (2010). Is public housing the cause of poor health or a safety net for the unhealthy poor?, Journal of Urban
Health, vol. 87, n° 5, pp. 827-838.
Scammell, M. K. et al. (2011). Meeting people where they are: Engaging public housing residents for integrated pest
management, Progress in Community Health Partnerships, vol. 5, n° 2, pp. 177-182.
Stacey, T. et Hembrow, I. (2013). How local housing can unlock lasting health and care, Housing, Care & Support, vol. 16,
n° 1, pp. 16-22.
Whittemore, R., Rosenberg, A. et Sangchoon, J. (2013). A diabetes prevention program provided by home care nurses to
residents of public housing communities, Journal of Health Disparities Research & Practice, vol. 6, n° 1, pp. 14-29.
Whittemore, R. et al. (2013). Implementation of a diabetes prevention program in public housing communities, Public
Health Nursing.
Winickoff, J. P., Gottlieb, M. et Mello, M. M. (2010). Regulation of smoking in public housing, New England Journal of
Medicine, vol. 362, n° 24, pp. 2319-2325+2250.
Aratani, Y. (2010) Public housing revisited: Racial differences, housing assistance, and socioeconomic attainment among
low-income families, Social Science Research, vol. 39, n°6, pp. 1108-1125.
Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches (2012) Guide des meilleures pratiques d'intervention :
en route sur le chemin du soutien communautaire en HLM : recueil des stratégies gagnantes, Beauce : Agence de la
santé et des services sociaux de Chaudière-Appalaches.
Allen, T. N. (2010). What about your friends? : Social networks in a mixed income housing development, ProQuest
Information & Learning.
Allen, T. (2011). Uppity? Ghetto? Black?: Negotiating identity in a mixed income public housing development, American
Sociological Association, Annual Meeting 2011, pp. 754-754.
Bowen, D.J. et al. (2013). What do public housing residents say about their health?, Progress in Community Health
Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, vol. 7, n° 1, pp. 39-47.
Carvalho, L. All mixed up: Social interaction and social ties in a mixed-income public housing community, Thesis (M. Sc.),
University of Washington, 2012, 81 p.
Clark, S.L. (2012). In search of housing: Urban families in rural contexts, Rural Sociology, vol. 77, n° 1, pp. 110-134.
Dietrich-Ragon, P. (2013). Qui rêve du logement social ?, Sociologie, vol. 4, n° 1, pp. 19-42.
Distelberg, B. et Taylor, S. (2013). The roles of social support and family resilience in accessing healthcare and
employment resources among families living in traditional public housing communities, Child and Family Social Work.
Dominguez, S. (2010). Getting ahead: Social mobility, Public Housing and Immigrant Networks, NYU Press.
Donoghue, J. et Tranter, B. (2012). Social capital, interpersonal trust, and public housing, Australian Social Work, vol. 65,
n° 3, pp. 413-430.
Dubuisson, W. (2011). L'entente spécifique en HLM de Chaudière-Appalaches : rapport d'évaluation final, Sainte-Marie :
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Gignac, R. (2012). Effet possible du milieu HLM sur la participation des locataires à des mesures d'employabilité et sur
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Green, La Tonya M. "Living for the city": The political meaning of public housing residents' extraordinary struggle,
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Tester, G. et al. (2011). Sense of place among Atlanta public housing residents, Journal of Urban Health, vol. 88, n° 3, pp.
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Gwyther, G. (2011). New mobilities and the formation and maintenance of the personal communities of social housing
residents, Urban Policy and Research, vol. 29, n° 1, pp. 73-89.
Santé mentale
Jang, Y. et al. (2010). Correlates of depressive symptoms among Hispanic older adults living in public housing, Journal of
Applied Gerontology, vol. 29, n° 2, pp. 180-195.
Kearns, A, (2011). Material and meaningful homes: Mental health impacts and psychosocial benefits of rehousing to new
dwellings, International Journal of Public Health, vol. 56, n° 6, pp. 597-607.
Simning, A., Wijngaarden, E. V. et Conwell, Y. (2011). Anxiety, mood, and substance use disorders in United States
African-American public housing residents, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, vol. 46, n° 10, pp. 983992.
Burris, Jeffrey A., Sr. Walking along the color-line: Toward African American community education in public housing,
Dissertation (Ed. D.), Fielding Graduate University, 2012, 124 p.
Bender, K. et al. (2011). Challenges and strategies for conducting program-based research in after-school settings, Child &
Adolescent Social Work Journal, vol. 28, n° 4, pp. 319-334.
Snyder, S. Spatial dynamics of urban development: School competition and public housing policy, Dissertation (Ph. D.),
Purdue University, 2011, 155 p.
Lowney, M.E. et al. (2013). Breaking the cycle of disadvantage for public housing residents, Journal of Housing &
Community Development, vol. 70, n° 5, pp. 16-27.
Schwartz, A.E. et al. (2010) Public schools, public housing: The education of children living in public housing, Urban
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Yoder, J.R. et Lopez, A. (2013). Parent's perceptions of involvement in children's education: Findings from a qualitative
study of public housing residents, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, vol. 30, n° 5, pp. 415-433.
Bijen, G., Piracha, A. (2012). Evaluating the urban design and community life in public housing in Australia, Australian
Planner, vol. 49, n° 4, pp. 349-360.
Bresson, S. Du plan au vécu. Analyse sociologique des expérimentations de Le Corbusier et de Jean Renaudie pour
l'habitat social, Thèse (Ph. D.), SCD de l'université de Tours et Université François Rabelais, 2010, 451 p.
Donoghue, J., Tranter, B. (2010). Citizenship, civic engagement and property ownership, Australian Journal of Social
Issues, vol. 45, n° 4, pp. 493-508.
Fennell, C. (2012). The museum of resilience: Raising a sympathetic public in post-welfare Chicago, Cultural
Anthropology, vol. 27, n° 4, pp. 641-666.
Gatley, J. (2010). The heritage identification of modern public housing: The New Zealand example, Journal of
Architecture, vol. 15, n° 5, pp. 683-696.
Jones, S. et al. (2013). Re-presenting the 'forgotten estate': Participatory theatre, place and community identity, Discourse,
vol. 34, n° 1, pp. 118-131.
Keene, D. E. et Ruel, E. (2013). "Everyone called me grandma": Public housing demolition and relocation among older
adults in Atlanta, Cities, vol. 35, pp. 359-364.
Koczynski Demong, K. "People already live here": An ethnographic case study of employed residents of New York City's
graham public housing project, Thesis (M. A.), Colorado State University, 2010, 111 p.
Kosanovich, K. (2012). Performing nation spaces: public housing and hip-hop in 1970s Bronx, Spaces & Flows: An
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Lucero, J. L. (2013). Neighborhood risk and protective factors for teenage childbearing and fathering, ProQuest
Information & Learning.
Robinson, D. (2013). Social housing in England: Testing the logics of reform, Urban Studies, vol. 50, n° 8, pp. 1489-1504.
Scheider, M. L. (2010). From criminal confinement to social confinement: helping ex-offenders obtain public housing with
a certificate of rehabilitation, New England Journal on Criminal & Civil Confinement, vol. 36, n° 2, pp. 335-358.
Sinha, A. et Kasdan, A. (2013). Inserting community perspective research into public housing policy discourse: The Right
to the City Alliance's "We Call These Projects Home", Cities, vol. 35, pp. 327-334.
Tester, G. et Wingfield, A.H. (2013). Moving past picket fences: The meaning of "home" for public housing residents,
Sociological Forum, vol. 28, n° 1, pp. 70-84.
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Soins dentaires
Maxwell, N. I. et al. (2013). Oral health among residents of publicly supported housing in Boston, Journal of Urban
Health, pp. 1-13.
Bonney, L. E. et al. (2012). Access to health services and sexually transmitted infections in a cohort of relocating African
American public housing residents: An association between travel time and infection, Sexually Transmitted Diseases,
vol. 39, n° 2, pp. 116-121.
Chutuape, K. S. et al. (2010). Mobilizing communities around HIV prevention for youth : How three coalitions applied
key strategies to bring about structural changes, AIDS Education and Prevention, vol. 22, n° 1, pp. 15-27.
Eugene, N. V. et al. (2010). Correlates of age at onset of sexual intercourse in African American adolescents living in
urban public housing, Journal Health Care Poor Underserved, vol. 21, n° 4, pp. 1263-1277.
Norman, L. R. et al. (2011). HIV-testing practices and a history of substance use among women living in public housing in
Puerto Rico, Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care, vol. 10, n° 4, pp. 260-265.
Norman, L. R., Garriga, C. A. et Cintron, L. (2011). Condom-use patterns among women who live in public housing
developments in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Journal Health Care Poor Underserved, vol. 22, n° 4, pp. 122-145.
Buffam, B. (2010). Public geographies of crime and the racial places of Chicago public housing, Law & Society, Annual
Meeting 2010, pp. 1.
Fagan, J., Davies, G. et Carlis, A. (2012). Race and selective enforcement in public housing, Journal of Empirical Legal
Studies, vol. 9, n° 4, pp. 697-728.
Netto, G. et Abazie, H. (2013). Racial harassment in social housing in a multi-ethnic city: The Case for moving beyond
acting against individual perpetrators of racial harassment, Urban Studies, vol. 50, n° 4, pp. 674-690.
Reid, M. (2013). Public housing and gender: Contextualizing the "We call these projects home" report, Cities, vol. 35, pp.
Silver, L.J. (2010). Spaces of encounter: Public bureaucracy and the making of client identities, Ethos, vol. 38, n° 3, pp.
Chodorge, M. (2010). Qui habite en Hlm ?, Habitat et société, n° 58, pp. 16-18.
Froger, V., Ghékière, J. F. et Houillon, V. (2010). Vieillissement, changement social et paupérisation : le parc de logements
face au renouvellement de la population de l'ancien Bassin Minier du Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Espace populations sociétés,
n° 1, pp. 95-108.
Gray, P. et McAnulty, U. (2010). How far can the residualisation of council housing debate be applied to the private-rental
sector in Northern Ireland?, Policy Studies, vol. 31, n° 5, pp. 523-538.
Laferrère, A. (2013). Pauperization and polarization of French social housing, Revue économique, vol. 64, n° 5, pp. 805832.
Dinzey-Flores, Z. Z. (2011). Criminalizing communities of poor, dark women in the Caribbean: The fight against crime
through Puerto Rico's public housing, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, vol. 13, n° 1, pp. 53-73.
Dinzey-Flores, Z. Z. (2012). Where rights begin and end in Puerto Rico's gated communities, Singapore Journal of
Tropical Geography, vol. 33, n° 2, pp. 198-211.
Fabio, A., et al. (2011). Neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and the shape of the age-crime curve, American
Journal Public Health, vol. 101, n° S1, pp. S325-S332.
Flint, J. (2013). Policing public housing: New York and British cities, Safer Communities, vol. 12, n° 1, pp. 13-23.
Haberman, C. P., Groff, E. R. et Taylor, R. B. (2013). The variable impacts of public housing community proximity on
nearby street robberies, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, vol. 50, n° 2, pp. 163-188.
Kilewer, W. (2013). The role of neighborhood collective efficacy and fear of crime in socialization of coping with violence
in low-income communities, Journal of Community Psychology, vol. 41, n° 8, pp. 920-930.
Ouellet, F., Lemieux, F. et Sauvêtre, N. (2011). Incivilités, logements sociaux et modes de gouvernance, Canadian
Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice, vol. 53, n° 2, pp. 139-156.
Scheider, M. C. (2013). Commentary: Community policing and public housing authorities, Cityscape, vol. 15, n° 3, pp.
Santé physique/Obésité
Adamus-Leach, H. J., Mama, S. K. et Lee, R. E. (2012). Fast food and supermarket availability, neighborhood income and
health outcomes in public housing residents, International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings, vol.
6, n° 2.
Chambers, E. C. et Rosenbaum, E. (2013). Cardiovascular health outcomes of Latinos in the affordable housing as an
obesity mediating environment (AHOME) study: A study of rental assistance use, Journal of Urban Health, pp. 1-10.
Eugeni, M. L. et al. (2011). Disconnections of African American public housing residents: Connections to physical
activity, dietary habits and obesity, American Journal Community Psychology, vol. 47, n° 3-4, pp. 264-276.
Fertig, A. R.; Reingold, D. A. (2011). Public Housing and Health: Is There a Connection?, Social Science Research
Network, 42 p. Document téléaccessible à l’adresse : <>
Johnson, R. A. et Meadows, R. L. (2010). Dog-walking: Motivation for adherence to a walking program, Clinical Nursing
Research, 2010, vol. 19, n° 4, pp. 387-402.
Robinson, T. Hypertension beliefs and behaviors of African Americans in selected Cleveland public housing, Dissertation
(Ph. D.), Kent State University, 2012, 180 p.
Shelton, R. C. et al. (2011). The association between social factors and physical activity among low-income adults living in
public housing, American Journal Public Health, vol. 101, n° 11, pp. 2102-2110.
Cadik, E. et Nogic, A. (2011). Moving to Work: Report to Congress, Social Science Research Network, 73 p. Document
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