COMPTE RENDU Atelier croisé de l`Ecole de Chaillot et de l


COMPTE RENDU Atelier croisé de l`Ecole de Chaillot et de l
Atelier croisé de l’Ecole de Chaillot et de l’Université Tongji
à Zengchong, district de Congjiang, province du Guizhou
octobre 2014
établi par Françoise Ged,
Observatoire de l’architecture de la Chine contemporaine
Dans la session 2013-2015 du Diplôme de spécialisation et d’approfondissement (DSA)
mention « architecture et patrimoine », l’École de Chaillot organise pour la quatrième fois avec
l’Université Tongji à Shanghai un atelier croisé, dans le village de Zengchong (province du
Guizhou, au sud-ouest de la Chine).
La première phase de l’atelier s’est déroulée sur le terrain, du 7 au 19 octobre 2014, avec
étudiants et enseignants français et chinois. Une semaine commune réunira de nouveau les
intéressés fin mars 2015 à Paris.
Le contexte des échanges avec la province du Guizhou
L’atelier s’inscrit dans le programme de coopération mené depuis 2008 sur la province
du Guizhou, entre la Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, la Direction Générale des
Patrimoines (DGP) et l’Université Tongji avec le World Heritage Institute for Training and
Research (Asia Pacific). A la Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine, l’Observatoire de la
Chine contemporaine coordonne les actions menées dans le cadre de ce programme de
Les principales étapes de la coopération menée
- En octobre 2008, Isabelle Maréchal et Alain Marinos de la DGP et Françoise Ged
(Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine) étaient invités à un séminaire international
sur « la protection et le développement durable des villages historiques et
culturels » ; organisé conjointement par la province du Guizhou et deux des plus
prestigieuses universités du pays, Beida à Pékin et Tongji à Shanghai. Ce séminaire
bénéficiait du soutien du Bureau national des affaires culturelles et de l’Unesco avec
la participation de l’Université Normale du Guizhou et de l’Université du Guizhou.
- En octobre 2010, le séminaire organisé par l’Observatoire avec ses partenaires lors
de l’Exposition Universelle intègre une présentation sur le Guizhou.
- En novembre 2011, Alain Marinos, Françoise Ged et Daniel Duché sont invités à une
mission de terrain, et visite notamment l’« éco-musée » (en référence aux travaux
d’Henri Rivière) de Dimen.
- En novembre 2012, nous mettons en place, à Paris et en Rhône-Alpes, pour la
délégation conduite par le directeur du Bureau de la Culture du Guizhou, M. WANG
Hongguang, des rendez-vous et visites afin de présenter les compétences françaises
à même de répondre aux problématiques rencontrées au Guizhou, recherchant un
parallélisme des problématiques plutôt que des institutions. Nous avons associé à
cette étape le CMTRA (Centre des musiques traditionnelles de la Région RhôneAlpes), l’APPM (Association des Populations des Peuples de Montagne) et le Réseau
des Grands Sites de France.
- En juillet 2013, nous organisons un séminaire itinérant à Guiyang (capitale du
Guizhou) et Dimen, district de Liping1, avec les partenaires français intéressés. A
l’issue de ce séminaire, il est convenu de mettre en place pour l’année suivante : un
accueil de stagiaires sur l’agronomie en lien avec l’APPM, un atelier croisé
(Tongji/Chaillot), une mission d’études et création des musiciens du CMTRA. Le site
de Zengchong est choisi par les enseignants français et chinois à l’issue de ce
Province du Guizhou (rose foncé) - village de Zengchong dans un méandre
1 cf le film présentant du séminaire :
L’atelier croisé à Zengchong
L’atelier croisé a plusieurs objectifs :
- un objectif pédagogique dans le cadre des formations citées ;
un objectif de sensibilisation des autorités locales et des habitants, dans un premier
temps lors du séjour d’enquêtes de terrain à l’automne et dans un second temps
lors de la présentation des travaux menés dans l’année qui suit.
- une occasion privilégiée de faire avancer la connaissance du patrimoine et du
territoire sur le terrain, et d’engager une réflexion pour réaliser des projets de
conservation et de réutilisation du patrimoine, en croisant les approches.
Le Bureau de la Culture du Guizhou apporte un soutien financier et technique à l’atelier
ainsi qu’un intérêt personnel : son directeur, M. WANG Hongguang est venu accueillir la
délégation avant son retour pour Shanghai, avec son secrétaire général, M. SONG Jiang,
tous deux venus en France en novembre 2012.
Sur place, les différents services dépendant de ce Bureau ont apporté leur appui tout au
long de l’atelier, en organisant des visites, par la mise à disposition de leur personnel
pendant le séjour et lors de deux séances au début et à la fin de l’atelier. L’une pour
présenter le village et ses caractéristiques, et la seconde pour discuter et écouter la
présentation des travaux menés. Les habitants ont réservé un accueil chaleureux tout au
long du séjour. A noter, la présence de la génération des hommes en âge de travailler
qui, lors des ateliers précédents, sont absents des villages pour travailler en ville.
En raison du soutien privilégié du Bureau de la Culture du Guizhou, les services en
charge de l’urbanisme (relevant administrativement du MOHURD) n’ont pas été
mobilisés par nos partenaires de l’Université Tongji.
Les ateliers dans le DSA
Le but pédagogique de ces ateliers est d'immerger les élèves de 2e année du DSA dans
une situation réelle, qui permet de mener, sur le terrain, un travail d'analyse et de
propositions tant sur le plan de l'architecture que de l'urbanisme et du paysage. Cet
exercice collectif se poursuit tout au long de la deuxième année du DSA à travers les
séances de travaux dirigés, pour arriver à une présentation finale permettant d’être
Les premiers ateliers croisés entre l’Ecole de Chaillot et des centres de formation à
l’étranger ont eu lieu au début des années 90 en Roumanie. Ils permettent de
confronter les approches et les méthodes en faisant travailler ensemble, sur le terrain
des enseignants et des étudiants étrangers et français. Pour les élèves de l’Ecole de
Chaillot, ces ateliers à l’étranger sont l’occasion de découvrir des techniques de
construction, des formes architecturales et urbaines, et des cultures différentes de
celles auxquelles ils sont habituellement confrontés.
Neuf étudiants français, encadrés par deux enseignants de l’École de Chaillot, Benjamin
Mouton, inspecteur général des monuments historiques, et Luc Savonnet, architecte du
patrimoine, avec Françoise Ged, architecte et responsable de l’Observatoire de
l’architecture de la Chine contemporaine, ont travaillé avec neuf étudiants chinois en
master (équivalent bac+6 ou bac+7) d’architecture ou d’urbanisme, encadrés par les
professeurs Mme SHAO Yong et M. ZHANG Peng de l’école d’architecture et
d’urbanisme de l’Université Tongji, et un archéologue du Bureau de la culture du
Guizhou. (voir le programme en annexe 1, et les participants en annexe 2).
Ces architectes et urbanistes français et chinois, qui se spécialisent dans la restauration
et la mise en valeur du patrimoine, doivent collecter sur le terrain les informations
nécessaires pour ensuite élaborer un plan de conservation du patrimoine et de
développement pour le village, ainsi qu’un projet de restauration et de réutilisation pour
des édifices choisis.
L’étude du village
Le grand paysage
Pendant trois jours, les étudiants, répartis en cinq groupes franco-chinois, ont parcouru
le village de Zengchong et ses alentours, afin d’en comprendre les éléments
remarquables. Ils ont été guidés par des habitants du village, des hommes de 30-40 ans.
Ils ont, selon leurs connaissances, évoqué l’histoire du peuplement du village, les
différentes espèces de plantes utilisées dans la vie quotidienne, les types de culture, les
types d’habitat, le système hydraulique, les réseaux, etc.
Chaque groupe a ensuite mené une étude fine du village divisé en cinq secteurs, quatre
quartiers et les rives de la rivière entourant le village. L’objectif était d’étudier les rues et
ruelles, les rapports entre le bâti et les vides, les pratiques dans les espaces communs,
les espaces privatifs.
L’étude architecturale
Les étudiants ont été répartis sur trois sites pour le travail d’étude architecturale : une
maison qui avait subi un incendie en 2012, la tour du tambour entourée d’échafaudages
le temps de l’atelier pour des travaux d’entretien et deux ponts « du vent et de la
pluie » dont l’un a donné lieu à un relevé approfondi.
Les étudiants ont à s’organiser pour collecter le maximum d’informations, de mesures et
d’observations dans la mesure où ils n’ont pas l’occasion de retourner sur le site.
La tour du tambour, classée au niveau national, avait fait l’objet d’un relevé indicatif,
que les étudiants pouvaient consulter mais il s’agissait pour eux de dresser un relevé
structurel permettant de comprendre les pathologies de cette construction du 17e
Les relevés détaillés leur permettent de dresser les plans de niveaux, les coupes et les
élévations, de comprendre les structures et d’en repérer les pathologies, de manière à
faire une analyse des modes constructifs, des matériaux, des structures, des enveloppes,
des clôtures, des assemblages, des décors, claustras, polychromie, etc.
Les suites de l’atelier
A la suite de l’atelier sur site, les élèves entament l’analyse des informations collectées
dans le village. Ce travail fait l’objet d’un programme détaillé que les enseignants
français et chinois élaborent en commun afin que l’avancement du travail soit
concomitant en France et en Chine. Des échanges réguliers entre les étudiants français
et chinois permettent de conserver la dynamique de groupe créée pendant ce séjour.
Après avoir terminé les phases d’analyses et d’étude des pathologies, l’ensemble des
élèves se retrouvera à Paris du 24 au 28 mars afin de réaliser la phase de projet. Ils
devront ensuite monter une exposition pour présenter les résultats de leurs travaux.
Celle-ci sera présentée dans l’exposition de l’ensemble des ateliers de l’École de Chaillot
organisés en France à partir de juillet 2015.
Nous souhaitons vivement que l’exposition puisse être présentée en Chine dans le
second semestre 2015,au Guizhou, en collaboration avec l’Université Tongji.
De nouvelles perspectives à développer
L’Université Tongji est désireuse de poursuivre plus avant la coopération engagée, avec
des réalisations pilotes, qui pourraient prendre place dans un premier temps dans un
autre village du Guizhou, Dimen, où l’« éco-musée » qui a déjà accueilli le séminaire de
juillet 2013, a vocation à être un lieu de formation, d’échanges et un laboratoire.
A Shanghai, conférence de Benjamin Mouton au WHITR-AP
A l’issue du séjour au Guizhou, Benjamin Mouton a prononcé une conférence au WHITRAP à Shanghai, dans le cadre du 50e anniversaire des relations franco-chinoises, portant
sur les choix de restauration menés à Notre Dame de Paris en les resituant dans une
temporalité longue, après avoir présenté Viollet Le Duc.
La salle était pleine, une centaine de participants, dont nombre de cadres issus des
bureaux de la culture de différentes provinces chinoises, qui étaient accueillis en
formation à cette période. Les questions ont été d’autant plus intéressantes et ciblées,
en raison des profils professionnels accueillis.
Affiche de la conférence de Benjamin Mouton, au WHITR-AP à Shanghai
Zengchong : dessin de Luc Savonnet
Annexe 2
Liste des participants
1.Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine (Paris)
Benjamin Mouton, architecte en chef des monuments historiques, professeur associé de
l’École de Chaillot,
Luc Savonnet, architecte du patrimoine, enseignant
Françoise Ged, architecte, HDR, responsable de l’Observatoire de l’architecture de la
Chine contemporaine
2. Ecole d’architecture et d’urbanisme, Université Tongji (Shanghai)
Mme SHAO Yong, professeur d’urbanisme
M. ZHANG Peng, professeur d’architecture
Tongji University : Chinese Students
XU Kanda (25 years old) - [email protected]
I've been studied urban planning in College of Architecture and Urban planning, Tongji
University from 2008 to 2013. I was awarded university's scholarship several years and
second prize of Tongji University's Students Innovative Training Plan.
Now I'm a post graduate in Tongji university to learn historic heritage conservation under
the guidance of Professor Shao Yong. Why I'm so interested about the historic heritages is
because I grew up in such an environment. My grandparent's house was a woodenstructure building built in Qing dynasty in a traditional neighborhood in Suzhou and now
well restored and newly used. With the strong feeling and passion I decided to go further
with the heritage preservation and renewal.
I had worked as in intern in a French architect firm for about 2 years. And recently
attended the Sino-French Seminar on move in Shanghai
Le Zhang (26 years old) – [email protected]
Now, I am a PhD candidate of urban planning under the guidance of Prof. Shao Yong, and
my research field is about historic heritage conservation. Before taking the PhD program, I
have already worked in Shanghai Xiandai Achitecture & Landscape Design Institute for two
As early as in 2005, I started my study in Tongji University, majored in Landscape
Architecture. With excellent performance, I got the award of “outstanding graduate in
2009” and the admission to the master program without taking the exam in LA.
During my postgraduate study, I participated in lots of conservation projects of my mentor
Prof. Yan guotai, such as the preservation planning for Xinmi ancient city in Henan
Province. Those experiences developed my interest in historical heritage conservation.
In addition, I was selected to be an exchange student in Innsbruck university in my
postgraduate study. During the half year in Europe, I was deeply impressed by European
historical heritage preservation, which enhanced my interests.
It’s a great honor to participate in this workshop, in which I can continue my research and
communicate with the top professors in this field
TIAN Fangzhou (25 years old)[email protected]
After studying urban planning for 5 years, I graduated from Central South University in
Changsha at 2012 and took part in Ethnic Minority Elites Program for minority graduate
student. I got trained for 1 year in Southwest University in Chongqing. Then I went to
Tongji University for formal graduate student study with the research direction of historic
and cultural heritage conservation. In the first year of study, I was honored to have the
opportunity to join some conservational planning projects of war heritage, traditional
village and historic site. I participated in the heritage renovation volunteer workshop of
Union REMPART in France for 14 days this summer vacation and experienced the masonry
work of middle aged times. I was impressed and amazed by the great historic cities like
Paris, Nancy and Luxembourg. We have to do more and learn more from not only attitudes
but also approaches towards heritage in western countries.
ZHANG Haibin (25years old) - [email protected]
I graduated from the university of Architecture in Shandong in 2012 and came to Tongji as
a postgraduate to study the conservation of historic heritage.
It’s a new departure for me for a start to contact this direction of urban planning at the first
time. While, I’ve always been very interested in it and after about 1.5 years through a
professional and systematic study and practice,I’ve gotten a deeper understanding about
the content、institution、principals and some methods about this field.
In 2013, I participated a project of the protection of Yunshe in Guizhou province which is a
traditional and characteristic village of Tujia nationality. From the progress of learning and
practice I discovered parts of the culture of minority nationality and its traditional values
and architectural features. So, I am very pleased to participate Zengchong workshop
between “Les ateliers de Chaillot” and Tongji university. I hope some of my experiences will
helps and I am looking forward to learn more from this international communication and
ZHI Hui (23 years old) - [email protected]
I am a graduate student of Tongji University.I graduated from Hebei University of
Technology in 2013.My major is urban planning and it took me 5 years to get my bachelor
At the first two years, I took some courses of architecture design, such like villa design, tea
house design and so on. After that , the concept of space became more clearly in my mind
and I enjoyed in the progress of design. In my third year of university, I started to learn
urban planning. Now I still study urban planning at Tongji University and my research area
is historical heritage preservation. I really like the old districts in a city or historic towns but
it's such a shame that a lot of them were disappeared in modern China, so I want to do
something useful to help these beautiful places survived or stop them from decaying.
There are still a lot of things I need to learn because I'm just at the very beginning of my
JIANG Jiawei (27 years old) – [email protected]
I graduated from the School of Architecture, South China University of Technology (SCUT)
in 2011 and got my bachelor’s degree of architecture. My graduation design, which was
both a historical research and renovation design of the Gaodi Street in Guangzhou, won the
silver prize in the 9th Chinese Academic Award of Environmental and Art Design. Then I
furthered my study in Tongji University and got my master’s degree of architecture in 2014.
Meanwhile, I was an exchange student to Vienna University of Technology in 2013, and
took part in the course called “Bauaufnahme und Bauforschung” (Building Survey and
Building Research) and finished an essay introducing the main ideas and methods of this
research back to China. When I was in Europe last year, I spent a whole month in France
and traveled to as many as 27 cities around Paris, such as Beauvais, Amiens, Reims,
Vézelay, Dijon, etc. All of the churches and cathedrals in these cities amazed me and I had
written a report on them after the voyage. Now I become a Ph.D candidate in Tongji and
specialize in architectural history and heritage.
I have experiences in renovation and restoration design in several old towns in China,
including the ancient center of Guangzhou(广州旧城), Village Jiuxian in Yangshuo in
Guangxi Province(阳朔旧县村), Huqiu(虎丘) in Suzhou, etc. Moreover, I published a book
called Made in Shanghai in the early time this year, in which I am the third writer. Recently
I have finished an essay entitled Romanesque Remains and Gothic Fragments: Viollet-leDuc and His Writing of the Dictionnaire raisonné de l’architecture, which displays the topics
such as the development of building technology, materiality and craft, formation of
historians and their professions. I am studying these topics as part of my doctoral
XIN Jing (23 years old) - [email protected]
I am a postgraduate in Tongji University, studying at the studio of Prof. Chang in Tongji
From 2009 to 2014, I was awarded scholarship every year. In 2010, I won the prize of
Autodesk Cup for Undergraduates’ Architecture Works. In 2013, I won the prize of Urban
Planning for Undergraduates'’ Project in the National Colleges and Universities.
In 2012, I was fortunate to be an exchange student in National University of Singapore,
which allowed me to understand the diversity of different culture and experienced the
cooperation with foreign classmates. This valuable experience exerts a profound influence
on my outlook of work and life. In 2013, I practiced internship in East China Architectural
Design & Reasearch Institue Co. LTD., which has greatly improved my professional
knowledge in the fields of architectural design and construction drawing.
LIU Mengwei (23 years old) - [email protected]
I graduated from Tongji University in 2014 and I major in Historical Architecture
Conservation. Back to 2012, after 2 years studying knowledge of architecture and art, I
decided to exchange. So I went to TU Darmstadt in Germany, lived, studied there and
traveled in Europe for half a year. During my trip I found how the system and working
method of conservation in Europe differ from what in China, that makes me quite
During all 4 years of study I have seen so many conflicts, the need of modernization against
the old memory of city, the need to live better against the need to protect traditional
buildings. I’d like to contribute to solving all these problems.
SUN Xinfei (25 years old) - [email protected]
I graduated from Tongji University this year, majored in architecture design. When
discovering my great interest in Chinese ancient architecture for its abundant history and
theory, I continued my study in this field guided by Professor Chang Qing in Tongji. So far I
have participated in several projects related to preservation of historical buildings such as
the preservation of four major temples in Lhasa, and also fulfilled surveying and mapping
many vernacular dwellings in Anhui Province and Jiangxi Province, both of which are
located in southern China.
Growing up in northern China and studying in Shanghai, I am an optimistic, confidence,
perseverance and responsible man. Since deeply interested in Chinese culture and
travelling a lot in China, I hope to apply my accumulation of knowledge to the following
project in Guizhou Province.
CUI Zixiang (23 years old) – [email protected]
I have been studying in Tongji University for the major of Historical architecture
conservation since 2010 and furthering my study now for the master degree.
During the short period of my undergraduate courses, I come to understand the SuZhou
Gardens, the Shanxi compounds, the Jiangxi dwellings and some other marvelous ancient
Chinese architecture. I am also participating in the conservation planning of temples in
Lhasa 2014, which gives me another understanding of the heritage sustainability in a selfgoverned religion and in the contemporary background. And I was offered a scholarship
2012 for a one-month study tour in France to get touch with the art and architecture in a
different culture.
I shall be so fortunate this time to have the opportunity to participate in the joint program
in Guizhou to improve professional skills.
Archéologue du Bureau de la Culture, participant à l’atelier croisé (non anglophone)
Tang Xiucheng (35 years old) – [email protected]
I graduated from Guizhou Normal University in 2005 and had a Bachelor of Arts in painting
specialty. In August, I began to work in the institute of Cultural relics and Archaeology of
Guizhou, mainly dealing with archaeology sketching, archaeology and artifacts recording
and revealing, and so on. In 2007, I worked in Guizhou Reseach Center of cultural relics
protection, where I participated in investigation into country cultural landscape and
ancient buildings, survey, research and design.
Since 2007, I have been involved in 7 state-level relics protection units. They are Sitang
ancient buildings in Sinan county, the design of temple Wang, Drum Towl repairs and
investigation, the old site of Zhejiang University in Meitan county, Guizhou province, survey
and design of the repairs to Longevity Palace, the old site of Chishui battle where Red Army
crossed Chishui River for 4 times, and the old site of Red Army meeting room. Besides, I
took part in 5 provincial level cultural relics protection units. For example, the survey and
design of protecting primary school in Shuiqing township, Libo, the design of repairs to
Jiang Ancestral Hall Lane in Majiang, Tang residence in Zhenyuan.
In 2007, I attended provincial cultural relics protection designing class, and relics protection
panel discussion by Tongji University. In 2011, I trained for unit and personal occupation
qualification to the survey and design of provincial cultural relics. In 2013, I participated in
code for construction supervision of ancient building protection and attended to a seminar
about the repairs and consolidation of ancient buildings.
Etudiants de l’Ecole de Chaillot
Soizik BECHETOILLE (34 years old) - [email protected]
I graduated in 2007 (Ecole d’architecture Paris La Villette). I am also 3nd
year as PhD student under the guidance of Mr. Nicolas Fiévé at the “Ecole
pratique des Hautes Etudes” of Paris.
From 2009 to 2011, I was awarded a fellowship from the ministry of
culture in Japan (文部科学省奨学金 Monbukagakushō Shōgakukin), and I
started studying as master student at the laboratory of Prof. Yutaka
Matsumoto in Osaka Sangyo University.
In 2010, I was fortunate enough to pursue a timber restoration project
during 9 month at Koyasan, which allowed me to understand the method
and the approach in the carpenters work.
Since, the subject of my research at the university deals with
reconstructions and restorations of wooden monuments. The main
question is about the traditional Japanese techniques facing the challenges
of modernization. On the restoration work on site, I try to investigate the
choices made during the restoration process, and the influence of the laws
of heritage protection on it. If my work focuses on the history of
restoration in Japan, the following of practice on sites is an essential part
of my research, and gives it its authenticity and legitimacy.
In 2012, I was awarded a scholarship between the University of Paris
Sorbonne and Waseda Tokyo University in order to follow the work of the
laboratory of Professor Nakagawa, director of the UNESCO World Heritage
Site Research Institute (Project Research Institutes, Comprehensive
Research Organization). Also, I benefited from a formation in timber
restoration from the Geidai University.
In 2013, I decide to pursue the training course of the “Ecole de Chaillot” in
order to perfect my knowledge in French restoration methodologies.
So, I am very pleased to have an opportunity to participate in the
framework of the exchange between “Les ateliers de Chaillot” and your
university. With my experience in Japan and my training from Chaillot, I am
looking forward to see the bridges I could do with my training and my
researches in this workshop.
Thomas BUZY (33 years old) - [email protected]
I am an architect since 2006. I studied architecture and engineering in Lyon
(city in the center-east of France) before moving to Paris after passing my
architecture degree. In Lyon and Paris I have worked in several
architectural agencies, but mostly for “AREP” and “Unanime Architects and
structural engineering” which gave me the opportunity to contribute to
the restoration of heritage architecture (churches and mansions mostly),
and contemporary extensions of existing heritage buildings (train stations).
As I discovered this new field of work, I decided to go further with the
heritage preservation and restoration, and entered the Chaillot school.
Concerning my experiences abroad, I had the chance few years ago to
work on a cultural center project in Bahrein, where I could discover the
local culture while working and travelling there frequently. Whether the
project was a creation and had no direct link with the heritage, I had to
understand the way of life of people of a different culture to develop the
project according to their customs, including the way of working and the
architectural and urban morphology.
I’ve never been to China yet, but travelled a lot in the past years, including
a 1 year trip in Australia where I learnt English, in Mongolia and Nepal for
several months, to fulfill my craving for discovering natural landscapes by
feet and horse.
Paul DUBOIS (29 years old) - [email protected]
Following a one year preparatory training program to entrance
examination to the French Engineering Schools, I applied to the National
Higher School of Architecture in Paris La Villette and graduated as an
authorized State Architect in 2008 and then as a project manager in 2009.
From 2013 on, following various experiences in major projects regarding
the renovation or the extension of historical buildings, I decided to secure
my professional skills with an academic training and applied to the Chaillot
Architectural School degree with a major in architectural heritage.
After internships within the framework of the academic agenda in various
architecture firms in Paris and Strasbourg, France, I have been working in
two mid-sized architecture firms (around 10 headcounts):
- The « Thierry van de Wyngaert » (President of the Board of the
Architectural Academy) firm, which specialized in new real estate
programs (mainly public and office building) ;
- The « Ph. Ch. Dubois and associates » firm, which includes a
multidisciplinary team with specific credentials in renovation / extension
programs pertaining to historical buildings and public facilities (Museums,
High Schools).
My experiences abroad include study tours in Europe (Greece, Italy, Spain,
Germany …), Northern America (New York, Chicago, Toronto, Montreal)
and Mexico as part of academic requirements or during vacations. Besides,
in 2008, the graduation project I submitted within the framework of the «
authorized state architect degree » related to a multifunctional facility on
the port of Shenzhen, China. This project was also part of an international
architectural contest (competition « Compasso Volante ») involving
Chinese, Italian and Korean students from Beijing, Shenzhen, Roma,
Milano and Seoul. This program included a 10 days study tour in Hong
Kong, Shenzhen and the Fujian province designed especially to the analysis
of Hakka architecture.
Thomas FLOC’H (35 years old) - [email protected]
I live in northern France, I am an architect since eight years, during which I
have worked for three years in a private agency in western France as
project manager and since five years in Northern France as project
manager for the public administration of Arras area.
During my work experiences, I have demonstrated my architecture skills by
working on all design phases by following new houses constructions,
buildings retrofittings and renewals, public spaces planning…
Graduated in 2005 with a master degree in urban planning I have decided
to come back in 2013 to studies by following the intensive program of the
Chaillot school to improve some skills and develop an expertise in work on
the heritage architecture.
This international exchange is a great opportunity to learn more about the
Chinese culture and discover local architecture and landscapes. I enjoy
working in foreign language since I lived in Warsaw and spent one year in
Polytechnic University of Warsaw in the context of European program
ERASMUS. I have appreciated discovering various foreign cultures and I
discovered my strong interest in Asia after my trip in Japan for 1 month.
Véronique HAILLOT CANAS DA SILVA (38 years old)
[email protected]
As a Portuguese architect, I have made my studies in Lisbon where I get my
diploma at the architecture school in 2000. I have work, since, for a local
studio where I made conception for various buildings on the famous «
World Exhibition 1998 » area. In the same time I supervised sites works on
many different private houses projects.
I get in Paris, on early 2004, to integrate the Chief Architect of Historic
Monuments agency's of Alain-Charles Perrot. I worked there on several
restoration projects such the Royal Palace, the Hotel Matignon and Place
Vendome on each phases, from early studies to final completion.I traveled
a lot in my early years due to my father’s activities, and I grew up five years
in South Arabia . I have never been to China, and, thanks to Chaillot school,
this unique opportunity will feed my curiosity and my great appetite of
knowledge, regarding this amazing country and its millennium culture.
Tiffanie LE DANTEC (26 years old) - [email protected]
I graduated from the School of Architecture in Nantes in 2011 and I
practice as a junior architect. Back in 2011, my first job has sent me to
Shanghai, China, to work for a small French and Chinese architecture office
called Dubosc, based in Pudong District. Mostly the projects were large
scale designs for the West of China (Chengdu, Chongqing, Lanzhou...). I
learned Chinese Mandarin (basic understanding and speaking), worked
with Chinese colleagues, lived in China and travelled there for 1 year and a
half. When I came back to France, I joined a French architect closely
working with a team in Singapore on the project for the Fort Canning
Museum “La Pinacothèque” in Singapore, I went there for contacts and to
draw the first designs of the project. From Shanghai to Singapore I
discovered parts of the Asian culture and its traditional values and
architectures. I came to “L'Ecole de Chaillot” to study heritage architecture
and I would like to link what I learn in conservation with what I have seen
in China, and help protect buildings resulting of thousands of years of
Simon LEUCKX (31 years old) - [email protected]
Leuckx Simon is born in Cahors (in southern France) on 6th May 1983.
After starting his architectural studies in Toulouse, he joined in 2003 the
School of La Villette in Paris. In 2005 he spent one year in Venice following
the Restoration specialization (issued in Italy). After his return to Paris, he
is increasingly interested to heritage preservation through several
elements :
-action : collaboration with the NGO OXFAM and Architects Without
Frontiers (in the post-tsunami Sri Lanka management)
-workshops : rural desertification in Corsica (France, 2006); renovation of
the suburbs and informal settlements in Havana (Cuba, 2007); slums and
precarious housing in the medina of Fez (Morocco, 2008)
-research : essay on the antique palace-city of Split (Croatia, 2008)
-diploma project : work on the post-war city of Sarajevo (Bosnia, 2009)
He graduated as an architect in 2009 and gets the following year his
license to practice. He works and lives in Paris as a freelance and as a
employee of an agency specializing in planning and preservation of old
Elisa QUERUB DURAND (27 years old) - [email protected]
Fascinated by the body’s structure with its logical organization, I first
turned to medical studies. However, my need for involvement and
creativity soon led me to begin studying architecture in Paris. I’m
graduated from the Ecole Speciale of Architecture in 2012 with a special
mention from the jury. My reflection of diploma was on the Japanese
culture and its vision of time and transmission. Curiosity has led me to
travel and allowed to absorb other cultures and skills. I developed a critical
approach to the separation between theory and practice thanks to a
number of internship in particular in UNESCO and for Thierry Algrin, chief
architect of historic monuments.
Jean-Paul PHILIPPON (69 years old) - [email protected]
Architect since 1972, Jean-Paul Philippon is also State architect-advisor and
member of the Old Paris Committee and member of the French Academy
of Architecture. His architectural expertise on historical heritage is
recognized especially for building reuses owing to his projects based on his
theoretic thought applied on many old buildings and with respect of them
without to give up his own style : syntaxic, play and dialog with the existing
place and reveal the « genius loci ». After architectural research for
Ministry of Culture (CORDA) in 1977 : « metamorphoses of architectural
object », he had, with is associates Pierre Colboc and Renaud Bardon, to
transform the old railway station “gare d’Orsay” into a museum for the
19th century collections : Musée d’Orsay. After this project, since 1986, he
create his own studio with the architect Francine Aginski and he carries out
many public projects :
Museums :
-musée des beaux-arts de Quimper (1989-93)
-musée « la piscine », Roubaix (1994-2001)
-musée de Valence (2006-2013)
-musée des « fontaines salées », St Père under Vezelay (2012, …)
Education :
-National School of Architecture of Paris – Belleville (2002-2010)
-Education Center for Industry, Paris (2007-…)
Housing :
-Dorian square, Paris (1992-1996)
-Demenitroux street, Créteil (1995-1999)
Hospital :
-psychiatry Albert Chenevier for APHP (1989-1997)
-Saint-louis hospital , big burned service (2002-2010)
and many other competitions for public projects
Others works :
-research « appartements de ville and social diversity », PUCA, 1996
-Molitor swimming pool, Paris : feasable project before, 2003-2005
-Eiffel tower : feasable project before new concession by the city of Paris
-project professor : Nancy high school for architecture : 1977-1979, ESA
Awards for his work : « chevalier de l’ordre national du mérite »
« chevalier des arts et lettres »
Shao Yong et Benjamin Mouton
Déroulé du 7 au 19 octobre
Mardi 7: Départ Paris CDG, arrivée le 8 à Shanghai, vol pour Guiyang en fin de journée, nuit à Guiyang
Jeudi 9 : bus vers Zengchong ( 4h env.) – dejeuner– installation et session de travail à la mairie avec les
représentants locaux, du district, de la province, des associations
Vendredi 10 : le grand territoire – 5 groupes mixtes, avec 5 représentants du village – présentation le soir
Samedi 11 : l’échelle urbaine – 5 groupes mixtes, les berges, quartiers N-E, N-O, S-E et S-O -présentation le soir
Dimanche 12 : l’échelle urbaine – id. – grand chant dong en soirée
Lundi 13, mardi 14, mercredi 15, jeudi 16 : études sur les édifices (ponts, tour du tambour, habitation) –
Mercredi 15, pour les enseignants français : Visites des tours du tambour et ponts des villages de
échanges et présentation avec les représentants locaux et provinciaux le jeudi 16 au soir
Vendredi 17: derniers relevés le matin – depart pour Guiyang l’apres midi – rencontre et dîner à l’invitation du
Directeur du Bureau de la Culture de la province du Guizhou – vol pour Shanghai à 19h20- nuit à Shanghai
Samedi 18 : scan et échanges des documents entre étudiants, visites de Shanghai par les étudiants chinois pour
les invités français – 18h, conférence de Benjamin Mouton sur Notre Dame et les choix de restauration
Dimanche 19 : vol de jour Shanghai- Paris

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