the press release


the press release
04 JULY 2016
New world record for the MicroJoule prototype:
compressed natural gas, the big winner of the 2016’s Shell Eco-marathon
With 2,606 km for the equivalent of 1 litre of
gasoline, the MicroJoule vehicle designed by the
students of the “La Joliverie” Highschool (SaintSébastien-sur-Loire) set a new world record for
energy savings using compressed natural gas
(CNG) during the 31st edition of the Shell Ecomarathon. For its second participation in the
CNG category, MicroJoule, backed by GRTgaz,
established itself as the big winner of the
competition, all categories taken together, for
internal combustion engines. This achievement,
even better than last year's, confirms the
performance of gas as a fuel and its capacity to
reconcile energy efficiency with lower
greenhouse gas emissions.
The MicroJoule team – winner in the CNG London prototype category – 3
July 2016 ©Shell
Partner of the vehicle since 2015, GRTgaz congratulates the students of the “La Joliverie” Highschool
for their excellent performance, the fruit of their unfailing commitment to achieving technical
excellence, their drive and their team cohesion. For Philippe Maindru, head of the MicroJoule project
at “La Joliverie”, “the partnership with GRTgaz helps us continue our research and demonstrate the
technological and environmental advantages of CNG, which is asserting itself as a concrete,
affordable and high-performance alternative in the world of transport. ”
The founders of the MicroJoule vehicle and GRTgaz share the conviction that gas is an effective
solution to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector, with
tried and tested technical reliability similar to that of vehicles using traditional oil-based fuels.
Compared to diesel, CNG emits 25% less CO2 but also much less nitrogen oxide and virtually no
particles. With the expected development of renewable gas (biogas), the carbon footprint of CNG
will become negligible. In 2015, 76,000 tonnes of CO2 were avoided in France by 14,000 vehicles being
powered by gas rather than diesel.
The Shell Eco-marathon is a unique competition that challenges students to design, construct and
drive vehicles capable of covering the longest distance possible with as little fuel as possible. The 31st
editing of the Shell Eco-marathon attracted 200 teams, 3,000 students from thirty or so countries on
all continents and 30,000 visitors near Queen Elisabeth Park in London.
Press contacts
Claire Maindru - +33 1 55 66 40 84 - [email protected]
See all this weekend's tweets on @GRTgaz's Twitter account
GRTgaz est l’un des leaders européens du transport de gaz naturel et un expert mondial des réseaux
et systèmes de transport gazier.
En France, GRTgaz possède et exploite 32 150 km de canalisations enterrées et 27 stations de
compression pour acheminer le gaz entre fournisseurs et consommateurs (distributeurs ou industriels
directement raccordés au réseau de transport). GRTgaz assure des missions de service public pour
garantir la continuité d’alimentation des consommateurs et commercialise des services de transport
aux utilisateurs du réseau.
Acteur de la transition énergétique, GRTgaz investit dans des solutions innovantes pour adapter son
réseau et concilier compétitivité, sécurité d’approvisionnement et préservation de l’environnement.
La Joliverie is one of the largest French catholic educational establishment and enjoys a national and
international reputation, as evidenced by the welcome the MicroJoule team received on the 5th of
December 2014 from the Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy.
In 2014, more than 1,000 secondary school and university students and apprentices were awarded
diplomas and many won prizes in educational, occupational or sporting competitions. In 2015, the
pioneering spirit, the constant quest for educational innovation and the spirit of initiative will continue
to be our hallmark! The educational methods of projects and a united and environmentally responsible
commitment will continue to be at the root of education and training policy.
Created in January 1984, the MicroJoule vehicle is an educational project led by the “La Joliverie”
highschool (Saint-Sébastien-sur-Loire, near Nantes). It enables students on vocational courses
focusing on internal combustion engines to work on a global ecological challenge the aim of which
is to use as little energy as possible at a given speed. It is part of an international competition (the
Shell Eco-marathon or the Educ’Eco) and embraces a twofold experimental and quality approach.
- Dimensions: L = 3 m, w = 70 cm, h = 60 cm
- Weight: 35 kg
- Engine: 4 stroke injection, dual ignition, 30 cc, (31 years of research)
- Fuel in 2015: Gas (a world first)
- Tyres: prototype Michelin radial
- Carbon body and wheels
List of achievements:
- World number 1 since 1992
- 32 international victories since 1985
- 7 world records with different fuels
- World record with petrol set in 2009: 3,771 km with one litre of petrol
- World record with CNG set in 2016: 2,606 km with one litre of fuel