Département d`Anthropologie


Département d`Anthropologie
Augustin Holl
Disciplines enseignées
Histoire de l'Homme (L1)
Archéologie de la mort (L3)
Des chefferies aux premiers Etats (L3)
Séminaire de Préhistoire 1 (M1-M2)
Formation à la recherche (M2)
Domaine de recherche
Adaptation aux zones marginales sèches: Sahel, Sahara (Afrique de l’Ouest) et Désert du Neguev (Israël);
Emergence des économies de production; Emergence des Sociétés complexes; Archéologie funéraire; Art
Rupestre Saharien; Ethnoarchéologie des sociétés pastorales;
Dhar Tichitt, Mauritanie. Nord-Negev, Israel, Region de Houlouf, Nord Cameroun. Boucle du Mouhoun, NO
Burkina Faso, Basin du Petit Bao Bolon, Senegal, Manhattan, New York
Ouvrages publiés
2006 Holl, A.F.C. West African Early Towns: Archeology of Households in Urban Landscapes. Universite of
Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Ann Arbor
2004 Holl, A.F.C. Saharan Rock Art: Archeology of Tassilian Pastoralist Iconography. Walnut Creek, AltaMira
2004 Holl, A.F.C. Holocene Saharans: An Anthropological Perspective. New York/London; Continuum Publishing
2003 Holl, A.F.C. Ethnoarcheology of Shuwa-Arab Settlements. Lanham; Lexington Books.
2002 Holl, A.F.C. The Land of Houlouf: Genesis of a Chadic Polity (1900 B.C. – 1800 A.D.) . Memoirs of the
Museum of Anthropology series, No. 35, Ann Arbor.
2000 Holl, A. F. C. The Diwan Revisited: Literacy, State formation, and the Rise of Kanuri Domination(AD 1300
1600). London/New York, Kegan Paul International.
2000 Holl, A.F.C. (with M.S. Bisson, S.T. Childs, P. de Barros). Ancient African Metallurgy: The Socio-cultural
Context. Alta Mira Press, Walnut Creek. Choice Outstanding Academic book of the year 2001.
1988 Holl, A.- Houlouf I: Archéologie des Sociétés Protohistoriques du Nord Cameroun, Cambridge Monographs
in African Archaeology, British Archaeological Reports, International Series, Oxford.
1986 Holl, A. Economie et Societe Neolithique du Dhar Tichitt (Mauritania). ADPF, Collection Les Grandes
Civilisations. Paris.
En préparation
Holl, A.F.C. and H. Bocoum, “Megalithic Traditions from the Senegambia”/ Les Traditions Megalithiques de la
Senegambie” .
Volumes édités
1998 Holl, A.F.C. (Guest - editor) The Dawn of African Pastoralisms, Special Issue of the Journal of
Anthropological Archeology .Volume 17(2).
1993 A.F.C. Holl and T.E. Levy (editors.) Spatial Boundaries and Social Dynamics: Case Studies from
Food-producing Societies. International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann Arbor.
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Prix et distinctions
2008 : Outstanding Research Mentorship Award, Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Faculty
Recognition, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2007 : University of Michigan Humanity Fellowship, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
2002 : Choice Outstanding Academic Book of the Year pour Holl, A.F.C. (with M.S. Bisson, S.T. Childs, P. de
Barros). Ancient African Metallurgy: The Socio-cultural Context. Alta Mira Press, Walnut Creek.
2000 : Outstanding Teaching Award in African and African-American Studies, University of California, San Diego.
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