present simple - Bridget`s English pages.


present simple - Bridget`s English pages.
Forme affirmative :
Forme interrogative :
Forme négative :
Sujet + BV [ + S/ES = he / she / it]
DO / DOES + sujet + BV ?
Sujet + DON’T / DOESN’T + BV.
DOES / DOESN’T: he/she/it.
1. C’est le temps de la narration au présent.
EX: She puts on her coat and hat, looks at herself in the mirror...
(Elle met son chapeau et son manteau, se regarde dans la glace…)
2. Il sert à énoncer des vérités permanentes.
EX: Water boils at 100°celcius. (L’eau bout à 100° C)
3. Il sert à parler des habitudes avec les adverbes de fréquence.
EX: She never gets up early. (Elle ne se lève jamais tôt.)
4. Il caractérise le sujet : sert à exprimer ses goûts, sa perception, son jugement, ses habitudes.
EX: I enjoy playing golf, I think it’s amusing. (J’aime jouer au golf, je pense que c’est amusant.)
¤ Les verbes terminés par « Y » : carry = She carries...
¤ Les verbes terminés par « S /X /SH /CH /Z/ O » = kiss = He kisses ...
[s] dress
[z] rise
[ ᶴ] wash
[tᶴ] watch
[dᴣ] manage
Prononciation du « s »
[p] drop
[t] put
[k] look
[f] laugh
[Ө] berth
Prononciation du « s »
toutes les autres BV :
le « S » se prononce :
win = wins [Z]
1. Mets ces phrases à la forme interrogative puis négative :
a. She likes making paper dolls.
b. They watch TV every evening with their parents.
2. Remets les mots dans l’ordre, attention à la place des adverbes!
a. chess / grandfather / his / Thomas / plays / with / often.
b. comic strips / do / read / sometimes / you / ?
c. lessons /don’t / I / my /learn / always.
d. vegetables / doesn’t / eating / she /like.
e. models / at / he / make / weekends / does / ?
3. Pose les questions qui te permettent de retrouver les mots soulignés:
a. She paints in her garden every Saturday.
b. My sisters always surf the net in the evening.
c. I never listen to music in my bed.
d. My mother usually visits her parents in December.
e. They play tennis twice a week.
f. I hang out with my friends because I love it.
g. She likes pop music.
4. Souligne puis corrige les erreurs dans les phrases suivantes:
a. She don’t enjoy play football. _____________________________________________________________
b. My friends draw often with their parents. ___________________________________________________
c. Do he sometimes cook with her mother? ___________________________________________________
d. They not knit because it boring. ___________________________________________________________
e. Fly you a kite when it’s windy? ____________________________________________________________
Sally usully do astronomy on Sundays. ______________________________________________________
5. Conjugue les verbes au présent simple:
a. ________ you often _____________ (call) your best friend ?
b. My neighbours _____________ (make) pottery in their garage.
c. My sister usually ___________________ (watch) TV after school.
d. They _________________________ (not - enjoy) playing the guitar, it’s too difficult.
e. _________ she often _______________ (read) the newspaper?
My father sometimes ________________(play) chess with my mother and he often _________(win)
g. I rarely ______________ (take) photos because my camera is too old.
h. She __________ (go) shopping once a week.
My brother always ________________ (fly) his kite when it’s windy.
Sarah ________________________ (not – dance) with her boyfriend because he is a bad dancer.
6. Raconte-moi ta routine quotidienne:
Every morning, I ___________________________________________________________________________

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