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Works on Contemporary France and French Business Culture
Will Thompson, The University of Memphis
Late Updated: November 2012
Alston, Jon P.; Melanie Hawthorne; Sylvie Saillet. A Practical Guide to French Business. New York:
Writers Club Press, 2003.
Alvarez-Torres, María; Patricia R. Paulsell. Le français des affaires niveau secondaire: la vie économique
du Michigan. Trans. into French by Carole Borne, Stéphanie Lorant. East Lansing, MI: CLEAR;
Michigan State University CIBER, 2002?. Available from the MSU CLEAR website:
Asselin, Gilles; Ruth Mastron. Au Contraire! Figuring Out the French. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural
Press, 2001.
Barsoux, Jean-Louis; Peter Lawrence. “The Making of a French Manager.” Harvard Business Review
91.4 (July-August 1991): 2-9.
Barsoux, Jean-Louis; Peter Lawrence. Management in France. London: Cassell, 1990.
Bishop, Graham; Martin Dear. French at Work. London: MacMillan, 1986.
Boucher, François; José Echkenazi. Guide de l’Union Européenne. Paris: Nathan, 2004.
Bousquet, Gilles; Annette Sampon-Nicolas, eds. Educating for International Expertise: Perspectives on
Cross-Cultural Competence and French for Business. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 2003.
Brame, Geneviève. Chez vous en France: mille et une clés pour faciliter la vie. Paris: La Documentation
Française, 2007.
Bull HN Information Systems. Cultural Diversity. At the Heart of Bull. Video. Yarmouth, ME:
Intercultural Press, 1992.
Carroll, Raymonde. Cultural Misunderstandings: The French-American Experience. Chicago, IL: The
University of Chicago, 1987. Translation of Évidences invisibles. Américains et Français au
quotidien (Paris: Seuil, 1987).
Carte de visite: Business French. Corvallis, OR: EuroTel, 1999. Video program originally produced by
YLE Radiodiffusion-télévision finlandaise. Three videos.
Cook, Malcolm, ed. French Culture since 1945. London, New York: Longman, 1993.
Corbett, James. Through French Windows: An Introduction to France in the Nineties. Ann Arbor:
Michigan, 1994.
Dormois, Jean-Pierre. The French Economy in the Twentieth Century. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2004.
Edmiston, William F.; Annie Duménil. La France contemporaine. 3rd edition. Fort Worth: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 2005.
Forbes, Jill; Michael Kelly. French Cultural Studies. Oxford: Oxford, 1995.
Gendlin, Francis. Culture Shock! Paris at Your Door. Portland, OR: Graphic Arts Center, 1998.
Gordon, Colin. “The Business Culture in France.” In Business Cultures in Europe, Collin Randlesome et
al, eds. 2nd edition. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993.
Gordon, Colin. The Business Culture in France. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996.
Hinshaw, Jo Ann. Radishes and Butter: Doing Business with the French. Cambridge, MA: Shoenhof's,
1996. Instructor's manual, workbook, and video. Intermediate-level video program for use as a
supplement in the business French classroom. Video traces story of an American going to work in
INSEE [Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques]. Tableaux de l’économie française
2004-2005. Paris: INSEE, 2004.
Joseph, Nadine. Passport France: Your Pocket Guide to French Business, Customs and Etiquette. San
Rafael, CA: World Trade Press, 1997.
Kelly, Michael, ed. French Culture and Society. London: Arnold; New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2001.
Kenna, Peggy; Sondra Lacy. Business France: A Practical Guide to Understanding French Business
Culture. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC (Passport Books), 1994. Brief guide comparing French and
American business styles.
Kidd, William; Siân Reynolds, eds. Contemporary French Cultural Studies. London: Arnold, 2000.
Lapeyre, Bénédicte; P. Sheppard. Intervenir dans une réunion/Taking the Floor in Meetings. New York:
French and European Publications, 1992.
Maguire Lewis, Maureen. Frost in France. An American Recycling Company Negotiates a Joint Venture
in France. Durham, NC: CulturesCrossing, 2001. Role-play simulation for teaching cross-cultural
negotiation strategies. Available at: Translated into French in 2008 by
Scott Powers.
Martin, Elizabeth. Marketing Identities Through Language: English and Global Imagery in French
Advertising. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Mermier, Guy. France Past and Present. New York: Peter Lang, 2000.
Mermet, Gérard. Francoscopie 2005: pour comprendre les Français. Paris: Larousse, 2004.
Michaud, Guy; Alain Kimmel. Le Nouveau Guide France. Paris: Hachette, 1994.
Ministère des Affaires Étrangères. France. Paris: La Documentation Française, 2004.
Northcutt, Wayne. The Regions of France. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1996.
Nostrand, Howard L.; Frances B. Nostrand; Claudette Imberton-Hunt. Savoir vivre en français. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1988.
Pineau, Carol; Maureen Kelly. Working in France. Boston: AL Books, 1991.
Platt, Polly. French or Foe? Getting the Most out of Visiting, Living and Working in France. Skokie, IL:
Culture Crossings, 1996. Second edition: Cincinnati: C. J. Krehbiel, 1998.
Platt, Polly. Savoir-Flair: 211 Tips for Enjoying France and the French. London: Culture Crossings,
Porot, Daniel. Savoir-vivre en affaires. Genève: Cabinet Daniel Porot; Paris: Editions d’Organisation,
Price-Waterhouse. Doing Business in France. London: Price Waterhouse, 1989.
Reilly, Saskia; Lorin David Kalisky. Living, Studying and Working in France. New York: Owl Books,
Renouvin, Bertrand. L'utilité économique et commerciale de la langue française: avis. Paris: Le Conseil,
Sharman, Fay. Coping with France. London: Basil Blackwell, 1987.
Steele, Ross. The French Way: Aspects of Behavior, Attitudes, and Customs of the French. Lincolnwood,
IL: NTC (Passport Books), 1995.
Steele, Ross; Andrew G. Suozzo. Teaching French Culture. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC, 1994.
Storti, Craig. Old World, New World: Bridging Cultural Differences: Britain, France, Germany, and the
U.S.. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press, 2001.
Taddéi, Dominique; Benjamin Coriat. Made in France: l'industrie française dans la compétition mondiale.
Paris: Livre de Poche, 1993.
Taylor, Sally Adamson. Culture Shock! A Guide to Customs and Etiquette: France. Portland, OR:
Graphic Arts Center, 1995.
Weidmann Koop, Marie-Christine, ed. La France à l’aube du XXIe siècle: tendances et mutations.
Birmingham, AL: Summa, 2000.
Wylie, Laurence; Jean-François Brière. Les Français. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.

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