Cahier de textes DNL - nremy - Pagesperso


Cahier de textes DNL - nremy - Pagesperso
1S5 1S6
2009 / 2010
DNL Physique Chimie en Anglais
Vendredi 4 sept
- Formulas of ionic compounds
Vendredi 11 sept
- Correction exercices Formulas of ionic compounds
- Writing a chemical equation
Exercice B2
- Correction exercices Writing a chemical equation
- Mole; Molar mass; Molar concentration
Exercices 1 à 3
Vendredi 18 sept
Exercices A1 (terminer), A2, A3
et B1 (1 à 4)
Vendredi 25 sept
- Correction exercices Mole, Molar mass, Molar concentration
- Video : The Chemical Elements Song by Tom Lehrer
(version with the names appearing on the screen)
Exercices 5 et 6
Vendredi 2 oct
- Correction exercices Mole, Molar mass, Molar concentration
Revoir Ionic compounds,
chemical equation, molar mass
and concentration
(interrogation écrite 09/10)
- Molar gas volume; Ideal gas equation
- Video : The Chemical Elements Song by Tom Lehrer
(version with the locations on the periodic table)
Exercices 1 à 4 (pour 16/10)
Vendredi 9 oct
- Interrogation écrite n°1 (Ionic compounds, chemical equation,
molar mass and molar concentration)
Vendredi 16 oct
- Correction exercices Molar gas volume, Ideal gas equation
- Density and relative density
Exercices 5 et 6 Ideal gas equation
Exercices 1.a.b.c. Density
Vendrdi 23 oct
- Correction exercices Ideal gas equation
- Correction exercices Density and relative density
- Video : Song about the first ten elements
Exercices 1.d. et 2 Density
Exercices 1 à 3 Limiting Reactant
Vendredi 6 nov
- Correction exercices Density and relative density
- Progress of a chemical reaction; Limiting reactant and
excess reactant
- Correction exercices Progress of a chemical reaction, Limiting
reactant and excess reactant
Revoir Molar mass and
concentration, ideal gas equation,
density, progress of a chemical
reaction and limiting reactant
(interrogation écrite 13/11)
Vendredi 13 nov
- Interrogation écrite n°2 (Molar mass and concentration, ideal
gas equation, density, progress of a chemical reaction and limiting
Exercices 1 à 3 Electric and
gravitational force
Vendredi 20 nov
- Electric force; Gravitational force
Relire les deux textes
Exercices 4 et 5
Vendredi 27 nov
- Correction exercices Electric force, Gravitational force
Exercices 1 à 3 (fiche n°2)
Vendredi 4 déc
- Correction exercices Electric force, Gravitational force
Exercice Human beings are
electrically neutral…
Vendredi 11 déc
- Correction exercice Human beings are electrically neutral…
- Tableau de comparaison Electric / Gravitational interaction
- The four fundamental interactions (texte + exercice)
Revoir Electric force,
Gravitational force, The four
fundamental interactions
(interrogation écrite 15/01)
Vendredi 18 déc
- Charges and circuits (texts about Static electricity, Current,
Conductors and insulators, Charge and Voltage)
Relire les textes
Exercices 1 à 5
Vendredi 8 janv
- Definitions and units (Current, Energy, Power); Ohm’s law
- Correction exercices Current and Charge
Exercices 6 à 9
(pour 22/01)
Nathalie REMY – 1ère S DNL Physique Chimie en Anglais - 2009/2010
Page 1
Vendredi 15 janv
- Interrogation écrite n°3 (Electric force, Gravitational force,
The four fundamental interactions)
Vendredi 22 janv
- Potential difference across a cell terminals
- Energy transfer in electric circuit (power generated, useful
power, power dissipated)
- Correction exercices Electric circuit, energy, power
Exercice 10
Vendredi 29 janv
- Correction Interrogation écrite n°3
- Correction exercice Electric circuit, potential difference
across a cell
Revoir Electric current, potential
difference, power, energy, Ohm’s
(interrogation écrite 05/02)
Vendredi 5 fév
- Interrogation écrite n°4 (Electric current, potential difference,
power, energy, Ohm’s law)
Vendredi 26 février
- Correction Interrogation écrite n°4
Vendredi 5 mars
(M. Demizieux)
- Falling bodies (text and video)
Exercices 4.1, 4.2 et 4.3
Vendredi 12 mars
(M. Demizieux)
- Falling bodies (text and video)
Travail en groupes : préparer une
présentation orale (avec
projection d’images). Voir la fiche
d’instructions pour les sujets et
les modalités pratiques.
(pour 23/04)
Vendredi 19 mars
- Acids and bases (texts and questions), conjugate acid/base
Exercices A et B
Vendredi 26 mars
- Correction exercices Acids and bases
- Oxidation, reduction
Vendredi 23 avril
(avec M. Demizieux)
- Présentations orales des élèves (avec projection d’images) :
(a) Aristotle and his conception of the world (especially in
(b) Galileo’s theories and findings in mechanics and their
(c) Newton’s mechanics: How he changed the world of Physics.
(d) Apollo 15: When, who, what and why (and how)?
(e) A short history of mechanics: How our ancestors saw the
Vendredi 30 avril
- Correction exercice Familiar conjugate redox pairs
- How to balance redox reactions using the method of halfreactions
Exercice A (pour 30/04)
Exercice B
Vendredi 7 mai
- Correction exercice Balancing redox reactions
Revoir Acid-base and oxidationreduction reactions
(interrogation écrite 21/05)
Vendredi 21 mai
- Interrogation écrite n°5 (Acid-base and oxidation-reduction
Mots croisés sur les forces
Vendredi 28 mai
- Crossword about forces
Vendredi 04 juin
Vendredi 11 juin
Nathalie REMY – 1ère S DNL Physique Chimie en Anglais - 2009/2010
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