English Test


English Test
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English Test
Exercice 1 (
/ 20 points)
Expliquer ce qu’est le prétérit. Donner deux exemples par forme et par exception.
Exercice 2 (
/ 33 points)
Conjuguer les verbes entre parenthèses au prétérit.
1. Peter (not steal) my trainers.
2. I (buy) this magazine.
3. We (not write) three pages this afternoon.
4. (Go) you to London?
5. I (not/finish) my homework though it (not be) too long.
6. My dog (eat) all my cookies.
7. He (hope) to have a good mark!
8. Look! He (scar) his face!
9. My sister (go) to Brighton last year.
10. She (bring) a cup of tea to Kevin.
11. Yesterday, he (play) football with Julien.
12. (Speak) you to my uncle?
13. Marine (buy) a present for Camille.
14. (See) you Maëva too?
15. (Drive) your mother you to school?
16. He (catch) a butterfly for his pupils.
17. I (work) in a supermarket when I (be) sixteen.
18. He (leave) five minutes ago.
19. We (hurry) because we (be) late!
20. (freeze) it last night?
21. The audience (clap) at the end of the show.
Exercice 3 (
/ 16 points)
Transformer les phrases négatives en phrases affirmatives et vice-versa.
I did not buy a present.
They chose to sleep.
We did not slam the door.
He did not carry her suitcase.
I was in London last year.
She chatted during the lessson.
They did not enjoy the lesson.
It was difficult.
My brother did his homework.
My mother did her best to please him
Exercice 4 (
/ 11 points)
Conjuguer les phrases suivantes au preterit.
(you/go) to London yesterday?
Yes, I (réponse courte):
I (take) the Eurostar and I (arrive) at King's Cross Station. I (meet) old friends there. They (be) very
happy to see me. I (visit) the town with them. I even (see) Prince Charles! I (go) to see Buckingham
Palace too! It (be) a wonderful journey!
Exercice 5 (
/ 10 points)
Former le question tag approprié à partir des phrases suivantes.
1. He really wanted to have a test, ______________________________________________
2. Gordon is not doing his homework, _____________________________________________
3. Mark and Jenny often wake up early, ___________________________________________
4. Sue lives in Colorado, ______________________________________________________
5. Maradona was a great football player, __________________________________________
6. Alfred ! The phone is ringing, ________________________________________________
7. They do not want to learn their lessons, ________________________________________
8. Jenny and I are having a date tonight, __________________________________________
9. Your parents taught you to be polite, __________________________________________
10. M. Mortelette is the worst English teacher, _____________________________________