CV DBernard - Université Saint-Louis


CV DBernard - Université Saint-Louis
Diane Bernard
Belgian, born on Nov. 12 , 1982. A son, Léonard, born on Dec. 15 , 2011.
[email protected]
Université St-Louis
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique, 43
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Private address :
Rue John-Waterloo Wilson, 52
1000 Brussels, Belgique
1. Teaching
At KULeuven (Belgium), in French : 2015 - : Introduction au droit/Français juridique (1 y)
At Université St-Louis :
2011 - … : Séminaire de théorie du droit, BA Law (2d and 3d year).
2012-2014: Travaux pratiques en droit pénal et procédure pénale, BA Law (2d year)
2011-12 : Introduction à la pensée pénale et criminologique, BA Law, Social and Political
Sciences (2d and 3d year).
At UCLouvain (Belgium), in French : 2014 - : Fondements du droit, BA economic sciences (1 y)
At ULg (Belgium), in English : 2015 - : Human rights Law (1st and 2d y. of Master)
At Université d’Etat de Port-au-Prince (Haïti), in French : 2014 : Droit et exclusion : Approches
critiques du droit pénal (LLM Criminology).
Qualified as lecturer in public law by the National Council of Universities (France) : 2015 2. Research
2012-2015 : Research Associate (‘Chargée de recherches’) at the FNRS (Belgian National Fund
for Research) in legal theory and international criminal law. Three year postdoctoral scholarship
dedicated to the symbolic facets of trials for international crimes.
- Aug. 2014/Jan. 2015 : ‘Visiting scholar’ at the Harvard Law School (sponsor : Dc
Kennedy) and at the Institute for global law and policy (Harvard, MA, USA).
- July/Sept. 2013 : Invited researcher at the University of Geneva (Switzerland).
2008-2012 : PhD researcher at the Facultés Universitaires St-Louis, funded by the Belgian Fund
for Collective Fundamental Research (FRFC, FNRS).
- Oct./Nov. 2010 : Invited researcher at the Irish Centre for Human Rights (Galway, IR)
- July/Sept. 2009 : ‘Visiting professional’ at the International Criminal Court (OTP)
2007 : Research associate at the Katholieke Universiteit Brussel ; Euroclear SA, CA analyst.
3. Education
2015- : Master’s degree in philosophy, Université de Lille 3 (in French)
Dissertation (temporary title) : Anthropologie du contrat social : choisir la voie du
droit (foreseen June 2016)
2008–11 : Ph.D. Degree (Doctorat en sciences juridiques) (in French)
June 10th, 2011 : Defense of Du principe ne bis in idem à l’esquisse d’une
théorie du droit international pénal, under the direction of Prof. F. Ost)
2005–06 : LL.M. in Legal theory, European Academy of Legal Theory, Magna cum Laude (in
English and French)
2002–05 : Master’s Degree in Law (‘Licences’), UCL (Belgium), Magna cum Laude (in French)
Final year at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid (Spain) (Erasmus) (in Spanish)
2000–02 : Bachelor Degree in Philosophy (‘Candidatures’) (in French)
and Bachelor Degree in Law (‘Candidatures’), Fac. Uni. St-Louis, Magna cum Laude
1992-00 : Collège St-Michel (Brussels, Belgium) – Latin and Ancient Greek
4. Other Affiliations and Scientific Activities
McGill University Postdoctoral fellow (2014-2016)
Harvard Law School VR (2014-2015)
Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy VR (2014-2015) and Workshop Alum (2014)
‘Invited scholar’ at Cornell (NY, USA) (declined) (2014))
Member of the Editorial Board of the Revue interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques (peer reviewed)
Member of the Editorial Board of Droit et Société (peer reviewed)
Reviewer for the International Journal of Transitional Justice
Member of the Séminaire interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques (Legal theory, Université St-Louis)
Member of the GRePeC (Research Group in Criminal and Penal matters, Université St-Louis)
Research associate at the Centre for legislation, regulation and legisprudence (Belgium)
Consultant for the NGO Avocats sans frontières
Academic expert for the Commission Universitaire au développement (2013, 2015)
Since 2014: Direction of a collective research group on the ‘(International) Legal structures’, partly
funded by the Harvard IGLP.
Since 2013 : Direction of a research group on Judiciary symbols, ritual, and language. The sense
of trials (collective publication and workshop at the Onati International Institute for the Sociology
of Law (Spain, peer reviewed) in 2016).
2012-13 : Coordination of a research on ‘The grounds and goals of incriminations and penalties,
in international and european law’, with Y. Cartuyvels, Ch. Guillain, D. Scalia and M. van de
Kerchove (international conference on Nov. 15-16 2013 ; published book infra).
2012-2016 : Collaboration to ‘The co-opetition of rules and norms’, project dir. F. Ost, B. Frydman
et E. Delruelle.
Laureate of several grants from the FNRS for research stays abroad (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013,
Laureate of a grant from the ‘Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie’ for a teaching mission in
Haiti (2014).
5. Academic and Institutional Involvement
Sept. 2009-Sept. 2014 : elected president of researchers and assistants, member of the two
Directors’ Boards of Université St-Louis (Conseils de direction et d’administration) (2 mandates)
Dec. 2012 – Sept. 2014 : Directors’ Board of the Académie Louvain (4 universities)
Sept 2013 – Sept. 2014 : Law Faculty board (Conseil de la faculté de droit), Université St-Louis
Jan. 2009 – Sept. 2014 : member of the Doctoral Commission in Law, Académie Louvain
Sept. 2012 - : Jury’s Secretary, BA in Law (3d year), Université St-Louis
March 2013-Jan. 2014 : representative in the group dedicated to Gender inequalities by the
Minister of Higher Education (Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles).
6. Languages
French : Mother Tongue
English : Excellent (109/120 in TOEFL on December 7th, 2013)
Spanish : Very Good
Dutch : Very Good Passive command (exams in Law passed in 2005 but no current practice)
7. Publications
2014, Juger et juger encore les crimes internationaux. Etude du principe ne bis in idem,
Bruxelles : Larcier, 312p.
2014, Trois propositions pour une théorie du droit international pénal, Bruxelles : Publications des
Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, 256p.
2013, coord. with Y. Cartuyvels et al.: Fondements et objectifs des incriminations et des peines
en droit pénal européen et international, Limal : Anthemis, 712p.
2013, dir. with D. Scalia, Vingt ans de justice internationale pénale, in coll. with ‘Revue de droit
pénal et de criminologie’, Brussels : La Charte, 262p.
Code (for students)
2014, with M. De Wolf and Th. Slingeneyer, Code pour l’économie et la gestion. Recueils de
textes juridiques, La Charte (1st ed).
2015, ibidem, 2d ed.
Direction of special issues
2013 (Dec.), Revue interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques
2015 (Jan.), Revue nouvelle
2017, Penser le social en sujet. De l'individu(el) au collectif, approches
psychanalytiques du droit, in A. Bailleux, Y. Cartuyvels, H. Dumont et al. (coord.), ‘Le
droit malgré tout. Liber amicorum François Ost’ (to be published).
2016, Le postulat identitaire de l’interdisciplinarité (in progress)
2016, Anthropologie du contrat social : choisir la voie du droit (in progress)
2015e, Moraliser par le droit. Le sens de la sécularisation ? (under peer review)
2015d, The futility of (claiming) objectivity in international law (under peer review)
2015c, Du bon usage des catégories en théorie du droit, ‘Jurisprudence. Revue
critique’, to be published (to be published, accepted after peer review).
2015b, Lieu du procès, lieu du crime : les espaces de justice, ‘Droit et société. Revue
internationale de théorie du droit et de sociologie juridique’, n° 2, 335-350, and
‘’ (peer reviewed).
2015a, Pretention to universality, an obstacle to international criminal justice ?, in
‘Universality of punishment’, special issue of ‘Caderni di diritto penale, di diritto
processuale penale e di filosofia del diritto’, 173-186.
2014c, with D. Scalia, Retour à Beccaria : proportionnalité et peines internationales
en question, in M. Porret et E. Salvi (dir.), ‘Réceptions et héritage de Beccaria’,
Presses Universitaires de Rennes, going to print.
2014b, Beyond hierarchy : Standards of Review before the International Criminal
Court, in W. Werner and L. Gruszcynski (dir.), ‘Deference in International Courts and
Tribunals: Standard of Review and Margin of Appreciation’, Oxford University press,
370-385 (peer reviewed).
2014a, Un (possible) apport africain à la justice internationale pénale, ‘Etudes
internationales’, XLV, 1, 51-66 (peer reviewed).
2013f, Une allégorie de la fonction de juger en droit international pénal, in 71 ‘Revue
interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques’, 137-157 (peer reviewed).
2013e, avec D. Scalia, Contributions à une théorie du droit international pénal.
Introduction, in 71 ‘Revue interdisciplinaire d’études juridiques’, 43-47 (peer
2013d, Les frontières solides du principe ne bis in idem : fondements et objectifs en
droit européen et international, in D. Bernard, Y. Cartuyvels, Ch. Guillain, D. Scalia et
M. van de Kerchove (dir.), ‘Fondements et objectifs des incriminations et des peines
en droit pénal européen et international’, Limal : Anthemis, 389-408.
2013c, with D. Scalia and Th. Slingeneyer, Justice en transition. Etude de
capitalisation des programmes d’assistance juridique d’ASF au Burundi, Report to
Avocats sans Frontières, 65p.
2013b, Articles 8 of the StICTR and 9 of the StICTY. Concurrent jurisdiction, 667-668
; Articles 9 of the StICTR and 10 of the StICTY. Non bis in idem, 669-670 ; Article 1 of
the StICC. The Court 11-12 ; Article 17 of the StICC. Issues of admissibility, 109-114
; Article 20 of the StICC. Ne bis in idem 125-127 ; Article 94 of the StICC.
Postponement of execution of a request in respect of ongoing investigation or
prosecution, 455 ; Article 95 of the StICC. Postponement of execution of a request in
respect of an admissibility challenge, 456-457, in P. De Hert et al. (dir.), ‘Law
annotated : international criminal law and procedure’, Gent : Larcier.
2013a, Le Statut de la Cour pénale internationale saisi par les Etats : un jaillissement
du droit hors catégories ?, in Y. Cartuyvels, H. Dumont, I. Hachez, F. Ost (dir.), ‘Les
sources du droit revisitées’, Limal : Anthemis, 57-100.
2012, The Rome Statute expectations : penal rigidity and formal flexibility in the
struggle against impunity, in R. Kolb and D. Scalia (dir.), Droit international pénal,
Basel : Helbing, 2è éd., 299-317.
2011c, with B. Dejemeppe and Ch. Guillain, La confiscation pénale : une peine
finalement pas si accessoire, in ‘Questions spéciales en droit pénal’, Bruxelles:
Larcier, 5-55.
2011b, Le rôle dévolu au principe ne bis in idem en droit international pénal : une
nouvelle fonction pour l’adage ?, in 7 ‘Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie’, 703726 (peer reviewed)
2011a, Ne bis in idem : protector of defendants rights or jurisdictional pointsman ?, in
9 ‘Journal of international criminal justice’ 4, 863-880 (peer reviewed). Selected at the
Antonio Cassese JICJ prize for the best paper published in the Journal by an author
less than 35 years.
Book reviews
2014, with M. Riegner, ‘E. Tourme-Jouannet. What is a fair international society? International
law between development and recognition, Oxford : Hart, 2013’, Heidelberg Journal of
International Law 74, 681-683.
2012, B. Barraud, ‘Repenser la pyramide des normes à l'ère des réseaux, Paris : L’Harmattan’,
Droit et Société 82, 795-797.
Translations (from English to French)
2011, L.J. Wintgens, Les temps modernes. Droit, loi et législation, Bruxelles : Larcier, 23-79.
2006, L.J. Wintgens, Le projet philosophique moderne : histoire standard et Quaestio originis, in
‘L’architecture du droit. Mélanges en l’honneur de Michel Troper’, Paris : Economica.
2005, L.J. Wintgens, La légisprudence, une nouvelle théorie de la législation, in 49 ‘Archives de
philosophie du droit’, 251-273.
8. Conferences
- 2015, June 18th: Symbolique, imaginaire et réel des procès internationaux. Quelques
réflexions nourries de psychanalyse sur les justifications et tenants de la justice
internationale pénale, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Centre de droit international.
- 2015,
l’université et reproduction des hiérarchies, Séminaire interdisciplinaire d’études
juridiques, Université Saint-Louis (Bruxelles).
- 2015, Jan. 31st : Le recours (inévitable ?) au droit suite à des crimes de masse,
Université de Lorraine, Faculté de droit (Institut François Gény).
- 2014, Sept. 18 , Some thoughts on the (un)necessary specificity of law, at the
Harvard Law School, Cambridge MA (USA).
2014, June 5th, Sécularisation, moralisation, criminalisation, at a conference on
‘L’Empire du Crime’, Centre d’Etudes sur le droit international et la mondialisation,
Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada) (selected through peer review).
2014, April 10th, Cosmétique et symbolique judiciaire dans les crises internationales,
at the 6 Triennal Congress of the ‘Association belge de sciences politiques’, Liège
(Belgium) (selected through peer review).
2014, Jan. 9 , A legal language of violence, at the IGLP Harvard Law School 2014
Workshop, Doha (Qatar) (selected through peer review).
2013, Dec. 13th, L’exception et l’individu. Le droit pénal de l’ennemi est-il l’ennemi du
droit pénal?, at a conference on ‘Droit pénal et politique de l’ennemi’, Université de
Savoie, Chambéry (France) (selected through peer review).
2013, Sept. 11th, Justice en transition, Bujumbura (Burundi).
2013, Sept. 5th, Lieu du procès, lieu du crime : rituel judiciaire devant la Cour pénale
internationale, at the ‘Congrès mondial de Sociologie du droit et Action Politique’,
Toulouse (France) (selected through peer review)
2013, June 3d, International penalties – Passages of violence, at ‘The Institute for
Global Law and Policy’s 2013 Conference : New directions in global thought’,
Harvard Law School (MA, USA) (selected through peer review)
2013, May 30th, The aim of trials for mass atrocities, at the ‘Law and Society
Association Annual Conference’, Boston (USA) (selected through peer review)
2013, Feb. 22d, Retour à Beccaria : proportionnalité et peines en question, at
‘Réceptions et héritage de Beccaria’, Geneva (Switzerland) (selected through peer
2012, Dec. 7th, Symbols and rituals in international criminal law, at ‘Critical
approaches of international criminal law’, Liverpool (selected through peer review)
2012, Oct. 27th, From the definition of a “right” judgement to a hypothesis about the
structure of international criminal law, at ‘Standards of review in International Courts
and Tribunals. Rethinking the fragmentation and constitutionalization of International
law’, Sevilla (Spain) (selected through peer review)
2011, June 2d, Pluralism and equivalence in International criminal law, at the ‘Law
and Society Association Annual Conference’, San Francisco (USA) (selected through
peer review)
2011, April 20th, The influence of the Rome Statute on national governance :
international criminal law as a dynamic network, at the ‘61st Political Studies
Association Annual Conference’, London (UK) (selected through peer review)
2011, April 8th, Opening (international) criminal law to equivalence and flexibility : the
paradigms of ‘translation’ and ‘network’, at the ‘5th International Graduate Legal
Research Conference’, London (UK) (selected through peer review)
2010, Nov. 19th, Le système de droit international pénal, at the ‘Séminaire de l’Ecole
Doctorale en sciences juridiques de la Communauté française de Belgique’, Namur
2009, Sept. 4th, How does the Rome Statute allow the concept of judgment. A
window into the future?, at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal
Court, The Hague (The Netherlands).