église de tradition épiscopale francophone francophone episcopal


église de tradition épiscopale francophone francophone episcopal
Notre église continue le ministère
catholique-chrétien1 implanté au
19e siècle, parmi des Francoaméricains, sous l’égide de l’Église
épiscopale. Notre liturgie est encore
faite selon l’usage approuvé à
Our church continues the tradition
of the Christian Catholic4 ministry,
begun in 1885, among FrancoAmericans, under the aegis of the
Anglican Church. Our liturgy is
according to the use approved in
those days.
Des raisons organisationnelles2 puis
théologiques nous ont fait devenir
et demeurer autonomes.
For organizational5 and theological
reasons we chose to become and
stay autonomous.
Notre pastorale se poursuit dans la
communion du Conseil des Églises
communautaires. 3
We continue our ministry in the
communion of the Council of
Community Churches. 6
L’ordinaire est Serge A. Thériault.
Voir la documentation annexée.
The Ordinary is Serge A. Theriault.
See attached documents
À partir de 1885, des paroisses ont été fondées sous l’égide de l’Église épiscopale, parmi les
francophones du Wisconsin, par les missionnaires René Vilatte et Jean-Baptiste Gauthier, ordonnés en
Suisse par l’Église catholique- chrétienne. La pastorale s’est étendue au Canada en 1896.
Pour en savoir davantage, lire le mémoire de maîtrise de Serge A. Thériault formulation et gestion de
politique Le Minitère canadien-français dans l’Église épiscopale, École Nationale d’administration
publique, Université du Québec, June 1987.
Membre du Conseil Oecuménique des Églises.
Starting in 1885, churches were organized among French- speaking colonists of Wisconsin, under the
aegis of the Episcopal/Anglican Church, by missionaries René Vilatte and Jean-Baptiste Gauthier,
ordained in Switzerland by the Christian Catholic Church. Their pastoral work was extended to
Canada in 1896.
To know more read S.A. Theriault’s MPA dissertation on church policy making called Le Minitère
canadien-français dans l’Église épiscopale (The French Canadian Ministry in the Anglican Church), École
Nationale d’administration publique, Université du Québec, June 1987.
Member of the World Council of Churches.
Translation from the French
I, the undersigned, O’NEILL CÔTÉ, by the Grace of God and Synodal Election, Bishop of
the Christian Catholics in Quebec, do declare that I have consecrated the Reverend
SERGE A. THERIAULT Bishop and that I recognize him as my legitimate Successor at the
Head of our Church Community now known as the ÉGLISE ÉPISCOPALE DU QUEBEC.
I have known Father Theriault for seven years and I have seen the dedication and
fidelity he has shown in his ministry. Being obliged to retire from active ministry
because of ill health, according to the will of the church expressed in Father Theriault’s
Episcopal election on November 14, 1981, I have transmitted to him the deposit that
has been confided in me and I rely on him for the continuation of our Episcopal ministry
in Apostolic Succession.

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