silver economy - HES-SO


silver economy - HES-SO
29th october 2015 - fribourg
Matchmaking & Networking
Forum on Silver Economy
Aim of the Forum
To bring together professionals, scientists and companies from the French and Swiss
Silver Economy in order to build partnerships, innovative research-projects and business
connections between both countries.
Main Topics
• ICT and e-Health
 Patient Monitoring, autonomic living and telemedicine
 Telecommunications for elderly people
 Connected objects, robotics and house automation
• Smart homes and intelligent living
• Build trade relationships and develop cooperations
• Strengthen the position of scientists actively involved in Silver Economy in both countries
• Develop French-Swiss synergies and innovation to create links between companies and
public-private research facilities
HES-SO University of Applied
Sciences and Arts Western
The HES-SO is a great source of skills, ideas,
innovation, creativity and knowledge. With
its 28 schools of higher education, the
HES-SO plays a preeminent role in the socioeconomic and cultural development of the
seven cantons of Western Switzerland and
is a recognized player within the Swiss
and international landscape of higher
A partnership has been established with
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).
The French Embassy
in Switzerland
The Cultural and Cooperation Department of the French Embassy is in charge
of promoting cultural, artistic, educational,
Business France is the French government
agency supporting the international
development of the French economy.
It promotes business and partnerships
between French and foreign companies. It
also aims to increase foreign investments
in France and promote France’s business
image. Business France has 1,500
employees, both in France and in 70
countries throughout the world, who work
with a network of public- and private-sector
partners. In Switzerland, Business France
is the Trade Department of the French
Welcoming of the participants and coffee
• Luciana Vaccaro, Rector of HES-SO
08:30 – 08:50
Welcome Greetings
08:50 – 09:30
Consulter à distance les
patients porteurs de plaies,
c’est possible aujourd’hui !
Expérience de "Domoplaies"
pendant 3 ans
• Jean-Pierre Blanchère, Director
of Telemedicine applied to wounds
Network (TELAP), Caen, FR
09:30 – 10:10
Slate 29.01.2011 : Le vieux
est un geek comme les
• Christian Lovis, Professor, University
of Geneva, Radiology and medical
informatics Department, CH
10:10 – 10:30
Presentation of the Ambient
Assisted Living Funding
• Daniel Egloff, Program Officer
Research and Innovation at SEFRI
(State Secretariat for Education,
Research and Innovation), CH
• H.E. René Roudaut, French
ambassador in Switzerland
Coffee break
• Enjeux éthiques dans l’innovation liée au phénomène du
vieillissement - Pia Coppex-Gasche, Lecturer, HES-SO - Institut and
School of Health Sciences La Source, Lausanne, CH
• Interdisciplinary health technology innovation research for the silver
economy - Roger Hilfiker, Professor, HES-SO – School of Health
Sciences - HES-SO Valais -Wallis, Loèche-les-Bains, CH
• Towards democratizing the automatic recognition of elderly activities
of daily living – Andres Perez-Uribe, Professor, HES-SO – School of
Business and Engineering Vaud – HEIG-VD, Yverdon-Les-Bains, CH
11:00 – 12:30
• Le choix des (prestataires de) services dans l’aide à domicile :
créativités et contraintes – Alexandre Lambelet, Professor, HES-SO School of Health Sciences and Social work - EESP, Lausanne, CH
• Le Senior Living Lab : une approche centrée sur le senior citoyen Henk Verloo, Professor, HES-SO - Institut and School of Health
Sciences La Source, Lausanne, CH — Christiane Jacquet-Berger,
President of AVIVO, CH
• La robotique d’aide à la marche : une alternative à l’utilisation du fauteuil
roulant - Viviane Pasqui, Associate Professor, University Pierre et Marie
Curie, Paris, FR
• Closing of the Conference – Patrick Furrer, HES-SO, Vice Rector of
Research and Innovation
Networking cocktail
14:00 - 17:30
Pre-arranged B2B meetings
partnerships contacts
Rue de la Jeunesse 1
Case postale 452
CH-2800 Delémont 1
T +41 58 900 00 00
[email protected]
Business France
T +41 44 279 15 59
[email protected]
Ambassade de France
en Suisse
Service de coopération et
d’action culturelle (SCAC)
Schosshaldenstrasse 46
CH-3006 Berne
T +41 31 359 21 41
[email protected]
Réalisation graphique : acrea raphique /[email protected]
Pfingstweidstrasse 60
CH-8005 Zurich