

made in italy
Classic Pastry Dessert
Dessert Classic
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Petits Gâteaux
All products included in this catalogue are registered Community design.
One Bite
One Portion Dessert
Dessert à l’assiette
e praticità
per tutte le
creazioni dolci
e salate
shapes and
for all sweet
and savoury
Élégance et
pour toutes
les créations
sucrées et
und vielseitig
Formen für
alle süßen
und salzigen
singulares y
para todas las
dulces y
La linea di stampi “sessantaperquaranta”
è la gamma di stampi in silicone 60 x 40
cm ideale per quei professionisti che
vogliono realizzare creazioni dolci e
salate ad alto livello estetico. Il formato è
stato studiato in funzione di un impiego
più efficiente delle superfici di cottura,
dotati di una struttura flessibile, di
proprietà antiaderenti e di un particolare
effetto lucido delle cavità, gli stampi
60 x 40 in silicone alimentare al 100%
sono adatti sia per la surgelazione che
per la cottura in forni ventilati o in forni
a microonde fino a temperature che
variano da -60° C a +230° C. Silikomart
utilizza per la produzione di tutti i suoi
prodotti solo silicone liquido platinico di
qualità eccellente, idoneo al contatto con
alimenti e completamente atossico.
La composizione del silicone rispetta la
lista delle sostanze consentite secondo
le normative FDA e CE.
La gamma “sessantaperquaranta” è una
collezione originale di stampi che piace
per l’unicità delle forme. Questo catalogo
è suddiviso in Forme Classiche
tradizionali, Mini Porzioni studiate
appositamente per il finger food ed i
catering, Tortine ideali per realizzare le
classiche torte e perfette come inserti per
la linea Tortaflex ed infine Monoporzioni
dalle forme ricercate e perfette per
proporre un dessert originale.
The “sessantaperquaranta” is a
collection of 60 x 40 cm silicone moulds
ideal for those professionals who want
to make sweet and savory creations of a
high aesthetic level. The format has been
designed in order to allow a more
efficient use of cooking surfaces.
The moulds are endowed with flexible,
non-stick properties and a special gloss
effect of the cavities. The 60 x 40 cm
moulds, made of 100% food safe silicone,
are suitable for freezing and for cooking
in convection ovens or microwave ovens
at temperatures ranging from -60° C to
+230° C. Silikomart only uses high
quality liquid platinum silicone for the
production of all its products, which
is suitable for contact with food and
completely non-toxic. The chemical
composition of the silicone adheres to the
list of allowed substances in accordance
with FDA and European Union.
The “sessantaperquaranta” range is a
collection of original moulds which has
gained recognition thanks to its unique
shapes. In this catalogue, it is divided
into: traditional Classic Pastry Dessert;
One Bite, which are ideal for finger food
and catering; Cakes moulds, perfect for
creating traditional cakes and suitable
to create inserts for the Tortaflex range;
and finally One Portion Dessert, which
are perfect for the creation of refined and
original desserts.
Les moules “sessantaperquaranta”
sont la gamme de moules en silicone
60 x 40 cm idéale pour les professionnels
qui désirent réaliser des créations
sucrées et salées de haut niveau
esthétique. Le format a été étudié pour
un usage plus efficient des surfaces de
cuisson et il est doué d’une structure
flexible, de propriétés anti-adhérentes et
d’une cavité à l’effet brillant. Les moules
60 x 40, en silicone alimentaire à 100%,
sont parfaites tant pour la surgélation
que pour la cuisson, au four ventilé ou
au microonde, pour des températures
variant de -60° C à +230° C. Silikomart
utilise pour la production de tous ses
produits uniquement du silicone liquide
platinique d’excellente qualité, idéale
pour le contact avec les aliments et
complètement atoxique. Le silicone
utilisé est composé uniquement
de substances autorisées par les
normes FDA et CE. La gamme
“sessantaperquaranta” est une
collection originale de moules qui plait
pour ses formes uniques.
Dans ce catalogue on retrouve: les
traditionnels Desserts Classics,
les Mignons, étudiées spécialement
pour le finger food et le catering, les
Petits Gâteaux idéaux pour réaliser
des entremets classiques et des
inserts pour la gamme Tortaflex, enfin
les Desserts à l’assiette aux formes
optimales et parfaites pour proposer un
dessert originale.
Die 60x40 „Sessantaperquaranta“- Linie
ist eine Reihe von Silikonformen in den
Abmessungen 60x40cm, ideal für alle
Fachleute, die süße oder salzige Kreationen
auf hohem Niveau herstellen möchten.
Das Format ist entwickelt worden, um
eine effizientere Nutzung der Kochfläche
zu ermöglichen; die Form ist flexibel,
antihaftend und mit einem speziellen
Glanzeffekt in den Aushöhlungen
versehen. Die 60x40 cm Formen,
hergestellt aus 100% Lebensmittelsilikon,
eignen sich zum Einfrieren, Backen und
für die Mikrowelle bei Temperaturen von
-60° C bis +230° C. Silikomart verwendet
ausschließlich qualitativ hochwertiges
Platinsilikon für die Herstellung aller
Produkte, welches für den Kontakt mit
Lebensmitteln geeignet und garantiert
ungiftig ist. Die chemische
Zusammensetzung des Silikons
entspricht den von der FDA und
Europäischen Union als unbedenklich
verzeichneten Substanzen. Die 60x40
„Sessantaperquaranta“- Linie ist eine
Reihe von originellen Formen, die auch
durch ihre teilweise außergewöhnlichen
Formen Beachtung gefunden haben.
Die Reihe unterteilt sich in den
traditionellen Klassischen Formen;
die Miniformen, die sich besonders für
Finger-Food und Bewirtung eignen,
sowie Kuchenformen, die sich
hervorragend für Kuchen und als Einsatz
für die Tortaflex-Serie eignen. Ferner
beinhaltet die Linie Einportionformen,
eine überarbeitete Form, die sich
perfekt für die Kreation individueller und
origineller Nachspeisen eignet.
La línea de moldes
“sessantaperquaranta” es la gama de
moldes de silicona 60 x 40 cm ideal
para aquellos profesionales que quieran
realizar creaciones dulces y saladas de
un alto nivel estético. El formato ha sido
estudiado para sacar el máximo partido
a la superficie de cocción. Dotados de
una estructura flexible, de propiedades
antiadherentes y de un especial efecto
lúcido en las cavidades, los moldes
60 x 40 de silicona alimentaria al 100%
están diseñados tanto para la congelación
como para la cocción en hornos
ventilados o en hornos microondas
hasta temperaturas que varían desde
los -60° C a los +230° C. Silikomart
utiliza para la elaboración de todos sus
productos sólo silicona líquida platinica
de calidad excelente, idónea para el
contacto con alimentos y completamente
antitóxica. La composición de la silicona
respeta la lista de substancias consentidas
según la normativa de la FDA y de la CE.
La gama “sessantaperquaranta” es una
colección original de moldes que gusta
por la singularidad de sus formas.
En este catálogo podemos encontrar las
Formas Clásicas más tradicionales,
las Mini porciones estudiadas
específicamente para bufet y cátering,
las Mini tartas ideales para realizar las
clásicas tartas y perfectas para crear
los insertos para la línea Tortaflex y
finalmente, las Mono porciones, de
formas elaboradas y perfectas para
proponer postres originales.
item: 70.401.20.0098
SQ001 Briochette
size: Ø 79 h 35 mm
volume: 24 x 84 ml Tot. 2016 ml
item: 70.402.20.0098
SQ002 Canneles
size: Ø 56 h 50 mm
volume: 54 x 80 ml Tot. 4320 ml
item: 70.403.20.0098
SQ003 Half-Sphere
size: Ø 70 h 35 mm
volume: 28 x 90 ml Tot. 2520 ml
item: 70.404.20.0098
SQ004 Tartellettes
size: Ø 60 h 11 mm
volume: 40 x 25 ml Tot. 1000 ml
Forme Classiche
Classic Pastry Dessert
Dessert Classic
item: 70.444.20.0098
SQ044 Florentins
size: Ø 60 h 12 mm
volume: 35 x 33,5 ml Tot. 1172,5 ml
item: 70.450.20.0098
SQ050 Florentins
item: 70.409.20.0098
size: Ø 45 h 10 mm
volume: 70 x 15 ml Tot. 1050 ml
item: 70.405.20.0098
SQ005 Madeleine
size: Ø 69 h 39 mm
volume: 24 x 122 ml Tot. 2928 ml
item: 70.410.20.0098
SQ030 Mid-Madeleine
item: 70.411.20.0098
SQ006 Mini-Cake
item: 70.449.20.0098
size: 99 x 49 h 30 mm
volume: 30 x 110 ml Tot. 3300 ml
item: 70.407.20.0098
SQ007 Mini-Muffin
size: Ø 45 h 30 mm
volume: 70 x 40 ml Tot. 2800 ml
SQ011 Gugelhopf
size: Ø 72 h 35 mm
volume: 35 x 90 ml Tot. 3150 ml
size: 46,5 x 33 h 14,5 mm
volume: 78 x 11 ml Tot. 858 ml
item: 70.406.20.0098
SQ010 Pyramids
size: 65 x 65 h 35 mm
volume: 35 x 61 ml Tot. 2135 ml
size: 77 x 44,5 h 18 mm
volume: 44 x 32 ml Tot. 1408 ml
item: 70.430.20.0098
SQ009 Muffin
SQ049 Mid-Gugelhopf
size: Ø 60 h 37,5 mm
volume: 35 x 80 ml Tot. 2800 ml
item: 70.445.20.0098
SQ045 Fifì
size: 75 x 48,5 h 28 mm
volume: 32 x 79,5 ml Tot. 2544 ml
item: 70.408.20.0098
SQ008 Mini-Tartellettes
misure/size Ø 44 h 10 mm
volume: 60 x 10 ml Tot. 600 ml
item: 70.415.20.0098
SQ015 Mini-Half Sphere
misure/size: Ø 35 h 17,5 mm
volume: 96 x 11 ml Tot. 1056 ml
item: 70.418.20.0098
SQ018 Mini-Madeleine
misure/size: 45 x 26 h 12 mm
volume: 100 x 12 ml Tot. 1200 ml
Mini Porzioni
One Bite
item: 70.432.20.0098
SQ032 Mini-Cuori
item: 70.446.20.0098
misure/size: 36 x 39 h 16 mm
volume: 70 x 11 ml Tot. 770 ml
SQ033 Mini-Savarin
misure/size: 28 x 28 h 25 mm
volume: 77 x 11 ml Tot. 847 ml
item: 70.447.20.0098
misure/size: Ø 41 h 12 mm
volume: 77 x 12 ml Tot. 924 ml
item: 70.434.20.0098
SQ034 Mini-Charlotte
size: Ø 35 h 15 mm
volume: 77 x 8,5 ml Tot. 654,5 ml
SQ046 Mini-Pyramid
SQ047 Mini-Cube
misure/size: 25 x 25 h 24 mm
volume: 88 x 12 ml Tot. 1056 ml
item: 70.448.20.0098
SQ048 Mini-Twist
misure/size: 30 x 25 h 22 mm
volume: 88 x 12 ml Tot. 1056 ml
item: 70.429.20.0098
SQ029 Disco 120 x 22
misure/size: Ø 120 h 22 mm
volume: 12 x 120 ml Tot. 2640 ml
item: 70.431.20.0098
SQ031 Tart
misure/size: Ø 165,5 h 39 mm
volume: 6 x 613,5 ml Tot. 3681 ml
item: 70.414.20.0098
Petits Gâteaux
item: 70.412.20.0098
misure/size: 495 x 80 h 63 mm
volume: 4 x 2137 ml Tot. 8548 ml
SQ012 Disco 160 x 10
item: 70.416.20.0098
misure/size: Ø 160 h 10 mm
volume: 6 x 200 ml Tot. 1200 ml
item: 70.413.20.0098
SQ013 Disco 120 x 10
misure/size: Ø 120 h 10 mm
volume: 12 x 112 ml Tot. 1344 ml
SQ014 Tronco 50 x 80
SQ016 Tronco 50 x 70
misure/size: 495 x 70 h 70 mm
volume: 4 x 2401 ml Tot. 9604 ml
item: 70.417.20.0098
SQ017 Tronco 50 x 30
misure/size: 500 x 30 h 30 mm
volume: 8 x 445 ml Tot. 3056 ml
item: 70.419.20.0098
SQ019 Skyline
misure/size: 52 x 52 h 60 mm
volume: 28 x 104 ml Tot. 2912 ml
item: 70.420.20.0098
SQ020 Perla
misure/size: 52 x 52 h 49 mm
volume: 28 x 103 ml Tot. 2884 ml
item: 70.421.20.0098
SQ021 Sweet Corner
misure/size: 52 x 52 h 51 mm
volume: 28 x 102 ml Tot. 2856 ml
item: 70.422.20.0098
One Portion Dessert
Dessert à l’assiette
SQ022 Grustello
misure/size: 52 x 52 h 61 mm
volume: 28 x 103 ml Tot. 2884 ml
item: 70.423.20.0098
SQ023 Pois
item: 70.427.20.0098
misure/size: 117 x 29,5 h 34 mm
volume: 24 x 107 ml Tot. 2568 ml
item: 70.424.20.0098
SQ024 Up&Down
misure/size: 118 x 30 h 32 mm
volume: 24 x 103 ml Tot. 2472 ml
item: 70.428.20.0098
misure/size: 117 x 32 h 33 mm
volume: 24 x 99 ml Tot. 2376 ml
item: 70.425.20.0098
SQ025 Fourzero
SQ026 Tritren
misure/size: 117 x 29 h 39 mm
volume: 24 x 103 ml Tot. 2472 ml
SQ028 Surf
misure/size: 118 x 33 h 36 mm
volume: 24 x 100 ml Tot. 2400 ml
item: 70.435.20.0098
misure/size: 117 x 33 h 34 mm
volume: 24 x 103 ml Tot. 2472 ml
item: 70.426.20.0098
SQ027 Kubriqub
SQ035 Minimal
misure/size: 120 x 35 h 34 mm
volume: 24 x 104 ml Tot. 2496 ml
item: 70.436.20.0098
SQ036 Bombé
misure/size: 120 x 36 h 33 mm
volume: 24 x 106 ml Tot. 2544 ml
item: 70.437.20.0098
SQ037 Triangle
item: 70.441.20.0098
misure/size: 120 x 36,5 h 31 mm
volume: 24 x 109,5 ml Tot. 2628 ml
item: 70.438.20.0098
SQ038 Bulles
misure/size: 120 x 33 h 36 mm
volume: 24 x 103,5 ml Tot. 2484 ml
item: 70.442.20.0098
misure/size: 120 x 35 h 30 mm
volume: 24 x 106 ml Tot. 2544 ml
item: 70.439.20.0098
SQ039 Tetris
SQ040 Flûte
misure/size: 119 x 35 h 32 mm
volume: 24 x 104 ml Tot. 2496 ml
SQ042 Délice
misure/size: 119 x 36 h 34 mm
volume: 24 x 103 ml Tot. 2472 ml
item: 70.443.20.0098
misure/size: 120 x 36 h 28 mm
volume: 24 x 106 ml Tot. 2544 ml
item: 70.440.20.0098
SQ041 Sunset
SQ043 Eclypse
misure/size: Ø 70 h 37 mm
volume: 28 x 100 ml Tot. 2800 ml
item: 70.451.20.0098
SQ051 Waffel
misure/size: Ø 90 h 24 mm
volume: 18 x 107 ml Tot. 1926 ml
misure/size 600 x 400 h 22 mm
Vassoio realizzato in policarbonato trasparente,
indistruttibile nel tempo e agli urti, funzionale per lo
stoccaggio dei prodotti negli abbattitori.
Tray in transparent polycarbonate, extremely resistant to
crushes and durable over time, practical for stocking in
shock freezers.
misure/size 300 x 400 h 12 mm
Vassoio realizzato in policarbonato trasparente,
indistruttibile nel tempo e agli urti, funzionale per lo
stoccaggio dei prodotti negli abbattitori.
Tray in transparent polycarbonate, extremely resistant to
crushes and durable over time, practical for stocking in
shock freezers.
Total I-Gloo
misure/size 600 x 400 h 55 mm
Coperchio per la protezione dei prodotti, negli abbattitori
ed in congelatore. Funzionale per evitare lo sviluppo di
odori, la formazione di brina e di condensa.
Set I-Gloo + VGEL02
misure/size 600 x 400 h 55 mm
Vassoio e coperchio in policarbonato
indistruttibile nel tempo e agli urti.
Risulta resistente e indeformabile
anche dopo essere stato posto a
basse temperature (-60°C).
È perfetto per la conservazione
e lo stoccaggio e grazie alla sua
assoluta trasparenza, è ottimale per
l’identificazione dei prodotti riposti.
Lid for the protection of products, in blast chiller and
freezer. Practical to avoid the spreading of smells and the
formation of frost and condensation.
I-Gloo possono essere utilizzati anche con teglie da pasticceria in metallo.
I-Gloo can be used with metal pastry trays, as well.
I-Gloo possono essere
perfettamente impilati
riducendo così al minimo
gli spazi di stoccaggio.
I-Gloo can be stacked,
thus reducing the
storage space.
Tray and cover in polycarbonate
indestructible to time and crushes. It is
resistant and does not lose its shape
even after undergoing low temperature
(-60°C). It is perfect for storing and,
thanks to its total transparency, is
superb for identifying the stored
Total I-Gloo può essere
perfettamente impilato grazie
alla presenza di piedini sia sul
vassoio che sul coperchio.
Total I-Gloo is perfectly
stackable thanks to the
presence of small notches
both on the tray and on the lid.
Silikomart S.r.l. - via Tagliamento, 78
30030 Mellaredo di Pianiga (VE) - Italy
Tel: +39 041 5190550 - Fax: +39 041 5190290
[email protected] -