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Retour au tour de l’hémisphère en trois pays
Return to the Tour of the Hemisphere in Three Countries
Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Ohio Standards
Foreign Language
Benchmark K
Apply age-appropriate
writing process strategies
to publish a document for a
range of audiences.
Indicator 11
Apply age-appropriate
writing process strategies
(pre-writing, drafting,
revising, editing,
Benchmark A
Investigate and report on
concepts from across
Indicator 2
Identify locations using
map skills (e.g., longitude,
English Language Arts
Writing Process
Benchmark F
Edit to improve fluency,
grammar and usage
Indicator 15
Proofread writing, edit to
improve conventions (e.g.,
grammar, spelling,
punctuation and
capitalization) and identify
and correct fragments and
Lesson Summary: Intermediate Level Proficiency
In this intermediate level lesson, students will use their
prior knowledge of vocabulary for the continents, oceans,
some countries, basic directional words (e.g., north, south),
prepositions of location, basic land forms (e.g., mountains,
island), basic geographical terms (e.g., latitude, longitude,
equator), common buildings (e.g., post office, museum),
weather expressions, common verbs (e.g., to swim, to go
shopping, to ski) in the present, past, and command forms
and common adjectives (e.g., red, big, interesting) and their
agreement as they learn to identify locations using map
skills and apply writing process strategies to develop a
brochure on France, Québec, or the Côte d’Ivoire. Their
goal is to create interesting products to entice fellow
Estimated Duration: Five hours
The foreign language academic content standards were
written with the assumption that elementary programs meet
for 90 minutes per week and that secondary programs meet
the equivalent of 50 minutes per day throughout the year.
Time and intensity do matter, and programs that meet for
fewer minutes/less often will need more time to review
previously introduced material before moving forward.
From the writer: This lesson will allow students to develop
their geography and research skills as well as their writing
skills. In addition, students will learn that people speak
French in other parts of the world beside France. In
producing their brochure, students may explore the Internet
and the world of multimedia production on the computer.
From the field: These are nice activities for the
intermediate-level question and answer and creative
construction features. There are so many great connections
to be made with this lesson.
• Distribute a political map of the world with countries
and lines of latitude and longitude to students along with
the instructions and questions contained in Attachment
A, Pre-Assessment-Geography Skills.
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Return to the Tour of the Hemisphere in Three Countries
Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Allow students sufficient time to complete the Pre-Assessment.
Have students exchange papers and check each other’s work in a different color. Use
answers found on Attachment B, Answers for Pre-Assessment- Geography Skills.
Discuss in the target language with the students the correct locations of the countries,
continents, and latitudes and longitudes requested by the Pre-Assessment document.
Collect maps and use the information gained from the Pre-Assessment and the class
discussion to select specific instructional strategies and to determine the appropriate
focus, complexity and pace for the lesson. If a significant number of students are unable
to complete correctly the Pre-Assessment, then more time will need to be spent teaching
or reviewing the vocabulary and concepts being tested. See Attachments C, Previously
Acquired Vocabulary, and Attachment D, La géographie-Teaching Tips, for further
Scoring Guidelines:
The Pre-Assessment is not formally scored. Students check each other’s answers and discuss
the material. Collect students’ work to determine the appropriate focus, pace and complexity
of the lesson.
• Assign three or four students to a group.
• Have each group draw a slip with the name of a country using Attachment E, Country
Strips for Brochures. There are three possible choices: La France, Le Québec and La
Côte d’Ivoire (France, Quebec and the Ivory Coast).
• Distribute the guidelines for creating a brochure. See Attachment F, Post-Assessment.
Students in their small groups will create a brochure for children whose parents are going
to work in the country they have selected.
• Distribute and review Attachment G, Post-Assessment Rubric. Inform students that they
will be assessed on the writing process, the various short writings which they do in the
course of preparing to write the brochure and a final group map activity in addition to the
• Allow students ample time to complete the Post-Assessment.
Scoring Guidelines:
Score all brochures, maps, and related documents using the rubric presented with the
assignment, Attachment G, Post-Assessment Rubric.
Instructional Procedures:
Day One
1. Conduct the Pre-Assessment. (See Attachment A, Pre-Assessment-Geography Skills.)
2. Collect the Pre-Assessment. Redistribute the papers and have students correct each
other’s work. Discuss the correct answers in the target language. (See Attachment B,
Answers for Pre-Assessment-Geography Skills.)
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Instructional Tip:
If students do not have the prerequisite knowledge necessary for this lesson or if the amount
of vocabulary seems excessive, adjust the amount of material covered in the lesson by having
students do brochures about only one or two of the locations. This will permit the deletion of
some vocabulary, which does not relate to the other locations. For example, if students are
only going to produce brochures about Québec and France, the African countries may be
omitted as well as the verbs relating to such activities as playing the tam-tam and going to a
Day Two
3. Review continents, countries, oceans, prepositions of location, and other geography
vocabulary that students should already know by using a world map and asking questions
such as:
• C’est quel pays? C’est la Belgique (What country is this? It’s Belgium.)
• Est-ce que l’Angleterre est au sud ou au nord de la France? L’Angleterre est au nord
de la France. (Is England to the south or to the north of France? England is to the
north of France.)
• Où se trouve l’Europe? L’Europe se trouve à côté de l’Asie (Where is Europe?
Europe is next to Asia.)
Instructional Tip:
This review also can be conducted as a game. Place questions on a tic-tac-toe grid and have
students play in pairs. Alternatively, place questions on cards and use them for a game of
Jeopardy or Concentration by small groups of students. Assign students to prepare the
questions as a homework assignment.
4. Have pairs of students play a game like Twenty Questions to practice the geographical
terms and names of various countries. For example, Student A picks a country but does
not say its name aloud. He then tells his partner the continent on which it is located.
Student B then asks ten yes-no questions in an effort to name the country. The next-to-the
last question should be to ask the country’s latitude and longitude. The final question
should be the name of the country. For example:
• Student B: C’est à l’ouest du Viêt-Nam? (Is it to the west of Vietnam?)
• Student A: Oui. (Yes.)
• Student B: C’est à 13 degrés de latitude nord et à 105 degrés de longitude est? (Is it
at 13 degrees north latitude and at 105 degrees east longitude?)
• Student A: Oui (Yes.)
• Student B: C’est le Cambodge? (Is it Cambodia?)
• Student A: Oui. (Yes.)
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Return to the Tour of the Hemisphere in Three Countries
Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Students receive a point for guessing the correct country and a point for giving the correct
latitude and longitude in addition to the number of remaining questions (up to 10) which
they did not need to use in order to guess correctly the name of the country.
Instructional Tips:
• Provide a large world map for the class to use or furnish students with small maps so that
students may formulate correct questions and give correct answers.
• The review of geographical terms and countries may need to be more extensive for
students who did not do well on the Pre-Assessment or who are unfamiliar with the
material. Additional ideas can be found in Attachment C., Previously Acquired
Vocabulary and Attachment D, La géographie-Teaching Tips.
5. Give students the guidelines for the research on countries using Attachment F, PostAssessment, and Attachment G, Post-Assessment Rubric, and discuss the details with
them. Point out that they will be graded on the writing process and use of map skills as
well as their final product. Therefore, they will be required to turn in all prewriting
activities, the various drafts of their writings, revisions, editing documents, and a final
map activity in addition to a brochure about a country. Then, create groups of three to
four students, depending on class size. Next, using Attachment E, Country Slips for
Brochures, have each group draw a slip of paper. The country named on the slip is the
one they will research.
6. Homework - Give students a homework sheet to complete. It should include the
following information for the country about which the group is preparing a brochure: the
continent where the country is located, its latitude and longitude, the neighboring
countries, the location of the three most important cities and the locations of the various
topographical features within the country. (See Attachment H, Feuille de devoirsRenseignements sur la géographie.)
Day Three
7. Ask students questions about their countries to review the work from the previous day
and their homework assignment.
• Sur quel continent se trouve la France? La France se trouve en Europe. (On what
continent is France located? France is located in Europe.)
• Quel pays se trouve au sud du Québéc? Les Etats-Unis se trouvent au sud du Québec.
(What country is located south of Quebec? The United States is located south of
• Quelle est la latitude de la Côte d’Ivoire? La Côte d’Ivoire se trouve à sept degrés de
latitude. (What is the latitude of the Ivory Coast? The Ivory Coast is located at seven
degrees latitude.)
8. Review landforms students have previously studied using Attachment C, Previously
Acquired Vocabulary, and teach additional vocabulary using visuals. (See the list of
Vocabulary and Structures section.)
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Return to the Tour of the Hemisphere in Three Countries
Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
9. Then, show maps of the three francophone countries and have students locate various
geographical features. For example:
• En France, où est-ce qu’il y a des montagnes? Dans le sudouest et dans l’est. (In
France, where are there mountains? In the southwest and the east.)
• Comment s’appellent-elles ces montagnes? Les Pyrénées et Les Alpes. (What are the
names of these mountains? The Pyrenees and the Alps.)
10. Teach and review meanings of adjectives using visuals. (See Attachment C, Previously
Acquired Vocabulary, and the Vocabulary and Structures section.)
11. Then, review how to spell the various forms of adjectives. (See Attachment I,
Généralisation-Les adjectifs.)
12. Finally, using visuals of various land forms, ask questions of students. For example:
• Comment sont les montagnes? Les montagnes sont hautes. (What are the mountains
like? The mountains are high.)
• Comment est la forêt? La forêt est épaisse. Les arbres sont immenses. (What is the
forest like? The forest is dense. The trees are immense.)
13. Have students play a guessing game to review the adjectives.
• Post pictures of various buildings and landscapes identified only by a letter of the
alphabet in one of the corners.
• Group students in pairs.
• One partner describes the visual using adjectives and the other partner tries to guess
which visual is being described.
• Student A: Elle est massive. Elle n’est pas nouvelle; elle est ancienne. Elle se
trouve à Paris. On y va surtout le dimanche. On y prie et on y chante. (It is
massive. It isn’t new; it’s old. It is in Paris. One especially goes there on
Sundays. One prays and sings there.)
• Student B: C’est la cathedrale de Notre Dame. Image C. (It’s Notre-Dame
cathedral. Picture C.)
• Award a point for a correct guess. Then, partners change roles.
• Total points at the end of a certain time period to determine the winner in each pair.
14. For homework, have students write a paragraph describing a landscape that is nearby or a
typical landform in Ohio using the adjectives and geographical terms learned and
reviewed the past few days (e.g.- au nord de/to the north of, des forets épaisses/thick
forests). Descriptions should be at least five sentences in length and should include an
introductory and a concluding sentence.
Instructional Tip:
Provide pictures of various landscapes for those who cannot think of any landscapes to
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Day Four
15. Have students exchange descriptions from their homework and check each other’s work,
using the criteria in Attachment J, Checklist for Proofreading-Descriptive Paragraph, to
guide their feedback.
16. Collect descriptive paragraphs and Attachment J, Checklist for Proofreading-Descriptive
Paragraphs, for use later in evaluating students.
17. Teach students how to form the superlative of adjectives. Review the common adjectives
that are usually placed before the noun in French such as, grand/grande (big),
nouveau/nouvelle (new), or vieux/vielle (old).
18. Have the students do a series of oral exercises such as the following:
• Create sentences in the superlative by combining elements from the following groups
of words. This exercise reviews adjectives which come after their nouns. Remind
students of rules for adjective agreement as needed. Students might produce the
following: La toundra la plus immense se trouve au Québec. (The most extensive
tundra is found in Québec.)
gentle, smooth
se trouve
se trouvent
is found
are found
en France
en Belgique
au Québec
en Côte
in France
in Belgium
in Quebec
in the Ivory
Create conversations using groups of words. This exercise reviews adjectives that precede
their nouns. Here are some sample groups :
- capitale/vieux/ la France (capital/old/France)
- musée/grand/la France (museum/big/France)
- châteaux/beau/ la France (castles/beautiful/France)
- cases/petit/la Côte d’Ivoire (huts/small/Ivory Coast)
Try the following with pairs of students using the following elements:
- capitale/vieux/la France (capital/old/France).
Student A: Je voudrais visiter une capitale. (I would like to visit a capital.)
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Return to the Tour of the Hemisphere in Three Countries
Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Student B: Quelle sorte de capitale voudriez-vous visiter? (What kind of capital would you
like to visit?)
Student A: Je voudrais visiter une vieille capitale. (I would like to visit an old capital.)
Student B: Visitez la France. Elle a la plus vieille capitale des trois pays. (Visit France. It has
the oldest capital of the three countries.)
Have students create several conversations.
19. Play a game with students in which you ask them questions which will require them to
use adjectives that precede and come after their nouns.
• Divide the class into two teams with all three country groups being equally
represented on each team.
• Read a question to Team A which will require the student to use an adjective in his
• If the student whose turn it is can correctly answer the question in a complete
sentence using correct adjective form and placement, he or she scores two points for
his or her team.
• If the student whose turn it is cannot correctly answer the question, ask the same
question to the other team. If the student whose turn it is answers correctly, he or she
scores one point for his or her team.
• If neither team can answer correctly, give students the correct answer and place the
card at the bottom of the stack for use later in the game. Play then proceeds with a
new question for the next player on Team A.
• At the end of ten minutes, total the number of points for each team to determine a
• Sample questions:
- Quelles montagnes sont les plus hautes de l’Europe? Les Alpes sont les
montagnes les plus hautes de l’Europe. (Which mountains are the highest in
Europe? The Alps are the highest mountains in Europe.)
- Quelle capitale a la plus grande population? Paris a la plus grande population.
(Which capital has the largest population? Paris has the largest population.)
20 Homework:
• Study for quiz on adjectives.
• Give students Attachment K, Feuille de devoirs-Endroits que je voudrais visiter et
activités que je voudrais faire. Have students find three activities and three places of
interest to them in the country about which they are doing a brochure. Each student
should be prepared to tell his or her classmates why he or she has chosen these
places and activities.
Day Five
21. Administer formative assessment on adjectives and the superlative. (See Attachment L,
Formative Assessment.)
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Return to the Tour of the Hemisphere in Three Countries
Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
22. Collect quizzes so that they may be graded outside of class. (See Attachment L,
Formative Assessment, Answers.)
23. Use visuals to teach new verbs for activities which can be done in the countries being
studied. Then, ask questions using the new vocabulary. For example:
• Voudriez-vous faire une visite guidée de Versailles? Oui, je voudrais bien faire une
visite guidée de Versailles. (Would you like to take a guided tour of Versailles? Yes, I
would like to take a guided tour of Versailles.)
• Où et quand est-ce qu’on peut faire une randonnée en raquettes? On peut faire une
randonnée en raquettes au Québec en hiver. (Where and when can one go
snowshoeing? One can go snowshoeing in Quebec in the winter.)
• Où est-ce qu’on peut acheter un tam-tam en Côte d’Ivoire? On peut acheter un tamtam au marché. (Where can one buy a tam-tam in the Ivory Coast? One can buy a
tam-tam at the market.)
24. Play a question and answer game using the new vocabulary and some of the content of
the lesson. Make enough 3x5 sized copies of each of the verb and activity visuals so onethird of the number of students in the class receives a set. Paste the visuals to index cards
and create a set of the verbs and activities taught for each team. Divide the class into
teams of three students each and give each team a set of the index cards. Explain to
students that in each team Student A will ask Student B questions based upon the visual
he will draw from the stack of the index cards. Questions are to be Qui?(Who?), Qu’estce que?(What?), Quand?(When?), Où?(Where?), Pourquoi?(Why?) and
Comment?(How?) questions. Student C will be the judge as to whether the other two
players are correctly forming their questions and answers and will keep score. One point
is scored for each correct question and one point for each correct answer. After six
questions, or if Student A can think of no further questions to ask about his visual,
Student B will become the questioner, Student C will answer, and Student A becomes the
judge. After the second round of questions, students will again switch roles for the next
round of questions. When the students are at the bottom of the stack of index cards or
after a certain number of minutes, tally the points and determine a winner for each group
of three students. Sample questions for faire du canotage (to go canoeing) include: Qui
fait du canotage? Paul fait du canotage (Who goes canoeing? Paul goes canoeing.)
• Qu’est-ce qu’on doit porter pour faire du canotage? On doit porter un short et un
tee-shirt ou un maillot de bain (What should one wear to go canoeing? One should
wear shorts and a t-shirt or a swimsuit)
• Où est-ce qu’on peut faire du canotage au Québec? On peut faire du canotage dans un
lac ou dans une rivière. (Where can one go canoeing in Quebec? One can go canoeing
in a lake or in a river.)
25. For homework, have students write a paragraph in the target language giving advice to
someone from the United States who is going to the country about which they are
preparing a brochure. Tell the person what he should or should not do and where he
should do the activity (e.g. in the mountains in the southeast of the country) based upon
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Return to the Tour of the Hemisphere in Three Countries
Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
the country’s weather patterns. Use what you have taught about these subjects. Have
students use on doit, il faut, (one must) and command forms in their paragraph. Have
them include a topic sentence and a concluding sentence. Distribute Attachment M, Chart
for Organizing Composition about Activities and Weather to help them organize their
Instructional Tip:
This activity is intended to prepare students to write the brochure.
Day Six
26. Have students assemble in their country groups. Give each group a copy of Attachment
N, Web for Brainstorming for Brochure. As a prewriting activity, have students bring
forth their prior knowledge to brainstorm what information they will include in their
reports. Have them come up with titles or topic sentences, which they will place in the
middle of their webs. Then, have them come up with topic sentences for each of the
major sections of their report (e.g., geography facts, what there is to do in the country,
what the country looks like) and put these as the center of each of the smaller webs.
Finally, have them give supporting ideas, which they will put on the arms of the web.
Remind students to consult Attachment F, Post Assessment, so that they are sure to
include all the necessary topics for their brochures. Also, tell students that you will be
circulating throughout the class and will eventually be collecting their webs and brochure
blueprints in order to keep them on task and to evaluate their writing process skills.
27. Have each group exchange its web with another group. Have students check each other’s
work using Steps 1-6 of Attachment O, Checklist for Proofreading Brochure.
28 Have students return the webs to the groups that developed them. Have students revise
their work based on the feedback received.
29. Have students design a brochure blueprint for how they want their report/brochure to be
organized. Have them indicate with boxes where they intend to put their maps, the
various paragraphs and the visuals. In addition, have them label each box as to what its
content will be. Sample captions include :
• carte de la France
(map of France)
• image du paysage dans les Alpes
(picture of the countryside in the Alps)
• image du Louvre
(picture of the Louvre)
• paragraphe au sujet des
(paragraph about activities that one can do
activités qu’on peut faire à Paris
in Paris).
A sample brochure blueprint could be designed and shown to students as an example.
30. Have students exchange papers with another group and check each other’s work using
steps seven and eight of Attachment O, Checklist for Proofreading Brochures.
31. Have students return papers to the group that developed them. Have students correct their
32. For homework, have students complete all corrections of webs and brochure blueprints.
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Return to the Tour of the Hemisphere in Three Countries
Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Day Seven
33. In their country groups, have students check each other’s compositions from the
homework given on Day Five using Attachment P, Checklist for Paragraphs about
Weather and Activities.
34. In each group, have students tell each other what someone should do and where he should
go and why. Each group should have a scribe who will take notes on the various places,
activities and reasons. Then, the groups will use the scribe’s list to create sentences using
structures such as on doit, il faut, or the vous command forms to explain why someone
should go to the place or do the activity.
• On doit visiter le Mont Tremblant pour faire du ski. (One should visit Mont
Tremblant to go skiing.)
• Allez dans le nord de la Côte d’Ivoire pour voir des lions et des éléphants. (Go to the
north of the Côte d’Ivoire to see lions and elephants.)
Then, have the students use these sentences to create the sections of their brochure which
deal with what there is to see and do in the country.
35. Collect students’ paragraphs as well as Attachments M and P to use later in assessing
students work.
36. Have the group divide the remaining sections from the web among themselves so that
they can produce the remainder of the brochure.
37. Use the remainder of class time for students to work on their sections of the brochure
using topic sentences from Step 26, vocabulary and structures based upon what they have
learned in this lesson and prior to this lesson, and their knowledge of their country which
they have gained through reading.
38. For homework, have students finish writing their sections of the brochure.
Day Eight
39. Have students exchange their work within country groups. This time, have them check
each other’s work using Steps 2, 6 and 11-16 of Attachment O, Checklist for
Proofreading Brochures.
40. Have students return the work to the owners. Have owners then make revisions to their
41. Have students develop visuals for use in the brochure and make any other changes or
adjustments needed.
Day Nine
42. Have students exchange their work within country groups and check using Steps 9 and 10
of Attachment O, Checklist for Proofreading Brochure. Then have students return the
work to its owners for correcting.
43. Have students finish work on their brochures and then put them into multimedia format
using the computer. This may necessitate going to the media center or some instruction
regarding the use of the particular multimedia format.
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Return to the Tour of the Hemisphere in Three Countries
Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Instructional Tips:
• In the absence of computers, the Internet and multimedia software, students could do
reference work using printed materials or interviews and could use typewriters,
handwriting and their own artwork to produce a brochure.
• Students may need more time to complete their brochures. Adjust the lesson’s schedule
44. Collect webs, brochure blueprints, student drafts, checklists for proofreading brochures
and finished brochures for evaluation. (See Attachment G, Post-Assessment Rubric.)
Day Ten
45. As a concluding activity for the lesson, form groups of three students. Each group
consists of one student from each of the three country groups: La France, Le Québec,and
La Côte d’Ivoire (France, Quebec, and the Ivory Coast). Provide students with a blank
outline map of each of the three countries and have them place the information below on
the map of the country about which they prepared a brochure.
• the cardinal points on the map
• the neighboring countries
• the latitude and longitude of the country
• important rivers and mountains in the country
• important cities in the country
• topographical information (e.g., forested regions, areas of open plains )
• climactic regions
• the location of three places which should be visited and why they should be visited
• three recreational activities in which the natives participate and where they do these
46. Have Student A pretend to be a travel agent for his or her country. Students B and C are
planning to visit A’s country soon and are seeking the kind of information about which
students had to write the brochure. Students B and C will interview Student A to secure
the above information and then will place it on their maps.
47. Then have the students switch roles so that all students have an opportunity to be the
travel agent.
48. Collect the maps when students have finished for evaluation. (See Attachment G, PostAssessment Rubric)
Instructional Tips:
• If necessary, have students assigned to the roles of Students B and C use Attachment G,
Post-Assessment Rubric, to help guide them as they ask questions.
• Use the Internet to find outline maps of the three countries so that the maps for this
activity can be created for student use.
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Differentiated Instructional Support:
Instruction is differentiated according to learner needs, to help all learners either meet the
intent of the specified indicator(s) or, if the indicator is already met, to advance beyond the
specified indicator(s).
• For the student who has difficulty with comprehension, utilize some questions that are
less complex but which still promote progress toward mastery of the indicator.
• For students who demonstrate more understanding, provide more difficult or complex
questions, such as those using Pourquoi? (Why?).
• Allow students to answer using incomplete sentences.
• Games provide students with extra practice and review of material.
• Challenge students to make generalizations and summaries.
The assessments appeal to various learning styles in that they provide such opportunities as:
• exercising mathematical skills (e.g., latitude and longitude exercises),
• exercising research skills (e.g., final assessment),
• using technology (e.g., research, final brochure’s production using multimedia
• using organizational and English language arts skills (e.g., the use of the writing
process and the emphasis on creating good paragraphs)
• and using social skills (e.g., pair and group work).
Challenge capable students to find and analyze differences in products, careers and health
issues between their selected country and the U.S.
• Students could research other French-speaking countries and create multimedia
presentations about them instead of doing a brochure.
• Students could research and prepare various foods and dishes which are typical in the
country or province being studied.
• Students could find out what the country produces or manufactures, explore careers
opportunities in the country, or find out about health care issues in the country.
Home Connections:
• Students could interview relatives or community members who have spent time in a
French-speaking country to find out information similar to that which they need for their
• Students can involve their parents in helping them learn to use the Internet and
multimedia publications applications. However, remind them that their parents are not to
do the actual searching and obtaining of information or the setting up of the brochure.
Send a letter home at the beginning of the project to remind parents of this.
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Interdisciplinary Connections:
English Language Arts
Writing Processes
Benchmark B: Determine audience and purpose for self-selected and assigned writing tasks.
Indicator 2: Conduct background reading, interviews or surveys when appropriate.
Indicator 3: Establish a thesis statement for informational writing or a plan for narrative
Students do research on three different locales and produce a travel brochure to encourage
people to visit the locations.
Benchmark D: Use revision strategies to improve the overall organization, the clarity and
consistency of ideas within and among paragraphs and the logic and effectiveness of word
Indicator 8: Group related ideas into paragraphs, including topic sentences following
paragraph form, and maintain a consistent focus across paragraphs.
Indicator 11: Reread and analyze clarity of writing.
Students are given various organizers for their writings, the writing process is used, good
paragraph writing is stressed, and several opportunities to edit and revise exist.
Benchmark H: Prepare writing for publication that is legible, follows an appropriate format
and uses techniques such as electronic resources and graphics.
Indicator 10: Use available technology to compose text.
Indicator 17: Prepare for publication (e.g., for display or sharing with others) writing that
follows a format appropriate to the purpose, using such techniques as electronic resources,
principles of design (e.g., margins, tabs, spacing and columns) and graphics (e.g., drawings,
charts, and graphs) to enhance the final product.
Students publish the final assessment using a multimedia format.
Social Studies
Benchmark A: Identify on a map the location of major physical and human features of each
Indicator 1: Place countries, cities, deserts, mountain ranges, and bodies of water on the
continents on which they are located.
Indicator 2: Use coordinates of latitude and longitude to locate points on a world map.
Students work extensively on using these geographical terms and skills.
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Materials and Resources:
The inclusion of a specific resource in any lessons formulated by the Ohio Department of
Education should not be interpreted as an endorsement of that particular resource or any of
its contents by the Ohio Department of Education. The Ohio Department of Education does
not endorse any particular resource. The web addresses listed are for a given site’s main
page, therefore, it may be necessary to search within that site to find the specific information
required for a given lesson. Please note that information published on the Internet changes
over time, therefore the links provided may no longer contain the specific information related
to a given lesson. Teachers are advised to preview all sites before using them with students.
Note: Some web sites contain material that is protected by copyright. Teachers should ensure
that any use of material from the Web does not infringe upon the content owner's copyright.
For the teacher:
chalk, chalkboard, textbooks, books about France, Québec and the
Côte d’Ivoire, pencils, paper, notebooks, markers, flash cards with
vocabulary words in French on one side and English on the other,
vocabulary flash cards in French on one side and with a visual
representation of the word on the reverse, world maps or globe,
Internet access, maps of France, Québec, and Côte d’Ivoire
showing physical or topographical features, physical map of world,
political map of world, overhead projector, overhead markers,
overhead transparencies, three inch by five inch index cards, glue,
copier visuals of vocabulary words, pictures of various buildings
and types of landscapes
For the student:
access to Internet and computer, access to the library, paper, pen,
pencil, textbook, dry erase board, eraser, and marker, three inch by
five inch index cards
Vocabulary and Structures:
Vocabulaire pour la géographie:
• les Alpes
• la baie
• la brousse
• la colline
• la côte
• la forêt tropicale
• la frontière
• la golfe
• le Jura
• le Massif Central
• le nord-est
Geography words:
tropical (rain) forest
Central Mass
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le nord-ouest
la population
les Pyrénées
la savane
le sud-est
le sud-ouest
le taiga
la toundra
la vallée
Les pays
• l’Allemagne (f.)
• l’Angleterre (f.)
• le Burkina Faso
• l’Espagne (f.)
• le Ghana
• la Guinée-Bissau
• l’Italie (f.)
• le Labrador
• le Libéria
• le Luxembourg
• le Nouveau Brunswick
Les adjectifs
• ancien/ancienne
• bas/basse
• doux/douce
• elevé(e)
• épais/épaisse
• épars(e)
• étendu(e)
• fort (e)
• haut(e)
• humide
• massif/massive
• la
• le
• les
• neuf/neuve
• nouveau/nouvelle
The countries
Burkina Faso
New Brunswick
ancient, former
high, elevated
thick, dense
sparse, thin
extensive, spread-out
humid, damp
the (feminine singular)
the (masculine singular)
the (plural)
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the (feminine singular)
the (masculine singular)
the (plural)
rugged, rough
acheter des tissus (m.)
to buy cloth
aller à la pêche
to go fishing
aller à un maquis
to go to a maquis
aller au marché
to go to the market
to hunt
to cultivate
employer des paniers (m.)
to use baskets
faire de l’artisanat
to do handicrafts
faire de la poterie
to make pottery
faire des randonnées
to go hiking
faire du camping
to go camping
faire du canotage
to go canoeing
faire du vélo de montagne
to go mountain biking
faire un circuit des châteaux
to go on a tour of some castles
faire une randonnée en raquettes
to go snowshoeing
faire une randonnée en skis
to go cross-country skiing
faire une visite guidée
to go on a guided tour
jouer à lacrosse
to play lacrosse
jouer du tam-tam
to play the tam-tam
to fish
se nourrir
to nourish oneself, to eat
utiliser un pagne
to use a pagne
visiter une parfumerie
to visit a perfume factory
vister une mosquée
to visit a mosque
Technology Connections:
• Students use the Internet to gather information.
• Students use multimedia software to produce their brochures.
• Students may use word processing programs to do their compositions for homework.
• Possible Internet sites for students to use as a starting point for their research include:
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• Go to the Notices pull down, Click on Publication, then click on the
words The World Factbook. On the next page, scroll through the country names and
select one to view. Click onto Côte d’Ivoire from the list of choices. Type keywords in French under Chercher (Search).
Research Connections:
Curtain, Helena and Carol Ann Bjornstad Pesola. Languages and Children: Making the
Match. 2nd ed. White Plains, NY: Longman Publishing Group, 1994.
The target language can be used as a point of departure for making connections with the
entire world, and gaining access to the perspective of the foreign culture can help learners
to appreciate other perspectives in their community and their world (p. 194).
The integration of subject content and academic skills with language in use and culture is
a positive step toward meeting the goals of both language and content teaching, and
toward identifying a place for languages in every child’s program (p.147).
Content-related programs use the regular curriculum as a vehicle for making language
activities more cognitively engaging (p. 149).
When children learn to work cooperatively in small groups or pairs, their opportunities
for language use are multiplied many times over, as are their opportunities for active
participation in concrete and meaningful experiences (p.317).
Hadley, Alice Omaggio. Teaching Language in Context. 3rd ed. Boston, MA: Heinle &
Heinle, 2001.
Rather than focusing on writing as a grammatical exercise, students can be helped to see
writing as a way to create personal meaning (p. 325).
Marzano, Robert, Deborah Pickering and Jane Pollock. Classroom Instruction that Works:
Research-base Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. Alexandria, VA:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2001.
Nonlinguistic representations or imagery mode helps students think about and recall
knowledge. This includes creating graphic representations.
Mohan, Bernard. Language and Content. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1986.
Helping students use language to learn requires us to look beyond the language domain
to all subject areas, and to look beyond language learning to education in general.
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Therefore, we need a broad perspective which integrates language and content learning
(p. 18).
Library Connections:
In 2003, the State Board of Education and the Ohio Department of Education established
library guidelines that represent a standards-based education approach to school library
programs. Entitled Academic Content Standards K-12 Guidelines Library, Ohio’s library
guidelines provide a variety of content-specific, grade-level indicators describing information
literacy, literacy linked to library-based technologies, and media literacy experiences for
students. Featured on pages 204-219 are sample activities for making library connections
across academic content standards and disciplines. Also included are grade-band models for
student research and specific information concerning copyright and fair use of materials
laws. K-12 teachers are encouraged to utilize the library guidelines and collaborate with the
school library media specialist whenever possible. Ohio’s library guidelines can be found
under the heading of Library at
• If a computer lab is not available for use, reserve time in the Library Media Center. Speak
with the Media Center Specialist about the lesson and what you want to accomplish
during the class period. She or he is a great resource for preparing a variety of resources
for students to use in the media center or outside of class.
• Ask the library-media specialist to review online resources that provide information
about the countries being studied.
• Partner with the library-media specialist to use library materials and media equipment to
create the brochures.
General Tips:
• Provide copies of travel brochures in English or the target language for students to use as
examples of what can be included in a travel brochure.
• Create or provide a sample brochure as an example of what is expected.
• Remind students not to plagiarize and show them how to avoid doing so.
• Plan ahead! As usual with a foreign language lesson, this one involves many visuals and
handouts that will need to be prepared ahead of time.
Attachment A, Pre-Assessment-Geography Skills
Attachment B, Answers for Pre-Assessment-Geography Skills
Attachment C, Previously-Acquired Vocabulary
Attachment D, La géographie-Teaching Tips
Attachment E, Country Slips for Brochures
Attachment F, Post-Assessment
Attachment G, Post-Assessment Rubric
Attachment H, Feuille de devoirs-Renseignements sur la géographie
Attachment I, Généralisation, Les adjectifs
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Attachment J, Checklist for Proofreading-Descriptive Paragraphs
Attachment K, Feuille de devoirs- Endroits que je voudrais visiter et activités que je
voudrais faire
Attachment L, Formative Assessment
Attachment M, Chart for Organizing Composition about Activities and Weather
Attachment N, Web for Brainstorming for Brochure
Attachment O, Checklist for Proofreading Brochure
Attachment P, Checklist for Proofreading Paragraphs about Activities and Weather
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Attachment A
Pre-Assessment - Geography Skills
Marque ces choses en utilisant les numéros indiqués sur la carte du monde à la page
1.-7. Les sept continents
8.-10. Les océans Atlantique, Pacifique, et Indien
11. l’équateur
12. le premier méridien
13. la France
14. le Québec
15. la Côte d’Ivoire
Marque les noms de ces pays sur la carte. Utilise leurs latitudes et longitudes pour les
16. le Zaire : 0 degrés de latitude nord, 25 degrés de longitude est
17. l’Uruguay : 33 degrés de latitude sud, 56 degrés de longitude ouest
18. la Norvège: 62 degrés de latitude nord, 10 degrés de longitude est
19. le Cambodge: 13 degrés de latitude nord, 105 degrés de longitude est
20. la Guyane française: 4 degrés de latitude nord, 53 degrés de longitude ouest
Choisis et encercle la bonne réponse:
21. Le Canada est ____________ des États-Unis.
a. au sud
b. au nord
c. à l’est
22. La France est ____________ la Belgique.
a. près de
b. loin de
c. au nord de
23. L’Allemagne est __________ la France.
a. à l’ouest de
b. au sud de
c. loin de
24. Les Alpes sont des___________.
a. champs
b. fleuves
c. villes
25. Quand il fait chaud, j’aime aller___________.
a. à la plage
b. au volcan
c. à la brousse
d. à l’ouest
d. à l’est de
d. à coté de
d. montagnes
Pour des points bonus réponds avec une phrase complète :
26. Où se trouve la Chine?
27. Dans quel hémisphère se trouve le Québec?
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Attachment A
Pre-Assessment - Geography Skills - Translation
Class Period_______________________________
Mark these things using their numbers on the map of the world on the next page :
1.-7. The seven continents
8.-10. The Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean
11. the equator
12. the prime meridian
13. France
14. Québec
15. Côte d’Ivoire
Mark these countries’ names on the map using their latitudes and longitudes as a guide
to where they are :
16. Zaire : 0 degrees latitude north, 25 degrees longitude east
17. Uruguay : 33 degrees latitude south, 56 degrees longitude west
18. Norway : 62 degrees latitude north, 10 degrees longitude east
19. Cambodia: 13 degrees latitude north, 105 degrees longitude east
20. French Guiana : 4 degrees latitude north, 53 degrees longitude west
Choose and circle the correct answer:
21. Canada is ____________ of the United States.
a. to the south
b. to the north
c. to the east
22. France is ____________ Belgium.
a. near
b. far from
c. to the north of
23. Germany is __________ France.
a. to the west of b. to the south of
c. far from
24. The Alps are ____________________.
a. fields
b. rivers
c. cities
25. When it is hot, I like to go ______________________.
a. to the beach the volcano
c. to the bush
d. to the west the east of
d. next to
d. mountains
For bonus points, answer with a complete sentence :
26. Where is China located ?
27. In which hemisphere is Quebec located ?
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Attachment B
Answers for Pre-Assessment - Geography Skills
22. A.
23. D.
24. D.
25. A.
26. La Chine se trouve en Asie., La Chine se trouve à l’ouest du Japon., etc.
27. Le Québec se trouve dans l’hémisphère de l’ouest.
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Attachment C
Previously-Acquired Vocabulary
Les continents
L’Amérique du nord
L’Amérique du sud
North America
South America
Les endroits
La bibliothèque
Le café
La case
La cathédrale
Le château
La maison
Le musée
Le parc
Le restaurant
Le zoo
Les mots pour la géographie
à l’est
à l’ouest
au centre
au nord
au sud
la brousse
la carte
le champ
le degré
la forêt
la géographie
Geography vocabulary
to the east
to the west
in the center
to the north
to the south
the bush
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Attachment C (Continued)
Previously-Acquired Vocabulary
le lac
la latitude
la longitude
la montagne
Où se trouve … ?
Où se trouvent … ?
la plage
les points cardinaux
le premier méridien
la ville de…
le volcan
Where is...found ?
Where are...found ?
cardinal points
prime meridian
the town of...
Quelques pays
la Belgique
le Canada
la Chine
la Côte d’Ivoire
les États-Unis
la France
le Japon
le Maroc
le Québec
le Sénégal
la Suisse
le Viêt-nam
Some countries
Ivory Coast
United States
Prépositions d’emplacement
à côté de
près de
loin de
Prepositions of place
next to, beside
far from
faire de la pêche / faites de la pêche!
to buy
to go
to drink/drink!
to go fishing/fish!
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Attachment C
Previously-Acquired Vocabulary
faire de la randonnée/ faites de la randonnée!
faire des photos/faites des photos!
faire du camping /faites du camping!
faire du ski /faites du ski!
faire un tour /faites un tour!
faire une promenade/ faites une promenade!
jouer au football
to go hiking/hike!
to take pictures/take pictures!
to go camping/go camping!
to go skiing/ski!
to take a tour/ take a tour!
to take a walk/ take a walk!
to play
to eat
to swim
to watch, to look at
to visit
to see/see
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Attachment D
La géographie - Teaching Tips
1. Teach meanings of près de (near), loin de (far from), and à côté de (next to) by using
students in the class.
• Student A est près de la porte.(Student A is near the door.)
• Student A est loin de la fenêtre. (Student A is far from the window.)
• Student A est à côté de Student B. (Student A is next to Student B.)
2. Teach meaning of se trouver (to be located)
• Où est Student A? Où se trouve Student A? Student A se trouve près de la fenêtre.
(Where is Student A? Where is Student A located? Student A is located near the
3. In pairs, have students describe the location of another class member to their partner
without giving the person’s name. Have students alternate the use of être (to be) and se
trouver (to be located) in their questions and answers. The partner then tries to guess
which student is being described. A wrong guess leads to the guesser gaining a point. The
object is to have the least number of points at the end of two to three minutes of play.
4. Teach the names of the continents in the language using a world map. Give the name of
the continent while pointing to it. Then, have students repeat the word several times.
After doing three or four continents, point to one of them on the map and ask a student to
identify it in the language. For example:
• (as teacher is pointing to Africa) C’est quel continent? (What continent is this?)
Student: C’est l’Afrique. (It’s Africa.)
Follow up with question and answer practice, first with the teacher asking the questions,
and later with the students asking each other the questions. Try the following:
• Où se trouve l’Afrique? près de l’Amérique du Nord ou loin de l’Amérique du
Nord? L’Afrique se trouve loin de l’Amérique du Nord (Where is Africa located?
near North America or far from North America? Africa is located far from North
• Où se trouve l’Asie? L’Asie se trouve à côté de l’Europe. (Where is Asia located?
Asia is located next to Europe.)
5. Review continents and vocabulary using a map of the world.
• Où se trouve l’Europe? L’Europe se trouve à côté de l’Asie. (Where is Europe
located? Europe is next to Asia.)
• Montre-moi l’Asie. (Show me Asia.) Student goes up to map and points out Asia.
6. Teach names of selected countries and provinces (See Attachment C, Previously
Acquired Vocabulary) in the same way the continents were taught by using a political
map of the world. Follow with question and answer practice:
• Où se trouve la France? La France se trouve en Europe. (Where is France located?
France is in Europe.)
Then move on to partner practice :
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Attachment D (Continued)
La géographie - Teaching Tips
Est-ce que la France se trouve loin de la Chine? Oui, la France setrouve loin de
la Chine. (Is France located far from China? Yes, France is located far from
Instructional Tip:
A variation of this exercise could be to give world maps to students and then have them
ask their partners where various countries are. If students would have trouble deciding
about which countries to ask, the teacher could list four or five different countries under
the map to use as a guide in forming questions for the partner.
7. To review the names of the countries and their locations, divide the class into two teams.
Have the two teams line up facing a large political map of the world, preferably without
the names of the countries, posted on the chalkboard. Give the first person on each team a
flyswatter. Then, name a country. Whichever team’s member is first to swat the correct
country on the map scores a point for his team. If a student does not know where the
country is, he needs to go up to the chalkboard, turn around and look for a teammate who
is signaling that he knows the answer by having his hand raised. Then, the student who
does not know the answer may return and hand the flyswatter to a student who knows the
answer, so that he may go to the map and swat the country before the other team does so.
8. Teach directional words (For example, au nord de (to the north of), à l’est de (to the east
of) using the map and follow with question and answer practice:
• Où est ________ (name of a neighboring town or state capital)? ___________(Name
of neighboring town or state capital) est au sud. [Where is ________ (name of state
capital)? _______ (Name of neighboring town, or state capital) is to the south.]
• Où est le Canada? Le Canada est au nord des Etats-Unis. (Where is Canada?
Canada is north of the U.S.)
9. Teach and explain in the target language the words for latitude, longitude, prime
meridian, equator, North Pole, South Pole and degrees using a world map or globe.
10. To practice latitude and longitude, mark the classroom floor with masking tape to form a
grid for the lines of latitude and longitude. On one end of each line of latitude and
longitude, have a five by seven inch index card taped with that line’s number of degrees.
For example, for latitude, write l’équateur (the equator) ; 15 degrés de latitude nord (15
degrees latitude north) ; for longitude write 0 degrés de longitude(0 degrees longitude) ;
15 degrés de longitude est (15 degrees longitude east). Then, give each student a set of
coordinates that indicate where he or she is to stand.
• Paul, 20 degrés de latitude nord, 60 degrés de longitude ouest. (Paul goes and stands
on the spot that would be the equivalent of 20 degrees north latitude, 60 degrees west
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Attachment D (Continued)
La géographie - Teaching Tips
Use a paired activity to allow students to practice latitude and longitude. Give each
partner a list of five countries followed by the word latitude or longitude.
• One list has: l’Algérie, latitude (Algeria, latitude) This student then asks:Quelle
est la latitude de l’Algérie? (What is the latitude of Algeria?)
• The second student answers: La latitude de l’Algérie est à 30 degrés de latitude
nord. (The latitude of Algeria is 30 degrees north latitude.)
• Student B asks student A a similar question using the location and the latitude or
longitude requested on his sheet.
• Give students a world map and create questions which will require students to practice
locating various places using latitude and longitude by answering questions such as:
À quelle latitude se trouve le Sénégal? Le Sénégal se trouve à quinze degrés de latitude nord.
(At what latitude is Senegal? Senegal is at 15 degrees north.latitude)
À quelle longitude se trouve la ville de Lyon, France? Lyon se trouve à cinq degrés de
longitude est. (At what longitude is the city of Lyon, France? Lyon is at five degrees east
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Attachment E
Country Strips for Brochures
(Slips for drawing)
Le Québec
Le Québec
Le Québec
La Côte d’Ivoire
La Côte d’Ivoire
La Côte d’Ivoire
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Attachment F
Directives pour créer une brochure pour orienter les étrangers
Vous êtes élèves dans une école au Québec, en France, ou en Côte d’Ivoire. Des étrangers
avec des enfants viennent travailler dans votre ville. Votre maître de géographie a dit que
vous devez préparer une brochure pour les orienter mieux à votre pays et à la vie là. Vous
devez mettre les choses suivantes dans votre brochure:
Ce qu’on peut faire dans votre pays
a. au moins trois endroits touristiques ou points d’intérêt à visiter et pourquoi on
doit visiter l’endroit
b. au moins trois activités de récréation qui sont populaires parmi les habitants du
La géographie
a. une discussion et une carte qui indiquent
• les points cardinaux
• le continent
• les pays voisins
• la latitude et la longitude
• les montagnes et les fleuves importants
• les villes importantes
b. une description et une carte qui décrivent comment est le paysage (la terre)
c. une discussion et une carte qui décrivent
• les températures pendant l’hiver et l’été
• le(s) climat(s) du pays
a. diverses méthodes pour indiquer ce qu’on doit et ne doit pas faire dans votre pays
(on doit, il faut, l’impératif).
b. une variété des mots que nous avons appris
c. une variété des adjectifs que nous avons appris et au moins deux superlatifs
d. une introduction
e. de bonnes sections qui ont des thèses, des phrases qui soutiennent les thèses, et des
f. une bonne terminaison pour votre brochure
g. des images du pays
Il faut
a. parler français avec votre groupe
b. travailler bien ensemble
c. d’abord, penser et parler avec votre groupe
d. alors, écrire
e. ensuite, réviser le travail des autres
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Attachment F (Continued)
puis, corriger votre travail
enfin, publier un document final avec le travail de tous les membres du groupe en
employant l’ordinateur
donner au professeur les copies de tout votre travail pendant ces activités (devoirs,
papiers de vérification du travail des autres, toiles d’araignée, brouillons, révisions,
rédaction finale dans la forme d’une brochure, et cartes de tous les trois pays que
vous allez préparer comme activité finale)
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Attachment F
Instructions for creating a brochure for orienting foreigners
You are students in a school in Québec, France, or the Côte d’Ivoire. Some foreigners with
children are coming to work in your city. Your geography teacher has said that you must
prepare a brochure to better orient them to your country and to life there. You must talk about
the following things in your brochure:
What one can do in your country
a. at least three tourist attractions or landmarks to visit and why one should visit them
b. at least three recreational activities that are popular among the natives of the
a. a discussion and maps which show:
• the cardinal directions (a compass rose)
• the continent
• the neighboring countries
• the latitude and longitude
• important mountains and rivers
• important cities
b. a description and a map which show what the countryside is like (landforms,etc.)
c. a discussion and a map with
• temperatures during the winter and the summer
• the climate(s) of the country
various methods for telling what one should and should not do in your country (one
should, it is necessary to, command forms)
a variety of the words which we have learned
a variety of the adjectives which we have learned with at least two superlatives
an introduction
good paragraphs with topic sentences, sentences which support the topic sentence,
and concluding sentences
a good ending for your brochure
pictures of your country
You must
a. speak French with your group
b. work well together
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment F (Continued)
first think and talk with your group
then write
then revise the work of others
then correct your work
finally publish your final document with the work of all of the group members by
using the computer
give the teacher copies of all of your work during this project (homework,
checklists, web, rough drafts, revisions, final draft in the form of a brochure, maps
of all three countries that you are going to prepare as a final activity)
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Attachment G
Post-Assessment Rubric
• Brochure
shows an
outstanding job
of covering the
• Brochure
includes many
good visuals
and maps
which show
evidence of
being able to
use the map
skills studied.
• Brochure
evidence of an
excellent job
of covering the
• Brochure
several good
visuals and
maps which
show evidence
of being able
to use some of
the map skills
• Brochure
evidence of an
adequate job
of covering the
• Brochure
includes a few
good visuals
and at least
one map
which shows
evidence of
being able to
use a few of
the map skills
• Exemplary
body and
which show
clear evidence
of using all
steps of the
writing process
• Effectively
uses available
tools to
full thought
• Prepares full
length drafts as
• Responds to
errors noted,
revises and
• Good
body and
which show
evidence of
using some
steps of the
• Uses available
tools to show
some thought
• Prepares
drafts as
• Introduction,
body and
which show
evidence of
using a few
steps of the
• Uses some
tools to plan
• Prepares
partial drafts
• Responds to
some errors,
revises and
corrects drafts
to some extent
• Brochure
evidence of
needing work
on covering
the topics
• Brochure
includes only
one or no
visuals and
map, if
present, shows
evidence of
being able to
use only one
or two of the
map skills
• Introduction,
body and
which show
evidence of
using only one
or no steps of
the writing
• Makes little
use of
planning tools
• Writes brief
drafts or none
at all
• Shows little
evidence of
revision or
• Responds to
• Uses a limited
• Uses a very
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
corrects drafts
• Uses a broad
and highly
varied range of
learned in the
• Uses varied
and correct
structures; few
errors in
Use of map
• Can correctly
place all
requested items
on a map of the
country about
which a
brochure was
• Can tell other
students where
to correctly
place items on
a map using
accurate target
vocabulary and
• Understands
target language
related to the
subject and
places items on
a map
most errors
noted, revises
and corrects
Uses adequate
range of
learned in the
occasionally is
Few errors in
grammar and
Can correctly
place most
items on a map
of the country
about which a
brochure was
Can tell other
students where
to correctly
place most
items on a map
and has few
errors in using
and structures
most of target
related to the
subject and
places most
items on a map
range of
learned in the
lesson; is
• Some errors in
grammar and
basic range of
learned in the
lesson; highly
• Frequent
errors in
grammar and
• Rarely or
• Can correctly
never correctly
place about
places items
one-half of the
on a map
items on a map
about which a
about which a
brochure was
brochure was
• Can tell other
• Can tell other
students where
students where
to correctly
to correctly
place only one
place about
or two items
one-half of the
on a map and
items on a map
but makes
frequent errors
some errors in
in using target
using target
and structures
and structures
• Understands
• Understands
little of the
some of target
related to the
related to the
subject and
subject and
can correctly
makes many
place about
errors in
one-half of the
placing items
items on a map
on a map
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment H
Feuille de devoirs - Rensignements sur la géographie
Nom de mon pays__________________________________________________
Continent où le pays se trouve_________________________________________
Latitude du pays____________________________________________________
Longitude du pays___________________________________________________
Pays voisins________________________________________________________
Villes importantes
Où elles se trouvent
Montagnes, fleuves, forêts,
volcans et d’autres choses
Où ils se trouvent:
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment H
Homework Sheet - Basic geographic facts - Translation
Name of my country______________________________________________
Continent where country is located____________________________________
Latitude of country_________________________________________________
Longitude of country_______________________________________________
Neighboring countries______________________________________________________
Important cities
Where they are located
Important mountains, rivers,
forests, volcanoes and other
important things:
Where they are located:
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment I
Généralisation - Les adjectifs
Sentences for presenting the generalizations :
1. Le lac est grand.
Les lacs sont grands.
2. La montagne est grande.
Les montagnes sont grandes.
3. Le lac est beau.
4.La montagne est belle.
Les lacs sont beaux.
Les montgnes sont belles.
5. Le champ est épais.
6. La forêt est épaisse.
Les champs sont épais.
Les forêts sont épaisses.
7. Le volcan est actif.
8. La ville est active.
Les volcans sont actifs.
Les villes sont actives
9. Le fleuve est long.
10. La plage est longue.
Les fleuves sont longs.
Les plages sont longues.
11. Le désert est sec.
12. La côte est sèche.
Les déserts sont secs.
Les côtes sont sèches.
13. Le climat est doux.
14. La colline est douce.
Les climats sont doux.
Les collines sont douces
15. Le volcan est rugueux.
Les volcans sont rugueux.
16. La montagne est rugueuse. Les montagnes sont rugueuses
Questions for the teacher to use to elicit generalizations for spelling adjective forms.
1. Have students read all sentences aloud.
2. Grammatically speaking, what kind of word is the last word in each sentence? A noun? A
verb? An adjective? (Answer: an adjective)
3. In Numbers One and Two, what is the adjective? (Answer: grand, grande, etc.)
4. What do grand, grande, etc, mean? (Answer: big)
5. Why is the word grand (big) spelled four different ways? (Answer: Because it has to
agree with the noun it describes).
6. What is grand (big) describing in Number One A? (Answer: le lac/the lake) What is the
gender and number of le lac? (Answer: the lake - masculine singular) How do we spell
the form of grand (big) when we’re describing a masculine, singular word? (Answer:
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment I (Continued)
Généralisation - Les adjectifs
7. Go through a process like Number Six with the rest of the forms of grand (Answer: big).
8. Remind students that a great number of adjectives in French work like grand (big). Then
ask: Who can give the rule for how this kind of adjective forms its agreement? (Answer:
masculine singular – base form; masculine plural – add “–s” to masculine singular form;
feminine singular – add “–e” to masculine singular form; feminine plural – add “–es” to
masculine singular form)
9. Now, look at Numbers Three and Four. What is the adjective in these sentences?
(Answer: beau, belle/beautiful)
10. Repeat steps six and seven with Numbers Three and Four.
11. What is the rule for how to spell the forms of an adjective whose masculine singular form
ends in –eau? (Answer: masculine singular –eau; masculine plural – add “–x” to
masculine form; feminine singular – change “–eau” to “–elle;” feminine plural – add “–
s” to feminine singular)
12. Repeat steps six, seven, and eleven with the rest of the various adjectives.
13. Have students write the rules and examples in their notebooks. As an alternative, refer
students to the places where these adjectives are dealt with in the text.
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment J
Checklist for Proofreading - Descriptive Paragraphs
Name of writer_______________________
Name of Proofreader__________________
Check your partner’s composition using the guide below. Put a check mark next to each
category once you have completed it.
1. _____ Vocabulary: Is enough new vocabulary included? What additional words could be
Has the student used: ______ directional words (north, to the west, etc.)?
______ words for land features (forest, field, etc.)?
______ descriptive adjectives (dense, sparse, beautiful)
2. _____ Organization: Is the composition organized? Is there a topic sentence and a
concluding sentence? Are there supporting details?
3. _____ Comprehensibility: Is the composition easy to understand? Does the writer make
clear what he is talking about? Put parentheses around and a question mark above
any parts that are unclear to you.
4. _____ Mechanics and Grammar: Circle any errors you find in your partner’s
composition and code them as follows:
SVA- subject-verb agreement error
Vmisspelled verb or wrong tense of verb
NAA- noun-adjective agreement error
Spspelling error
article error (using le instead of la, du instead of des, etc.)
MW- missing word
WW- wrong word
Now, give the paper back to your partner and discuss your findings with him or her.
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment K
Feuille de devoirs-Endroits que je voudrais visiter et activités que je
voudrais faire
Endroits que je voudrais visiter
Pourquoi je voudrais les visiter
Activités que je voudrais faire
Pourquoi je voudrais les faire
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment K
Homework Sheet-Places That I Would Like to Visit
and Activities That I Would Like to Do -Translation
Places I would like to visit
Why I would like to visit them
Activities I would like to do
Why I would like to do them
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment L
Formative Assessment
Interro-Le Superlatif des adjectifs
A. Formulez des phrases au superlatif selon l’exemple:
Exemple: (+ haut) Les Alpes/les montagnes de la France
Les Alpes sont les montagnes les plus hautes de la France.
1. (-doux) Le climat du Québéc / les trois pays
2. (+intéressant) Les animaux de la Côte d’Ivoire/les trois pays
3. (+épais) Les fôrets du sud de la province/Québec/
4. (+grand) La ville de Montréal/Québéc
5. (-élevé) Les montagnes du centre de la France/de la France
6. (+étendu)Le delta du Rhône/de la France
7. (-moderne)Les villages de la Côte d’Ivoire/les trois pays
B. Paragraphe
8-10. Vous travaillez pour une agence de voyage et vous êtes chargé d’écrire de la publicité
pour attirer des voyageurs à visiter votre pays. Ecrivez un petit paragraphe au sujet de la
France, de la Côte d’Ivoire, ou du Québec. Pour convaincre vos lecteurs, il faut employer au
moins trois superlatifs dans votre paragraphe. N’oubliez pas d’écrire une phrase
d’introduction à votre paragraphe et une autre phrase pour le terminer.
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Attachment L
Formative Assessment
Interro-Le Superlatif des adjectives
Réponses à l’interro- Les Adjectifs
1. Le climat du Québec est le climat le moins doux des trois pays.
2. Les animaux de la Côte d’Ivoire sont les animaux les plus intéressants des trois pays.
3. Les forêts du sud de la province sont les forêts les plus épaisses du Québec.
4. La ville de Montréal est la plus grande ville du Canada.
5. Les montagnes du centre de la France sont les montagnes les moins élevées de la France.
6. Le delta du Rhône est le delta le plus étendu de la France.
7. Les villages de la Côte d’Ivoire sont les villages les moins modernes des trois pays.
Rubric for grading paragraph
• Exemplary
• Good topic
sentence and
sentence and
• Uses more
• Uses three
than three
• Most
• All adjectives
spelled and
spelled and
• Paragraph
lacks a topic
sentence or a
• Uses one
• Some
spelled and
• Paragraph
has no topic
sentence or
• Uses no
• Frequent
errors in
spelling and
placement of
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment L
Formative Assessment-Translation
Quiz-The Superlative of Adjectives
Class period___________________
A. Form sentences in the superlative according to the example:
Example: (+high) The Alps/mountains of France
The Alps are the highest mountains of France.
1. (-mild) The climate of Québec/the three countries
2. (+interesting) The animals of the Côte d’Ivoire/the three countries
3. (+dense) The forests of the south of the province/Quebec
4. (+big) The city of Montréal/Québéc
5. (-high) The mountains of the center of France/France
6. (+widespread)The delta of the Rhône/ France
7. (-modern) The villages of the Côte d’Ivoire/the three countries
B. Paragraph
You work for a travel agency and you are in charge of writing ads to attract travelers to visit
your country. Write a short paragraph on the subject of France, the Côte d’Ivoire, or
Québec. To convince your readers, it is necessary to use at least three superlatives in your
paragraph. Don’t forget to write an introductory sentence for your paragraph and another
sentence to conclude it.
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment L
Formative Assessment-Translation
Quiz-The Superlative of Adjectives
Answers to formative assessment- The superlative of adjectives
1. The climate of Québec is the least mild climate of the three countries.
2. The animals of the Ivory Coast are the most interesting in the three countries.
3. The forests of the south of the province are the densest forests in Quebec.
4. The city of Montreal is the largest city in Canada.
5. The mountains in the center of France are the least elevated mountains of France.
6. The delta of the Rhône is the most widespread delta in France.
7. The villages of the Côte d’Ivoire are the least modern villages in the three countries.
Rubric for grading paragraph
• Exemplary
sentence and
• Uses more
than three
• All
spelled and
• Good topic
sentence and
• Uses three
• Most
spelled and
• Paragraph
lacks a topic
sentence or a
• Uses one
• Some
spelled and
• Paragraph
has no topic
sentence or
• Uses no
• Frequent
errors in
spelling and
placement of
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Interdisciplinary Lesson.– Grade Six
Attachment M
Chart for Organizing Composition About Activities and Weather
Topic sentence:
Should do
Where Should
the activities
Should not do
Where Should
not do the
Concluding sentence:
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Attachment N
Web for Brainstorming for Brochure
Nom du pays____________________
Membres du groupe_______________________
Date __________________________
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Attachment N
Web for Brainstorming for Brochure
Group Members_______________________
Date __________________________
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Attachment O
Checklist for Proofreading Brochure
Name of student being evaluated
Name of students doing evaluations _____________________________________
____________________________ Class Period __________________
1. Is there an overall topic sentence for the entire report? (in the center of the web)
2. Is there a good topic sentence for each section of the report? (centers of each small web)
3. Is the most appealing reason for visiting the country stated first? (in the small web in the upper left
4. Is there a special way of drawing the reader’s attention to this reason?
5. Do all details (spokes on the webs) relate to or further develop the topic sentence for each
6. Is there enough information about each topic to make the reader feel that there are interesting
things to see and do in this country and that it is worth visiting? If not, what did the writers
forget to include, or what else might they say?
7. Is the layout visually pleasing?
8. Do the images correlate with the text in each section?
9. Is the map accurate?
10. Is the artwork visually pleasing and neat?
11. Has the writer used a variety of ways to tell the reader about the country and what one can see and
do there? (on doit, il faut, command forms, etc.)
13. Are the verb forms correct? What about spelling, use of correct tense, or not using the pronoun in
the command forms? Circle any errors that you find.
14. Are the adjectives formed correctly? What about spelling, placement of adjective in the
sentence, or correct formation of the superlatives? Circle any errors, which you find.
15. What other grammatical mistakes are there? For example, de les instead of des. Again, circle any
errors that you find.
16. Which words are misspelled? Draw a box around misspelled words.
17. Are the punctuation and capitalization correct?
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Attachment P
Checklist for Proofreading Paragraphs about Activities and Weather
Name of writer_______________________
Name of Proofreader__________________
Check your partner’s composition using the guide below. Put a check mark next to each
category once you have completed it.
1. _____Vocabulary: Is enough new vocabulary included? What additional words could be
Has the student used:_____ weather expressions?
______ vocabulary for activities related to his country?
2. _____Organization: Is the composition organized? Is there a topic sentence and a
concluding sentence? Are there supporting details?
3. _____Comprehensibility: Is the composition easy to understand? Does the writer make
clear what he is talking about? Put parentheses around and a question mark above
any parts that are unclear to you.
4. _____Mechanics and Grammar: Circle any errors you find in your partner’s
composition and code them as follows:
subject-verb agreement error
misspelled verb or wrong tense of verb
noun-adjective agreement error
spelling error
article error (using le instead of la, du instead of des, etc.)
missing word
wrong word
Now, give the paper back to your partner and discuss your findings with him or her.