admissions_annales2013_ANGLAIS 3MCT
admissions_annales2013_ANGLAIS 3MCT
ÉPREUVES D’ADMISSION en 3ème ANNÉE Samedi 8 juin 2013 ANGLAIS Durée : 2H00 RÉDIGEZ SUR 2 COPIES DIFFÉRENTES : LA TRADUCTION LE THEME AUCUN DOCUMENT N’EST AUTORISE ISIT JUIN 2013 / PARIS ADMISSION EN 3ÈME ANNÉE ANGLAIS TRADUCTION VERS A _______________________________________________________ TRADUIRE SEULEMENT CE QUI SE TROUVE ENTRE LES CROCHETS. The electronic tattoo that can monitor patient symptoms remotely Scientists have developed a flexible circuit board that can be printed directly on to skin to transmit data back to a doctor [[ Repeat trips to the doctor could become a thing of the past thanks to a new technology that can monitor your health and well-being remotely – directly from the surface of your skin. Researchers at the University of Illinois have developed an electronic tattoo that can be printed straight on to the body to track patients' symptoms – measuring heart rate and temperature, strain and hydration – and then beam the information back to your doctor. It might sound like something from Brave New World, but this could be the first step in a future of networked healthcare. The project, pioneered by materials scientist John Rogers, is the latest development in ongoing work into flexible "epidermal electronics". His team have previously engineered stick-on stretchable electronic circuits with an elastic backing, which could simply be applied to the skin like a temporary tattoo – but with the downside that they could easily wash off. "They were fine for an office environment," Rogers told the MIT Technology Review, "but if you wanted to go swimming or take a shower they weren't able to hold up." The researchers have now developed a technique to print circuits directly on to human flesh with a rubber stamp, which can then be covered with a spray-on bandage to form a protective coating. The ultra-thin electronics operate like a standard computer circuit board – with electrodes, sensors and wireless communication systems – but are made up of a matrix of stretchy, serpentine wires [a wire = un fil ] that flex with the movement of the body. By removing the elastic backing, the device is now one thirtieth as thick as before, and can adapt more easily to the rough surface of the skin. ]] Rogers sees one of the major applications being the ability to monitor wound healing, with an electronic tattoo applied close to the surgical wound before the patient leaves hospital, allowing doctors to track the healing process remotely. As Wired magazine reports, the devices could also see patients sent home from surgery with a monitoring system that does the job of several heavy-duty machines, such as electro myographs and electrocardiograms, that are usually confined to hospitals. Those fearing a Big Brother future of bar-coded proles will be relieved to hear that the tattoos can only be worn for around two weeks, before the skin's natural exfoliation process causes them to flake off. ISIT JUIN 2013 / PARIS ADMISSION EN 3ÈME ANNÉE ANGLAIS TRADUCTION VERS B _______________________________________________________ L'appellation "restaurant" sème la zizanie Réserver le nom de "restaurant" aux seuls établissements qui cuisinent sur place: cette proposition d'un syndicat de la restauration pourrait apporter une clarification bienvenue aux clients, mais elle suscite une levée de boucliers dans le secteur. Le Synhorcat souhaite que le consommateur puisse choisir son restaurant en connaissance de cause, entre ceux qui font le choix de la qualité et ceux qui font du simple réchauffage ou assaisonnement de produits industriels. Il propose de limiter l'appellation "restaurant" aux seuls lieux où le repas est cuisiné sur place à partir majoritairement de produits bruts, ces derniers pouvant être congelés ou sous vide. Un restaurant "ça veut dire qu'on a des cuisiniers qui élaborent des recettes et qui les font, face à ceux qui ont pris la décision de couper des sacs et de les réchauffer", indique à l'AFP Alain Fontaine, propriétaire du restaurant Le Mesturet à Paris, qui emploie 12 cuisiniers. Cette initiative est soutenue par une proposition de loi, qui devrait être examinée en juin comme amendement au projet de loi sur la consommation. Ses promoteurs veulent imiter le succès de l'appellation "boulangerie", réservée depuis 1995 aux établissements qui assurent sur place la fabrication du pain du pétrissage à la cuisson, pour les distinguer des grandes surfaces. Mais six syndicats concurrents ont fait état jeudi de leur "opposition massive" à la création d'une appellation "restaurant" restrictive. Lucie GODEAU, AFP, 2 juin 2013