Canadians Opposed to Fluoridation


Canadians Opposed to Fluoridation
Canadians Opposed to Fluoridation
Canadiens Opposés à la Fluoration
BurlingtonGreen endorsed the request to eliminate fluoride from the Halton municipal water at
a board meeting on Nov 4, 2010.
Email: <[email protected]>
Phone: 905-335-5226
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) – affiliate of
International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE)
130 Spadina Avenue, Suite 301 Toronto,ON M5V 2L4
Tel: 416-306-2273
Fax: 416-960-9392
Email: Gideon Forman, Executive Director <[email protected]>,
Position: CAPE Fluoridation statement
Canadian Coalition for Freedom in Health
Canadian Coalition for Health Freedom
c/o Tuck's Business Centre
444 Dundas St. East, Units H & I
Belleville, Ontario, Canada
K8N 1E9
Phone: (613) 771-1797
Fax: (613) 968-3215
Founded in 1997 by The Canadian Health Food Association, The Canadian Coalition of
Herbal Associations, The Central Canadian Herbal Practitioner's Association, Citizens
for Choice in Health Care, The Canadian Naturopathic Association, The Canadian
Complementary Medicine Association and Friends of Freedom International etc.
Citizens for a Safe Environment Toronto
Email: "Karen Buck" <[email protected]>
Comité de l’environnement de Chicoutimi
397, rue Racine Est, C.P. 816, Chicoutimi (Québec), G7H 5E8
Yves Gauthier, coordinator/coordonnateur
Nancy Bourgeois, project leader/chargée de projets
Phone/Téléphone : 418-545-9245
Fax/Télécopieur : 418-545-6767
Email/Courriel: [email protected]
Email/Courriel : [email protected]
Conseil Regional de l'Environnement et du Developpement Durable de l'outouais
(CREDDO) - regional council for the environment and sustainable development in Outaouais,
email: [email protected]
position: Fluoration de l'eau : position du CREDDO
Council of Canadians
Council of Canadians – London Chapter
Position statement available
Email: Kevin Lomack, president <[email protected]>
Council of Canadians – Guelph Chapter
Position statement available
Email: Norah Chaloner, president <[email protected]>
Council of Canadians – Toronto Chapter
Position statement available
Email: [email protected]
Eau Secours! Coalition québécoise pour une gestion responsable de l'eau
Fluoridation: Autopsy of a scientific error
The Coordinating Committee has taken a position at its monthly meeting Oct. 6, 2008,
on the fluoridation of drinking water aqueducts. Coalition Eau Secours! opposes
fluoridation and requests the Government of Quebec public health law that prohibited
because it is not the way to achieve the goal of dental health. In addition, the Coalition
is concerned about the water pollution on a large scale by the chemical. We claim that
the debate and decision be provincial and not town by town and we demand that all
viewpoints are heard in all cases of public debate.
 Brochure Pour une eau sans fluor For a brochure water without fluoride
 Lettre de félicitation à la ville de Gatineau Letter of congratulations to the City of
 Communiqué: La fluoration de l'eau potable: Un choix? Release: Fluoridation of
Drinking Water: A choice?
 Consultation de Santé Canada sur le fluorure dans l'eau potable Health Canada
Consultation on fluoride in drinking water
 Fluoration: Lettre d'Eau Secours! Fluoridation: Letter of Eau Secours! à la ville de
Saguenay the City of Saguenay
 Fluoration: Lettre d'Eau Secours! Fluoridation: Letter of Eau Secours! à la ville de
Richmond the City of Richmond
 Fluoration: Lettre d'Eau Secours! Fluoridation: Letter of Eau Secours! à la ville de
Trois-Rivières the city of Trois-Rivières
 Fluoration: Lettre de félicitation d'Eau Secours! Fluoridation: Letter of congratulation of
Eau Secours! à la ville de Sainte-Marie the town of Sainte-Marie
 Fluoration: Lettre d'Eau Secours à la ville de Sainte-Marie Fluoridation: Water Rescue
Letter to the town of Sainte-Marie
 Fluoration: Lettre d'Eau Secours! Fluoridation: Letter of Eau Secours! à la ville de Lévis
the City of Lévis
 Position d'Eau Secours! Position of Eau Secours! sur la synthèse pour les travaux de
la Commission de Gatineau sur la fluoration on synthesis for the work of the
Commission on fluoridation of Gatineau
 Fluoration: Lettre de félicitation d'Eau Secours! Fluoridation: Letter of congratulation of
Eau Secours! à la ville de Longueuil the City of Longueuil
 Communiqué: Coup de force anti-démocratique à Gatineau. Release: Final Cut antidemocratic force in Gatineau. La Ville refuse de dévoiler les noms des spécialistes qui
la conseillent quant à la fluoration de l'eau et cela pour les 15 prochaines années! The
City refused to disclose the names of experts to advise on the fluoridation of water and
that for the next 15 years!
 Lettre publique d'Eau Secours! Public letter of Eau Secours! au maire de Québec sur la
fluoration de l'eau potable Mayor of Quebec on the fluoridation of drinking water
Position paper:
Coalition Eau Secours!, the Council of Canadians and the Canadian Union of Public
Employees (CUPE) announce the launch of the Guide Project Blue Communities of
Quebec. The Blue Communities project requires municipalities to adopt a Community
framework on water:
1. reconnaissant l'eau comme étant un droit de la personne; recognizing water as a
human right;
2. faisant la promotion de services d'approvisionnement en eau et de traitement des
eaux usées financés et exploités par le secteur public, et lui appartenant; promoting
services of water supply and wastewater treatment funded and operated by the public
sector, and owned;
3. interdisant la vente d'eau embouteillée dans les établissements publics et lors
d'événements municipaux; prohibiting the sale of bottled water in public schools and at
civic events;
4. interdisant la fluoration de l'eau potable; prohibiting the fluoridation of drinking water;
“L'ONU a reconnu l'eau comme un droit de la personne lors de l'été 2010, après plus
de dix ans de débats et malgré les efforts du Canada qui a activement freiné cette
adoption, affirme Mark Calzavara du Conseil des Canadiens. Les municipalités sont
responsables de la qualité de l'eau, de l'alimentation en eau, du traitement de l'eau et
de sa conservation. La reconnaissance de l'eau comme étant un droit de la personne
est cruciale dans la lutte pour conserver l'eau et en assurer un accès équitable à toutes
et à tous.”
"The UN has recognized water as a human right in the summer of 2010, after more
than ten years of debate and despite the efforts of Canada has actively hindered the
adoption, said Mark Calzavara Council of Canadians. Municipalities are responsible for
the quality of water, water supply, treatment and water conservation. The recognition of
water as a human right is crucial in the fight to conserve water and ensure equitable
access to all of you."
Citizens Committees:
Coalition against the expansion of the landfill Westville
Comité de citoyens et citoyennes Sauvons les lacs de Saint-Donat Committee Citizens
Save the lakes of Saint-Donat
Comité Eau Secours! Water Rescue Committee! agglomération de Montréal Greater
Comité de citoyens d'Oka Citizens Committee Oka
Comité Eau Secours! Water Rescue Committee! Baie Missisquoi Missisquoi Bay
Groupe Chute Libre de Notre-Dame-de-Montauban Skydiving group of Notre-Damede-Montauban
Groupe d'action pour la restauration du Lac Saint-Pierre (GAR) Action Group for the
Restoration of Lake St. Pierre (RBM)
Comité des Ami(e)s de la Rivière des Trois-Pistoles Committee Ami (e) s de la Riviere
des Trois-Pistoles
Le Régleau (Regroupement citoyen pour une gestion de l'eau) The Régleau (Citizen
Coalition for Water Management)
Association protection environnementale du Lac Minerve Environmental Protection
Association Lake Minerva
C.P. 55036, CSP Fairmont, Montréal, Qc H2T 3E2
Téléphone: 514-303-2212
email: [email protected]
End Fluoride Now, Thunder Bay, Ont
Environmental Training Institute (ETI)
Email: Peter Van Caulart, director, Dip.A.Ed.,CES,CEI
Director, Environmental Training Institute
Ridgeville, ON 905-892-1177
Email: [email protected]
Fluoridation-Free Ottawa
Fluoride: Protected Pollutant or Panacea? Alberta coalition
E-mail: [email protected]
Elke Babiuk (website sponsor)
403-998-2735 (cell), 225-9491
BLOG / Facebook
Fluoride Forum and Water Fluoridation News
Fluoridation-Free Canada & Calgary Fluoride Forum
Dr Bob Dickson M.D. (Family Physician)
403-242-4403 (home)
403-247-2253 (work)
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr James Beck M.D., PhD (Biophysicist)
Fluoride Action Network
E-mail: [email protected]
Jon Lord (Political Advisor, former
E-mail: [email protected]
403-608-7225 (cell)
Front Commun pour une Eau Saine (FCES) –– coalition of groups
Les membres et sympathisants du FCES sont tous d'accord et appuient les 3 principes
fondamentaux suivants:
1. La protection de l'eau, essentielle à la vie (Le droit à une eau potable saine pour
tous, exempte de substances toxiques).
2. Le libre choix (Le respect des droits et libertés fondamentaux).
3. Le principe de précaution (Dans le doute, mieux vaut s'abstenir!).
Le Conseil régional de l’environnement – Capitale Nationale (CRE)
Les AmiEs de la Terre de Québec (ATQ)
L’Action des citoyens pour le maintien de la qualité de vie à Québec
L’Association des naturopathes agréés du Québec (ANAQ)
La Ligue des droits et libertés de Québec
L’Association québécoise pour un contrat mondial de l’eau (AQCME)
Le Réseau du Forum social Québec-Chaudière-Appalache
L’Académie de dentisterie biocompatible du Québec
La société pour vaincre la pollution (SVP)
Association pour la santé environnementale du Québec - Environmental
Health Association of Québec (ASEQ-EHAQ)
Simplicite Volontaire de Quebec
Les hypersensibilites et les allergies du Quebec (AEHAQ)
Groupe pour une eau TRès saine de Trois-Rivière
Coallition 02 (Saguenay)
le Comité pour une eau saine de Ste-Marie
*Pierre-Jean Morin, Ph.D.médecine expérimentale, reconnu pour être l’une des
sommités mondiales sur la question des relations entre la fluoration et le cancer, il est
auteur ou coauteur de quelques 80 publications en médecine, dont sept concernant la
fluoruration de l’eau;
*Maître J. R . Graham, B.A., LL. B., membre du Barreau de l'État du Minnesota. Il a
participé à plusieurs procès majeurs relatifs à la science et à la médecine légale,
particulièrement ceux concernant la fluoration artificielle de l’eau dans divers états
*Gilles Parent, n.d., expert scientifique en matière de fluoration,
*Mireille Guay, Ph.D. en chimie organique, elle a scruté la littérature scientifique en
matière de fluoration.
Email contact: Gilles Parent <[email protected]>,
website: Fluor Action Québec,
webmaster: J Siles <[email protected]>,
Grand River Environmental Network (GREN)
Great Lakes United (GLU)
Canada Office: Union Saint-Laurent Grands Lacs
3388 Rue Adam, Montreal, Québec, Canada, H1W 1Y1
Position Statement:
Email: Brent Gibson, Director of Communications <[email protected]>
Green Party of Canada
Position statement:
Health Action Network (HANS)
Lorna Hancock (Director)
202-5262 Rumble Street,
Burnaby BC, V5J 2B6
(604) 435-0512
Email: <[email protected]>
Healthy Options for People and the Environment (H.O.P.E.) Halton Hills, Ont
Email: Christine Upton
Phone: 905-877-4414
International Institute of Concern for Public Health (IICPH)
P.O. Box 80523 White Shields
2300 Lawrence Avenue East
Toronto, Ontario M1P 4Z5
Email contact: [email protected]
Lake Ontario Waterkeepers (LOW)
Email: Mark Mattson <[email protected]>
410- 600 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5G 1M6
P: 416-861-1237
F: 416-850-4313
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC)
250 City Centre Avenue, Suite 616, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 6K7
Phone: (613) 238-5721
Email: [email protected]
Barbara McElgunn RN, Health Policy Advisor, [email protected]
Miltongreen, Milton, Ontario
Email: <[email protected]>
Oakvillegreen, Oakville, Ontario
Email: Liz Benneian, President<[email protected]>
Position: End the Fluoridation of Municipal Drinking Water
Ottawa Riverkeeper
Parents of Fluoride Poisoned Children (PFPC)
Office: 78 Malta Place, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V5M-4C4
The Fluoride Education Project
Website email: [email protected]
Email contact: [email protected]
ANDREAS SCHULD: [email protected]
People for Safe Drinking Water (P4SDW)
Email: Carole Clinch, Research Coordinator <[email protected]>
Protect Our Water and Environmental Resources (P.O.W.E.R.) Halton, Ont
Email:<[email protected]>
Website: <>
Leslie Adams <[email protected]>
Barbara Halsall <[email protected]>
Phone: 905-873-0344
Phone: 905-873-1820
Email: Mike Kenney, Executive Director, [email protected]
website: [email protected]
fluoride project:
Claudia Rodriguez-Larrain, Project Director: Fluoride Out,
[email protected]
Waterloo Watch
Email: Robert Fleming, Executive Director <[email protected]>
Women and Health Protection (WHP)
Anne Rochon Ford, Co-ordinator [email protected]
Edmonton Say No to Fluoride
People for Safe Drinking Water P4SDW
Thunder Bay
Petition to ban Fluoride in Saskatoon
The Hidden Agenda: The Fluoride Deception
International Resources
Fluoride Action Network (FAN)
Email contact: Dr. Paul Connett, Executive Director <[email protected]>,
Fluoride Journal
Fluoride Literature
A Bibliography of Scientific Literature on Fluoride:
History of Fluorine, Fluoride and Fluoridation
Fluoride Free Dentists
Fluoride Fatigue book (free) by Dr. Spittle MB ChB, DPM
International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
In IAOMT's ongoing examination of the toxicological data on fluoride, the Academy has
made several preliminary determinations over the last 18 years, each concluding that
fluoride added to the public water supply, or prescribed as controlled-dose
supplements, delivers no discernible health benefit, and causes a higher incidence of
adverse health effects.
IAOMT Fluoridation Position.pdf
IAOMT Medicine.pdf
NRC (National Research Council). 2006. Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review
of EPA’s Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. [Available free online
Petitions to the Auditor General of Canada
Petition 221 to the Auditor General of Canada: by Carole Clinch BA, BPHE
Petition 221B to the Auditor General of Canada: by Carole Clinch BA, BPHE
Petition 221C to the Auditor General of Canada: by Carole Clinch BA, BPHE
Petition 221D to the Auditor General of Canada: by Carole Clinch BA, BPHE
Petition 221E to the Auditor General of Canada: by Carole Clinch BA, BPHE
Petition 243 to the Auditor General of Canada: by Rob Button BScPharm
Petition 244 to the Auditor General of Canada: by Dr. James Beck M.D., PhD
Petition 245 to the Auditor General of Canada: by Peter Van Caulart Dip. A.Ed., CES, CEI,
Director of the Environmental Training Institute
The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking
Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There.
Starred Review On the eve of the new millennium, the Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) listed water fluoridation as one of the twentieth-century's 10 greatest publichealth achievements. Yet according to the authors of this painstakingly researched
exposé of fluoridation's overall ineffectiveness and toxicity, endorsements such as these
from the CDC and other health organizations are motivated more by face-saving politics
than credible research. Fluoridation advocates who have previously branded detractors
as conspiracy theorists and shills for junk science will be hard pressed to debunk the
hundreds of peer-reviewed studies and sound scientific reasoning presented here. In
demonstrating fluoridation's ineffectiveness, the authors cite exhaustive evidence
proving fluoride's only benefits are topical, as in toothbrushing, as opposed to
swallowing. But the case against fluoride's alleged safety, even in small doses, is more
alarming, with multiple studies showing fluoride's probable complicity in lowered
intelligence scores, thyroid dysfunction, hip fractures, and the ominously rising incidence
of osteosarcoma in boys. The authors' academic, hyperbole-free writing style serves
them well in marshaling a series of facts that, all by themselves, expose fluoridation as a
false panacea. —Booklist
Sweden rejected fluoridation in the 1970s, and in this excellent book these three scientists
have confirmed the wisdom of that decision. Our children have not suffered greater tooth
decay, as World Health Organization figures attest, and in turn our citizens have not borne the
other hazards fluoride may cause. In any case, since fluoride is readily available in
toothpaste, you don't have to force it on people." ---Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate in
Medicine or Physiology (2000) and Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology, University of
" Alfred North Whitehead said the scientific method means leaving 'options open for revision.'
An ancient Roman adage says that 'whatever touches all must be approved by all.' These
characterizations of science and democracy are the reasons for reading this book. Especially
if you and your family are drinking administratively mandated fluoridated water." ---Ralph
" For anyone who has ever wondered why cities add fluoride to water-and questioned whether
they should. Written with clear and easy-to-read prose, and supporting citations, The Case
Against Fluoride carefully lays out the arguments against fluoridation and reasons why it
should be discontinued. The authors examine the evidence on fluoridation and conclude
convincingly that it should now be considered 'harmful and ineffective.'" ---Dr. Hardy
Limeback, Professor and Head of Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto
“After reading this book, one is left with the strong impression that water fluoridation is an idea
that is well past its ‘sell by date’ and that it should be rapidly phased out. What is now clear is
that, if proposed today, fluoridation of drinking water to prevent tooth decay would stand
virtually no chance of being adopted, given the current status of scientific knowledge The
good news is that, unlike many other forms of pollution, fluoride will leave no persistent legacy
if adding fluoride to drinking water is stopped.” ---Dr. Vyvyan Howard. MB ChB, PhD,
FRCPath, Centre for Molecular Biosciences, University of Ulster. He is a
toxicopathologist specialising in the problems associated with the action of toxic substances
on the fetus and the infant. Available from: