Laughter Announcement 2 - Centre for Medical Humanities


Laughter Announcement 2 - Centre for Medical Humanities
 Die laughing, sidesplitting, cracking up,
losing it, laugh your pants
off, laugh your head off,
laugh your ass off, laugh
your socks off, laugh all
the way to the bank, have
the last laugh, laughter is
the best medicine, burst
out laughing, in stitches,
laugh yourself silly, roaring
laughter, for
kicks/laughs/giggles, fall
over, keel over laughing, he
who laughs, lasts.
Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups, The Philadelphia Lacan Group, Das Unbehagen, Fordham
University English Department, The Psychoanalysis Workshop at the New School and the
California Psychoanalytic Circle present
Psychoanalysis and Laughter
an APW Study Weekend
April 26 – 28th
Fordham, Lincoln Center Campus
New York City
“Laughter is America’s most important export.” — Walt Disney
腹を抱えて笑う Pipi de riso, a mandibula
suelta, reírse de algun en
su cara, reírse a
carcajadas; echarse a
reírreírsele a uno en las
barbas, reírse de nada o
por nada, partirse or
matarse de risa, se te
reirán en la cara, morirse
de risa, descoserse de la
risa, botarse de risa, ride
bene chi ride ultimo, ridi
che ti passa, Il riso
abbonda sulla bocca degli
stolti, ridimi questo cazzo
What does psychoanalysis have to tell us about laughter? In his Jokes and
Their Relation to the Unconscious (1905), Freud famously illuminated the Witz’s
linguistic and economic properties. Linguistically, the Witz “works” like the
dream (by condensation and displacement); economically, it bypasses the
“inhibiting factor” both in the teller of the joke and in the listener. Jokes are
serious business for Freud: like dreams, they allow aggression an acceptable
form, establishing a social tie while satisfying repressed wishes.
Jokes are serious business for Lacan too. Of necessity, the analysand speaks
“à coté du vrai” (beside truth) because speech ignores the real. In the symptom,
however, the real manifests itself by not stopping, just like the persistent grin of
the Cheshire cat. The fact that the cat disappears shows that truth lies, that the
fantasy is not all. The real remains beyond truth’s disappearance. Laughter
comes from the Greek “gelos.” We read the word first in Homer when the poet
describes the gods’ laughter as “Asbestos gelos,” “fireproof or inextinguishable
laughter.” Similarly, Lacanian psychoanalysis, which aims at the real by way of
equivocation or the half-said, is one long extended joke. And the analysand’s
burst of laughter is a proof that the real is touched.
For our study weekend, APW invites papers that consider the pairing of
laughter and psychoanalysis. We welcome clinical case presentations that discuss
the function of laughter in a particular case or at a moment in the analytic cure,
close readings of psychoanalytic texts, discussions of philosophical theorizations
of laughter, and considerations of laughter in cinema, literature, sacred texts,
myth, advertising, and so on. The Walt Disney quotation above begs the crucial
question: is laughter a critique of ideology or its guarantee?
Se marrer comme un
malade, rire à gorge
déployée, avoir la gueule
fendue jusqu'aux oreilles
de rire, daigner rire, se de
dilater la rate de rire,
éclater de rire, s'éclater de
rire, exploser de rire,
partir d'un grand éclat de
rire, s’esclaffer, étouffer de
rire, suffoquer de rire, être
bleu ou noir de rire, être
secoué de rire, faire pipi
dans ses culottes de rire,
se pâmer de rire, se plier
en quatre de rire, pouffer
de rire, se taper les cuisses
de rire, rouler par terre de
rire, se tordre de rire, rire
à s’en décrocher le
mâchoire, avoir un fou
rire, il vaux mieux rire
qu’en pleurer, rire à gorge
déployée, rire dans sa
barbe, faire rire le bon
It was gas when she fell
on the ice, yer wan is
deadly gas, join us for
some craic, where’s the
craic today?
太搞笑了! 笑得肚子都疼了
Registration: $200 before March 31, $250 after
Students with ID: $40
Register at
Special Dinner Event Saturday evening: $125
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