Présentation M Chaieb


Présentation M Chaieb
Generating a Risk and Ecological
Analysis Toolkit for the
• Beneficiary:Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
• Partners
• Aix-Marseille University - Mediterranean
Institute of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity &
Ecology (France)
• American University of Lebanon;
• University of Sfax - BIOECOS-MA (Tunisia),
• Saint Joseph University - Lab. Genomic
Characterization of Plants, (Lebanon).
Contact person: Davide ASTIASO GARCIA
E-mail: [email protected]
Sapienza University of Rome, founded in 1303 by
Pope Boniface VIII, is one of the oldest
universities in the world and a high performer among
the largest universities in international rankings.
Housed in the Department of Environmental Biology
(DEB), the Laboratory of Nature Conservation, Land
Planning and Landscape Ecology led by Prof. Carlo
Blasi includes several researchers with different
though highly integrated research interests ranging
from biological invasions, land ecological
classification, studies on vegetation dynamics,
in-depth analysis on the Habitats Directive,
studies on freshwater biology.
Université d’Aix-Marseille / Institut Méditerranéen
de Biodiversité et d’Ecologie marine et
continentale FRANCE
Contact person:
E-mail: [email protected]
The IMBE is a Joint Research Unit of CNRS and
Aix Marseille University, created with the explicit
aim to develop new approaches for sciencebased integrated management of biodiversity
and ecosystems. With 260 staff members
organized in 14 research teams, IMBE combines
basic and applied biological field research with
new approaches of modelling ecosystem
processes at the continental scale. IMBE’s
current research potential covers the domains of
biodiversity, evolutionary biology and ecology,
and human-environment relationships
National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS)
P.O.Box 11-8281
Ryad El Solh 1107 2260, Beirut, Lebanon
Street address:
59 Zahia Selman Street, Jnah
Beirut, Lebanon
Contact person:
Project coordinator:
Mrs Carla KHATER
American University of Beirut (AUB)
Beirut (LEBANON)
Contact person:
Scientific contact:
Mutassem EL FADEL
Chairperson and Professor
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
E-maill: [email protected]
The American University of Beirut (AUB) was founded in
1866 as a private, independent, non-sectarian institution of
higher learning. The University is registered with the
Lebanese Government, Ministry of Education and Higher
Learning and its degrees are recognized and accredited by
the Government of Lebanon.
University of Sfax / Faculty of Sciences, Research
Unit in Plant Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Dynamics in Arid Environment (BIOECOS-MA)
Contact person:
Mohamed CHAIEB
E-mail: [email protected]
The Research Unit in Plant Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics in
Arid Environment (BIOECOS-MA) is part of the Sfax University
(Faculty of Science). Directed by Mohamed Chaieb, Professor of
Botany & Ecology, this research structure includes about 35
researchers and PhD students. The main thematic of this research
structure is the study of biodiversity within plant communities, and
in particular the ecological restoration of degraded ecosystems
under arid and Saharan bioclimate. Internationally, BIOECOS-MA is
part of a large research international network of international,
including the cooperation of local, regional and international
research projects.
Finally, BIOECOS -MA contributes to the national effort to train
teachers and researchers through every year, and a number of
teachers and researchers, who are employed in the Tunisian
Study sites
• PAP/RAC - Priority Actions Programme/Regional
Activity Centre of the Mediterranean Action
• Italian Ministry for the Environment: Land and
sea / General Directorate for Nature and Sea
• Italian Ministry of Education,
• Universities and Research / General Directorate
for International Research
• Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils
from 14/12/2013 to 13/12/2015.
Web site: wwwGREATMED.EU
(A) Créer un réseau de collaboration
entre institutions , organismes et
administrations locales des pays
partenaires pour la surveillance des
zones côtières en Méditerranée, et pour
l'intégration des interventions locales
dans un plan d'action macro-échelle au
niveau du bassin méditerranéen
• ( B) d'élaborer une boîte à outils
spécifique pour évaluer la biodiversité
sur les espèces végétales et les
niveaux des communautés, et leur
vulnérabilité aux risques potentiels de
• ( C ) Planifier et réaliser des actions
pour la diffusion des résultats et
produits obtenus par les principaux
organismes chargés de la
conservation de l'environnement
côtier dans les pays partenaires.
List of Events
12 - 13.03.2014 Kick off Meeting ,Rome
09- 10.04.2014 ENPI training days
02- 03.07.2014 Technical Seminars "Monitoring and reporting”
27.10.2014 Regional Involvement Event in Beirut Beirut
06.11.2014 Regional Involvement Event in Marseille
15.11.2014 Regional Involvement Event in Sfax
17.11.2014 Regional Involvement Event in Cagliari
GREATMED: Biodiversity survey: Field Sampling in the Gulf of Gabes
The colors are : Red : Very anthropized, green: lower Anthropized and
Bleue : Medium anthropized. Dimensions: 3x3.5 km
Merci pour votre Attention