Jérôme Rousselle, senior associate


Jérôme Rousselle, senior associate
Jérôme Rousselle, senior associate
> A lawyer with the Paris bar since 2001
> Tel.: +33 1 53 81 53 00 - Fax: +33 1 53 81 53 30 E-mail: [email protected]
> Languages: French, English
> Areas of expertise: Criminal Business Law,
Commercial Litigation
Jérôme Rousselle began practising law as an associate legal advisor with international law firm Holman Fenwick & Willan in Paris,
where he specialized in company law, before joining the Commercial Litigation team of CL&A (now Lmt Avocats) in late 2001.
In 2003 he started developing an expertise in criminal business law, and he now frequently assists French and foreign clients with both
purely criminal matters and commercial litigation cases with penal implications.
Jérôme Rousselle also works on commercial litigation and pre-litigation cases in distribution and unfair competition matters.
- CAPA (bar examination), Paris (2000)
- DEA (research Master's degree) in general private law, university Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (1996)
Publications, teaching positions, and seminars:
- “La consommation d'alcool par le salarié facteur de risque pénal pour l'employeur”, Expression Acheter-Louer.fr, issue 43,
March/April 2014
- “Assurance du locataire contre les risques locatifs: L'agent immobilier doit vérifier”, Expression Acheter-Louer.fr, issue 39,
July/August 2014
- “Vices apparents d’un immeuble et information de l’acquéreur”, Expression Acheter-Louer.fr, issue 36, January/February 2014
- “L'organisation de visites d'un bien immobilier est-elle un acte d'entremise régie par la loi Hoguet? ”, Expression Acheter-Louer.fr,
issue 35, November/December 2013
- Interview in the issue of 05 September 2013 of Le Parisien: “Defendants' rights are much more advanced in Great Britain than in
- “Renforcer les sanctions contre la tromperie”, L'Usine Nouvelle, 18 July-28 August 2013, Hebdomadaire Paris
- “La responsabilité pénale du bailleur pour mise en danger d’autrui”, Expression Acheter-Louer.fr, issue 32, May/June 2013
- “Une offre d'achat immobilière à domicile ne s'assimile pas à du démarchage”, Expression Acheter-Louer.fr, 2010
- “L’infraction routière responsable: L’agent ou l’agence?”, Expression Acheter-Louer.fr, 2009
- “Présentation d’un bien: L’agent immobilier peut-il encourir un risque pénal?”, Expression Acheter-Louer.fr, 2008
- A tutor in criminal procedure at the university Paris V Malakoff since 2013
- A member of the jury at the oral test of the bar examination (CAPA, IEJ Paris V Malakoff)
- A criminal law and procedure examiner at the entrance examination for the Paris law school (EFB, IEJ Paris V Malakoff)
The man behind the lawyer:
- Born on 12 December 1972 in Hazebrouck (F-59)
- Personal interests: A rugby player for the past 30 years and a jazz fan (saxophone)